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<center><H3> Help Wanted -- Article Ideas </H3></center>
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Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 22:30:26 -0700<br>
From: Wood Ellis <a href="mailto:woodswrk@erols.com">woodswrk@erols.com</a><br>
Subject: Newbie Needs More Definitive Article on Parallel Port Tape Drives
<p>The various leads which can be followed from the parport home page tend
to indicate that it's just not worth all the hassle to try to operate a
tape on the parallel port, unless you are an expert and maybe want to
program it yourself. I just cannot believe that it is that difficult.
<p>I would appreciate it if you were to provide an article which, in simple,
newbie language, tells how to do it. The article should include
definitive solutions for every brand of parallel port tape drive which is
commonly available. Mine is an HP-1000 travan-1. My system is Redhat
One can imagine that some linux devotees enjoy the abstruseness of things
new and difficult and exclusive. Contrary to that viewpoint, I believe
that we all should strive to make linux easier and more available to the
relatively uninformed. Probably you share my feeling.
That's as close as I can come to a flaming request right now. I really
appreciate all the good stuff in the Gazette.
<p>Thank you,<br>
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Date: Sun Jul 6 16:35:46 1997<br>
From: Takkala, <a href="mailto:takkala@highstar.com">takkala@highstar.com</a><br>
Subject: Please help me....
<p>Recently, ever since I upgraded to Slackware 3.2/Redhat 4.1, I have
noticed that my modem has been behaving rather erratically. My modem is a
Motorola ModemSurfr 28.8. Now, when I type 'ppp-on' to initiate a ppp
session, many times, the modems TR led lights up, and then nothing happens,
until the computer times out 45 seconds later and aborts the ppp session.
Normally, when I type 'ppp-on' the modem almost immediately begins dialing
up my isp, and connecting, but most of the time, it would just sit there,
until I killed the process and tried again, it may take up to twelve or
more tries
for the modem to dial, but sometimes it will dial on the first try.
This erratic behavior only began occurring (from what I can tell, I'm not
sure) ever since I upgraded to redhat 4.1, and now slackware 3.2. My modem
does work fine in windows 95, and also if I use DIP, or minicom to try and
connect. So I was wondering if this may be a timing error somewhere in the
ppp-on script. Has anyone else had similar problems? I myself tried
tweaking some of the abort timeouts, but that didn't help.
<p>Someone please help me!
Thanks for any help suggestions...<br>
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Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 01:00:35 -0700<br>
From: Paul M., <a href="mailto:pmarcano@saltspring.com">pmarcano@saltspring.com</a><br>
Subject: Deluxe Paint IIe
<p>Don't mean to come out of the blue but...
I was searching the net for some reference to Deluxe Paint IIe for the
PC and ended up here... Can you send me any information you can about
how I might get a hold of a copy of this program which I assume is
discontinued. I come from an Amiga background and still feel there are
some redeeming features to this program that I would like to use on my
<p>Thanks for any information you can impart!
<p>Paul Marcano<br>
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Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:57:33 -0300<br>
From: Annette Sahores <a href="mailto:annette@invap.com.ar">annette@invap.com.ar</a><br>
Subject: Problem with adaptec 2940U
<p>I'm trying to install linux red hat 2.0.x in a machine with an
Adaptec 2940U host adapter an a scsi external 4x cdrom.
The problem is that the bootdisk does not recognize the host adapter,
so I can't set the linux and swap partitions.
may be the problem is that the driver aic7xxx is old and doesn't work
whith the 2940 ultra.
<p>Thank You<br>
Annette Sahores
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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 97 15:01:00 PDT<br>
From: Mark Mangolas <a href="mailto:mmango01@gsg.eds.com">mmango01@gsg.eds.com</a><br>
Subject: Linux on a ThinkPad
I am writing this in hopes that you can help me with my Linux
configuration. I have Linux Slackware 3.2 running on an IBM 760E Thinkpad
and I can't get X to run properly. It scrunches the screen when I fire up
X and then scrambles everything when I exit forcing me to reboot. I've
tried almost all of the video cards, chipsets, etc. in XF86Setup and
nothing helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated......thank you,
<p>Mark Mangolas
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Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:01:49 -0400<br>
From: Scott Fowler <a href="mailto:scorpi04@earthlink.net">scorpi04@earthlink.net</a><br>
Subject: Pnp Modem and mouse
<p>Help I have a plug and pray modem and mouse, actually my mouse is a ps/2
mouse, will the program isapnptools fix all the pnp problems?
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Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 10:43:54 -0600<br>
From: Doug Milligan, Red Hat Linux User <a href="mailto:doug@nwrks.com">doug@nwrks.com</a><br>
Subject: Disk deferag?
<p>I'm new to Linux, but like it very much having recently installed RedHat
4.2 via FTP. In looking through utility software I have not run accross
any disk defragmentor programs nor have seen references to them in any
Linux books that I have consulted. Is disk degragmentation not needed
in maintaining a Linux file system?
Doug Milligan
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Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 18:58:20 +0200 (SAT)<br>
From: Abraham vd Merwe <a href="mailto:ixion@ilink.nis.za">ixion@ilink.nis.za</a><br>
Subject: Chown Problem
<p>You can make anybody the owner of your files right? At least that is w
I always thought, but take a look at this:
% whoami
% cat /dev/null > ChownTest ; chmod 0777 ChownTest ; ls -l ChownTest
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ixion users 0 Jul 19 18:10 ChownTest
% cat /etc/passwd | grep fakeuser
% chown fakeuser ChownTest
chown: ChownTest: Operation not permitted
<p>I've tried it on various systems and it turns out that I can't make an
the owner of my files when I'm a user (root obviously can). Why? I'd b
very grateful if you can explain how to do it or if not possibly, at l
why I can't do it...
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Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 04:40:56 +0100<br>
From: Emmet <a href="mailto:emmet@indigo.ie">emmet@indigo.ie</a><br>
Subject: Firewire and DV
I've nearly got my brother converted to Linux, except he's interested
in using firewire cards and whatever software to edit video from
a DV camera. After some web-searching, and a several sites, it
seems that there are no firewire drivers or spiffy DV software for
<p>Even worse, Adaptec, who manufacture what appears to be becoming a
very popular card, are only supporting MS and Mac platforms. To add
insult to injury, their FAQ, in response to a question about the
possibility of drivers for Un*x, etc., contains the single word "No",
no explanation or euphemisms, just "No".
<p>At this point in time, horror of horrors, it looks like I'm going
to wind up with my brother using NT. Frankly, I'd rather have a
sister in a whorehouse than a brother using NT. Check out Mitch
Stone's excellent site at <a href="http://www.vcnet.com/bms">http://www.vcnet.com/bms</a> for why.
<p>Does anybody know different? Are there any plans afoot in this
direction? Maybe somebody in a position of influence could lean on
some firewire card manufacturers to make their driver software
available for porting to Linux? Maybe the Linux community could
email <a href="mailto:sales@adaptec.com">sales@adaptec.com</a> or <a
href="mailto:support@adaptec.com">support@adaptec.com</a> asking them to
reconsider making drivers available?
<p>Any information about the possibility of DV editing software or
firewire drivers would be most appreciated. I'll help if I can.
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Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 22:24:44 -0500<br>
From: Ben and Nick <a href="mailto:nbwbolen@bstream.com">nbwbolen@bstream.com</a><br>
Subject: cpu Speed
<p>I was wondering if you could tell me where I could get a listing of
bogomites? bogomytes? on different cpu's and computers? <br> Thanks Ben
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Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:56:49 -0400 (EDT)<br>
From: Jon Lewis <a href="mailto:jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net">jlewis@inorganix5.fdt.net</a><br>
Subject: Linux Uptimes
<p>Do you have any idea what the longest uptime on a linux system is? I have
a system with over 14 months of uptime, and am wondering if its heading
for some kind of record. I've been told that with the 1.2.x kernels,
uptimes longer than about 16.4 months are thought to be impossible due to
jiffy counter wrap.
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Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 19:12:36 -0700 (PDT)<br>
From: Greg Roelofs <a href="mailto:newt@pobox.com">newt@pobox.com</a><br>
Subject: Re: Changing video modes
<p>A friend of mine wants to know how to change video modes without
restarting X, and I noticed you say you can do that on your Linux page.
How can this be done? (I'm using XFree86, he's using MkLinux)
<p>Just changing *modes* is easy: use ctrl-alt-gray+ and ctrl-alt-gray-
to cycle between the resolutions defined in your XF86Config file. I
have the following defined:
<pre>Modes "1280x1024" "1536x1152" "1600x1200" "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
To run multiple X servers is a little trickier, and I've been meaning
to write up a Linux Gazette or Linux Journal article on that. Assuming
you use startx instead of xdm, the basic trick is to do something like
<pre>startx -- :4 -bpp 32 &</pre>
My default (16-bit mode) command is this:
<pre>startx -- :1 -bpp 16 &</pre>
You can switch between them via ctrl-alt-F7 through F10, typically--
F1 through F6 tend to be normal text-mode Linux consoles.
<p>It's really best to alias these things and make sure the screen numbers
(:0 or :2 or whatever) don't collide; if they do, the second X server
will "steal" the number from the first, and you won't be able to start
any more windows or even restart the window manager under the first
<p>The special 320x200 game mode is even more complicated, and I won't
even try to explain that here. It can be done with a second XF86Config
or with additional lines in the main one under some circumstances.
<p>I don't know how AccelX and XiGraphics and MetroX handle these things.
Greg Roelofs
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<center><H3> General Mail </H3></center>
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Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 10:27:46 -0700<br>
From: James Gilb <a href="mailto:p27451@am371.geg.mot.com">p27451@am371.geg.mot.com</a><br>
Subject: *2+ Processing
<p>Check out the Linux SMP page at
<a href="http://www.uk.linux.org/SMP/title.html">http://www.uk.linux.org/SMP/title.html</a>
and get a new distribution. I think that SMP became part of the
standard kernel at 2.0, so 2.0.?? might be a good choice (check out the
SMP page, I think some patch levels are broken with respect to SMP).
<p>If you are pretty good a Linux installs (and from the multiplicity of
your OS's is sounds like you are), you could pick up a RedHat
distribution for less than USD $10. I can't help you with availability
in Sweden, but check out Caldera, RedHat, Craftworks, SuSE and Yggdrasil
(sp?), I think most of them support SMP. If you need pointers to their
web pages, try <a href="http://www.linuxmall.com">http://www.linuxmall.com</a>, <a
href="http://www.linux.org">http://www.linux.org</a>, or
<a href="http://www.ssc.com/">http://www.ssc.com/</a> (had to put a plug in for the sponsor of the
excellent LG).
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Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 09:10:32 -0700<br>
From: Robert Christ <a href="mailto:rchrist@mcis.washington.edu">rchrist@mcis.washington.edu</a><br>
Subject: Spam Counter Attack
<p>In Linux Gazette #19 you say:<br>
<I>SPAM Counter Attack! If you'd like to have your voice heard regarding
SPAM mail, why don't you consider writing a letter to your
<p>I would just like to add a counter point that I would prefer that my
congress person not attempt to regulate any aspect of the net. I have
the tools and skills to prevent spamming all by myself. Laws
regulating behavior seems to set a dangerous precedent..
<p>thanks for your time,<br>
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Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 21:25:48 -0600 (MDT)<br>
From: Michael J. Hammel <a href="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">mjhammel@csn.net</a><br>
Subject: User-Level Driver For HP ScanJet 5p?<br>
To: <a href="mailto:lersch@athene.informatik.uni-bonn.de">lersch@thene.informatik.uni-bonn.de</a><br>
<p>You asked about HP Scanjet 5P support in Linux. Check XVScan at
<a href="http://tummy.com">http://tummy.com</a>. It supports this scanner and is a commercial product.
<p>If you're looking for drivers for other scanners check out my review of
scanners in my Graphics Muse column in the March 1997 Linux Gazette (that
is in
issue 15) at <a href="http://www.ssc.com/lg/">http://www.ssc.com/lg/</a>.
<p>Hope this helps.<br>
Michael J. Hammel
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 21:21:08 -0600 (MDT)<br>
To: <a href="mailto:smalenfant@cablevision.qc.ca">smalenfant@cablevision.qc.ca</a><br>
Subject: Problems with XFree86
<p>You wrote to the Linux Gazette:
<p><I>I'm a new user to Linux and the problem still XFree86! So then I tried to
know want can I do to
Linux community. In Issue #16, you said that the problem is not video card
and is Monitor
balancing. So why Windows 95 can have all these preset on monitor and Linux
don't have? Why
we can't use the stuff in the Microsoft Lib to transfer it into the
database of XF86Setup or
something like that. Cause that's real that the dotclock and all this is
very scrambled! Why not just
resolution and Virtual Refresh, that's all we need to know, the program
could do the rest! We don't
have to know what horizontal frequency and dotclock it is! </I>
<p><b>Answer:</b> Xi Graphics AcceleratedX 3.1. It does pretty much what you're
asking for here. See <a href="http://www.xi.com">http://www.xi.com</a>.
<p>Michael J. Hammel
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 21:18:18 -0600 (MDT)<br>
To: <a href="mailto:dmandel@transport.com">dmandel@transport.com</a><br>
Subject: CD Burners, Scanners, Digital Cameras, etc.
<p>You asked the following in the July Linux Gazette:
<p><I>1.Will a Sony CDU926S burner work with xcdroast?
Don't know about this one, but I may have to find out soon. I'd like to
create a CD full of graphics tools, but I've never tried to do anything
like this before. If I do find info I'll probably write it up in my
Graphics Muse column in the Gazette.</I>
<p><I>2. What is a good, but cheap flatbed scanner to use? (Good means 24 bit
color and &gt;= 300dpi optical resolution.) What software (in Linux)
supports the scanner? </I>
<P><B>Answer</B>: Check my March 1997 <a href="http://www.xxc.com/lg">Graphics
Muse column</a>.
I did a review of the scanners
currently supported (at that time). A good place to look (which is
listed in that issue of the Muse) is the SANE Project.
<P><I>3.I can't afford one, but... Are there any 35mm slide scanners on the
market with Linux support? </I>
<P><B>Answer</B>:I haven't seen any announced yet. I get info like this alot due to my
work with Graphics Tools for Linux, but so far no one has pointed out any
web pages or ftp sites for such drivers.
<P><I>4.And as long as I'm asking dumb questions... Does Linux have support
for any digital cameras yet? </I>
<P><B>Answer</B>:Don't waste your money on these just yet, even if a driver exists (I
haven't seen one of these either). Even the vendors have been saying
this technology is too new and they haven't established the "rules of the
game" for standards or formats. Many are using ordinary JPEG formats, but
getting the data to your PC is variable and depends on the makers choice of
protocols, connectors and so forth.
<p>Hope this helps a little.
Michael J. Hammel
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 21:09:06 -0600 (MDT)<br>
To: <a href="mailto:rpragana@acm.org">rpragana@acm.org</a><br>
Subject: Interfacing Genius Color Page-CS Scanner
<p>You asked about using your Genius Scanner with Linux. I don't know if a
driver is available although in a survey of scanners I did for the Graphics
Muse Column (March 1997, Issue 15) of the Linux Gazette there was info on
the Genius GS-B105G, Genius GS4500 and probably the GS4000 and GS4500A.
Also, there is work being done on generic scanner support for the GIMP and
other Linux applications via the <a
href="http://www.azstarnet.com/~axplinux/sane">SANE project</a>.
<p>I suggest you either look for the author of the Genius scanners to see if
support for your particular scanner is forthcoming (assuming yours is from
the same manufacturer as his). You should also check with the SANE Project
to see if they have any ideas. Both should have pointers on how to write
drivers and get info the specs for that scanner if they don't already have
<p>One other place to look is http://tummy.com. This is the site for XVScan,
a front end to xv that primarily supports HP scanners. They can also write the
driver for a fee. XVScan is a commercial product.
Michael J. Hammel
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 20:56:53 -0600 (MDT)<br>
To: <a href="mailto:cricci@cpiprogetti.it">cricci@cpiprogetti.it</a><br>
Subject: Matrox Mystique support
<p>You wrote to the Linux Gazette:
<p><I> Is there a chance to correctly configure a Matrox Mystique with 4MB RAM
under X or I must throw away it ?</I>
<P><B>Answer</B>: Xi Graphics AcceleratedX 3.1. I use it with my
Matrox Mystique with 4MB RAM. There is a slightly annoying effect you'll
see when moving windows (sort of like snow on a TV screen) but its minor
and I hardly notice it anymore. They know about it and are working on a
Michael J. Hammel
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Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 13:51:38 -0400 (EDT)<br>
From: Ade Bellini <a href="mailto:AdeBellini@aol.com">AdeBellini@aol.com</a><br>
Subject: Re: *2+ Processing
Thank you for your interest and help, i am most pleased to have had so many
helpful replies, this just goes to show how many friendly and informed
readers the Linux gazette has (? blatant plug for the LG !).
I am sorry this reply is in the form of a "shotgun" approach, but i really
couldn't reply individually to so many, but to all of you that mailed me --
I have "solved" 1/2 the problem - i rebuilt the kernel ( to install sound
blaster support) and some how (G-D knows how !) i can now run on *2 cpu but
only drawing the affects of 1 !. tur i ur tur as they say in Sweden ! (luck
in bad luck !!!).
Again thanks for the help and keep on hacking !:
Yours ade.
Ade Bellini
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Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 12:24:41 -0700 (MST)<br>
From: Joel Hardy <a href="mailto:deeng@nwcdh.inficad.com">deeng@nwcdh.inficad.com</a><br>
Subject: Descent 3 for Linux?
