#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os from tldp.utils import logger, which, execute, firstfoundfile from tldp.utils import arg_isexecutable, isexecutable from tldp.utils import arg_isreadablefile, isreadablefile from tldp.doctypes.common import BaseDoctype, SignatureChecker def docbookdsl_finder(): locations = [ '/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl', '/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets/html/docbook.dsl', ] return firstfoundfile(locations) def ldpdsl_finder(): locations = [ '/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ldp.dsl', ] return firstfoundfile(locations) class DocbookSGML(BaseDoctype, SignatureChecker): formatname = 'DocBook SGML 3.x/4.x' extensions = ['.sgml'] signatures = ['-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN', '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN', '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN', '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN', ] required = {'docbooksgml_jw': isexecutable, 'docbooksgml_openjade': isexecutable, 'docbooksgml_dblatex': isexecutable, 'docbooksgml_html2text': isexecutable, 'docbooksgml_collateindex': isexecutable, 'docbooksgml_ldpdsl': isreadablefile, 'docbooksgml_docbookdsl': isreadablefile, } buildorder = ['buildindex', 'buildall'] indexscript = '''#! /bin/bash # # -- generate usable index.sgml from DocBook SGML 3.x/4.x set -x set -e set -o pipefail cd "{output.dirname}" "{config.docbooksgml_collateindex}" \\ -N \\ -o \\ "{source.dirname}/index.sgml" "{config.docbooksgml_openjade}" \\ -t sgml \\ -V html-index \\ -d "{config.docbooksgml_docbookdsl}" \\ "{source.filename}" "{config.docbooksgml_collateindex}" \\ -g \\ -t Index \\ -i doc-index \\ -o "index.sgml" \\ "HTML.index" \\ "{source.filename}" mv \\ --no-clobber \\ --verbose \\ -- "index.sgml" "{source.dirname}/index.sgml" find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 \ | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty -- rm -f -- # -- end of file''' mainscript = '''#! /bin/bash # # -- generate LDP outputs from DocBook SGML 3.x/4.x set -x set -e set -o pipefail cd "{output.dirname}" "{config.docbooksgml_jw}" \\ -f docbook \\ -b html \\ --dsl "{config.docbooksgml_ldpdsl}#html" \\ -V nochunks \\ -V '%callout-graphics-path%=images/callouts/' \\ -V '%stock-graphics-extension%=.png' \\ --output . \\ "{source.filename}" mv \\ --no-clobber \\ --verbose \\ -- "{output.name_html}" "{output.name_htmls}" "{config.docbooksgml_html2text}" > "{output.name_txt}" \\ -style pretty \\ -nobs \\ "{output.name_htmls}" "{config.docbooksgml_jw}" \\ -f docbook \\ -b pdf \\ --output . \\ "{source.filename}" \\ || "{config.docbooksgml_dblatex}" \\ -F sgml \\ -t pdf \\ -o "{output.name_pdf}" \\ "{source.filename}" "{config.docbooksgml_jw}" \\ -f docbook \\ -b html \\ --dsl "{config.docbooksgml_ldpdsl}#html" \\ -V '%callout-graphics-path%=images/callouts/' \\ -V '%stock-graphics-extension%=.png' \\ --output . \\ "{source.filename}" mv \\ --no-clobber \\ --verbose \\ -- "{output.name_indexhtml}" "{output.name_html}" ln \\ --symbolic \\ --relative \\ --verbose \\ -- "{output.name_html}" "{output.name_indexhtml}" # -- end of file''' def buildindex(self): indexsgml = os.path.join(self.source.dirname, 'index.sgml') if os.path.isfile(indexsgml): self.indexsgml = lambda: None return True def unlink_indexsgml(): os.unlink(indexsgml) self.indexsgml = unlink_indexsgml return self.shellscript(self.indexscript) def buildall(self): return self.shellscript(self.mainscript) def post_buildall(self): self.indexsgml() return True @staticmethod def argparse(p): p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-docbookdsl', type=arg_isreadablefile, default=docbookdsl_finder(), help='full path to html/docbook.dsl [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-ldpdsl', type=arg_isreadablefile, default=ldpdsl_finder(), help='full path to ldp/ldp.dsl [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-jw', type=arg_isexecutable, default=which('jw'), help='full path to jw [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-html2text', type=arg_isexecutable, default=which('html2text'), help='full path to html2text [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-openjade', type=arg_isexecutable, default=which('openjade'), help='full path to openjade [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-dblatex', type=arg_isexecutable, default=which('dblatex'), help='full path to dblatex [%(default)s]') p.add_argument('--docbooksgml-collateindex', type=arg_isexecutable, default=which('collateindex'), help='full path to collateindex [%(default)s]') # # -- end of file