#! /usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import os import inspect from . import doctypes from .utils import logger def makefh(thing): if isinstance(thing, file): f = thing elif isinstance(thing, str) and os.path.isfile(thing): f = open(thing) else: raise TypeError("Cannot make file from type %s of %r" % (type(thing), thing,)) return f def listDoctypes(): knowndoctypes = list() for name, member in inspect.getmembers(doctypes, inspect.isclass): logger.debug("Located class %s (%r).", name, member) knowndoctypes.append(member) logger.info("Capable of handling %s document classes.", len(knowndoctypes)) return knowndoctypes def guess(thing): try: fin = makefh(thing) except TypeError: return None _, ext = os.path.splitext(fin.name) possible = [t for t in knowndoctypes if ext in t.extensions] if not possible: return None if len(possible) == 1: doctype = possible.pop() return doctype # -- for this extension, multiple document types, probably SGML, XML # logger.debug("Extension is %s for %s; multiple possible document types.", ext, fin.name) for doctype in possible: logger.debug("Extension is %s for %s; %s.", ext, fin.name, doctype) guesses = list() for doctype in possible: sindex = doctype.signatureLocation(fin.name, fin) if sindex is not None: guesses.append((sindex, doctype)) if not guesses: logger.warning("Extension is %s for %s; no matching signature found.", ext, fin.name) return None if len(guesses) == 1: _, doctype = guesses.pop() return doctype # -- OK, this is unusual; we still found multiple document type # signatures. Seems rare but unlikely, so we should choose the # first signature in the file as the more likely document type. # guesses.sort() logger.info("Multiple guesses for file %s", fin.name) for sindex, doctype in guesses: logger.info("Could be %s (file position %s)", doctype, sindex) logger.info("Going to guess that it is %s", doctype) _, doctype = guesses.pop() return doctype knowndoctypes = listDoctypes() knownextensions = set() for x in knowndoctypes: knownextensions.update(x.extensions) # # -- end of file