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#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
2016-03-15 05:18:09 +00:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentError, Namespace
from argparse import _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR
import logging
2016-02-25 20:29:55 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ENVSEP = NSSEP = '_' # -- underscore _
CLISEP = CFGSEP = '-' # -- dash -
from configparser import ConfigParser as ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser
def dict_to_argv_longform(d):
'''creates from a dictionary, an invocation parseable by argparse
:param: d, should be a dictionary
Returns: a list that is suitable for passing to the method parser() on
an argparse.ArgumentParser; basically, a list of whitespace-
separated CLI options.
This function produces a list that looks like sys.argv on the
args = list()
for opt, arg in d.items():
if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
for x in arg:
args.extend(("--" + opt, x))
args.extend(("--" + opt, arg))
return args
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
def empty2none_values(d):
'''creates None values for values holding the empty string ("")
:param: d, a dictionary
for k, v in d.items():
if v == '':
2016-02-23 16:43:44 +00:00
d[k] = None
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
return d
2016-02-23 16:43:44 +00:00
def convert_multivalues(d, multivaluesep=MULTIVALUESEP):
'''creates multivalued values in an argument dict()
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
:param: d, a dictionary
:param: separator; optional, desired string separator
Returns: a dictionary where any values containing the separator
are now converted to lists, broken on the separator.
This function assumes all keys are plain text. It will adjust the content
of any value which contains separator, by splitting on that separator and
removing any whitespace around the resulting text elements.
for k, v in d.items():
if multivaluesep in v:
d[k] = [x.strip() for x in v.split(multivaluesep)]
return d
def dict_from_cfg(f, base=None, cfgsep=CFGSEP, clisep=CLISEP):
'''read a configuration file, normalizing fields to CLI-parseable form
:param: f, a filename or file-like object (readable via [filename] or ConfigParser.fp() [open file]
Returns: a dictionary where keys are section-field = value
Will read a single configuration file into dict. Each section of the
configuration file is read and a dictionary is constructed by
concatenating the section name and the field name to produce the key.
It also normalizes all section names and fields (keys) to lowercase.
This aids in comparisons in downstream processing where interacting with
argparse and variables extracted from the environment.
Given only:
pubdir = /path/to/a/publication/directory
When invoked as:
dict_from_cfg(f) # -- where f is the pathname or open filehandle
This function will return a dict that looks like this:
{'frobnitz.pubdir': '/path/to/a/publication/directory'}
d = dict()
parser = ConfigParser()
if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)) or os.path.isfile(f):
for section in parser.sections():
if base is not None:
if not section.startswith(base):
logger.debug("Skipping sect [%s] in %s (not prefixed with %s)",
section, f, base)
sectname = section.lower().replace(cfgsep, clisep)
for name, value in parser.items(section):
keyname = name.lower().replace(cfgsep, clisep)
d[clisep.join((sectname, keyname))] = value
return d
def dict_from_envdict(env=os.environ, base=None, envsep=ENVSEP, clisep=CLISEP):
'''read environment, normalizing all keys starting with 'base' to CLI form
:param: env, if nothing is supplied, os.environ
:param: base [optional], envar prefix filter selection criterion
Returns: a dictionary of the adjusted environment-variable name
as the key and the value of the envar
This function reads the environment (well, OK, any dictionary) and
returns each entry that begins with base (plus underscore).
It also normalizes all environment value names names (envars) to
lowercase, since environments most often use uppercase names. This aids
in comparisons in downstream processing where interacting with argparse
and variables extracted from configuration files.
Given an environment:
When invoked as:
dict_from_envdict(os.environ, 'SSH')
This function will return a dict that looks like this:
{'ssh-agent-pid': '4753',
'ssh-auth-sock': '/tmp/ssh-2w3uWI19OqvG/agent.2638'}
When invoked as:
This function will return a dict that looks like this:
{'frobnitz': 'Waffle',
'ssh-agent-pid': '4753',
'ssh-auth-sock': '/tmp/ssh-2w3uWI19OqvG/agent.2638'}
d = dict()
if base is None:
tag = ''
tag = base + envsep
for k, v in env.items():
if k.startswith(tag):
k = k.lower().replace(envsep, clisep)
2016-02-29 19:37:13 +00:00
d[k] = str(v)
return d
def prepend_tag(base, d, sep=CLISEP):
newd = dict()
tag = ''.join((base, sep))
for k, v in d.items():
newd[''.join((tag, k))] = v
return newd
def strip_tag(base, d, clisep=CLISEP):
if not base:
return d
newd = dict()
tag = base + clisep
for oldk, v in d.items():
if oldk.startswith(tag):
newk = oldk[len(tag):]
if newk in newd:
logger.debug("Duplicate key found when stripping %s from %s.",
tag, oldk)"strip_tag: returning unchanged dict().")
