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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 29: Removing Lilo from a multi-boot machine </TITLE>
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<a href="./index.html">The Answer Guy</a>
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A> </H4>
<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)" width="50" height="28"
align="left" border="0">Removing Lilo from a multi-boot machine </H3>
<p><strong>From Samuel Posten on 20 May 1998
could you please point me to some references regarding removal of LILO
from a machine that has been set up to run both win 95 and Linux,
preferably without losing any of the Win 95 partitions.
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(!)"
align="left" border="0">
Boot up a copy of DOS (from a floppy). Any copy of
DOS later than 5.0 will do. Type
<tt><a href="http://www.nai.com/vinfo/0323.asp">FDISK /MBR</a></tt>.
That's the short form. There are some special situations
which might require special handling --- but they are
increasingly rare (special boot sectors used to be used
for large (greater than 32Mb!) drives to replace the INT 13H
calls that are normally handled by the BIOS for all
(real mode) disk handling.
(You might boot from your original Win '95 setup diskette
and exit out of the installation program --- I think that
trick still works). You should definitely create a bootable
DOS diskette (that would be MS-DOS 7.0 --- the real OS that's
hidden under Win '95's interface/GUI).
It used to simply be a matter of running the command:
FORMAT A: /S and copying COMMAND.COM unto a floppy --- but
MS has probably made it much more complicated these days.
I honestly haven't used '95 enough to know.
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(?)"
align="left" border="0">
If this can't be done, I'll just have to stick with running LILO, no big
deal, but its a pain to have to tell it to boot Win 95 each time, as it
defaults to the Linux system that no longer exists (I wiped those
partitions and had to make them Win 95 devices.
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(!)"
align="left" border="0">
Sorry to lose another Linux user. However, if MS keeps
on their current course --- you may be back before you
know it.
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(?)"
align="left" border="0">
Any help would be appreciated!
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(!)"
align="left" border="0">
This is an alarmingly common question. I've copied
Werner Almesberger to ask him to consider adding this
as a note in the <tt>lilo</tt> 'man page' and to the
authors of the
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Installation-HOWTO.html"
>Installation-HOWTO</a> (although,
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Installation-HOWTO-8.html#ss8.2"
>Custom LILO Configuration</a> is worth a look -- it's possible to
have LILO point at another OS' partition) and the
"<em><a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/LDP/gs/gs.html"
>Linux Installation and Getting Started Guide</a></em>"
(the key part of the LDP -- the Linux Documentation Project).
I can't promise anything --- but I think (after the countless times
that I've answered this and seen it answered in the newsgroups) that
we should include a little section --- one paragraph in most cases
about <strong>uninstalling</strong> LILO (and a whole section in
LIGS about uninstalling all of Linux). We're not trying to trap
people into being "stuck" with our software and it's merely a bit
of documentation.
The problem is that it's the sort of thing that most of
us old DOS hacks take for granted (I spent years doing
tech support and repairing MBR's from PC viruses and
rebuilding partition tables with Norton's DiskEdit).
So, let's hope that Matt, Eric, and Werner will consider adding this
little tidbit to their docs --- and let's hope even more fervently
that a few of the users out there will <strong>look</strong> at the
docs for LILO, and will actually read some HOWTO's and guides as
they consider installing (or uninstalling) Linux.
(I supposed we could also contact <a href="http://www.redhat.com/"
>Red Hat</a>, <a href="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</a>,
<a href="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</a>,
<a href="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</a> and the others to
suggest that they all add an "Un-install" (Remove) option to their
boot/setup tools).
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(?)"
align="left" border="0">
Sam Posten
<hr width="40%">
<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)" width="50" height="28"
align="left" border="0">Another reason for Removing Lilo... </H3>
<p><strong>From Sam Posten on 26 May 1998 </strong></p>
<br><dl><dd><font color="#333366">&gt;&gt; It depends on the nature of
the BS virus. Some of them encrypte the logical boot record or
cross-link the FAT's against their code, or play other games.
