/* style.css - a CSS stylesheet for use with HTML output produced by tldp-xsl stylesheets. Written by David Horton. */ body { /* Style the HMTL tag with a sans-serif font and 6% margin. A sans-serif font makes documents easier to read when displayed on a computer screen. Whitespace surrounding the document should make it easier to read both on screen and on printed paper. The value of 6% was chosen because it closely approximates a one-half inch margin on a US letter (8.5" by 11") paper. Since the margin is expressed as a percentage it should scale well in a web browser window. */ font-family: sans-serif; margin: 6%; } .programlisting, .screen { /* Style the programlisting and screen classes with a light gray background and a small bit of space between the object border and the text inside. The programlisting and screen classes are HTML representations of the and DocBook tags. */ background: lightgray; padding: 5px; } /* Add any desired customizations below. */