return d
newd[newk] = v
newd[oldk] = v
return newd
def dict_from_ns(ns):
return vars(ns)
def ns_from_dict(d):
ns = Namespace()
for k, v in d.items():
setattr(ns, k, v)
return ns
def envdict_from_ns(tag, ns):
d = dict_from_ns(ns)
d = prepend_tag(tag, d, sep=ENVSEP)
d = dict([(k.upper(), v) for k, v in d.items()])
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
if v is None:
d[k] = ''
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
v = MULTIVALUESEP.join([str(x) for x in v])
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
d[k] = v
return d
def clilist_from_ns(ns):
cli = list()
d = dict_from_ns(ns)
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
k = ''.join(('--', k.replace(NSSEP, CLISEP)))
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
for val in v:
cli.extend((k, str(val)))
cli.extend((k, str(v)))
return cli
def argv_from_env(args, tag, **kw):
'''read a config file and produce argparse-compatible invocation
:param: args, a dictionary containing the environment (os.environ)
:param: tag, a prefix to remove from all config file field names
:kw: a prefix to remove from all field names read from the config file
Returns an argparse-compatible list that looks like argv from a
Given an environment dict:
args = {
'LDPTOOL_SOURCEDIR': '/path/faq/docbook/,/path/howto/linuxdoc/'}
When invoked as:
argv_from_env(args, 'ldptool')
This function will return a list that looks like this:
['--verbose', '3',
'--sourcedir', '/path/faq/docbook/',
'--sourcedir', '/path/howto/linuxdoc/']
d = dict_from_envdict(args, base=tag.upper(), **kw)
listify_values = kw.get('convert_multivalues', convert_multivalues)
if listify_values is not None:
d = listify_values(d)
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
fix_empty = kw.get('empty2none_values', empty2none_values)
if fix_empty is not None:
d = fix_empty(d, **kw)
d = strip_tag(tag, d)
d = dict_to_argv_longform(d)
return d
def argv_from_cfg(args, tag, **kw):
'''read a config file and produce argparse-compatible invocation
:param: args, anything suitable to [see note]
:param: tag, a prefix to remove from all config file field names
Returns an argparse-compatible list that looks like argv from a
Given a config file:
silly = 3
sourcedir = /home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/howto/linuxdoc/,
sgml2html = /usr/bin/sgml2html
xsltproc = /usr/bin/xsltproc
When invoked as:
argv_from_cfg(filename, 'ldptool')
This function will return a list that looks like this:
['--sourcedir', '/home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/howto/linuxdoc/',
'--sourcedir', '/home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/howto/docbook/',
'--linuxdoc-sgml2html', '/usr/bin/sgml2html',
'--docbook-xsltproc', '/usr/bin/xsltproc']
d = dict_from_cfg(args, base=tag, **kw)
listify_values = kw.get('convert_multivalues', convert_multivalues)
if listify_values is not None:
d = listify_values(d, **kw)
2016-02-23 02:03:44 +00:00
fix_empty = kw.get('empty2none_values', empty2none_values)
if fix_empty is not None:
d = fix_empty(d, **kw)
d = strip_tag(tag, d, **kw)
d = dict_to_argv_longform(d, **kw)
return d
class DefaultFreeArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
'''subclass of stock argparse.ArgumentParser; suppress default generation
The vast majority of argparse users (and usage cases) would like to
produce all defaults whenever parsing args/options.
In this case, we would like to take configuration data from multiple
sources and merge them. It is important to omit any configured defaults
so that it's clear where a configuration option came from.
See the method parse_known_args_no_defaults().
def parse_known_args_no_defaults(self, args=None, namespace=None):
'''This method is the parse_known_args() method from the stock
library, sans the block which sets the defaults in the Namespace().
This method is called many times by CascadingConfig():
- when processing CLI, returns only options found in user's CLI
- when processing system configuration, returns only ...
- when processing user configuration, returns only ...
- when processing environment, returns only ...
See also CascadingConfig()
if args is None:
# args default to the system args
args = sys.argv[1:]
# make sure that args are mutable
args = list(args)
# default Namespace built from parser defaults
if namespace is None:
namespace = Namespace()
# parse the arguments and exit if there are any errors
namespace, args = self._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
if hasattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR):
args.extend(getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR))
delattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR)
return namespace, args
except ArgumentError:
err = sys.exc_info()[1]
class CascadingConfig(object):
'''container for all conf data read from environ, CLI and config files
This class delegates most of the heavy lifting and processing of option
processing to argparse, which is eminently suited to the rich set of
possibilities, including type conversion and other user-defined
data-dependent arbitrary checks.
