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<h1 class="title"><a name="AEN2"></a>The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News</h1>
<b>Issue Number :</b> 16<br>
<b>Publication Date :</b> 2005-04-20<br>
<div class="TOC">
<dt class="c1">Table of Contents</dt>
<dt>1. <a href="#tldp-world-news">News in The LDP world</a></dt>
<dt>2. <a href="#tldp-discussions">Discussions on The LDP lists</a></dt>
<dt>3. <a href="#tldp-mirrors">Mirror information update</a></dt>
<dt>4. <a href="#tldp-contribute">The LDP/LDPWN mini-HOWTO</a></dt>
<div class="sect1">
<h1 class="sect1"><a name="tldp-world-news"></a>1. News in The LDP world</h1>
<li><span class="rss:item">Clam AV IFrame exploit - False alarm<br></span>
<p><span class="rss:item">Clam AV indicates that it detected a few exploits in The LDP archives in case you are mirroring them. Specifically, files from the LDP/LGNET and the LDP/LG directories.
These are false positives and not a cause for worry.</span></p>
<li><span class="rss:item">The LDP Volunteer Database<br></span>
<p><span class="rss:item">Martin Wheeler setup a LDP online database of author skillset profiles. <a href="http://startext.demon.co.uk/tldp/" target="_top">The DB</a> however, is not restricted to
authors and one can go and enlist themselves if they would like to volunteer for technical reviews, Docbook conversion, admin tasks, proofing/editing, language reviews, language translations etc.
There is a <a href="http://startext.demon.co.uk/cgi-bin/htgrep_skillset.cgi?file=SKILLSET&amp;isindex=linguist*&amp;boolean=auto&amp;style=ol&amp;grab=yes" target="_top">sample entry</a> and also a
<a href="http://startext.demon.co.uk/tldp/HOWTOcategories.txt" target="_top">list of HOWTO categories</a> for reference to volunteers for the above. This follows on close heels of the discussion on
The LDP discuss list on subject specialists and subject volunteers.</span></p>
<li><span class="rss:item">Choosing an XML editor<br></span>
<p><span class="rss:item">The Arts and Humanities Data Service of UK published a <a href="http://ahds.ac.uk/creating/information-papers/xml-editors/" target="_top">review of XML editors</a> based on
technical report titled Benchmarking XML-editors by Thijs van den Broe. The report looks at 23 different editors and benchmarks them against various features (eg, Multilingual text input and display,
Support for different schema languages). It also presents the results of an evaluation exercise where different user groups tried a number of the editors.</span></p>
<li><span class="rss:item">Documentation Licensing FAQ<br></span>
<p><span class="rss:item">From this week's <a href="http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2005/16/" target="_top">Debian weekly news</a>: Jacobo Tarrio <a href=
"http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2005/04/msg00332.html" target="_top">released</a> a draft <a href="http://jacobo.tarrio.org/Documentation_licensing_FAQ" target="_top">FAQ</a> on documentation
licensing. In this document he summarises several questions and answers about this topic which should be useful especially for people who have questions about the <a href=
"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html" target="_top">GNU FDL</a>.</span></p>
<div class="sect1">
<h1 class="sect1"><a name="tldp-discussions"></a>2. Discussions on The LDP lists</h1>
<li><span class="rss:item">LDAP subject matter expert<br></span>
<p><span class="rss:item">Machtelt Garrels (Tille) signed up as the LDAP matter expert and after the spirit of David Lawyer's idea to take responsibility for the subject for which you are an expert,
she will have a go at the current documents that deal with LDAP: primarily the LDAP HOWTO and LDAP Implementation HOWTO, but also these HOWTOs which have LDAP as a sub-subject: Apache Webdav LDAP
HOWTO and Apache Compile HOWTO. Some of these are quite old, I'll contact the authors and check if they are still maintaining their document. As this is a "pilot project", Tille will keep us
<div class="sect1">
<h1 class="sect1"><a name="tldp-mirrors"></a>3. Mirror information update</h1>
<p>The following are the latest additions to our <a href="http://www.tldp.org/mirrors.html" target="_top">list of mirrors</a>:</p>
<li><span class="rss:item"><a href="http://ldp.pingo.org" target="_top">http://ldp.pingo.org</a> maintained by igor.mozetic@uni-mb.si in Ljubljana, Slovenia and updated daily.</span></li>
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<h1 class="sect1"><a name="tldp-contribute"></a>4. The LDP/LDPWN mini-HOWTO</h1>
<p><a href="http://tldp.org/" target="_top">The Linux Documentation Project</a> (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to
help TLDP, consider joining <tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org">discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org</a>&gt;</tt> (a low volume discussion mailing list). You can also send
your suggestions to <tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:feedback@en.tldp.org">feedback@en.tldp.org</a>&gt;</tt>.</p>
<p>The LDP Weekly News is compiled, edited and published by Machtelt Garrels (Tille) and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag (Giri) with help from several other people. To receive this newsletter weekly in your
mailbox, subscribe to the <tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:news-subscribe@en.tldp.org">news-subscribe@en.tldp.org</a>&gt;</tt> mailing list. Back issues are available at <a href=
"http://tldp.org/ldpwn" target="_top">http://tldp.org/ldpwn</a></p>
<p>Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at
<tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:feedback@en.tldp.org">feedback@en.tldp.org</a>&gt;</tt>.</p>