#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import sys import stat import errno import logging from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as ntf from functools import wraps import networkx as nx from tldp.utils import execute, logtimings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) preamble = '''#! /bin/bash set -x set -e set -o pipefail ''' postamble = ''' # -- end of file''' def depends(graph, *predecessors): '''decorator to be used for constructing build order graph''' def anon(f): for dep in predecessors: graph.add_edge(dep.__name__, f.__name__) @wraps(f) def method(self, *args, **kwargs): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return method return anon class SignatureChecker(object): @classmethod def signatureLocation(cls, f): f.seek(0) buf = f.read(1024).lower() for sig in cls.signatures: try: sindex = buf.index(sig.lower()) logger.debug("YES FOUND signature %r in %s at %s; doctype %s.", sig, f.name, sindex, cls) return sindex except ValueError: logger.debug("not found signature %r in %s for type %s", sig, f.name, cls.__name__) return None class BaseDoctype(object): def __repr__(self): return '<%s:%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.source.stem,) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.source = kwargs.get('source', None) self.output = kwargs.get('output', None) self.config = kwargs.get('config', None) self.removals = list() assert self.source is not None assert self.output is not None assert self.config is not None def cleanup(self): if self.config.script: return stem = self.source.stem removals = getattr(self, 'removals', None) if removals: for fn in removals: logger.debug("%s cleaning up intermediate file %s", stem, fn) try: os.unlink(fn) except OSError as e: if e.errno is errno.ENOENT: logger.error("%s missing file at cleanup %s", stem, fn) else: raise e def build_precheck(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ for tool, validator in self.required.items(): thing = getattr(self.config, tool, None) logger.info("%s, tool = %s, thing = %s", classname, tool, thing) if thing is None: logger.error("%s missing required tool %s, skipping...", classname, tool) return False assert validator(thing) return True def hook_build_success(self): self.cleanup() def hook_build_failure(self): self.cleanup() def shellscript(self, script, **kwargs): if self.config.build: return self.execute_shellscript(script, **kwargs) elif self.config.script: return self.dump_shellscript(script, **kwargs) else: etext = '%s in shellscript, neither --build nor --script' raise Exception(etext % (self.source.stem,)) @logtimings(logger.debug) def dump_shellscript(self, script, preamble=preamble, postamble=postamble): source = self.source output = self.output config = self.config s = script.format(output=output, source=source, config=config) print('', file=sys.stdout) print(s, file=sys.stdout) return True @logtimings(logger.debug) def execute_shellscript(self, script, preamble=preamble, postamble=postamble): source = self.source output = self.output config = self.config logdir = output.logdir prefix = source.doctype.__name__ + '-' s = script.format(output=output, source=source, config=config) tf = ntf(dir=logdir, prefix=prefix, suffix='.sh', delete=False) if preamble: tf.write(preamble) tf.write(s) if postamble: tf.write(postamble) tf.close() mode = stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR os.chmod(tf.name, mode) cmd = [tf.name] result = execute(cmd, logdir=logdir) if result != 0: with open(tf.name) as f: for line in f: logger.info("Script: %s", line.rstrip()) return False return True @logtimings(logger.debug) def buildall(self): stem = self.source.stem order = nx.dag.topological_sort(self.graph) logger.debug("%s build order %r", self.source.stem, order) for dep in order: method = getattr(self, dep, None) assert method is not None classname = self.__class__.__name__ logger.info("%s calling method %s.%s", stem, classname, dep) if not method(): logger.error("%s reported method %s failure, skipping...", stem, dep) return False return True @logtimings(logger.info) def generate(self): stem = self.source.stem classname = self.__class__.__name__ # -- the output directory gets to prepare; must return True # # -- the processor gets to prepare; must return True # if not self.build_precheck(): logger.warning("%s %s failed (%s), skipping to next build", stem, 'build_precheck', classname) return False if not self.output.hook_prebuild(): logger.warning("%s %s failed (%s), skipping to next build", stem, 'hook_prebuild', classname) return False opwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.output.dirname) # -- now, we can try to build everything; this is the BIG WORK! # result = self.buildall() if result: self.hook_build_success() # -- processor self.output.hook_build_success() # -- output document else: self.hook_build_failure() # -- processor self.output.hook_build_failure() # -- output document os.chdir(opwd) return result # # -- end of file