The CascadingConfig gathers configuration data from the following sources:
- cli: command-line options, supplied by the user
- environment: process environment
- userconfig: user-specific configuration file
- systemconfig: system-wide configuration file options
- defaults: defaults from parser (subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser)
The resulting configuration is derived by applying rules of precedence for
the configuration sources. The order of precedence resolution is
configurable. The stock CascadingConfiguration resolution order is as
- cli (highest precedence)
- environment
- userconfig
- systemconfig
- defaults (lowest precedence)
The order of resolution of configurations can be controlled by passing
a list of sources to the set_config() method. Here's the standard
resolution order:
order = ['cli', 'environment', 'userconfig', 'systemconfig', 'defaults']
order = ['cli', 'environment', 'userconfig', 'systemconfig', 'defaults']
mine = ['--dump_cli', '--dump_env', '--dump_cfg', '--debug_options']
def __init__(self, tag, argparser, argv=sys.argv[1:], env=os.environ,
configfile='configfile', order=order):
'''construct a CascadingConfig
:param: tag, the config file prefix and envar prefix
:param: parser, a DefaultFreeArgumentParser with all args set
:param: argv, CLI args to use instead of sys.argv[1:]
:param: env, environment dictionary to use instead of os.environ()
:param: configfile, CLI name to use instead of 'configfile' to
find the name(s) of the system and user configuration files
:param: order, the precedence or resolution order of the various
configuration sources
The parser must not merge or supply defaults when returning a
Namespace. If it does that, then downstream consumers will not be
able to handle precedence resolution themselves.
# -- a wee-bit hackish; but this is crucial to the proper functioning
# of CascadingConfig
assert hasattr(argparser, 'parse_known_args_no_defaults')
for opt in self.mine:
synonym = opt.replace(NSSEP, CLISEP)
argparser.add_argument(opt, synonym, action='store_true')
# -- remember some attributes
self.tag = tag
self.argparser = argparser
self.argv = argv
self.env = env
self.configfile = configfile
self.order = order
def parse(self):
return self.config, self.cli_extras
def read_defaults(self):
'''read the defaults that the developer set in the ArgumentParser'''
self.defaults = self.argparser.parse_args([])
def read_cli(self):
'''read configuration supplied by CLI (argv from constructor)'''
parser = self.argparser.parse_known_args_no_defaults
self.cli, self.cli_extras = parser(self.argv)
def read_environment(self):
'''read relevant environment variables'''
parser = self.argparser.parse_known_args_no_defaults
self.environment, extras = parser(argv_from_env(self.env, self.tag))
self.environment_extras = extras
def read_systemconfig(self):
'''read the specified system configuration file'''
parser = self.argparser.parse_known_args_no_defaults
syscfg = getattr(self.defaults, self.configfile, None)
self.syscfg = syscfg
if syscfg is not None:
self.systemconfig, extras = parser(argv_from_cfg(syscfg, self.tag))
self.systemconfig_extras = extras
self.systemconfig = Namespace()
self.systemconfig_extras = list()
def read_userconfig(self):
'''read a single user specified configuration file'''
parser = self.argparser.parse_known_args_no_defaults
maybe = list()
maybe.append(('cli', getattr(self.cli, self.configfile, None)))
maybe.append(('env', getattr(self.environment, self.configfile, None)))
for source, usrcfg in maybe:
if usrcfg is None:
elif usrcfg == self.syscfg:"Skipping systemconfig file %s in userconfig (%s)",
self.syscfg, source)
logger.debug("Using %s for user config", usrcfg)
del maybe
if usrcfg is None:
self.userconfig = Namespace()
self.userconfig_extras = list()
logger.debug("Reading %s for user config", usrcfg)
self.userconfig, extras = parser(argv_from_cfg(usrcfg, self.tag))
self.userconfig_extras = extras
def set_config(self, order=None):
if order is not None:
logger.debug("Installing custom resolution order %r", order)
order = self.order
sources = [(x, getattr(self, x)) for x in order]
config = Namespace()
for sourcename, source in sources:
for name in vars(source):
newval = getattr(source, name)
logger.debug("Source %s: %s=%s", sourcename, name, newval)
oldval = getattr(config, name, None)
if oldval is not None:
logger.debug("Source %s: replacing %s=%s with %s=%s",
sourcename, name, oldval, name, newval)
setattr(config, name, newval)
self.config = config
def dump_env(self):
d = envdict_from_ns(self.tag, self.config)
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
print('{}={}'.format(k, v))
return 0
def dump_cfg(self):
d = dict_from_ns(self.config)
d = prepend_tag(self.tag, d, sep=CFGSEP)
cfg = ConfigParser()
for k, v in d.items():
k = k.replace(NSSEP, CFGSEP)
parts = k.split(CFGSEP)
assert len(parts) >= 2
if 2 == len(parts):
sect, field = parts[0], CFGSEP.join(parts[1:])
sect = CFGSEP.join(parts[0:2])
field = CFGSEP.join(parts[2:])
if not cfg.has_section(sect):
if v is None:
v = ''
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
vstr = ',\n'.join([str(x) for x in v])
cfg.set(sect, field, vstr)
cfg.set(sect, field, str(v))
return 0
def dump_cli(self):
cli = clilist_from_ns(self.config)
print(' '.join(cli))
return 0
def debug_options(self):
import pprint
for k, v in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(v, Namespace):
print('\n'.join(('', k, '----------')))
print('\n'.join(('', k, '----------')))
return 0
def handle_ccrequest(self):
diagfunc = False
for opt in self.mine:
opt = opt.lstrip(CLISEP)
if getattr(self.config, opt, False):
diagfunc = getattr(self, opt)
delattr(self.config, opt)
if diagfunc:
2016-02-23 01:28:15 +00:00
# -- end of file