In those cases just blowing away the virus locks you out of your
Hmm, its been a while since I've researched virii. Having Viruscan
running full time has made me lazy I guess!
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(!)"
align="left" border="0">
I used to work for McAfee, and for Norton before them.
So I have considerable professional experience with
the critters. Running a good scanner is a good idea.
(VirusScan is good, FProt and Thunderbyte used to be
pretty good, as well. The latter two were sometimes
on the leading edge and sometimes just neck-and-neck
with McAfee).
Since I've left McAfee (now called <a href="http://www.nai.com"
>Network Associates</a>) I have no idea how their anti-virus
products stack up. When I left I'd been their Unix sysadmin for
over a year so I was a little out of the loop by then.
Now I use Linux/Unix exclusively and haven't dealt with
any real virus infections for a few years.
Actually there was the issue of the "Bliss" virus for
Linux. This was apparently a "lab strain" that
"got out" into "the wild." (Yes, these terms are all
used by computer virus researchers, as rather obvious
analogues to their biological counterparts).
In the case of "Bliss" there were a few people who
did catch this virus. Naturally they were running
this new program as '<tt>root</tt>' (breaking the cardinal
rule of systems administration) and the program
went and modified some other programs.
At the time one of my buddies from McAfee was staying
with me (he lives down in L.A. and stays up here during
part of most weeks). He's the head of their AV research
department. So he and I chatted about it for a couple of
minutes and concluded that McAfee's existing virus scanner
for Linux could be updated to detect "Bliss" and he assigned
one of his AV researchers (also a former housemate of ours)
to the job and they updated their signature file (<tt>.DAT</tt>). I
don't recall that any changes were needed for the engine
(the <tt>.EXE</tt>).
This was heralded by McAfee's marketing team as the
"first live, wild virus incident under Unix." There
ensued the usual flamefest on USENet
(<a href="news:comp.virus">comp.virus</a>) which
argued that this wasn't "really a virus" and that McAfee's
Associates were hyping it up and taking advantage of the
situation, etc.
"Bliss" did have a command line option to uninstall
itself. It did, however, modify other programs to
link its own code into them (which is the definition of
a computer virus). McAfee did take advantage of the
opportunity to tout its own horn. The people who
caught "Bliss" did display gross ignorance of proper
system administration practice (or, in at least one
case, foolhardy disregard for it).
The bottom line is that a <strong>properly administered</strong>
Linux system is a very poor host for virus transmission.
<dl><dt><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(?)"
align="left" border="0"></strong>
<dd><font color="#333366">&gt;&gt; In short, stick with Unix/Linux. Using
these with any modicum of proper system administration practices
will very likely be the end of your virus hunting days.
Gotta use the best tools for each job, and right now that means I
gotta do windoze at home, at least part of the time. Thanks for
the insight.
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" width="50" height="28" alt="(!)"
align="left" border="0">
Naturally it does come down to requirements analysis and
the availability of packages that meet those requirements.
<a href="http://www.stardivision.com/">Star</a>Office,
<a href="http://www.applix.com/">Applix</a>ware, and
<a href="http://www.corel.com/news/1998/may/linux.htm"
>Corel</a> all seem to be producing
personal productivity suites for Linux that either rival,
MS Office, or soon will.
However, you define the criteria for "best" when it comes
to your jobs. It sounds like you're going to keep your
eyes on the Linux market, and you may find at some point
in the near future that you do have a choice for your
It's also important for you to supply your software
vendor with feedback. If the primary reason you're running
Windows is to support QuickBooks, call
<a href="http://www.intuit.com/">Intuit</a> and let
them know. If you need access to some reference CD's
(<a href="http://www.grolier.com/">Grolier</a>'s Encyclopedia,
some electronic <a href="http://www.m-w.com/">dictionary</a>,
whatever) let the publishers know that you need cross-OS support.
(Those CD books are one of the first places in the retail,
shrinkwrapped software market where I hope to see Java take
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1998, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 29 June 1998</H5>
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