<p>Linux has always been the perfect platform for games, it's just
very few developers (id and Crack.com are the only two worth mentioning
that I know of) know that. Interplay and Parallax are developing the
third game in their Descent series, and they're accepting ideas, so I
think the Linux community should inform them of the benefits of
supporting a Linux version. There have already been several (last
estimate I heard was 90) people who have suggested that they support
Linux, and they probably will if they're convinced enough people would
buy it, so if you're interested in having the best DOS game ported to
Linux, see <a href="http://www.interplay.com/descent/ideas">http://www.interplay.com/descent/ideas</a> and suggest Linux
Joel Hardy
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<center>Published in Linux Gazette Issue 20, August 1997</center>
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Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:18:11 -0400<br>
From: Jon Cox <a href="mailto:jcox@cs.tufts.edu">jcox@cx.tufts.edu</a>
I saw an article in July's LG that talked about using watch as a better
way to monitor ftp downloads -- there 's an even BETTER way:
Check out ncftp. It works much like ftp, but shows a progress bar,
estimates time to completion, and saves bookmarks of where you've been.
I think ncftp is pretty standard on all distributions these days.
<p> -Enjoy
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="glimp"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Consider Glimpse Instead of Grep
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:18:11 -0400<br>
From: Jon Cox <a href="mailto:jcox@cs.tufts.edu">jcox@cx.tufts.edu</a>
While grep works as a tool for searching through a big directory tree
for a string, it's pretty slow for this kind of thing & a much better
tool exists --<B>Glimpse</B>. It even has an agrep-style stripped down
regexp capability for doing &quot;fuzzy search&quot;, and is astonishingly fast.
Roughly speaking:<br>
<I>glimpse is to grep as<br>
locate is to find</I>
<p>I believe the latest rpm version is glimpse-4.0-4.i386.rpm
You can find it in any site that mirrors Red hat's contrib directory.
<p> Enjoy!<br>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="copy"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:18:11 -0400<br>
From: Wim Jongman <a
I have hacked a helpful utility. Please have a look at it.
Wim Jongman
Diald Remote Control</H2>
<P>I have been a satisfied diald user for&nbsp; quite some time. one of
the things that were on my list of favorites was the possibility to activate
the link from another location.&nbsp; I have written a small shell script
that waits for activity on my telephone line.
<P>If activity&nbsp; has been detected the script submits the ping utility
which&nbsp; causes diald to set up a link to my ISP.&nbsp; If activity
is detected from the inside (diald does the dialing) then the ping is also
performed but there can be no harm in that.
<P>My /etc/diald.conf looks like this:
<P><TT>mode cslip</TT>
<BR><TT>connect /usr/local/bin/connect</TT>
<BR><TT>device <I><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">/dev/cua2</FONT></I></TT>
<BR><TT>speed 115200</TT>
<BR><I><TT><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">local local.ip.ad.dres</FONT></TT></I>
<BR><I><TT><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">remote ga.te.way.address</FONT></TT></I>
<BR><TT>mtu 576</TT>
<BR><I><TT><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">ip-up /usr/local/bin/getmail &amp;</FONT></TT></I>
<BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">ip-down /usr/local/bin/waitmodem &amp;</FONT></TT>
<BR><TT>include /usr/lib/diald/standard.filter</TT>
<P>The first time the link goes down, the program waitmodem is submitted.
The script for /usr/local/bin/waitmodem is:
<P><TT># This script waits for data entering the modem. If data has arrived,</TT>
<BR><TT># then a host is pinged to allow diald to</TT>
<BR><TT># setup a connection (and you to telnet in.)</TT><TT></TT>
<P><TT>if test -f /var/locks/waitmodem</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;exit 0</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp; else</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;touch /var/locks/waitmodem</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;sleep 5</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;read myvar &lt; <I><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">/dev/cua2</FONT></I></TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;ping -c 10 <I><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC">host.com</FONT></I> >
/dev/nul &amp; > /dev/nul</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;rm /var/locks/waitmodem</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;exit 0</TT>
<P>If the diald decides to drop the link, the ip-down keyword activates
the waitmodem script. This creates a lock in /var/lock(s) and sleeps for
five seconds to allow the modem buffers to flush. Then the modem device
is read and if activity occurs, the ping is submitted. Change the <I>italic</I>
bits in the scripts. The lock is removed and diald dials out. This allows
you to access your machine. I guess you have to have a static ip for it
to be useful.
<P>Wim Jongman
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="tool"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
A New Tool for Linux
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:18:11 -0400<br>
From: Jordi Sanfeliu <a
hi !<br>
<p>This is my contribution to this beautiful gazette !! :))
<P><B>tree</B> is a simple tool that allows you to see the whole directory tree on
your hard disk.
<p>I think that is very cool, no?
# @(#) tree 1.1 30/11/95 by Jordi Sanfeliu
# email: mikaku@arrakis.es
# Initial version: 1.0 30/11/95
# Next version : 1.1 24/02/97 Now, with symbolic links
# Tree is a tool for view the directory tree (obvious :-) )
search () {
for dir in `echo *`
if [ -d $dir ] ; then
while [ $zz != $deep ]
echo -n &quot;| &quot;
zz=`expr $zz + 1`
if [ -L $dir ] ; then
echo &quot;+---$dir&quot; `ls -l $dir | sed 's/^.*'$dir' //'`
echo &quot;+---$dir&quot;
cd $dir
deep=`expr $deep + 1`
search # with recursivity ;-)
numdirs=`expr $numdirs + 1`
cd ..
if [ $deep ] ; then
deep=`expr $deep - 1`
# - Main -
if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
cd `pwd`
cd $1
echo &quot;Initial directory = `pwd`&quot;
while [ $swfi != 1 ]
echo &quot;Total directories = $numdirs&quot;
<p>Have fun !<br>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="hex"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Hex Dump
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 10:15:26 -0700<br>
From: James Gilb <a href="mailto:p27451@am371.geg.mot.com">p27451@am371.geg.mot.com</a>
I liked your gawk solution to displaying hex data. Two things (which
people have probably already pointed out to you).
<li>If you don't want similar lines to be replaced by * *, use the -v
option to hexdump. From the man page:
<p><b>-v</b>: The -v option causes hexdump to display all input data.
Without the -v option, any number of groups of output lines,
which would be identical to the immediately preceding group
of output lines (except for the input offsets), are replaced
with a line comprised of a single asterisk.
<li>In emacs, you can get a similar display using ESC-x hexl-mode. The
output looks something like this:
<pre>00000000: 01df 0007 30c3 8680 0000 334e 0000 00ff ....0.....3N....
00000010: 0048 1002 010b 0001 0000 1a90 0000 07e4 .H..............
00000020: 0000 2724 0000 0758 0000 0200 0000 0000 ..'$...X........
00000030: 0000 0760 0004 0002 0004 0004 0007 0005 ...`............
00000040: 0003 0003 314c 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ....1L..........
00000050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2e70 6164 .............pad
00000060: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0014 ................
00000070: 0000 01ec 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000080: 0000 0008 2e74 6578 7400 0000 0000 0200 .....text.......
00000090: 0000 0200 0000 1a90 0000 0200 0000 2a98 ..............*.</pre>
<p>(I don't suppose it is surprising that emacs does this, after all, emacs
is not just and editor, it is its own operating system.)
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="disk"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Hard Disk Duplication
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:54:48 +0200<br>
From: Jerko Golubovic <a href="mailto:jerko.golubovic@public.srce.hr">jerko.golubovic@public.srce.hr</a>
<p>A comment on article &quot;HARD DISK DUPLICATION&quot; written by
mcablec@ucsd.edu in Linux Gazette #18 (June 97).
<p>What I did at my place is following:
<p>I SetUp root-NFS system to boot usable configuration over network. I
just need a floppy with appropriate kernel command-line and system
brings up.
<p>When system brings up I mount as /root NFS volume where I store
compressed images. In that way I have them readily available when I
<p>With dmesg I find about geometry of the hard disk of the target system.
Then, for taking a new image I do:
<pre>cat /dev/hda | gzip -9 &gt; &lt;somename&gt;.gz</pre>
<p>And for restore:
<pre>zcat &lt;somename&gt;.gz &gt; /dev/hda</pre>
<p>Of course, I don't have to use such system. It is enough to prepare one
boot floppy containing just FTP client and network config. I made two
shell scripts:
cat /dev/hda | gzip -9
gzip -d > /dev/hda
Then, in FTP you do:
put |./b &lt;somename&gt;.gz - to save image
get &lt;somename.gz&gt; |./r - to restore image
<p>ANY FTP server on ANY platform can be used for storage.
<p>Not only that - you don't have to use FTP at all - you can use smbclient
instead - and read directly from Win or Lanman shares - doing basically
the same thing.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="tree"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
More on Grepping Files in a Directory Tree
Date:Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:12:34<br>
From: Gene Gotimer <a href="mailto:gotimer@cybercash.com">gotimer@cybercash.com</a>
In Linux Gazette Issue 18, Earl Mitchell (earlm@Terayon.COM) suggested
<pre> grep foo `find . -name \*.c -print`</pre>
<p>as a way to grep files in a directory tree. He warned about a command
line character limit (potentially 1024 characters).
<p>Another way to accomplish this, without the character limit, is to use
the xargs command:
<pre>find . -name '*.c' -print | xargs grep foo</pre>
<p>The xargs command accepts arguments on standard input, and tacks them
on the end of the specified command (after any supplied parameters).
<p>You can specify where in the command xargs will place the arguments
(rather than just on the end) if you use the -i option and a pair of
curly braces wherever you want the substitution:
<pre>ls srcdir | xargs -i cp srcdir/{} destdir/{}</pre>
<p>xargs has a number of options worth looking at, including -p to
confirm each command as it is executed. See the man page.
Gene Gotimer
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="disk2"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
More on Hard Disk Duplication
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:45:48 +0200<br>
From: Jean-Philippe CIVADE <a href="mailto:jpcivade@cge-ol.fr">jpcivade@cge-ol.fr</a><br>
I've written an utility under Windows 95 able to copy from disk to disk
in a biney way. It's called Disk2file. It's findable on my web site under
tools. The primary purpose of this utility was to make iso images from
a hard disk (proprietary file system) to record them on a cdrom. I've
used it yesterday do duplicate a red hat 4.1 installed disk with success.
The advantage of this method is this is possible to product a serial of
disk very quickly. This utility is written to tranfert up to 10Mb /s.
The duplication time for a 540 Mb is about 10 mins.
<p>The way to use it is:
<li>start the program. Select scsi controller.
<li>Select a disk and a file where to put image file
<li>Select the source disk
<li>select disk2file mode and click &quot;run&quot;
<li>after completion, select the new disk where the image have to be
<li>Select file2disk mode
<li>Click run
<p>It's referenced as a shareware in the docs but I conced the freeware
mode to the Linux community for disk duplication only.
Best Regards
Jean-Philippe CIVADE
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="script"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
A Script to Update McAfee Virus
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 00:05:33 -0500 (CDT)<br>
From: Ralph <a href="mailto:ralphs@kyrandia.com">ralphs@kyrandia.com</a><br>
Here is a script I hacked together (trust me after you see it I'm sure
you'll understand why this is my first script hack I'm sure) to ftp McAfee
virus definitions unzip then and run a test to make sure they are ok...now
ya gotta have vscan for linux located at
<a href="ftp://ftp.mcafee.com/pub/antivirus/unix/linux">ftp://ftp.mcafee.com/pub/antivirus/unix/linux</a>
<p>the first one does the work of pulling it down unzipping and testing
# =====================================================================
# Name: update-vscan
# Goal: Auto-update McAfee's Virus Scan for Linux
# Who: Ralph Sevy ralphs@kyrandia.com
# Date: June 19 1997
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run this file on the 15th of each month to insure that the file gets
# downloaded
# ======================================================================
datafile=dat-`date +%y%m`.zip
ftp -n ftp.mcafee.com << !
user anonymous root@home.com
cd /pub/antivirus/datfiles/2.x
get $datafile
if [ -f $mcafeed/*.dat ]; then
rm *.dat
unzip $datafile *.DAT -d $mcafeed
for file in $(ls $mcafeed/*.DAT); do
lconvert $mcafeed/*.DAT
uvscan $mcafeed/*
lconvert is a 3 line script I stole looking in the gazette
# script named lconvert
foreach i (*)
mv $1 `echo $1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
<p>The last thing you want to do is add an entry to crontab to update your
files once a month....I prefer the 15th as it makes sure I get the file
(dunno really how to check for errors yet, its my next project)
# crontab command line
# update mcafee data files once a month on the 15th at 4am
* 4 15 * * /usr/local/bin/update-vscan
<p>Its not pretty I'm sure, but it works
<a href="http://www.kyrandia.com/~ralphs">http://www.kyrandia.com/~ralphs</a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="log"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Handling Log Files
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 11:13:56 -0400<br>
From: Neil Schemenauer <a href="mailto:nas170@mail.usask.ca">nas170@mail.usask.ca</a>
I have seen a few people wondering what to do with log files that keep
growing. The easy solution is to trim them using:
<pre>cat &lt;/dev/null &gt;some_filename</pre>
The disadvantage to this method is that all your logged data is gone,
not just the old stuff. Here is a shell script I use to prevent this
# usage: logroll [ -d &lt;save directory&gt; ] [ -s &lt;size&gt; ] &lt;logfile&gt;
# where to save old log files
# how large should we allow files to grow before rolling them
while :
case $1 in
shift; shift;;
echo &quot;usage: logroll [ -d &lt;save directory&gt; ] [ -s &lt;size&gt; ] &lt;logfile&gt;&quot;
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo &quot;usage: logroll [ -d &lt;save directory&gt; ] [ -s &lt;size&gt; ] &lt;logfile&gt;&quot;
exit 1
if [ -z `find $1 -size +$SIZE -print` ]
exit 0
file=`basename $1`
if [ -f $SAVE_DIR/$file.gz ]
/bin/mv $SAVE_DIR/$file.gz $SAVE_DIR/$file.old.gz
/bin/mv $1 $SAVE_DIR/$file
/bin/gzip -f $SAVE_DIR/$file
# this last command assumes the PID of syslogd is stored like RedHat
# if this is not the case, &quot;killall -HUP syslogd&quot; should work
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog.pid`
Save this script as /root/bin/logroll and add the following to your
# roll log files
30 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/log.smb
31 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/log.nmb
32 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/maillog
33 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/messages
34 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/secure
35 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/spooler
36 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/cron
38 02 * * * root /root/bin/logroll /var/log/kernel
Now forget about log files. The old log file is stored in
/var/log/roll and gzipped to conserve space. You should have lots of
old logging information if you have to track down a problem.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="hint"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Exciting New Hint on xterm Titles
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 15:43:44 +1000 (EST)<br>
From: Damian Haslam <a href="mailto:damian@srsuna.shlrc.mq.edu.au">damian@srsuna.shlrc.mq.edu.au</a><br>
Hi, after searching (to no avail) for a way to display the currently
executing process in the xterm on the xterm's title bar, I resorted to
changing the source of bash2.0 to do what I wanted.
from line 117 of eval.c in the source, add the lines marked with <tt>#</tt> (but
don't include the <tt>#</tt>)
117: if (read_command () == 0)
118: {
#119: if (strcmp(get_string_value(&quot;TERM&quot;),&quot;xterm&quot;) == 0) {
#120: printf(&quot;^[]0;%s^G&quot;,make_command_string(global_command));
#121: fflush(stdout);
#122: }
124: if (interactive_shell == 0 && read_but_dont_execute)
you can then set PROMPT_COMMAND to reset the xterm title to the pwd, or
whatever takes your fancy.
<p>cheers - damian
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="dmesg"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
C Source with Line Numbers
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 10:09:52 -0400 (EDT)<br>
From: Tim Newsome <a href="mailto:drz@froody.bloke.com">drz@froody.bloke.com</a>
Another way of getting a file numbered:
<pre>grep -n $ &lt;filename&gt;</pre>
<pre>-n</pre> tells grep to number its output, and $ means end-of-line. Since every line
in the file has an end (except possibly the last one) it'll stick a number in
front of every line.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="package"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Another Reply to &quot;What Packages Do I Need?&quot;
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 20:17:26 +0900<br>
From: Matt Gushee <a href="mailto:matt@it.osha.sut.ac.jp">matt@it.osha.sut.ac.jp</a>
About getting rid of X components, Michael Hammel wrote that &quot;...you
still need to hang onto the X applications (/usr/X11R6/bin/*).&quot; We-e-ll,
I think that statement needs to be qualified. Although I'm in no sense
an X-pert, I've poked around and found quite a few non-essential
components: multiple versions of xclocks (wristwatches are more accurate
and give your eyes a quick break). Xedit (just use a text-mode editor in
an xterm). Fonts? I could be wrong, but I don't see any reason to have
both 75 and 100dpi fonts; and some distributions include Chinese &
Japanese fonts, which are BIG, and which not everyone needs. Anyway,
poking around for bits and pieces you can delete may not be the best use
of your time, but the point is that X seems to be packaged with a very
broad brush. By the way, I run Red Hat, but I just installed the new
(non-rpm) XFree86 3.3 distribution--and I notice that Red Hat packages
many of the non-essential client programs in a separate contrib
package, while the Xfree86 group puts them all in the main bin/ package.
<p>Here's another, maybe better idea for freeing up disk space: do you have
a.out shared libraries? If you run only recent software, you may not
need them. I got rid of my a.out libs several months ago, and have
installed dozens of programs since then, and only one needed a.out (and
that one turned out not to have the features I needed anyway). Of
course, I have the RedHat CD handy so I can reinstall them in a moment
if I ever really need them.
<p>That's my .02 .<br>
--Matt Gushee
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="exec"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Grepping Files in a Tree with -exec
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 09:46:33 -0400 (EDT)<br>
From: Clayton L. Hynfield <a href="mailto:hynfiecl@mnemo.mcs.muohio.edu">hynfiecl@mnemo.mcs.muohio.edu</a><br>
Don't forget about find's -exec option:
<pre>find . -type f -exec grep foo {} \;</pre>
<p>Clayton L. Hynfield
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="virtual"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
How Do You Un-Virtual a Virtual Screen?
