This commit is contained in:
gferg 2005-05-10 20:23:30 +00:00
parent 0efa14b4bb
commit 55bb2a83e2
2 changed files with 97 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; ldp.dsl - LDP Customized DSSSL Stylesheet
;; v1.11, 2003-02-03
;; v1.12, 2003-03-19
;; Copyright (C) 2000-2003
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
(normalize "edition")
(normalize "pubdate")
(normalize "copyright")
(normalize "isbn")
(normalize "abstract")
(normalize "legalnotice")
(normalize "revhistory")))
@ -142,6 +143,10 @@
;; for redhat
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::element")
(define %html-pubid%
;; put the public identifier in each HTML file
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN")
(define %generate-legalnotice-link%
;; put the legal notice in a separate file
@ -232,6 +237,7 @@
(normalize "authorgroup")
(normalize "author")
(normalize "othercredit")
(normalize "contrib")
(normalize "edition")
(normalize "releaseinfo")
(normalize "publisher")

View File

@ -31,14 +31,12 @@ if($ARGV[0] eq '') {
my($_toolroot) = $ENV{'SGML_TOOLROOT'} ||
my($_toolroot)=$ENV{'SGML_TOOLROOT'} || '/export/sunsite/users/gferg/toolroot';
my($_jade) = 'jade-1.2.1';
my($dtd) = 'SGML';
my($dcl) = '';
my($linuxdoc) = 1;
my($create_index) = 0;
my($html_only) = 0;
my($create_index, $html_only, $ldpwn) = 0;
my($cmd, $fname, $fname_wo_ext, $txt_filter, $style, $db_style, $s, $db_v, $x) = '';
my(@flines) = ();
@ -58,6 +56,9 @@ while(1) {
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-html/) {
$html_only = 1;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-ldpwn/) {
$ldpwn = 1;
} else {
@ -80,8 +81,12 @@ if( !(-e "$fname") ) {
if( $style eq '' ) {
if ($ldpwn == 1) {
$style = "$_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/html/ldpwn.dsl";
} else {
$style = "$_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/html/ldp.dsl#html";
$db_style = "$_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/html/docbook.dsl";
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ if( $s =~ /linuxdoc/i ) {
if( !(-d "$fname_wo_ext") ) {
if( !(-d "$fname_wo_ext") && $ldpwn == 0 ) {
mkdir("$fname_wo_ext", 0755);
@ -174,22 +179,26 @@ print "\nldp_mk: creating HTML from $fname...\n";
if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
## $cmd = "sgml2html -c latin $fname";
$cmd = "sgml2html -c ascii $fname";
## $cmd = "$_toolroot/linuxdoc-tools/bin/sgml2html -c latin $fname";
$cmd = "$_toolroot/linuxdoc-tools/bin/sgml2html -c ascii $fname";
} else {
$cmd =
"jade -t sgml -i html -d $style $dcl $fname; " .
"mv -f \*.html $fname_wo_ext/;" .
"mv -f \*.htm\* $fname_wo_ext/;" .
"jade -t sgml -i html -V nochunks " .
