report on documents by document format, too

This commit is contained in:
Martin A. Brown 2016-03-09 23:41:50 -08:00
parent 1ed38c7c0c
commit c978cf5dff
1 changed files with 27 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import errno
import shutil
import logging
import inspect
import collections
from argparse import Namespace
from tldp.typeguesser import knowndoctypes
@ -96,8 +97,10 @@ def summary(config, *args, **kwargs):
if inv is None:
inv = Inventory(config.pubdir, config.sourcedir)
width = Namespace()
width.doctype = max([len(x.formatname) for x in knowndoctypes])
width.status = max([len(x) for x in status_types])
width.count = len(str(len(inv.source.keys())))
print('By Status Type', '--------------', sep='\n', file=file)
for status in status_types:
count = len(getattr(inv, status, 0))
s = '{0:{w.status}} {1:{w.count}} '.format(status, count, w=width)
@ -116,6 +119,30 @@ def summary(config, *args, **kwargs):
if abbrev:
s = s + ', and %d more ...' % (len(abbrev))
print(s, file=file)
print('', 'By Document Type', '----------------', sep='\n', file=file)
summarybytype = collections.defaultdict(list)
for doc in inv.source.values():
name = doc.doctype.__name__
for doctype, docs in summarybytype.items():
count = len(docs)
s = '{0:{w.doctype}} {1:{w.count}} '.format(doctype, count, w=width)
print(s, end="", file=file)
if config.verbose:
print(', '.join(docs), file=file)
abbrev = docs
s = ''
if abbrev:
s = s + abbrev.pop(0)
while abbrev:
if (len(s) + len(abbrev[0])) > 36:
s = s + ', ' + abbrev.pop(0)
if abbrev:
s = s + ', and %d more ...' % (len(abbrev))
print(s, file=file)
return os.EX_OK