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 97 15:08:39 +1000<br>
From: Stuart Lamble <a href="mailto:lamble@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au">lamble@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au</a><br>
With regards to changing the size of the X screen, I assume you're using
XFree86. XFree will make your virtual screen size the larger of:
*the specified virtual screen size
*the _largest_ resolution you _might_ use with your video card
(specified in 'Section &quot;Screen&quot;').
<p>Open your XF86Config file in any text editor (ae, vi, emacs, jed, joe, ...)
_as root_. (You need to be able to write it back out again.) Search for
&quot;Screen&quot; (this is, IIRC, case insensitive, so for example, under vi, you'd
yeah, yeah, I know there's some switch somewhere that makes the search
case insensitive (or if there isn't, there _should_ be :), but I can't
remember it offhand; I don't have much use for such a thing.)
<p>You'll see something like:
Section &quot;Screen&quot;
Driver &quot;accel&quot;
Device &quot;S3 Trio64V+ (generic)&quot;
Monitor &quot;My Monitor&quot;
Subsection &quot;Display&quot;
Depth 8
Modes &quot;1024x768&quot; &quot;800x600&quot; &quot;640x480&quot;
ViewPort 0 0
Virtual 1024 768
Subsection &quot;Display&quot;
Depth 16
Modes &quot;800x600&quot; &quot;640x480&quot;
ViewPort 0 0
Virtual 800 600
Subsection &quot;Display&quot;
Depth 24
Modes &quot;640x480&quot;
ViewPort 0 0
Virtual 640 480
(this is taken from a machine I use on occasion at work.)
<p>The first thing to check is the lines starting with Virtual. If you want
the virtual resolution to be the same as the screen size, it's easy to do -
just get rid of the Virtual line, and it'll be set to the highest
resolution listed in the relevant Modes line. (In this case, for 24bpp,
it would be 640x480; at 16bpp, 800x600; at 8bpp, 1024x768.) Just be
aware that if you've got a 1600x1200 mode at the relevant depth listed,
the virtual screen size will stay at 1600x1200. You'd need to get rid of
the higher resolution modes in this case.
<p>I would strongly recommend you make a backup of your XF86Config file
before you mess around with it, though. It's working at the moment;
you want to keep it that way :-)
<p>All of this is, of course, completely incorrect for MetroX, or any other
commercial X server for Linux.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="size"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
File Size Again...
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 13:13:29 -0400 (EDT)<br>
From: Tim Newsome <a href="mailto:drz@froody.bloke.com">drz@froody.bloke.com</a>
<p>Since nobody has mentioned it yet: procps (at least version 1.01) comes with a
very useful utility named watch. You can give it a command line which it will
execute every 2 seconds. So, to keep track of file size, all you really need
watch ls -l filename
Or if you're curious as to who's logged on:
watch w
You can change the interval with the -n flag, so to pop up a different fortune
every 20 seconds, run:
watch -n 20 fortune
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="syslog"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
syslog Thing
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 14:50:08 -0400<br>
From: Ian Quick <a href="mailto:ian@dot.superaje.com">ian@dot.superaje.com</a>
I don't know if this is very popular but my friend once told me a way
to put your syslog messages on a virtual console. First make sure that
you have the dev for what console you want. (I run RedHat 4.0 and they
have them up tty12). Then edit your syslog.conf file and add *.* &lt;put a
few tabs for format&gt; /dev/tty12. Reboot and TA DA! just hit alt-F12 and
there are you messages logged to a console.
<p>-Ian Quick
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="ascii"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Ascii Problems with FTP
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 15:59:39 -0600 (CST)<br>
From: Terrence Martin <a href="mailto:twm139@missing.link.ca">twm139@missing.link.ca</a>
This is a common problem that occurs with many of our Windows users when
they upload html and perl cgi stuff to our web server.
<p>The real fix for this has been available for years in ftp clients
themselves. Every ftp client should have support for both 'Binary or type
I' and 'Ascii or type 2' uploads/downloads. By selecting or toggling this
option to Ascii mode (say in ws_ftp) the dos format text files are
automagically translated to unix style without the ^M. Note you definitely
do not want to transfer binary type files like apps or programs as this
translation will corrupt them.
Terrence Martin
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="squake"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Running Squake from Inside X
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 00:27:49 -0400<br>
From: Joey Hess <a href="mailto:joey@kite.ml.org">joey@kite.ml.org</a>
I use X 99% of the time, and I was getting tired of the routine of
CTRL-ALT-F1; log in; run squake; exit; switch back to X that I had to
go through every time I wanted to run squake. So I decided to add an
entry for squake to my fvwm menus. To make that work, I had to write a
script, I hope someone else finds this useful, I call it <B>runvc</B>:
# Run something on a VC, from X, and switch back to X when done.
# GPL Joey Hess, Thu, 10 Jul 1997 23:27:08 -0400
exec open -s -- sh -c &quot;$* ; chvt `getvc`&quot;
Now, I can just type <tt>runvc squake</tt> (or pick my fvwm menu entry that
does the same) and instantly be playing squake, and as soon as I quit
squake, I'm dumped back into X. Of course, it works equally well for
any other program you need to run at the console.
<p>Runvc is a one-liner, but it took me some time to get it working
right, so here's an explanation of what's going on. First, the
<tt>open -s</tt> command is used to switch to another virtual console (VC)
and run a program. By default, it's going to switch to the next unused
VC, which is probably VC 8 or 9. The -s has to be there to make open
actually change to that console.
<p>Next, the text after the <tt>--</tt> is the command that open runs. I want
open to run 2 commands, so I have to make a small shell script, and
this is the <tt>sh -c &quot;...&quot;</tt> part. Inside the quotes, I place $*, which
actually handles running squake or whatever program you told runvc to
<p>Finally, we've run the command and nothing remains but to switch back
to X. This is the hard part. If you're not in X, you can use something
like <tt>open -w -s -- squake</tt> and open will run squake on a new VC, wait
for it to exit, and then automatically switch back to the VC you ran
it from. But if you try this from inside X, it just doesn't work. So I
had to come up with another method to switch back to X. I found that
the <tt>chvt</tt> command was able to switch back from the console to X, so I
used it.
<p>Chvt requires that you pass it the number of the VC to switch to. I
could just hard code in the number of the VC that X runs on on my
system, and do <tt>chvt 7</tt>, but this isn't portable, and I'd have to
update the script if this ever changed. So I wrote a program named
'getvc' that prints out the current VC. Getvc is actually run first,
before any of the rest of the runvc command line, because it's
enclosed in backticks. So getvc prints out the number of the VC that X
is running on and that value is stored, then the rest of the runvc
command line gets run, and eventually that value is passed to chvt,
which finally switches you back into X.
<p>Well, that's all there is to runvc. Here's where you can get the
programs used by it:
<li><b>open</b>: In the open package, from
<a href="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/console/open-1.4.tgz">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/console/open-1.4.tgz</a>
<li><b>chvt</b>: Part of the kbd package, from
<a href="ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus/kbd-0.94.tar.gz">ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/PEOPLE/Linux/kdb-0.94.tar.gz</a>
<li><b>getvc</b>: I wrote this one, here's the source code, it's easy to
compile. I won't go into how it works, because I don't
understand it well - I just stole code from somewhere else and
hacked it to do what I wanted.
/* getvc.c
* Prints the number of the current VC to stdout. Most of this code
* was ripped from the open program, and this code is GPL'd
* Joey Hess, Fri Apr 4 14:58:50 EST 1997
#include &lt;sys/vt.h&gt;
#include &lt;fcntl.h&gt;
main () {
int fd = 0;
struct vt_stat vt;
if ((fd = open(&quot;/dev/console&quot;,O_WRONLY,0)) < 0) {
perror(&quot;Failed to open /dev/console\n&quot;);
if (ioctl(fd, VT_GETSTATE, &vt) < 0) {
perror(&quot;can't get VTstate\n&quot;);
/* End of getvc.c */</pre>
<p>I hope this tip isn't too long!
see shy jo
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="copying"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Copying a Tree of Files
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 00:33:48 +0200 (SAT)<br>
From: <a href="mailto:ixion@ilink.nis.za">ixion@ilink.nis.za</a>
<p>First of all, I want to congratulate you with your fine magazine.
Although I've been around for quite some time and known about the
existance of LG, I've never had the time (or should I say I have been
to ignorant) to read it. Well, I finally sat down and started reading
all the issues and I must say I'm impressed. Therefore I decided I
would show my gratitude by showing you some of my 2c Tips. Enjoy...
# Quick way to copy a tree of files from one place to another
----&lt; cptree &lt;----
if [ $# = 2 ]
(cd $1; tar cf - .) | (mkdir $2; cd $2; tar xvfp -)
echo &quot;USAGE: &quot;`basename $0`&quot; &lt;source_directory&gt; &lt;dest_directory&gt;&quot;
exit 1
----&lt; cptree &lt;----
# Quick way to move a tree of files from one place to another
----< mvtree <----
if [ $# = 2 ]
(cd $1; tar cf - .) | (mkdir $2; cd $2; tar xvfp -)
rm -rf $1
echo &quot;USAGE: &quot;`basename $0`&quot; &lt;source_directory&gt; &lt;dest_directory&gt;&quot;
exit 1
----&lt; mvtree &lt;----
# Rename numeric files (1.*, 2.*, 3.*, etc.) to it's correct numeric
# equivalents (01.*, 02.*, 03.*, etc.). Useful to prevent incorrect wild
# card matching
----< fixnum <----
if [ $# = 0 ]
FILELIST=`ls {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.mp3` 2> /dev/null
chmod -x *
if [ -e $MPFILE ]; then mv $MPFILE &quot;`echo &quot;0$MPFILE&quot;`&quot;; fi
----< fixnum <----
# This one strips the given file name from it's extension (i.e. &quot;file.txt&quot;
# would become &quot;file&quot;
----< cutbase <----
if [ $# = 1 ]
dotpos=`expr index $1 &quot;.&quot;`
if [ $dotpos -gt 0 ]
dotpos=`expr $dotpos - 1`
stripfile=`expr substr $1 1 $dotpos`
echo $stripfile
echo &quot; USAGE: `basename $0` &lt;filename&gt;&quot;
exit 1
----&lt; cutbase &lt;----
# If you're desperately looking for a file containing something and you
# don't have a clue where to start looking, this one might be for you.
# It greps through all the files in the given directory tree for the given
# keyword and list all the files. For example: grepall /usr/doc PAP secrets
----< grepall <----
if [ $# = 0 ]
find $DIR -type f -exec grep -lie &quot;$@&quot; {} \; | less
----< grepall <----
# You might have seen some of the xterm titlebar tips posted in LG. Here
# is my variation of the theme. I like my xterm to keep it's title that
# I've either specified on the command-line or the name of the program
# and after I've run programs like Midnight Commander, that's changes the
# titlebar, I want it restored to it's old value. Here is my way of doing
# it. Just put the code in /etc/profile or ~/.profile or whatever startup
# file you use...
----< Titlebar 2c tip <----
if [ $TERM = &quot;xterm&quot; -o $TERM = &quot;xterm-color&quot; -o $TERM = &quot;rxvt&quot; ]
function TitlebarString()
local FOUND=0
local PIDTXT=`ps | grep $PPID`
if [ $FOUND = 1 ]; then break; fi
if [ $WORDS = &quot;-T&quot; ]; then export FOUND=1; fi
if [ $FOUND = 0 ]
WORDS=`(for TMP in $PIDTXT;do echo -n $TMP&quot; &quot;;done) | cut -f5 -d&quot; &quot;`
if [ &quot;`echo $WORDS | grep -i xterm`&quot; != &quot;&quot; ]; then WORDS=&quot;xterm&quot;; fi
echo -n $WORDS
unset WORDS
if [ $COLORTERM -a $COLORTERM = &quot;rxvt-xpm&quot; ]
alias mc='mc -c;echo -ne &quot;\033[m\033]0;`TitlebarString`\007&quot;'
alias mc='mc -c;echo -ne &quot;\033]0;`TitlebarString`\007&quot;'
----< Titlebar 2c tip <----
# This is an add-on for du. It shows the total disk usage in bytes,
# kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes (I thought terabytes wouldn't be
# necessary (: )
----< space <----
BYTES=`du -bs | cut -f1` 2> /dev/null
if [ $BYTES -lt 0 ]
KBYTES=`du -ks | cut -f1` 2> /dev/null
KBYTES=`expr $BYTES / 1024`
MBYTES=`expr $KBYTES / 1024`
GBYTES=`expr $MBYTES / 1024`
echo &quot;&quot;
if [ $BYTES -gt 0 ]; then echo &quot; $BYTES bytes&quot;; fi
if [ $KBYTES -gt 0 ]; then echo &quot; $KBYTES KB&quot;; fi
if [ $MBYTES -gt 0 ]; then echo &quot; $MBYTES MB&quot;; fi
if [ $GBYTES -gt 0 ]; then echo &quot; $GBYTES GB&quot;; fi
echo &quot;&quot;
----< space <----
# A scripty to unzip all zipfiles specified or all those in the current
# directory and remove the orginal ones (Remember that GNU zip/unzip
# doesn't support wildcards)
----< unzipall <----
if [ $# = 0 ]
ZIPLIST=`ls *.zip` 2> /dev/null
unzip -L $ZIPFILE
rm -f $ZIPLIST 2> /dev/null
----< unzipall <----
# Zip all the files in the current directory seperately and wipe the
# original files. Zip's them in a dos style (i.e. hungry.txt would
# be zipped to hungry.zip and not hungry.txt.zip)
----< zipall <----
function stripadd ()
local dotpos=`expr index $1 &quot;.&quot;`
if [ $dotpos -gt 0 ]
dotpos=`expr $dotpos - 1`
local stripfile=`expr substr $1 1 $dotpos`
local stripfile=$1
echo $stripfile&quot;.zip&quot;
function ziplist ()
for zipfile in &quot;$@&quot;
zip -9 `stripadd $zipfile` $zipfile
rm $zipfile
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
ziplist &quot;$@&quot;
ziplist `ls`
----< zipall <----
<p>Okay, now for some Window manager tips. Since '95 microsoft has launched
a '95 keyboard campaign and in the process a lot of people (including me)
have ended up with keyboards containing those silly, useless buttons.
Luckily I've put them to good use. To give them the same functions in your
window manager as in doze 95, just follow the instructions:
Edit ~/.Xmodmap and add the following lines:
keycode 115 = F30
keycode 116 = F31
keycode 117 = F32
<p>Now, edit your window manager configuration file and bind those keys. Here
is the proper keybindings for fvwm95 and afterstep respectively
# Fvwm95 (edit ~/.fvwm2rc95)
Key F30 A A CirculateDown
Key F31 A A CirculateUp
Key F32 A A PopUp &quot;Utilities&quot;
# Afterstep (edit ~/.steprc)
Key F30 A A CirculateDown
Key F31 A A CirculateUp
Key F32 A A PopUp &quot;HotList&quot;
<p>Just remember that PopUp &quot;Utilities&quot; and PopUp &quot;HotList&quot; should be replaced
by your actual popup menus. If you don't known what I'm talking about, just
browse through your configuration file and read the comments - It'll become
clear very soon.
<p>I guess that's all for now. I've got some other (more useful) scripts and
tips, but they are either system specific or just to large to include here
and if I don't stop now, you'll need a seperate issue just for my tips.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="shar"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Using shar + RCS to Backup Set of Source Files
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 09:28:24 -0300<br>
From: Mario Storti <a href="mailto:mstorti@minerva.unl.edu.ar">mstorti@minerva.unl.edu.ar</a>
Hi, RCS (see rcs(1)) is a very useful tool that allows to store
versions of a file by storing only the differences between successive
versions. In this way I can make a large amounts of backups of my
source files but with a negligible amount of storage. I use it all the
time, even for TeX files!! However, when you are working with a set
of source files (*.c, shell or Perl scripts, I work mainly with
Fortran .f and Octave *.m files) what I want is to make backups of the
whole set of files in such a way that you can recover the state of the
whole package at a given time. I know that there is a script called
<B>rcsfreeze</B> around, but I know that it has problems, for instance if
you rename, delete or create new files, it is not guaranteed to
recover the same state of the whole set.
<p>I found a solution that seems to be simpler and is working for me: I
make a `shar' of the files and then a version control of the shar
file. (see shar(1)). Shar is a file that packs a set of text files in
a single text file. It has been used since a long time to send set of
files by e-mail.
<p>It would be easy to write a script for this, but I prefer to include
the shell code in a Makefile. The commands to be issued each time you
want to make a backup are:
$ co -l source.shar
$ shar *.m Makefile >source.shar
$ ci -m&quot;save package&quot; source.shar
<p>Here *.m and Makefile is the set of files that I want to backup
<p>(I want to point out that RCS version control is far beyond the simple
fact of making backups: It serves to manage files to be worked by
different people, etc... Here I'm using a very small subset of the
utilities of RCS.)
<p>Hope this could be of use for someone else. It would be nice also to
hear of other solutions,
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="learning"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
Learning Experience
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:53:31 -0500<br>
From: Debie Scholz <a href="mailto:debie@sirinet.net">debie@sirinet.net</a><br>
If you have a ps2 style mouse and the /dev/psaux gets deleted you must do a
MAKEDEV busmice but it doesnt make a psaux it makes a psmouse so you must
make a symbolic link to psaux.;
<p>Debie Scholz<br>
Sirius Systems Group, Inc.<br>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="comments"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
LG #19, Grepping Files Comments
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:35:46 +0200 (MET DST)<br>
From: Werner Fleck <a href="mailto:Werner.Fleck@prompt.de">Werner.Fleck@prompt.de</a>
I have read all the 2c tips on grepping files in a directory tree but I think
all missed the ultimate tool for this: a perl script named ``mg''. With this
you can:
<li>grep in many types of compresses archieved files e.g. tar'ed, ar'ed,
compressed, gzip'ed, zoo'ed, lha'ed...
