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#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import sys
import logging
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
from argparse import Namespace
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
import tldp
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
from tldp.utils import arg_isloglevel
2016-02-27 18:52:35 +00:00
logformat = '%(levelname)-9s %(name)s %(filename)s#%(lineno)s %(funcName)s %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, format=logformat, level=logging.ERROR)
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def detail(config, args):
i = tldp.inventory.Inventory(config.pubdir, config.sourcedir)
width = Namespace()
width.status = max([len(x) for x in tldp.inventory.status_types])
width.stem = max([len(x) for x in i.source.keys()])
2016-02-26 19:24:19 +00:00
# -- if user just said "list" with no args, then give the user something
# sane, "all"; it would make sense for this to be "work", too, but
# "all" seems to be less surprising
if not args:
for arg in args:
status_class = tldp.inventory.status_classes[arg]
for status in status_class:
s = getattr(i, status, None)
assert s is not None
for stem, doc in s.items():
# -- a 'stale' or 'broken' document is implicitly a 'published'
# document as well, but we only want to list each document
# once
if doc.status == status:
doc.detail(width, config.verbose, file=sys.stdout)
return 0
def status(config, args):
i = tldp.inventory.Inventory(config.pubdir, config.sourcedir)
width = Namespace()
width.status = max([len(x) for x in tldp.inventory.status_types])
width.count = len(str(len(i.source.keys())))
for status in tldp.inventory.status_types:
if status == 'all':
count = len(getattr(i, status, 0))
s = '{0:{w.status}} {1:{w.count}} '.format(status, count, w=width)
print(s, end="")
if config.verbose:
print(', '.join(getattr(i, status).keys()))
abbrev = getattr(i, status).keys()
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
s = ''
if abbrev:
s = s + abbrev.pop(0)
while abbrev and len(s) < 50:
s = s + ', ' + abbrev.pop()
if abbrev:
s = s + ', and %d more ...' % (len(abbrev))
return 0
def build(config, args):
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
targets = list()
stems = list()
2016-02-27 07:18:02 +00:00
args = set(args)
if args:
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
for arg in args:
if os.path.isfile(arg) or os.path.isdir(arg):
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
source = tldp.sources.SourceDocument(arg)
if stems or not args:
i = tldp.inventory.Inventory(config.pubdir, config.sourcedir)
if stems:
for source in i.source.values():
if source.stem in stems:
2016-02-27 07:18:02 +00:00
if len(targets) != len(args):
targets = [x.stem for x in targets]
missing = args.difference(set(targets))
logger.error("Could not find matching file or stem for args: %s",
', '.join(missing))
return 1
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
for source in targets:
if source.stem in config.skip:"%s skipping build per request", source.stem)
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
if not source.output:
dirname = os.path.join(config.pubdir, source.stem)
source.output = tldp.outputs.OutputDirectory(dirname)
if not source.doctype:
logger.warning("%s skipping document of unknown doctype",
2016-02-23 19:05:04 +00:00
output = source.output
runner = source.doctype(source=source, output=output, config=config)
return 0
def run():
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
# -- may want to see option parsing, so set --loglevel as
# soon as possible
if '--loglevel' in sys.argv:
levelarg = 1 + sys.argv.index('--loglevel')
level = arg_isloglevel(sys.argv[levelarg])
2016-02-27 18:52:35 +00:00
# -- set the root logger's level
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
# -- produce a configuration from CLI, ENV and CFG
2016-02-27 18:52:35 +00:00
tag = 'ldptool'
argv = sys.argv[1:]
config, args = tldp.config.collectconfiguration(tag, argv)
# -- check to see if the user wishes to --list things
# this function and friends is called 'detail', because
# Python reserves a special (fundamental) meaning for the word
# list; but for the end-user they are synonyms
if config.detail:
sys.exit(detail(config, args))
# -- check to see if the user wants --status output
if config.status:
if config.pubdir is None:
sys.exit("Option --pubdir required for --status.")
if not config.sourcedir:
sys.exit("Option --sourcedir required for --status.")
sys.exit(status(config, args))
# -- our primary action is to try to build
if is None:
config.all = True
sys.exit(build(config, args))
2016-02-27 06:19:30 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -- end of file