"-d $style $dcl $fname > 00_${fname_wo_ext}.html";
if( $ldpwn == 1 ) {
$cmd = "jade -t sgml -i html -d $style $dcl $fname > 00_${fname_wo_ext}.html ";
if( ($linuxdoc == 1 && !(-e "$fname_wo_ext.html"))
($linuxdoc == 0 && !(-e "$fname_wo_ext/index.html")) ) {
($linuxdoc == 0 && !(-e "00_${fname_wo_ext}.html")) ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create HTML: $fname_wo_ext\n";
@ -205,7 +214,7 @@ print "\nldp_mk: creating plain text from $fname...\n";
if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
$cmd = "sgml2txt -c latin -f $fname";
$cmd = "$_toolroot/linuxdoc-tools/bin/sgml2txt -c latin -f $fname";
} else {
@ -290,6 +299,47 @@ if( -e "$fname_wo_ext.txt" ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create TXT: $fname_wo_ext.txt\n";
if ($ldpwn == 1) {
system("mv -f 00_${fname_wo_ext}.html ${fname_wo_ext}.html");
# create rss feed
open(NFILE, "+< ${fname_wo_ext}.html") ||
die "ldp_mk: cannot open ${fname_wo_ext}.html $!\n";
@flines = <NFILE>;
for ($i=0; $i < (@flines + 0); $i++) {
if ($flines[$i] =~ /<LI/i) {
$flines[$i] =~ s/<LI/<LI><span class=\"rss:item\"/;
if ($flines[($i+1)] =~ /^><p/i) {
$flines[$i] = '';
} elsif ($flines[$i] =~ /^><\/li/i) {
$flines[$i] = "</span></li\n";
if ($flines[($i-1)] =~ /<\/p/i) {
$flines[($i-1)] =~ s/<\/p//i;
$flines[$i] =~ s/$PAT_STR/$CHG_STR/g;
print NFILE @flines;
truncate(NFILE, tell(NFILE));
$cmd = "$_toolroot/tidy/bin/tidy -ascii -c -wrap 200 -f /dev/null " .
"-m ${fname_wo_ext}.html";
# create PDF/PS versions
@ -307,8 +357,10 @@ if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
$print_str = "00_${fname_wo_ext}.html";
$cmd = "$_toolroot/htmldoc/bin/htmldoc --size universal -t pdf " .
"--datadir $_toolroot/htmldoc/share/htmldoc " .
"--firstpage p1 -f $fname_wo_ext.pdf $print_str; " .
"$_toolroot/htmldoc/bin/htmldoc --size universal -t ps " .
"--datadir $_toolroot/htmldoc/share/htmldoc " .
"--firstpage p1 -f $ $print_str";
if( -e "00_$fname_wo_ext.html" ) {
@ -330,8 +382,12 @@ if( !(-e "$fname_wo_ext.pdf") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create $fname_wo_ext.pdf\n";
if( !(-e "$") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create $\n";
} else {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create $ pdf2ps\n";
if( -e "${fname_wo_ext}.pdf" ) {
system("pdf2ps ${fname_wo_ext}.pdf ${fname_wo_ext}.ps");
if( -e "$" ){
$cmd = "gzip -f $";
@ -356,12 +412,11 @@ if( !(-e "$fname_wo_ext-html.tar.gz") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create $fname_wo_ext-html.tar.gz\n";
print "\nldp_mk: creating SGML package...\n";
$cmd = "cp $fname ldp_mk_tmp; gzip -f ldp_mk_tmp; " .
"mv -f ldp_mk_tmp.gz $fname_wo_ext." . lc($dtd) . ".gz";
# print "\nldp_mk: creating SGML package...\n";
# $cmd = "cp $fname ldp_mk_tmp; gzip -f ldp_mk_tmp; " .
# "mv -f ldp_mk_tmp.gz $fname_wo_ext." . lc($dtd) . ".gz";
# system($cmd);
# if LinuxDoc, create DocBook SGML...
@ -391,10 +446,17 @@ if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
# cleanup
system("rm -f index.sgml index.xml body.html title.html");
# make plucker version
$plucker_cmd = "$_toolroot/plucker/bin/plucker-build --zlib-compression " .
"-M999 -N \"${fname_wo_ext}\" -f ${fname_wo_ext} " .
"--category=LDP --stayonhost --pluckerdir=./ ";
if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
system("mk_pluckerdb ${fname_wo_ext} ${fname_wo_ext}.html");
$plucker_cmd .= "-H ${fname_wo_ext}.html";
} else {
system("cd ${fname_wo_ext} ; mk_pluckerdb ${fname_wo_ext} index.html");
$plucker_cmd .= "-H index.html";
system("cd ${fname_wo_ext} ; ${plucker_cmd}; mv ${fname_wo_ext}.pdb ../${fname_wo_ext}.pdb");
print "\nldp_mk: completed...\n";