<li>grep binary files
<li>grep only text files
<li>recursive grep in a directory tree
<li>filename pattern matching
<li>regular expresions
<li>option case insensitive match
<li>and many many more
<p>Although it is written in perl it is very fast - I used it now for many years
and it works wonderful for me.
<p>FTP search results
<p>Hardware by Opticom ASA, ITEA and IDI. Network by UNINETT.
This server is located in Trondheim, Norway
<p>&quot;Exact search&quot; for &quot;mg-2.16&quot;
1 -r--r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 2 ftp.nuie.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2 -rw-r--r-- 38.8K 1995 Nov 16 ftp.et-inf.fho-emden.de
3 -rw-r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 3 ftp.hipecs.hokudai.ac.jp
4 -rw-r--r-- 38.8K 1997 Mar 4 ftp.st.ryukoku.ac.jp /pub/lang/perl/mg-2.16
5 -r--r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 2 ftp.elelab.nsc.co.jp
6 -r--r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 3 ftp.sra.co.jp
7 -r--r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 3 ftp.sra.co.jp
8 -rw-r--r-- 38.8K 1995 Nov 16 ftp.fujitsu.co.jp
9 -r--r--r-- 38.8K 1996 Oct 2 ftp.eos.hokudai.ac.jp
9 reported hits
0.018 seconds prospero
0.018 seconds HTTP
0 partial writes.
<p>FTP search, Copyright <20> 1994-1997 Tor Egge
<p>Greetings, Werner
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in Linux Gazette Issue 20, August 1997</center>
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Copyright &copy; 1997 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
<H4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;</H4>
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SAL--Scientific Applications on Linux
<p>If you are looking for a great collection of software information relating
to science and engineering be sure to take a look at <a
href="http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM">SAL</a> -- the Scientific
applications on Linux page. The page contains broad converage of different
advancements adn points of interest in the Linux community. There are
currently 1250 software entries at the SAL page! Luckily if you are looking
for something specific, you may choose to search the Linux Applications.
There are also sections which will help you find what you need. There are
sections from Mathematics to Office Software and Numerical Analysis to
Computer Graphics. Not only can you roam around the page looking at all
of the applications, but you have a chance to make contributions of your
own to the page. Don't miss the new and improved SAL at <a
href="http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM">http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM</a>. You'll be
happy you visited.
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Readers' Choice Awards
<p>Vote in Linux Journal's 1997 Readers' Choice Awards!
<p>Linux Journal, the Premier Linux Magazine, is conducting its annual poll of
Linux users. Vote for your favorites in twenty different categories
including: Most desired upgrade, favorite shell and most indispensible Linux
<p>The voting will take place on the Linux Journal web site from July 11th
through August 26th. To place your vote simply go to
<a href="http://www.ssc.com/lj/readchoice.html">http://www.ssc.com/lj/readchoice.html</a> and follow the directions there. Please
do not submit more than one form because all duplicate entries will be
<p>Results will be published in the December issue of Linux Journal (on
newsstands early November).
<p>Subscriptions to Linux Journal are available by calling our toll free number
(in the US/Canada) 888 66 LINUX or over our web page at
<a href="http://www.ssc.com/lj/">http://www.ssc.com/lj/</a>.
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Check Out This Site!
<p>Take a look at <a href="http://www.m-tech.ab.ca/linux-biz/">http://www.m-tech.ab.ca/linux-biz</a>. This page contains a
list of commercial sites that use Linux for business. Check out all of the
Linux users at work!
<a name="software"></a>
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<center><H3> Software Announcements </H3></center>
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<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
Evolution Scheduler
<p>Check out Evolution Scheduler. The Evolution Scheduler is based on
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Programming.
This scheduler can live with original Linux priority scheduler.
This means you don't have to reboot to change the scheduling
policy. You may switch between them at any time just by a simple
command, say, <pre>esep -cp 3</pre>.
<p>A manager program esep(Evolution Scheduling
and Evolving Processes), with which you can do scheduling
administration job is provided.
<p>If you are interested, see
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/kernel">http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/kernel</a>
looking for "esep-1.2.tgz" and "esep-1.2.lsm"
or visit Jinlong Lin's homepage at
<a href="http://www.iit.edu/~linjinl/esep.html">http://www.iit.edu/~linjinl/esep.html</a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
Make sure you get a peek at<a href="http://kite.ml.org/programs/alien">Alien</a>, a new
program that convert between the rpm, dpkg adn slackware tgz file formats.
In order to use Alien you need Perl 5 or greater and the Getopt::Long perl
module installed in your system. Take a look!
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
Take a look at Apache-SSL. It is a secure web server based on Apache and
SSLeay. It is free for use with copyright notices and you can get it at
<a href="ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/SSL">The Oxford University FTP
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
GNU Midnight Commander
<p>The GNU Midnight Commander is a Unix file manager and shell, useful
to novice and guru alikes. Version 4.0 has many enhancements.
See <a href="http://mc.blackdown.org/mc4">http://mc.blackdown.org/mc4</a> for the list of seventy download
<p>GNU Midnight Commander is also included on most CD-ROMs containing
GNU software and we expect the publishers of these CD-ROMs to
include MC version 4.0 when they publish a next version of their
<p>See also the GNU Midnight Commander website at
<a href="http://mc.blackdown.org/mc/">http://mc.blackdown.org/mc/</a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<p>Watchdog is a daemon that checks if your system is still working. If
programs in user space are not longer executed it will reboot the system.
<p>A few new features in 3.0 include:
<li>Test the system load average and reboot if it is too high.
<li>Added network mode: soft reboot is initiated if a given
network/host does not answer.
<li>Use user provided test binary.
<li>Halt the system if temperature is too high, but send mail to the
sysadmin prior doing that.
<p>Watchdog is available from:
tsx-11.mit.edu /pub/linux/sources/sbin
sunsite.unc.edu /pub/linux/system/daemons
ftp.debian.org /pub/debian/development/source/misc
<p>As of the end of July, O'Reilly and Associates have the domain
http://www.oreilly.com. The company figured it would be easier to
remember than their previous domain. Check out their site!
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in Linux Gazette Issue 20, August 1997</center>
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<H4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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The Answer Guy
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<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:jimd@starshine.org">jimd@starshine.org</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services, <A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">
http://www.starshine.org/</A> </H4>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#securityiss">Security Issues</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#thingies">All Those Little % Thingies</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#nt">Follow-Up to NT and Linux Article</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#active">Active X for Linux/Unix</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#mounting">Mounting Disks Under Red Hat 4.0</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#ppp">PPP Problems</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#protocol">Z Protocol</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#video">Video Cards</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#zip">Linux and Zip Drives</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#redhat">Red Hat CD Problem</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#cookies">Cookies</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#disc">New Hard Disc</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#crashes">Random Crashes</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#slackware">gcc and Slackware Question</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#lilo">LILO</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#print">Printing Problems</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#support">Linux Disk Support</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#renaming">Renaming Problems</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#monitor">X Locks Monitor</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#security">Using JDK 1.1 for Solaris x86 on Linux</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#colormap">Colormap Question</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#lilo2">More on LILO</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#gui">95 GUI</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#thanks">A Letter of Thanks</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#card">STO/1/O2 SCSI Card</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#booting">Booting Linux</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_answer20.html#panics">Kernel Panics on root fs</a>
<a name="securityiss"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Security Issues
<P> <B>
From: Marcus Hufvudsson <a href="mailto:talos@algonet.se">talos@algonet.se</a>
<p>Greetings Linux guru!
<p>I recently read the Linux Journal May edition and some people had some
serious security problems. I got some of them to, and in your answer to
one you recommended the "Tripwire" program for more security. I hope you
don't mind me mailing you (got the address from the article). Anyway you
recommend ftp.cs.perdue.edu for downloading. But when I tried to connect it
didn't respond. Do you know any mirrors or any other ftp that contains
Linux security tools?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
- talos (root today, gone tomorrow)
<p> There was a typo in that article. It WAS supposed to be
ftp.cs.purdue.edu -- but is now supposed to be at
<a href="ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/COAST">ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/COAST</a> (they've been moved).
<p> Here's the full URL to Tripwire:
<a href="ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/COAST/Tripwire/">ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/COAST/Tripwire</a>
<p> You should definitely browse around and read some of the
other papers -- and try some of the other tools out there
at the COAST (computer operations and security tools?) archive.
<p> Sadly it seems to be neglected -- the whole "tools_new" tree
is dated "October, 1995" and is empty.
<p> All of the good stuff there is under:
<a href="ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/">ftp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix</a>
(including symlinks that lead back to the Tripwire package).
<p> Apparently they don't do anything with the FTP site because
the real work as gone into their web pages at:
<a href="http://www.cs.purdue.edu/coast/archive/Archive_Indexing.html">http://www.cs.purdue.edu/coast/archive/Archive_Indexing.html</a>
<p> Another more recent effort which will be of more direct
interest to Linux admins is:
<a href="http://skynet.ul.ie/~flynng/security/">http://skynet.ul.ie/!flynng/security/</a>The
Irish Computer Security Archives</a>
... with the following being of particular interest:
<a href="http://skynet.ul.ie/~flynng/security/bugs/linux/">http://skynet.ul.ie/~flynng/security/bugs/linux/</a>
... and:
<a href="http://skynet.ul.ie/~flynng/security/tools/">http://skynet.ul.ie/~flynng/security/tools</a>
<p>Another good site (recently moved) is at:
<a href="http://www.aoy.com/Linux/Security">http://www.aoy.com/Linux/Security</a>The
Linux Security WWW</a>
... where I particularly like:
<a href="http://www.aoy.com/Linux/Security/OtherSecurityLinks.html">http://www.aoy.com/Linux/Security/OtherSecurityLinks.html</a>
<p> One of these days I'm going to annotate the 600 or so links
in my main lynx_bookmarks file and post it to my own web pages.
But -- not this morning (3 am).
<p> I spend so much time doing TAG (The Answer Guy) and other
mailing list and newsgroup stuff that I never get to my own
web pages. However the patch that I created to allow Tripwire
to compile cleanly under Linux is on
<a href="ftp://ftp.starshine.org/pub/tripwire-linux.patch">my ftp site</a> and a link
can be found somewhere under <a href="http://www.starshine.org/linux/">http://www.starshine.org/linux/</a>
(I really have to organize those pages one of these days).
<a name="thingies"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
All Those Little % Thingies
<P> <B>
To: Jonathan Albrecht <a href="mailto:albrecht@algorithmics.com">albrecht@algorithmics.com</a>
<p>When setting your prompt or dates or app-defaults you sometimes need
those little %N, or %d, or %m substitution thingies. What are they and
where can I get a list of what they mean?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
They are "replaceable parameters" and are used by a variety
of shells and applications.
<p> They differ for each shell or application. For example
I use bash -- and my prompt is:
<pre> PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$
<p> Which looks like:
<pre> [jimd@antares jimd]$</pre>
<p> When I'm in my home directory and logged in as jimd
and would look like:
<pre> [root@main local]#</pre>
<p> If I was 'root' on the host "main" and in the /usr/local
<p> <B>zsh</B>, and <B>tcsh</B> also have similar "meta sequences" for their
shell prompts. Just read the man pages for your shell and
search for "prompt."
<p> X app-default and other xrdb (X Windows resource database)
entries are pretty mysterious to me. But I imagine that
the info about these sequences is mostly in their man pages
somewhere. I'm sure it's all in the sources.
<p> The %d syntax is most often seen in the C programming language's
printf() and scanf() functions. There are various "format
specifiers" that dictate how a particular argument will be
formatted. This includes information about whether a value
will be displayed as a decimal number, a string, a hexadecimal
value -- and how wide the field will be, whether it will be
left or right justified -- etc. The \c syntax is also used
in C for inserting "non-printing" characters -- like newlines,
tabs, and for specifying ASCII characters by octal or hexadecimal
<p> Since programmers are used to this syntax in their code they
often use a similar syntax when they write scripting languages
(shells) and when they design the configuration file syntax
for their applications.
<p> I'm sorry there's no "single source" or reference of all of
these. However there isn't. You'll just have to hunt through
the docs and man pages for easy of the apps and utilities that
you're interested in.
<a name="nt"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Follow-up To NT and Linux Article
<P> <B>
From: Cyrille Chepelov <a href="mailto:chepelov@rip.ens-cachan.fr">chepelov@rip.ens-cachan.fr</a>
<p>So far I've had the good sense to stay away from striping
under NT and Linux. I've heard that the ccd code for
FreeBSD is pretty stable, though.
<p>Well, my linux partition is used <5% of the overall time, but sometime I
need it to figure things -- once the "small" problem with disks ID was
solved, there are no cohabitation problems between NT and Linux.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
This sounds like a typically ignorant design decision.
It seems to say to the world:
<p> "Standards are for weaklings -- we don't
need to follow them -- even when we created them!"
<p><b><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Sure, even if they did it unilaterally, it was up to them to at
least loudly publicize what they did.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I disagree. "Unilateral" is completely anathema to
"Industry Standards." It is totally arrogant to speak
for an industry.
<p> (We won't cover the issue of government regulatory bodies
making determinations in a "unilateral" way -- since those
aren't "industry standards" they are "government regulations").
<p> Publicizing that you are violating industry standards
doesn't improve interoperability. What other reason is
there to create and publish a "standard" (even an
ad hoc one).
<p> If they think there's a real need to put proprietary
information in the very first sector of the disk (the
spot reserved for the MBR -- then perhaps they should
announce that these disks won't have PC partitions at
all. It then becomes a "all NT or nothing" decision for
each disk.
<p> I don't think there is such a need -- and I think their
approach displays either a gross lack of consideration,
creativity and foresight -- OR -- a deliberate act of
hostility to those unruly customers who would dare use
any "other" operating systems on "their" NT boxes (or
maybe a little of each -- some from the programmers and
some of the QA teams).
<p> Microsoft can cop out with a line like: "We don't intend
that NT Servers should be installed systems with other
operating systems -- it is intended for dedicated systems."
<p> It would irritate me. But I'm not one of their "important"
customers anyway. Since most platforms outside of the PC
market have an OS that's supplied by the vendor -- there isn't
an expectation that those system will allow multiple operating
systems to co-exist on the system (much less on the same drive).
<p> However, in the PC market there is that expectation -- and
has been for over fifteen years. IBM and Microsoft created
that expectation (to co-exist with CP/M-86 and the UCSD p-system
if my memory and reading of the history is correct).
<p> Naturally the obvious place to put this sort of information
would be in the logical boot record (what Unix/Linux refers
to as a "Superblock"). This would only cost NT's code
a few extra disk seeks at boot time -- seeks that it
has to do anyway.
<p>The reason (IMHO) why they put it in the MBR is that even an unpartitioned
disk gets its ID. The ID is here for the disk, not the partition -- so it
makes less sense to put it in the S-block (even if that sounds safer,
cohabitation-wise. Those IDs are what they are -- disk IDs, not partition
<p> Classically an OS should ignore an unpartitioned disk.
Why should the disk have an ID if it has no partition?
If the purpose is to provide unique identification of
filesystems so that the striping and mounting mechanisms
won't fail as new drives are added to the system -- then
you need a partition ID -- and you don't care about
disk ID's at all. Additionally you want enough information
stored in that ID to minimize the chance of inadvertent
duplication and collision (for cases when we move a drive
from one system to another).
<p> Finally your mounting/mapping utilities should be robust
enough to allow you to mount any of these stripe segments
and get what you can off of them.
<p> This sounds robust. NOT!
Just what I want -- double the failure points for every volume.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
<p>Regardless of the OS, whenever you stripe, you double the possibility of
not being able to mount. Not mounting at all (or mounting read-only) when
something goes wrong can not be a blamable decision ! (and in the case of
striped sets, mounting r-o makes little sense, since all structures are
dispatched on both disks)
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I can certainly "blame" a company for any deficiency
that I perceive in their software. I select software to
meet *my* requirements. Therefore I am the ultimate judge
of what is a "deficiency."
<p> My requirements for striping say that the loss of one
segment or element in a striped set should not entail
the loss of the data on the remaining segments. If no
currently available striping system meets that requirement
I'll avoid the use of the technology.
<p> This means that a striping system should distribute
"superblocks" and inode and directory entries in such
a way as to keep them localized to the same segment
as the data to which they apply (or duplicated on all
<p> (I realize that duplicating directory information
on all segments may be costly -- and I understand
that data files may cross multiple segments. Those
are implementation details for the author(s) of the
file system).
<p> Out of curiosity: How many different striping systems
have you used? The phrase "Regardless of the OS" seems
awfully broad.
<p> I will plead complete inexperience with them. My
take on the term is that it refers to any technique of
making multiple drives appear as a single file system
(or volume) that doesn't involve redundancy (RAID) or
duplication (mirroring/duplexing).
<p> Is there a standard that specifies more implementation
details? (i.e. does my set of requirement some how
NOT qualify as a "striping" system).
<p> Well, now that Microsoft has "spoken" we're probably all
stuck with this [expletive omitted] forever. Please
consider mailing a copy of your message and your
patches to the LILO and fdisk maintainers.
<p>The problem is : where are they (I tried to send it once, a few month ago,
to an address which was given me as W. Almesberger's, but to no avail).
<p> In my fdisk man page I see the following (under Authors):
<P><a href="mailto:LeBlanc@mcc.ac.uk">A.V. Le Blanc</a>.
v1.0r: SCSI and extfs support added by
<a href="mailto:faith@cs.unc.edu">Rik Faith</a>.
v1.1r: Bug fixes and enhancements by Rik Faith,
with special thanks to
<a href="mailto:i1041905@ws.rz.tu-bs.de">Michael Bischoff</a>.
v1.3: Latest enhancements and bug fixes by A. V. Le Blanc,
including the addition of the -s option. v2.0: Disks
larger than 2GB are now fully supported, thanks to Remy
Card's llseek support.
<p> So it would seem that Rik Faith, Mr. Le Blanc, Michael
Bischoff would be good choices.
<p> The address I see for Werner Almesberger is:
<a href="mailto:almesber@bernina.ethz.ch">almesber@bernina.ethz.ch</a>
(from the lilo (8) man page).
<p> If that gets no response than I'd post notes to
comp.os.linux.development to see who is maintaining
the code.
<a name="active"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
ActiveX for Linux/Unix
<P> <B>
From: Anders Karlsson <a href="mailto:andersk@lysator.liu.se">andersk@lysator.liu.se</a>
<p> Hi, I read an article in the Linux Gazette where the author hadn't found
any evidence for the rumors about ActiveX for Unix. By mistake I found
a press release from M$ about this.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I believe what I said was that I had heard the same rumor
-- but that the search engine at www.microsoft.com couldn't
find any reference to Linux at all.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
I don't know who (if any) is interested in this, but you can find it on:
<a href="http://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/press/1997/mar97/unixpr.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/press/1997/mar97/unixpr.htm</a>
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Yes. I see. This basically says that the job was
farmed out to Software AG (http://www.sagus.com)
which has a release schedule at:
<p> DCOM Availability Schedule
<a href="http://www.sagus.com/Prod-i~1/Net-comp/dcom/dcom-avail.htm">http://www.sagus.com/Prod-i~1/Net-comp/dcom/dcom-avail.htm</a>
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Let's hope that this isn't the beginning of a new M$-invasion,
against a new platform or market, our Linux.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Luckily there's not much MS can do about Linux. They can't
"buy it out." -- They can pull various stupid stunts
(like tossing new values into partition tables, trashing
ext2 filesystems, even exerting pressure on hardware
manufacturers to develop and maintain proprietary adapters
that require Microsoft written drivers). These will just
make them less interoperable. IBM tried stunts like this
in the early days of the PC cloning.
<p> However I think the cat is out of the bag. All we as a
community have to do is clearly continue our own work.
When you buy a new computer -- as for Linux pre-installed
(even if you plan on re-installing it yourself). If you
don't plan to use Windows '95 or NT on it -- demand that
it not be included in the price of your system and --
failing that -- VOTE WITH YOUR FEET!
<p> Recently I saw an ad on CNN for Gateway. The ad went on
about all the options that were available and encouraged me
to call for a custom configured system. Since I'm actually
looking at getting a small system for my mother (no joke!)
I called and asked if they could pre-install Linux.
<p> Now I will hand it to the sales dude -- he didn't laugh and
he didn't stutter. He either knew what I was talking about
or covered up for it.
<p> Naturally the answer was: "No. We can't do that."
<p> There are places that can. Two that come to mind are:
<li><a href="http://www.varesearch.com">VA Research</a>
<li><a href="http://www.promox.com">PromoX</a>
<p> (Warning for Lynx users -- both of these sites use frames
and neither bothers to put real content in the
"noframes" section -- Yech!)
<p> There are several others -- just pick up any copy of
Linux Journal to find them.
<p> Granted this is a small niche now. However, it's so much
more than any of us back in alt.os.linux (before the
comp.os.linux.* hierarchy was established) thought was
possible just four years ago.
<p> Even two years ago the thought of buying a system and
putting Linux on it -- to send to my MOTHER (literally,
NO computer experience) would have been totally absurd.
Now it's just a little bit of a challenge.
<p> What's exciting to me is the prospect that Linux may
make it mostly irrelevant what hardware platform you
choose. Linux for the Alpha, for SPARC, and mkLinux for
PowerMacs gives us back choices -- at prices we can
dream of.
<p> It's easy to forget about the hardware half of the
"Wintel" cartel. However, the hardware platform
has had severe design flaws from the beginning.
Hopefully we'll see some real innovation in these
new hardware platforms. [The introduction of the
IBM PC back in '81 caused the "great CP/M shakeout."
It also caused me to take a 5 year hiatus from the
whole industry -- out of disgust with the poor design
of the platform. Even as a high school student I
saw these flaws]
<a name="mounting"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Mounting Disks Under RedHat 4.0
<P> <B>
From: Bruce W. Bigby <a href="mailto:bbigby@frontiernet.net">bbigby@frontiernet.net</a>
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Jim Dennis wrote:
<p>The really important question here is why you aren't asking
the support team at RedHat (or at least posting to their
"bugs@" address). This 'control-panel' is certainly
specific to Red Hat's package.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Well, I've tried communicating with RedHat and had problems. I
registered and everything and tried to get support via e-mail.
Something went wrong, although I followed their instructions, for
reporting problems, exactly. At the time, I was at work when I read
your web page and decided to give you a try. Thanks for all of the
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I hope it helped. I too have been unsatisfied with Red
Hat's level of support. Not that I expect alot of
complex personal attention for a package that only costs
$50 -- but I was calling representing the US Postal Service's
Data Processing Center -- and I was willing to put up about
$50/hr for the support call(s).
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Alas they just didn't have the infrastructure in place.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Yggdrasil has a 900 line for support -- and Adam Richter has
been doing Commercial Linux longer than just about anyone
else (SLS might have been there earlier -- but I haven't
heard anything about Soft Landing Systems in years).
<p> Yggdrasil also publishes _The_Linux_Bible_ and has a
video cassette tutorial on Linux. Unfortunately I haven't
installed a copy of their distribution, Plug and Play Linux,
for a couple of years. Slackware and later Red Hat seem to
have won the popularity contest in recent years -- and
<p> Unfortunately I've never used Yggdrasil's tech support
services. So I can't give a personal recommendation.
They do have two pricing plans ($2.95/min. US or $100 (US)
for one "guaranteed" issue resolved) and they do mention that
the support is available to Linux users regardless of what
distribution you're using.
<p> Usually I've managed to bang my head on problems hard
enough and long enough that they crack before I do. So I
haven't needed to call yet. One would hope that -- with
my "reputation" as "The Answer Guy" -- I'd be able to stump
them. However Adam Richter has been at this a lot longer than
I have -- and was selling Linux distributions before I'd even
heard of Linux -- when I was barely starting to play with a
used copy of Coherent. So, maybe the next time I have a
headache I'll give them a call. I think I'm still entitled
to one freebie for that subscription to Plug & Play from a
couple of years ago.
<p> Meanwhile, if anyone else has used this service -- or
has been using any other dial-in voice support service for
Linux -- please let me know. I'll try to collate the
opinions and post them in an upcoming issue of LG.
<p> For details look at:
<a href="http://www.yggdrasil.com/Support/tspolicy.html">http://www.yggdrasil.com/Support/tspolicy.html</a>
<p> [Note: I don't have any affiliation with Yggdrasil or any
other Linux vendor -- though several of them are located
within a few miles of my home and I do bump into principals
for a couple of them at local users groups and "geek" parties]
<p> Another company that offers Linux (and general Unix) support
and consulting is <a href="http://www.craftwork.com">Craftworks</a>
I've worked with a couple of their consultants before (when
I was a full time sys admin and they were providing some
on site expertise to handle some overflow). They don't mention
their prices up front (which forces me to suspect that they are
at least as expensive as I am). I'm also not sure if they are
available for short term (1 and 2 hour) "quickshots."
<p> I suppose I should also mention that I'm the proprietor of
Starshine Technical Services. My niche is providing support
and training for Linux and Unix system's administrators.
I also offer off site support contracts (voice, and dial-up
or via the Internet using ssh or STEL). Normally I don't
"push" my services in my contributions to Linux Gazette --
I just do this to keep me on my toes.
<a name="ppp"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
PPP Problems
<P> <B>
From: Chris Bradford <a href="mailto:reynard@gte.net">reynard@gte.net</a>
<p>I have tried and failed to get a fully working ppp link up with
GTE Internet Services. When I start pppd manually after dialing in
using MiniCom, it'll start the link, and ifconfig shows that it's up
and running.
However, when I try to ping any site other than the peer, I get a
'Network Unreachable' error on every single packet that ping tries to send
I'm using Slackware 3.2 w/ pppd v2.2f on a 486SX w/ 8MB
of RAM and a 14.4K bps modem on /dev/cua3.
<p>What's your advice to me?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
What does your routing table look like?
(Use the command <tt>netstat -nr</tt> to see that).
<p> Your ppp options file (usually /etc/ppp/options) should have
a default route directive in it. That will set the
ppp0 link as your default route.
<p> That's usually what "network unreachable" means.
<p> You'll also need to have a proper value in your /etc/resolv.conf.
This is the file that your "resolver libraries" use to
figure out what DNS server they should ask to translate
host/domain names into IP addresses. Basically all applications
that do any networking under Unix are linked with the resolver
<a name="protocol"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Z Protocol
<P> <B>
From: Gregor Gerstmann <a href="mailto:gerstman@tfh-berlin.de">gerstman@tfh-berlin.de</a>
<p>Hi Mr. Jim Dennis,<br>
Thanks for your e-mail remarks in reply to my remarks regarding file
transfer with the z protocol in Linux Gazette issue17, April 1997. In
the meantime I received an e-mail that may be interesting to you too:
<p>I noticed your article in the Linux Gazette about the sz command, and really
don't think you need to split up your downloads into smaller chunks.
<p>The sz command uses the ZMODEM protocol, which is built to handle
transmission errors. If sz reports a CRC error or a bad packet,
it does not mean that the file produced by the download will be
tainted. sz automatically retransmits bad packets.
<p>If you have an old serial UART chip ( 8250 ), then you might be getting
intermittent serial errors. If the link is unreliable, then sz may
spend most of its time tied up in retransmission loops.
<p>In this case, you should use a ZMODEM window to force the sending
end to expect an `OK' acknowledgement every few packets.
<p>sz -w1024
Will specify a window of 1024 bytes.
<p> I'm familiar with some of the tweaking that can be
done -- and the fact that it is a "sliding window" protocol.
However I still maintain that Kermit is more reliable and
gets better overall throughput over an unreliable connection.
<p> Also ZModem is designed for use on 8-bit serial lines. Kermit
can be used easily over TCP connections and on 7-bit serial
connections. You could definitely use the C-Kermit package from
Columbia University however. The Kermit implementations from
other sources are usually reliable enough -- but slower
than molasses compared to the "real" thing.
<a name="video"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Video Cards
<P> <B>
From: Pedro Miguel Reis <a href="mailto:reis@aaubi.ubi.pt">reis@aaubi.ubi.pt</a>
<p>Hi Jim. I have a simple question to you :) ! How can i put my video
card to work under Linux ? Its an Intel Pro-share. I would like to
save a jpg pic every 1 or two secs.
<p> Thx for your time.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
The Intel ProShare is a video conferencing system. These
are normally not called "video cards" in the context of
PC's because the phrase "video cards" is taken to refer to
one of the cards that drives your video display for normal
applications and OS operations (i.e. a VGA card).
<p> There are several framegrabbers that are supported under
Linux. However it doesn't appear that the Intel ProShare
is supported under any for of Unix. Of course that's just
based on a few searches of their web site -- so it's not from
a very reliable source on the subject. (I swear, the bigger
the company the worse the support information on their web
site. You'd think they'd like to trim some of the costs of
tech support that their always griping about).
<p> Naturally you should contact their support department to
verify this (or be pleasantly surprised by its refutation).
<p> Here's a couple of links I found that are related to
video capture using CU-SeeMe (a competing technology
to Intel's ProShare):
<li><a href="http://www.santafe.edu/~nelson/cuseeme-linux/">How to do
CU-SeeMe under Linux</a>
<li><a href="http://www.pangea.org/~mavilar/qseeme/qseeme.html">QSeeMe 0.7a --
CU-SeeMe for Linux</a>
<p> Basically CU-SeeMe uses "off the shelf" video cams --
like the Connectix QCam (which goes for about $100 in
most places). It also uses any of several sound boards.
<p> Unfortunately the simple answer to your question may bd
desktop camera.
<a name="zip"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Linux and Zip Drives
<P> <B>
From: <a href="mailto:midian@home.ifx.net">midian@home.ifx.net</a>
<p>Can you tell me if it is possible to set up a Linux system on a Zip
disk and where I could find info on doing this? I found a file that
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
It should be possible. I don't know where you'd
find the info, though. I'd start by looking at the
Linux HOWTO's collection. There is a HOWTO on Zip
Drives with Linux (even the parallel port version
is supported).
<p> I'd look at putting DOSLinux on an MS-DOS formatted
(FAT) Zip disk. DOSLinux is a very small distribution
(about 20Mb installed) which is designed to be installed
on a DOS filesystem. It uses LOADLIN.EXE (which I've
described in other "Answer Guy" articles) which basically
loads a Linux kernel from a DOS prompt -- and kicks DOS
out from under itself.
<p> You can find that collection of HOWTO's at:
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/</a>
(and various mirrors).
<p> You can also find a copy of DOSLinux at 'sunsite' and
most mirrors.
<p> I use DOSLinux on my laptop (an OmniBook 600CT) and
my only complaint has been that it wasn't configured
to support the power management features of my laptop.
<p> Frankly I'm not even sure if Linux' APM support will
work with the Omnibook at all. I've heard that the
PCMCIA adapter is basically too weird for them (which
is a real bummer to me).
<p> You have to watch out if you get a copy of DOSLinux.
The maintainer, Kent Robotti, has been making frequent
sometimes daily changes to it (or was a couple of months
<p>describes this process IF you have a pre-existing Linux system to
install from. I am running a Win95 system with absolutely no hard drive
space available. Thanks for any info.
<p> Are you sure you can't even squeeze twenty or thirty
meg? With that you can get DOSLinux installed on your
normal hard drive -- which is likely to offer much more
satisfactory performance. The ZIP drive is likely to be
a bit too slow at loading programs, share libraries and
DREADFUL if you do any swapping.
<p> Of course if you boot Linux from a Zip disk (or
using the "live filesystem" offered by some CD's)
you can mount your DOS (Windows '95) partition(s)
and create a swap file there.
<p> Although most people use swap partitions -- Linux will
allow you to create swap *files* (see the 'mkswap' and
'swapon(8)' man pages for details).
<p> Note: since you don't have a copy already installed
I realize that you don't have the man pages handy --
however you can read those man pages by looking at:
<a href="http://www.linuxresources.com/man.html">http://www.linuxresources.com/man.html</a>
<p> The 'swapon(8)' refers to the man page that's in
section 8 (system administration tools) of the system.
That's necessary because there's also a man page in
section 2 (system calls) which the man command will normally
display in precedence to the one you want. So you use a
command of the form 'man 8 swapon' to tell the manual system
which one you mean. This is unnecessary with most
commands since most of the ones you'd be looking for --
most of the time -- would be the "user commands" in
section one. Also most of the administrative commands,
like mkswap, don't have functions with a conflicting
name. This is just one of those quirks of Unix that
old hands never think of while it gets novices climbing
the walls.
<p> When you use the online man pages at ssc.com (the publisher
of the Linux Journal and the Linux Gazette) the form is
a little confusing. Just check the "radio button" for
"( ) Search for a command" and put "8 swapon" (a digit
eight, a space, and the word "swapon") in the text field
(blank). Ignore the "Section Index" and the section
selector list below that.
<p> Lastly, I'd like to make a comment about running Linux
with "absolutely no disk space"
<p> DON'T!
<p> With hard disks as cheap as they are now it doesn't make
any sense to try to learn an advanced operating system
like Linux without plenty of disk space. Buy a whole
hard disk and add it to your system. If you already have
two IDE drives -- see if your controller will support four.
Most EIDE controllers have two IDE channels -- which allow
two IDE drives each on them. If you have a SCSI controller
than it seems *very* unlikely that you'd have the whole
chain full.
<p> (My old 386 has an old Adaptec 1542C controller on it --
with three hard disks, a magneto optical, a DAT autochanger
tape drive, a CD drive and a CD writer. That's full! But,
while other people have been buying 486's, then DX2's, then
Pentiums, and upgrading their copies of Windows and Office --
I've been filling out my SCSI chain -- so that's a five year
accumulation of toys!)
<p> If you really can't afford $200 on a new hard drive -- ask
around. You might find a friend with a couple of "small"
(200 Mb) drives around that they can't use. I have a couple
myself (spare parts drawer).
<p> If you try to run Linux with no disk space you probably
won't be satisfied. You can install a base system (no
X Windows, no emacs, no kernel sources, no dev. tools,
no TeX) in a very limited disk space. That's fine if
you know exactly what the system is going to be used for.
It's perfect for routers, gateways, and terminal servers
-- and I see people putting together a variety of custom
"distributions" for these sorts of dedicated tasks. I've
even heard that some X Terminals (diskless workstations)
use Linux with etherboot patches. In ;login (the magazine
for members of USENIX/SAGE -- professional associations of
Unix users and Sys Admin's) someone described their use of
Linux as a method for distributing software updates to
their Win '95 boxes across their networks. Apparently they
could squeeze just enough onto a Linux boot floppy to do
the trick.
<p> However, I'm guessing that your intent is to learn a
new OS. For that you want a more complete installation
-- so you can play with things.
<a name="redhat"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Red Hat CD Problem
<P> <B>
From: Vivek Mukherji <a href="mailto:vivekmu@del2.vsnl.net.in">vivekmu@del2.vsnl.net.in</a>
<p>I bought a book on linux titled "Using Linux,Third Edition by Que Inc." It
had Redhat CDROM with it, but when i tried to install it, it did not
recognize the REDHAT CD though it previously made the boot disk and supp
disk from the CD. It gave the following error after asking me for source of
media i.e. from which drive or local CDROM or FTP or NFS I am going to
install it.The error message was:
"That CDROM device does not seem to contain Redhat CD in it "
<p>There seems to be no damage on the CD i.e. no physical damage.I think there
must be some other way to install it after all i have paid US$ 60 Dollars
for that book.
please reply me soon.
<p>yours truly <br>
Vivek Mukherji
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
When you select "CD-ROM" as your installation medium --
what interface are you having the setup program attempt
to use?
<p> When you use the CD to create your boot and supplemental
diskettes you are presumably using DOS -- which has its
own drivers to access the CD.
<p> There are many sorts of CD-ROM drives:
<li><B>SCSI</B>: the most widely interchangeable;
almost any SCSI CD-ROM drive will work
with most SCSI host adapters; I've never
heard of a SCSI CD-ROM drive that failed
to work with Linux *supported* SCSI host
adapter but would work under any other OS)
<li><B>ATAPI</B>:the IDE hard drives were originally called "AT"
drives. They put all the drive "intelligence" on
the drive itself (rather than in the controller
which was the rule for ST-506 -- MFM and RLL
drives). IDE is BIOS (firmware/register level)
compatible with the ST-506 interface (although the
cabling and electronics are completely different.
So no software drivers were necessary to support
IDE hard drives. Since the AT (286) BIOS supported
the ST-506 interface (WD8003 controller) the IDE
controllers didn't even need a ROM extension (such
as the ones found on most SCSI controllers).
<p>CD-ROM and tape drive support came a few years after
the IDE interface became popular for hard drives.
ATAPI is an ad hoc standard between those interfaces
and these other types of drives. It is an
"applications programming interface" to which the
drivers must be written. Typically all support for
ATAPI CD-ROM and tape drives must be done in
<p>EIDE is a set of enhancements to the IDE spec.
The most notable enhancement is the ability to
support drives larger than 528Mb (which was the
old BIOS limit of 1024 cylinders by 63 sectors
by 16 heads). This is usually done via
extended ROM's on the controller, or enhanced
BIOS ROM's on the motherboard -- or possibly
via software drivers (which are OS specific,
<p>In addition to those to types of CD-ROM drive there
are a variety of proprietary interfaces such as the
Mitsumi (very popular for a while -- as it was the
cheapest for a while), Sony, Wearnes/Aztech, and others.
<p>Linux supports a very wide variety of these interfaces. However
-- it's vital to know what you have. You also might need to know
"where" it is. That is to say you might need to know I/O port
addresses, IRQ's, DMA settings or parameters. You might also
need to pass these parameters along to the kernel as it boots.
<p> Another issue is the version of your distribution. Most
books are printed in large batches -- so they have a
long "shelf life." Most Linux distributions change a couple
of times a year. Red Hat, in particular, seems to be putting
out a new version every 2 or 3 months. Most of these include
significant improvements.
<p> So your money is probably much better spent on the distribution
itself rather than trying to get a "bargain" in a book and
CD combination. Specifically I recommend buying any book
solely on it's merits. I don't approve of CD's full of software
included with a book unless the software has been stable for
some time.
<p> CD's with sample code, HTML and searchable text copies of the
books contents, clip art or fonts related to the book, even
large bookmark files of related web sites, custom software by
the authors -- those are all excellent ideas; otherwise it's
shovelware that adds a buck to the production costs (fifty cents
for the CD and another fifty cents for the little glue-on vinyl
holder and the additional handling) -- and twenty bucks to the
<p> So, another thing to try is a copy of the latest Red Hat (4.2)
or Debian or whatever. In any event you really need to know
the precise hardware and settings for your machine.
<a name="cookies"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
<P> <B>
From: Michael Sokolow <a href="mailto:mxs46@po.cwru.edu">mxs46@po.cwru.edu</a>
<p>Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,<br>
Given the previous discussion about cookies, could someone explain to me
(or point out a topic in help, URL, etc.) just what ARE cookies?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Search the Netscape web site.
<p> Here's an independent answer courtesy of "The Answer Guy" (Linux
Gazette's nickname for me):
<p> In programming terminology -- specifically in
discussions of networking protocols (such as
HTTP and X Windows) a "cookie" is an arbitrary
data token issued by a server to a client for
purposes of maintaining state or providing
<p> Specifically "Netscape HTTP Cookies" are an
extension to the HTTP protocol (implemented
by Netscape and proposed to the IETF and the W3
Consortium for incorporation into the related
standards specifications).
<p> HTTP is a "stateless" and protocol. When your browser
initiates a connection and requests a document, binary
or header the server has no way of distinguishing your
request from any other request from your host (it doesn't
know if you're coming from a single-user workstation, or
a multi-user Unix (or VMS, MVS, MPE, or whatever) host --
or the IP address that it sees as the source for this
request is some sort of proxy host or gateway (such as
those run by CompuServe and AOL).
<p> Netscape cookies are an attempt to add and maintain state
between your browser and one or more servers. Basically
on your initial connection to a "cookie generating" site
your browser is asked for a relevant cookie -- since this
is your initial connection there isn't one -- so the server
prefers one to your browser (which will accept it unless
it's not capable of them, or some option has been enabled
to prevent it or prompt you or something like that). From
then on all other parts of that site (and possibly other
hosts in that domain) can request your cookie and the site's
administrators can sort of track your access and progress
through the site.
<p> The main advantage to the site is for gathering marketing
statistics. They can track which versions of a web page
lead to increased traffic to linked pages and they can
get some idea how many new and repeat visits they're getting.
(Like most marketing efforts at statistics there are major
flaws with the model -- but the results are valid enough
for marketdroids).
<p> There are several disadvantages -- including significant
privacy concerns. There are several tools available
to limit the retention and use of cookies by your browser
(even if you're using Netscape Navigator). PGP Inc
(the cryptography company) has a link on their site to
one called "cookie cutter" (or something like that).
<p> About the only advantage to some users is that some
sites *might* use cookies to help you skip parts of the
site that you've already seen or *might* allow you to
avoid filling in forms that you've already filled out.
<p> Personally I think cookies are a poorly chosen way to
do this -- client-side certificates (a feature of
SSL v. 3.x) is a much cleaner method (it allows the user
to get an maintain cryptographically strong "certificates"
which can be presented to specific servers on demand --
this exchange of certificates involves cryptographic
authentication in both directions -- so your browser
knows it isn't authenticating to some bogus imposter
of a server -- and the server knows that your certificate
isn't forged.
<p> SSL client certificates allow you to establish accounts
at a web site and securely interact with that site.
Cookies can't do that. In addition many people have a
vague notion that "cookies" where "snuck in" under them
-- so they have a well-deserved "bad press."
<a name="disc"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
New Hard Disc
<P> <B>
From: A Stephen Morse <a href="mailto:morse@sysc.eng.yale.edu">morse@sysc.eng.yale.edu</a>
<p>Dear Mr Dennis:<br>
I currently own an IBM 560 with a one gig hard disc which
has both a win95 partition and a 200m Linux partition
running version 2.0. We plan to upgrade today to a 2gig
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Is this one of their "ThinkPad" laptops?
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
hard disk which accepts its data from the old disc through
the PCMICA ports using a special piece of hardware. I believe the
drive is called Extreme Drive. We also have available versions 4.1 and 4.2
of Linux on floppies (by the way 2.0 = 4.0 above). So far we've not been
able to get any advice on how to proceed.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
"...using a special piece of hardware."
<p> I love that term "special." Sometimes you have to
say it with the right inflection <sarcasm>SPEC-I-AL!</sarcasm>
to really appreciate it.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Any suggestions. We are not super strong with Linux etc.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I think the question is:
<p> How do I backup my current drive and restore it
to the new drive?
<p> (with the implication that you'd like to use this "special"
device and just "copy" everything across).
<p> There are several ways of backing up and restoring a Linux
system. If you have an Ethernet connection to a system
with lots of disk space -- or to a system with a tape drive
you can do interesting things of the form:
<pre>dump -0f - | rsh $othersystem "dd of=$path_or_device ..."</pre>
<p> If you can borrow or purchase a PCMCIA SCSI controller that
Linux supports on this system you can hook up an external
hard drive or tape unit and use that.
<p> Those are the most straightforward methods for getting
*everything* across.
<p> Another approach is to identify just your data (maybe you
keep it all under your /home/ and /usr/local/ directory
trees -- or maybe you *should*). Now you get your new
disk, install it, get some upgrade of your favorite
Linux distribution (I hear the new Debian 1.3 is pretty good),
install and configure that and -- finally -- just restore the
selected portions of your data that you want.
<p> If you're concerned about the potential loss of data or
down time from any of these methods you might also consider
renting a system (desktop or laptop) for a week to use while
you're straightening things out on your main system. This is
advice to consider any time you're doing a major hardware
upgrade to an "important" system.
<p> Interesting question!
<p> Do any of the computer rental services offer
Linux systems?
<p> (PCR, Bit-by-Bit -- who else is in that business?)
<a name="crashes"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Random Crashes
<P> <B>
From: sloth <a href="mailto:sloth7@hotmail.com">lsoth7@hotmail.com</a>
<p> hi. whenever i try to install linux (so far i have tried redhat,
Slackware and Debian) the install program crashes at random times. I have
tried removing all unnecessary hardware, ie sound cards etc, but it
doesn't seem to make a difference. I have a Intel p150mhz, triton VX
main board, s3virge graphics card, 16mb ram and a 2.0gb quantum harddisk.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
cheers, sloth...
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Have you had your memory thoroughly tested?
<p> I would take out your memory (presumably they're
SIMM's) and bring them into to a good repair shop
for testing. I DON'T recommend software diagnostics
for this (like AMIDIAGS, Norton's NDIAGS, "System Sleuth"
<p> Do you run any other 32-bit software on this system?
(Win '95 and Windows 3.x don't count)
<p> Can you install and run NT, Netware, or FreeBSD?
<p> I've seen motherboards that just wouldn't handle any
true 32-bit OS for sustained use (presumably buggy chipsets)
-- that's why Novell and Microsoft have these "compatibility"
lists of motherboards.
<p> Have you tried taking out the fancy video card and
putting in a simple VGA (no frills -- Paradise chipset)?
<p> Most of the Linux install scripts and programs (different
for each distribution) just use text mode. Therefore it's
very unlikely that the video card *type* is a problem.
However if your particular card has a defect it could be
something that only affects your system under Linux or some
other OS'. It's a long shot, and some EE (electronics engineer)
might tell me it's impossible -- but I'd try it anyway.
<p> (I keep a couple of spare old VGA cards and even an old
Hercules -- monochrome graphics -- card around for just
these sorts of testing).
<p> What sort of hard disk controller are you using? (IDE?
<p> Some IDE controllers have buggy chipsets (some of them are
even supported by compile time options in the Linux kernel).
However, IDE controllers are cheap -- so keeping an extra
around for testing is a very small investment.
<p> SCSI host adapters are somewhat touchier and more expensive.
Some of them are nominally supported by Linux (and other
OS') but aren't worth keeping in your system. For example the
Adaptec 1542B was a piece of junk. At the same time I use
Adaptec 1542C and 1542CF and the various 2940's without
<p> RAM is the most likely culprit. The motherboard chipset
is another possibility. A defective video card or a buggy
HD controller are next in line.
<p> It's possible that you're system has some sort of bizarre
"top memory" which requires an address range exclusion or
that you need to "reserve" some I/O ports so Linux won't
use them or probe into them for hardware. You could spend
a career trying different "stripped down" kernels on boot
floppies and learning all the idiosyncrasies of your hardware.
However -- it's probably more profitable in the long run
to replace any hardware that's causing trouble.
<p> The advantage of PC hardware is that it's cheap and widely
available. It's curse is that it's often *cheap* and the
specs are *widely* interpreted. Now that Linux is becoming
available on some other hardware platforms -- and especially
now that we're seeing "clones" of SPARC, Alpha, and PowerPC
systems for rates that some of us can afford -- we might
see some advantages from stepping away from the hardware
half of the WIntel cartel.
<a name="slackware"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
gcc and Slackware Question
<P> <B>
From: Steven Smith <a href="mailto:ischis@evergreen.com">ischis@evergreen.com</a>
<p>GNU's gcc is part of the slackware package that I have loaded on my
system. I can and have compiled and linked C code.
<p>I can compile the standard C++ code below (if I haven't miss entered
the code but for some reason the C++ libraries will not link correctly
(ie. i get and error):
#includ &lt;iostream.h&gt;</pre>
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I think you mean <pre>#include ...</pre>
cout &lt;&lt; &quot;hello world\n&quot;;
Poor form. Unix programs should be
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
... or at least:
void main () ...
gcc -c program_name.C &lt;- no errors
gcc program_name.C &lt;- errors</pre>
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Do you know what might be missing?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Your error messages.
<p>Here's a way to capture sessions when you're trying to
write messages to the <a href="mailto:lust@li.org">Linux User's Support Team</a> ,
to me or to the <a href-"mailto:linuxprog@geeky1.ebtech.net">Linux Programmer's Mailing List</a>
,or any of the appropriate news
<p> Get to a shell prompt.
Issue the command: <tt>script ~/problem.log</tt>
Run your test (demonstration of the problem).
Back at the shell prompt, type Ctrl-D or issue the
<tt>exit</tt> command.
Edit the ~/problem.log file (take all the weird
escape sequences out).
<p> An easier way is to use emacs' &quot;shell-mode&quot; -- just start
emacs and use the M-x shell-mode command. This creates a
shell buffer (a sub task in emacs) which allows you to run
tty style programs (no full screen &quot;curses&quot; stuff). The
output from these shell commands will appear in this buffer
and you can use normal emacs cursor, scrolling, cut, and paste
operations to work with that output. For example I pasted your
program into a new buffer, saved it, &quot;fixed&quot; a couple of minor
things, switched to my shell mode buffer (I usually keep one
handy) and ran the following sequence:
[jimd@antares lgaz]$ ls
[jimd@antares lgaz]$ cat hello.C
#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
cout &lt;&lt; &quot;hello world\n&quot;;
[jimd@antares lgaz]$ make hello
g++ hello.C -o hello
[jimd@antares lgaz]$ ./hello
hello world
[jimd@antares lgaz]$
... which I then simply pasted into this buffer.
<p> Note that I use the <tt>make</tt> command here. A nice feature
of 'make' (at least the GNU <tt>make</tt>) is that it can make
some guess about what you mean even if you don't supply it
with a Makefile. So my command <tt>make hello</tt> forces make to
look for a .c, .C or .cpp file to compile and link. If it
sees a .o file it will try to link it with <tt>cc</tt> -- but
for a C++ file you need to link it with g++.
<p> A nice side effect of using make this way is that I don't
have to specify the -o (output name) and I don't end up
with a file named a.out. It &quot;makes&quot; a program named hello.
<p> So the source of your problem is probably that you are
compiling your program with gcc in a way that confuses
it -- and tries to link it as a C program rather than a
C++ program. If you call gcc under the link 'g++' (just
another name for it) you'll see the whole think work.
The compiler pays attention to how you called it (the value
of its argv[0]) and makes assumptions based on that.
<p> Of course I can't verify that the errors I got were the same
as the ones that you see -- since you didn't capture them into
your message. In any event using <tt>make hello</tt> works --
using <tt>g++ hello.C</tt> works -- using <tt>gcc hello.C</tt> doesn't
link properly and complains about unreferenced stuff and
using gcc or g++ with the -c gives me an object file
(hello.o) which is, for our purposes, useless.
<p> A better venue to ask questions about compiling under Linux
might be the Linux programmers list (as I mentioned earlier)
or in any of several comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++ newsgroups
(since there is nothing Linux specific about this).
<p> If you consider it a bug that gcc recognizes the capital
C for C++ when generating .o files and doesn't automagically
link with the appropriate libraries in the next pass --
take it up with the participants of the gnu.gcc.* or the
gnu.g++.* newsgroups. (There's probably a very good reason
for this behaviour -- though I confess that I don't see it).
<a name="lilo"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
<P> <B>
To: Toby Riley <a href="mailto:toby@handc.btinternet">toby@handc.btinternet</a>
I have been reading your page with great interest but I can't find
anything about removing LILO and restoring My MBR. Unfortunately I have
to de-install Linux for a while. I have tried running lilo -u and lilo
-U and when the PC reboots I just get LI and the system hangs.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Personally I've never heard of a -u switch to lilo.
<p> Normally you have to replace your lilo MBR with some other
valid MBR. Most people who are disabling Linux on a system
are restoring access to an existing set of DOS partitions --
so using the DOS MBR is in order.
<p> To do that -- boot from a DOS floppy -- and run FDISK /MBR
This should exit silently (no error and no report of
success). The /MBR switch was added, undocumented, to version
5.0 of MS-DOS. It won't work with previous versions.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
I can boot Linux off a floppy and the re-run LILO which adds my boot
options and restore my system to a usable state. But I can't get rid of
it and restore the Win95 boot up.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Under the hood Win '95 is MS-DOS 7.0 -- just run FDISK /MBR.
<p> We eagerly await your return to the land of Linux.
<a name="print"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Printing Problems
<P> <B>
From: RHS Linux User <a href="mailto:6ng1@qlink.queensu.ca">6ng1@qlink.queensu.ca</a>
<p>hello answer guy!<br>
Problem: Printing text / postscript documents.
<p>Printing graphics (using xv) works fine, after having my printcap file
set up for me, using apsfilter. I own a kyocera f-3010 and this printer
can emulate an HP LaserJet Ser II. However, printing documents is a
completely different story. Trying to print from, say, Netscape or LyX
gets a printout of two or three "step ladder" lines, the output usually
being something like "/invalid font in findfont . cannot find font Roman
... etc". Looks like it is not finding the appropriate ghostscript
fonts. Is there any way to ensure that ghostscript can recognize my
fonts (using xfontsel shows all my installed fonts)? Would you know how
to rectify this problem?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Like X Windows, printing is a great mystery to me.
I managed to get mine working -- including TeX with
dvips (on my DeskJet 500C) -- but I still don't know
quite how.
<p> xv works and Netscape and LyX don't. Can you print a
.dvi file using dvips? Can you print a Postscript file
using lpr? How about mpage? Does that work?
<p> The stairstep effect is common when raw Unix text is going
to a printer that's expecting MS-DOS CRLF's (carriage return,
linefeed pairs). That makes it sound as though the other
applications are bypassing the filter in your /etc/printcap
file (or that xv is somehow invoking the write filter before
passing the directly to the printer).
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Thanks a million for your help, this is something that has been
bothering me for a while now.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Yeah. I let printing bother me for about a year before
I finally forced it to print something other than raw
(MS-DOS style) text.
<p> You have gone through the Printing-HOWTO's haven't
<a name="support"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Linux Disk Support
<P> <B>
From: Andrew Ng <a href="mailto:lulu@asiaonline.net">lulu@asiaonline.net</a>
<p>Dear Sir,<br>
I have a question to ask: Does Linux support disks with density
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Linux currently doesn't support normal disk with large
block sizes. (CD-ROM's have large block sizes -- but this
is a special case in the code).
<p> It is likely that support for larger block sizes will eventually
be added to the kernel -- but I don't think it will be in
before 2.2 (not that I actually have an inside track on if or
when anything is going to happen in kernel development land
-- that's just my guess).
<p><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
I have bought a Fujitsu MO drive which support up to 640MB MO disks with
density 2048bytes/sector. The Slackware Linux system does not support
access to disks with this density. Windows 95 and NT support this density
and work very well. Is there any version of Linux which support
2048bytes/sector? If not, is there any project working on that?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Someone from Fujitsu's support team called me back on this
(as I'd copied an earlier message to their webmaster).
<p> The report was that the smaller 540Mb MO media are supported
with no problem -- but that the high density media with the
large block sizes weren't supported. If I recall correctly
he said that this doesn't work for any of the other versions
of Unix that Fujitsu knows of (with their drive).
<a name="renaming"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Renaming Problems
<P> <B>
From: Sean McCleary <a href="mailto:sean@cdsnet.net">sean@cdsnet.net</a>
<p>Anyhow, here's my problem:<br>
I recently renamed my system in my /etc/HOSTNAME file. Ever since I
made that change, my system's telnet daemon has stopped allowing incoming
connects from ANYWHERE. I was told this has to do with my recent
system-renaming, but the man who I was talking to about it never told me
WHY or how to fix it.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I've checked my /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
<p> These two files control the behavior of tcpd (the
TCP Wrappers program by Wietse Venema).
<p> You might also want to look at your /etc/hosts file.
This file is used by most system resolver libraries
in preference to DNS.
<p> The resolver libraries are the code that allows client
programs on your system to translate domain/host names
into IP addresses. There are several schemes for doing
this -- which can be set in different priorities for each
<p> The oldest method for performing this resolution was
a simple lookup in the local /etc/hosts file (there was
also an /etc/networks file back then -- you don't see them
very often now). This is still common for small networks
(less than about 25 systems).
<p> The most widely used method is DNS (also know as BIND --
Berkeley Internet Naming Daemon -- a.k.a. 'named'). Actually
DNS is the protocol and BIND is the commonly available server
<p> Another fairly widespread naming service is NIS and its
causing NIS+. These were both created by Sun Microsystems
and published as open specifications. This system was
originally known as "Yellow Pages" -- and many of the commands
for managing the service still have the prefix "yp" (i.e.
'ypcat'). However a company (British Telecom if I recall
correctly) objected to the trademark infringement and Sun was
forced to change the designation.
<p> NIS and NIS+ are designed to distribute more than host and
network name resolutions -- they are primarily used to
manage accounts across whole domains (networks) of hosts.
This is especially important among systems that are using
NFS since that usually requires that you maintain synchronized
UID across the enterprise. (The normal NFS behavior is to
grant file access based on the effective UID of the user on the
client system -- this can be overwritten in a cumbersome fashion
-- but most sites simply synchronize the UID's -- usually via
NIS or by using rdist and distributing whole /etc/passwd
<p> Under Linux there is a file named /etc/host.conf (note: SINGULAR
"host"). This sets the priorities of the resolver libraries --
which is typically something like:
<pre> order files bind nisplus nis
multi on
(look in the /etc/hosts and /etc/networks first -- then try
DNS -- then NIS+ and finally NIS -- try multiple
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Why is this happening, Answer Man?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I don't know. Did you look at a tail /var/log/messages
for clues? Are you sure that this is a problem with
your host's name? Did you change to shadow passwords
around the same time?
<p> One way to get more clues about any failure you get from
any service in the inetd.conf file is to replace the
service's entry temporarily with a command like:
## telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/strace \
-o /root/tmp/telnet.strace /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
Here I've commented out the old telnetd line and put in
one that keeps a system call trace file. Looking at this
file can give some clues about what the program was trying
to do up until it disconnected you.
<p> I'll grant that you need to know something about programming
to make any use of this file. However you probably don't
need to know as much as you'd think. That start to make a
little sense after you run a few dozen of them -- particularly
if you have a "working" and a "broken" configuration to run
your tests with.
<a name="monitor"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
X Locks Monitor
<P> <B>
From: Jon Jacob <a href="mailto:xaviermoon@earthlink.net">xaviermoon@earthlink.net</a>
<p>I am trying to configure X. I have a Config file set to the SVGA generic
using the XF86Config.eg file that comes with the Slackware96 distribution.
<p>I have a Sony Multiscan15sf with a ATI mach64 PCI video care with 1 meg of
VRAM. When I run startx, the monitor locks so that it turns to black but it
still is getting a signal from the PC because the PowerSaving light stays
<p>I tried fiddling with the Config file with no change. I ran the startx to
redirect to an out file to see the error message, but I just get the same
file I got when I ran x -probeonly.
<p>I could not find a drive for an ATI Mach64 PCI card that matches mine. Do
I need one? If so, where would I get it? Can I use some generic driver?
<p>Also, Ramdoc was shown by the probe to be "unknown" so I left it commented
out in the Config file. Could this be the problem?
<p>I am very frustrate after hours and hours of attempts. Please help!
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I keep trying to tell people: I barely use X. X Windows
configuration is still a mysterious "black art" to me that
requires that I have the system in front of me to do my
hand waving in person.
<p> I think you should search the X Windows HOWTO file for the
strings "ATI" an "Mach." I'm pretty sure you need a special
server for the Mach 64's and I wouldn't be at all surprised
if it was one of those deviants that doesn't work with a
generic SVGA driver.
<p> The first time I ever got X running I resorted to IRC
(Internet Relay Chat) -- where I joined the #Linux channel
and hung out for awhile. After watching the usual banter
for about 20 minutes and adding a few (hopefully intelligent)
comments to the discussions at hand I timidly asked for
some help. Some kind soul (I don't remember the nickname)
asked for some info -- show me how to do a /dcc (direction
communications connection?) to send the file to him -- edited
my XConfig file and sent it back.
<p> One of the beauties of Linux is that I was able to test
a couple of revisions of this file while maintaining my
connection. Naturally, I glanced over the file before using
it. If you decide to take this approach I recommend that
you avoid any binaries or source code that you don't understand
that someone offers to xfer to you. You will be running this
as 'root' on your system.
<p> A config file with which you are moderately familiar
is a bit safer -- though you could always end up with some
weird trojan in that, too.
<p> This is not to suggest that IRC has a higher percentage of
crackers and "black hats" than anywhere else on the net --
just trying to emphasize that you have no way of identifying
who you were working with -- and all it takes is one.
<p> Another approach you might try is to call ATI and let
them know what you want. As more of us use Linux and
demand support for it the various hardware companies will
have their choices -- meet market demands or lose marketshare.
<p> If you decide to take this to the news groups be sure to
go for comp.os.linux.x -- rather than one of the more
general newsgroups. It is a little frustrating that so
many X questions end up in the various other Linux news
groups -- X Windows for Linux is no different than X Windows
for any other x86 Unix. However I've never seen an XFree86
newsgroup so...
<a name="security"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Using JDK 1.1 for Solarix x86 on Linux
<P> <B>
From: Romeo Chua <a href="mailto:rchua@st.nepean.uws.edu.au">rchau@st.nepean.uws.edu.au</a>
<p>Hi! I would like to know if I can use the JDK 1.1.2 for Solaris x86 on
Linux. Does the iBCS2 module support Solaris x86 applications?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Last I heard a native JDK was already available for Linux
(although that might be 1.1.1).
<p> I have no idea whether SunSoft has maintained any
compliance to iBCS in the Java stuff for Solaris.
<a name="colormap"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Colormap Question
<P> <B>
From: Kevin T. Nemec <a href="mailto:knemec@mines.edu">knemec@mines.edu</a>
<p>Dear Answer Guy,<br>
I was wondering if it is possible to force a program to use its own
colormap externally. That is, can you force a program without a built in
option to use its own colormap to do so in some other way. I don't mind
the "flashing" in some applications as long as I can see all the colors.
<p>Kevin Nemec
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I've heard that xnest can be used to run one X session inside
of another. I don't know if this would help. I've used
XFree86's support for multiple virtual consoles to run two
X Windows sessions concurrently (using {Ctrl}+{Alt}+{Fx} to
switch between them, of course). These can be run with different
settings (such as 8bpp on one session and 16pbb on the other.
<p> Other than that I have no idea. I keep trying to tell people
I'm a *Linux* guy -- NOT an XFree86 guy. I run X Windows to
do the occasional XPaint or XFig drawing, to run Netscape on
sites that are just too ugly to tolerate in Lynx, and (recently)
to play with xdvi and ghostview (to preview my TeX and PostScript
<p> So, anyone out there that would like an XFree86 Answers
Column in Linux Gazette (or anywhere else preferably under
LDP GPL) has my utmost support. (Although our esteemed editor,
Marjorie Richardson will certainly make the decisions).
<a name="lilo2"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
More on LILO
<P> <B>
From: Paul L Daniels <a href="mailto:jdaniels@stocks.co.za">jdaniels@stocks.co.za</a>
<p>With respect to a question that was in "The Answers Guy" re LILO only
presenting "LI" on the screen then _hanging_.
<p>I found that problem too... the problem (at least for me) was that I was
including a DOS partition in the LILO.conf file. After removing the
partition manually, running liloconfig and reinstalling from current
lilo image, everything worked.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
If you were including a DOS partition in your lilo.conf
file with some syntactic errors (making it look like a
Linux partition perhaps) or if your previous edit of the
file had not be followed by run /sbin/lilo (the "compiler"
for the /etc/lilo.conf file) -- I would expect you to have
<p> However it is quite common to include one or several
DOS partitions in a lilo.conf file. That is the major
purpose of the LILO package -- to provide multiple boot
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
If this is all babble and drivel, then ignore it, I wasn't sure who to
post to.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I suspect that there was something else involved in the
"stanza" (clause, group of lines) that you removed from
your conf file. Since you've solved the problem it
sounds like little would be gained from attempts to
recreate it -- or to guess at what that had been.
<a name="gui"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
95 GUI
<P> <B>
From: Sean <a href="mailto:sdonovan@hq.si.net">sdonovan@hq.si.net</a>
<p>Sorry if I am one of hundreds w/ this kinda question./....but try to
answer if you have time..
<p>So I had linux loaded up and working fine was even able to make my
dos/95 partition work ok too. So then I actually loaded the 95 gui {it
had just been a sys c: to get a bootable dos/95 since I didn't have the
95 files for the gui at the time}
<p>So now all I can get is 95...I tried the primitive fdisk thing thats
part of the do you want to install linux again deal w/ the two disks
also tried making different partitions active w/ fdisk as well...but no
workie workie. I can boot w/ the two disks that are part of the linux
install use the rescue option and then mount the hd linux partition to a
directory of my choice and if I try to run lilo from their {since its
not in /sbin/lilo on the floppies} it moans about lilo.conf not around
and /boot/boot.b not present and such sooo I try to recreate that
structure on the root {ramdisk:?} or floppy or whatever I am running
everything from...run out of diskspace trying to copy hda files from now
mounted hd to /dev of ram/floppy. So I'm stuck...Any ideas? I have read
all relevant faq's/scanned every apparently related how-to's etc... to
no avail...maybe its like you said on your page; maybe I'm not really
running a "boot" floppy... help if ya can,
My lilo.conf was reliably letting me into command line dos/95 and
linux/xwindows etc.. system is an IBM thinkpad 760el if that's relevant.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
The short story is that you don't know how to run
/sbin/lilo.conf from a boot floppy (rescue situation).
<p> There are two methods. One is to use the chroot command:
<p> Basically after you boot you mount your root file system
(and your usr if you have that separate) -- something like
<pre> mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usr
<p> (Here I'm using the example of an extended partition on
the first SCSI drive for my normal root partition and the
first partition on my second SCSI drive as my usual
usr partition -- change those as necessary).
<p> You can (naturally) create a different directory other than
/mnt/ or under /mnt and mount your filesystem under that.
<p> Now you cd to that:
<pre> cd /mnt/
And run the chroot command -- which takes two parameters:
where to make the new root of your session's filesystem and
what program to run in that "jail"
<pre> chroot /mnt/ /mnt/bin/bash
<p> Here we're running the copy of bash that's under our
chroot environment. Thus this session, and all processes
started by it now see /mnt as /.
<p> This was the original use of the chroot call -- to allow
one to work with a subset of your filesystem *as though*
it were the whole thing (handy for developers and doing
certain types of testing and debugging -- without risking
changes to the whole system).
<p> Now should be able to vi /etc/lilo.conf and run /sbin/lilo
to "compile" that into a proper boot block and set of mappings.
(note the "/etc/" and "/sbin/" will be really /mnt/etc and
/mnt/sbin -- to the system and to any other processes -- but
they will *look like* /etc/ and /sbin/ to you).
<p> The other approach is to create a proper (though temporary)
lilo.conf (any path to it is fine) and edit in the paths that
apply to your boot context. Then you run /sbin/lilo with the
-C file to point it at a non-default lilo.conf (which can
be named anything you like at that point.
<p> The trick here is to edit the paths in properly. Here's
the lilo.conf for my system (antares.starshine.org):
<p> Here's how I have to edit it to run lilo -C when I'm booted
from floppy and have mounted my root and usr as I described
above (on /mnt and /mnt/usr respectively):
map=/mnt/boot/map # current (emerg) path to map
install=/mnt/boot/boot.b # current (emerg) path to /boot
image=/mnt/vmlinuz # path to my kernel
<p> Note that I've added comments to the end of each line
that I changed. (I think I got them all write -- I don't
feel like rebooting to test this for you). The specifics
aren't as important as the idea:
<p> The lilo program (/sbin/lilo) "compiles" a boot
block from information in a configuration file --
which defaults to /etc/lilo.conf.
<p> References to directories and file in the .conf file
must be relative to the situation *when the /sbin/lilo
is run*. References to devices and partitions
typically don't change in this situation.
<p> I hope that helps. It is admittedly one of the most
confusing aspect of Linux to Unix newbies and professionals
alike. In some ways I prefer FreeBSD's boot loader (the
interactive and visual debug modes are neat -- you can
disable various drivers and view/tweak various kernel settings
during the boot). In other ways I prefer LOADLIN (which
can load Linux or FreeBSD kernels from a DOS command prompt
or from a DOS CONFIG.SYS file). In yet other ways I like
the OpenBoot (forth interpreter and system debugger) used
by SPARC's.
<p> I would like to see PC's move to the OpenBoot standard --
it's SUPPOSED to be part of the PCI spec. Basically this
works by replace the processor specific machine code instructions
in device ROM's (for video cards and other adapters) with
FCode (byte compiled forth). The system (mother) board then
only has to implement a forth interpreter (between 8 and 32K
of footprint -- much smaller than existing BIOS chips).
<p> The advantage is that it allows your adapters to be used
on systems regardless of the processor. Forth is a very
efficient language -- as close to machine language as an
interpreter can get -- and closer than many assemblers
(some of which generate stray code).
<p> Too bad there are no PC manufacturers who understand this
<a name="thanks"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Letter of Thanks
<P> <B>
From: Sean <a href="mailto:sdonovan@hq.si.net">sdonovan@hq.si.net</a>
<p>Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your informative and very
useful email. It took about 50 seconds using the chroot command {see
I learned something new today :-) }
I am back up...worked like a charm...
I'll try not to bother you in the future but if I ever need to blow the
horn at time of utmost need... It's pretty cool when stuff works, what is
frustrating as heck is when you can't find the answers, I really did try
reading the faq's/how to's and so on...
You are right about the email coherency, need to work on that, guess I
figured to a hack like yourself it would make sense {all the stuff that I
had tried} and I wasn't sure you would actually write back.}
<p>I'm doing this from minicom so everything workie workie :-)
<p>When you have time; why did another friend {not in your league
apparently} suggest:
linux root=/dev/hda2 ro <cr> from the boot command?
Supposedly it would boot from partition hda2 {linux native} at that point
no such luck still went from floppy.
thanks again,<br>
<a name="card"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
ST01/02 SCSI Card
<P> <B>
From: John Messina <a href="mailto:John.Messina@astramerck.com">John.Messina@astramerck.com</a>
<p>My dad just gave me his old 386 machine. It's not much, but I wanted
to start experimenting with it and to try to use it as a firewall.
I upgraded it to 8MB of RAM and dropped in an ISA Ethernet card -
just the bare minimum. I'm attempting to install RedHat 4.1 onto this
machine. My main machine is already up and running with COL Standard
and since the 386 has no CD-ROM, I attempted to do an NFS install.
he NFS part of the install works perfectly (nameserver, exports,
etc. on my main machine is configured correctly and autoprobe can find
the 386's ethernet card). The problem occurs when the install starts
to look for the 386's SCSI card. The 386 has a Seagate ST01/02 SCSI
card with one hard drive attached. The ST01/02 is supported by the
install, but autoprobe cannot find the card and I've tried all of the
combinations for the parameters that are listed - checked the RedHat,
CND, and COL manuals. No IRQ/Base address combination that I've tried
works. I've looked at the board itself, but can't tell how it's set up.
I guess my question comes down to the following:
<p>Is there a way during the install to find out what the IRQ/Base
address for this board is? Or, since the machine will successfully
boot to DOS/Win3.1, is there a way to determine these settings from
the DOS/Windows environment?
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
There are a variety of "diagnostics" utilities for DOS
-- MSD (Microsoft) comes with some recent versions of DOS
and Windows, NDIAGS comes with recent versions of the
Norton Utilities, American Megratrends used to sell the
AMIDIAGS, and there used to be some others called
Checkit! and System Sleuth. There are also a large
number of DOS shareware and freeware programs which perform
different subsets of the job.
<p> Another program that might list the information you're looking
for is Quarterdeck's "Manifest" which used to be included
with QEMM since about version 7 or 6 and with DESQview/386
(one of my all-time favorite DOS programs -- with features I
still miss in Linux!).
<p> The system I'm typing this on is an old home built 386.
It is the main server for the house (the clients are Pentia
and 486's -- mostly laptops). So you don't have to "apologize"
about the age of your equipment. One of the real virtues of
Linux is that it breathes new life into old 386's that have been
abandoned by the major software vendors.
<p> One approach to consider it to find a good SCSI card. I
realize that you'll spend more on that than you did on the
computer -- but it may be worth it nonetheless. Over the
years I've upgraded this system (antares) from 4Mb of RAM
to 32Mb and added:
Adaptec 1452C controller,
one internal 2Gb SCSI,
and a 538Mb internal,
a 300Mb magneto optical drive,
a 4mm DAT autochanger,
an 8x CDROM,
a Ricoh CD burner/recorder,
and an external 2Gb drive
(that fills out the SCSI chain --
with additional drives including a Zip
on the shelf)
upgraded the old 200Mb IDE hard drive to a pair of
400 Mb IDE's,
upgraded the I/O and IDE controller to one with
four serial ports (one modem, one mouse, two terminals --
one in the living room the other in the office),
and a 2Mb STB Nitro video card.
<p> My point is that you can take some of the money you save
and invest in additional hardware. You just want to ensure
that the peripherals and expansions will be useful in your
future systems. (At this point memory is changing enough
that you don't want to invest much in RAM for your 386 --
you probably won't be able to use it in any future systems) --
bumping it up to 16Mb is probably a good idea -- more only if
it's offered to you for REAL cheap.
<p> Other than than I'd do an Alta-Vista search (at Yahoo!)
for Seagate ST01/02 (ST01, ST02, ST0). My one experience
with the ST01 is that it was a very low quality SCSI card
and not suitable for serious use. I'd also search the
"forsale" newsgroups and ads for a used BusLogic (you might
find one for $10 to $25 bucks -- don't pay more than $50
for a used one -- low end new cards can be had for $60).
<a name="booting"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Booting Linux
<P> <B>
From: Vaughn (Manta Ray) Jardine <a href="mailto:vaughn@fm1.wow.net">vaughn@fm1.wow.net</a>
<p>I Use a multiconfig to boot either to Dos, Win95, or Linux (Redhat 4.1).
I use loadlin from the autoexec.bat to load the linux kernel, however I
recently accidently deleted the dir with loadlin and the vmlinuz.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Ooops! I hate it when that happens!
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
I made a boot disk on installation so I use that to get to Linux. I
copied the vmlinuz from the /boot dir and put it on my Dos partition.
Now I don't have the original loadlin so I took one from a redhat 4.2
site on the net. It still won't boot. It starts and halfway through
bootup it stops.
<p>Do I have to get the loadlin that came with redhat 4.1? What am I doing
wrong. It boots fine off the boot disk.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I'd want to find out why the LOADLIN is failing.
The old version of LOADLIN that I'm used to did require
that you create a map of the "real BIOS vectors" -- which
is done by allowing REALBIOS.EXE to create a boot disk,
booting off of that, and then re-running REALBIOS.EXE.
<p> This file would be a "hidden + system" file in C:\REALBIOS.INT
<p> The idea of this file is to allow LOADLIN to "unhook" all
of the software that's redirected BIOS interrupts (trap vectors
-- sort of like a table of pointers hardware event signal handlers)
to their own code. To do this you must have a map of where
each interrupt was pointed before any software hooked into it
(thus the boot disk). This boot disk doesn't boot any OS --
it just runs a very short block of code to capture the table
and save it to floppy -- and displays some instructions.
<p> You may have to re-run REALBIOS.EXE (generate a new BIOS
map) any time you change your hardware. This is particularly
true when changing video cards or adding removing or changing
a SCSI adapter.
<p> Obviously the version of LOADLIN that's used by Red Hat's
"turbo Linux" and by the CD based installed program of other
Linux distributions doesn't require this -- though I don't know
quite how they get around it.
<p> So, try installing the rest of the LOADLIN package and running
REALBIOS.EXE. Then make sure you are booting into "safe"
DOS mode under Win '95. I'd also consider putting a block
(like a lilo.conf stanza) in your CONFIG.SYS which invokes
LOADLIN.EXE via your SHELL= directive. That block should have
any DEVICE= or INSTALL= directives except those that are needed
to see the device where your LOADLIN.EXE and kernel image file
are located. This should ensure that you aren't loading
conflicting drivers. There are details about this in the
LOADLIN documentation.
<a name="panics"></a>
<h3><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Kernel Panics on root fs
<P> <B>
From: Ken <a href="mailto:Ken@KenAndTed.com">Ken@KenAndTed.com</a>
<p>Hi... I'm having some trouble, and maybe you could help??
<p>I recently went from kernel 2.0.27 to 2.0.3. Of course, =) I used Red Hat's
RPM system (I have PowerTools 4.1) and upgraded. After the config,
compile (zImage), and modules stuff, I changed LiLo's config, to have
old be my backed up kernel of 2.0.27, and linux be the new one. Then,
I did a zlilo, and everything ran smoothly.
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
I presume you mean that you installed the 2.0.30 sources
and that you did a make zlilo (after your make config;
make dep; and make clean)
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
But now, one the new kernel, after it finds my CD-ROM drive, it won't
mount my root fs. It gives me a kernel panic, and says unable to mount
root fs, then gives me the address 3:41. What's going on??
<p>I've tried recompiling and remaking lilo many times. (oh yeah... I didn't
forget dep or clean either) Nothing works. I'm using the extended 2
fs, and it's built right in the kernel...
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
Did you do a 'make modules' and 'make modules_install'?
<p> If you do a 'diff' between /usr/src/linux/.config and
/usr/src/linux-2.0.27/.config what you you see?
<p> Are you sure you need features from the 2.0.30 release?
You may want to stick with 2.0.29 until a 2.0.31 or 32
goes out. I know of at least one problem that's forced
my to revert for one of my customers*.
<p> It has always been the case with Linux and with other
systems that you should avoid upgrading unless you know
exactly what problem you're trying to solve and have some
understanding of the risks your are taking. That's why it's
so important to make backups prior to upgrades and new software
installations. I will note that my experience with Linux
and FreeBSD has been vastly less traumatic in these regards than
the years of DOS and Windows experience I gained before I
taught myself Unix.
<p> * (using the -r "redirect" switch of the ipfwadm command to
redirect activity on one socket to another works through
2.0.29 and dies in 2.0.30 -- and gets fixed again in a "pre31"
that one of my associates provided to me).
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
Here's my lilo config file...
<pre> ...[ellided]...</pre>
</B> <P>
<img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ans2.gif">
That looks fine.
<p> I suspect there's some difference between your kernel
configurations that's at fault here. Run diff on them
(the files are named .config in the toplevel source
directory). or pull up the 'make menuconfig' for each
and place them "side-by-side" (using X or on different
<p> Hint: You can edit /usr/src/linux/scripts/Menuconfig
and set the single_menu_mode=TRUE (read the comments in
the file) before you do your make menuconfig -- and you'll
save a lot of keystrokes.
<p> Maybe you need one of those IDE chipset boxes checked.
<P><B><img align=bottom alt=" " src="../gx/ques.gif">
My hard drive that boots is hda, and my Linux drive is hdb. I took out
read-only a while ago, to try to solve the problem. It made no difference.
It'd be great if you could help me out a little. Thanks, Ken...
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette August 1997</H5></center>
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<H2>Cleaning up you /tmp -- Revisited</H2>
<H4>By Guy Geens,
<a href="mailto:ggeens@iname.com">ggeens@iname.com</a></H4>
<p><I>In issue 18, I described how to avoid certain security risks when
removing files from your <tt>/tmp</tt> directory.
I have received some letters as feedback, and I'll summarize the
issues here.
Some people said they didn't need the extra security. Well, they're
free <em>not</em> to use my script.</I>
<h2>mtime vs. atime</h2>
<p>Michael Veksler <tt>&lt;mveksler@VNET.IBM.COM&gt;</tt> told me he
was worried about the use of the access time to determine the file's
age. His main concern was that files could be ``accidently'' touched
find ... | xargs grep ...
constructions. Personally, I don't have this problem, as I tend to
restrict the domain of my <tt>find</tt> sweeps.
<p>As I said in my first article, it's a personal taste. I frequently
unpack archives in my <tt>/tmp</tt> hierarchy. And I want to be
certain the files will stay there until I don't need them anymore.
<p>To me, 3 days after last looking at the file seems a reasonable
delay for that.
<p>But recently, I started using <tt>afio</tt> for transporting files
that won't fit on one floppy. And <tt>afio</tt> Remembers the access
time during archiving, and also sets this date while unpacking. This
could limit the lifespan of my files if I don't look at them
immediately. (As a sidenote, <tt>zip</tt> also sets the access time.)
<p>Obviously, there is one other possibility I neglected: using ctime
(inode change time). It is not possible to set this to an arbitrary
value, and it doesn't change as easily as the access time.
<h2>Avoiding perl</h2>
<p>Perl has a rather large memory footprint, and is not available on
every site. Therefore, Francois Wautier <
cp -p /bin/rm-static /usr/bin/find-static /tmp
chroot /tmp /find-static ... -exec /rm-static {} \;
rm /tmp/rm-static /tmp/find-static
<p><tt>rm-static</tt> and <tt>find-static</tt> are statically compiled
versions of <tt>rm</tt> and <tt>find</tt>, respectively. The
<tt>-p</tt> flag ensures the resulting binary is owned by
<tt>root</tt>, closing one security risk. (A user might have created
her own <tt>/tmp/rm-static</tt> with the intend of changing the binary.)
<p>This gives rise to a new set of race conditions, although they
aren't as easy to exploit as the
find ... | xargs rm
security hole described in my first article.
<p>In general, I would advise against executing arbitrary files with
<tt>root</tt> permissions, especially if they are residing in a
publicly writeable directory (like <tt>/tmp</tt>). (It is also related
to the reason why `<tt>.</tt>' should never be in <tt>root</tt>'s path.
<p>This leads me to a real security risk:
<h2>Perl's internals</h2>
<p>(This one I found myself.)
<p>I recently upgraded to perl 5.004. After the upgrade, I noticed my
<tt>cleantmp</tt> script started emitting warnings about not finding
the <tt>pwd</tt> program.
<p>I looked into the perl module code, and it uses <tt>pwd</tt> to
determine the current directory.
<p>The script itself doesn't have problems with the missing binary, as
I'm using absolute paths everywhere. But it opens a <b>huge</b>
security hole: An executable called <tt>pwd</tt> in the right place in
the <tt>/tmp</tt> tree can give a user a process executing with
<tt>root</tt> permissions.
<p>In this case, the <tt>chroot</tt> <em>decreases</em> security,
instead of increasing it.
<p>For this reason, I have decided to remove the <tt>chroot</tt> from
the script entirely. That way, I can be sure only trusted binaries are
<h2>Omitting certain files and directories</h2>
<p>In the first version of my script, I demonstrated how to exclude
some files from being deleted. I obviously forgot one thing: a user
could create files or directories with the same names, and they would
never be deleted.
<p>The solution is easy: test the owner of the file, and if it isn't
<tt>root</tt>, just delete the file.
<h2>cleantmp, version 2</h2>
<p>Here is a <a href="cleantmp2.0">link</a> to the new script.
Comments are welcome.
<a href="mailto:ggeens@iname.com">Guy Geens</a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Guy Geens<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<H2>Dealing with System Crackers--Basic Combat Techniques</H2>
<H4>By Andy Vaught,
<a href="mailto:andy@maxwell.la.asu.edu">andy@maxwell.la.asu.edu</a></H4>
<p>It started out pretty simple. I was on a my client's webserver,
simply paging through routine entries, when I came on the following
entries (IP addresses have been changed to protect the guilty):
May 2 23:25:09 bankweb ps[12613]: connect from
May 2 23:25:09 bankweb netstat[12614]: connect from
May 2 23:25:10 bankweb wu.ftpd[12616]: connect from
May 2 23:25:10 bankweb in.telnetd[12617]: connect from
May 2 23:25:15 bankweb in.fingerd[12619]: connect from
May 2 23:25:16 bankweb in.pop3d[12620]: connect from
May 2 23:25:17 bankweb in.nntpd[12622]: connect from
May 2 23:25:17 bankweb nntpd[12622]: connect
May 2 23:25:17 bankweb nntpd[12622]: refused connection
May 2 23:26:55 bankweb wu.ftpd[12624]: connect from
May 2 23:28:03 bankweb ftpd[12624]: FTP session closed
May 2 23:28:19 bankweb in.telnetd[12632]: connect from
May 2 23:28:44 bankweb login: 2 LOGIN FAILURES FROM, guest
May 2 23:29:12 bankweb ps[12634]: connect from
May 2 23:31:20 bankweb ps[12637]: connect from
May 2 23:32:25 bankweb netstat[12638]: connect from
May 2 23:34:21 bankweb in.fingerd[12641]: connect from
May 2 23:35:54 bankweb in.rlogind[12644]: connect from
May 2 23:35:54 bankweb in.rshd[12645]: connect from
May 2 23:35:54 bankweb rshd[12645]: Connection from on illegal port
May 2 23:36:56 bankweb in.telnetd[12647]: connect from
May 2 23:37:11 bankweb login: 2 LOGIN FAILURES FROM, root
<p>Uh-oh. For a couple of minutes, someone was definitely rattling my
client's locks, looking for a way in. As a system administrator, what
do you do now?? How do you find out if the intruder managed to
actually get in? Did he *do* anything to your system? How do you
make sure he doesn't get back in?
<p>In this article, I'll make a few suggestions about a few basic steps
that can be taken and some of the specialized tools that can help keep
your system secure.
<p>The first thing you want to check for is the possibility that the
intruder is still logged on. A quick way to check this is 'w' or
'who' commands--look for someone logged from a remote machine. The
thing to remember about these commands is that they work by reading a
file ('utmp', typically found in /var/adm) that keeps track of who is
logged in. If the intruder has broken into the root account, then he
can change that file to make it look like he's not there.
<p>Two good ways of finding such phantom users are to use the <b>ps</b> and
<b>netstat</b> programs. Since these query kernel data structures rather
than files, they are harder to spoof. Using <b>ps</b>, look for shells and
programs that aren't associated with a legitimate user. Netstat is a
lesser-used utility used to display the network status. If it is not
in the normal system directories, look in /sbin or /usr/sbin. By
default netstat displays active Internet connections. Again, look for
connections to suspicious sites.
<H2>If he's on your system</H2>
<p>In the worst case, the intruder is lurking around in your system. If
the intruder has managed to break into the root account, he will be
able to remove all your files with a quick <tt>rm -rf /</tt>. Fortunately,
such toe-to-toe combat with intruders is rare.
<p>The best solution to an intruder on your system is to immediately
disconnect the Ethernet cable. Without giving him any warning, this
puts a stop to whatever he is doing and isolates your computer,
preventing further damage. Furthermore, it will appear to him that
the network has failed-- which is in fact what has happened.
<p>Unfortunately, you (or no one you can contact) may not have physical
access to the machine when this happens. The second best thing to do
about an intruder involves a judgment call. You can A) let him alone
and hope he doesn't destroy the system and assess the damage later, B)
talk to him using 'talk' or C) kick him off and hope he can't get back
<p>If you decide to kick him off, you of course need to be root. Simply
rebooting the system isn't a good idea, since the system will come
back up and the intruder will probably be able to re-enter and will
know that someone is onto him. The usual way of kicking someone off
is to run a <tt>kill -9</tt> command on their telnetd or rshd processes.
These processes act as glue connecting the network to the intruder's
shell. An equally valid method is to kill their shells. Either way,
the intruder will see the message "Connection closed by foreign host"
and will know that something is up.
<p>The right way to do this is to remember that <tt>kill -9</tt> will accept
multiple process ids, and you want to blindside him. After you've
used 'ps' to find *all* of his process ids, include the process id of
the 'inetd' process. Inetd is sometimes referred to as the "Internet
super-server"-- all it does is watch for incoming network connections
and makes sure they are connected to the right handler. By killing
inetd, you prevent new connections from being accepted, be they
telnet, ftp, finger or whatever. Of course, if he's root, he can do
this to you.
<H2>Assessing the damage</H2>
<p>The real danger posed by an intruder is that once in, he can make it
easy for himself to get back in, though you may close the hole he
originally came through. The way this has to be done is by modifying
the filesystem in some manner (with Linux, he could easily compile you
a new kernel, but the kernel is ultimately stored in the filesystem).
<p>The freeware program <b>tripwire</b> is used to detect modified system
files. The idea is that tripwire records the size, date and a
quantity called a "one way hash function". The idea is to take the
data of the file and compute a fairly large random number. If the
file changes, a different hash value results. The "one way" part
means that it is "difficult" to make a small change to file and still
come up with the same hash value. Of course, if the database of hash
values is stored on the hard disk and the cracker finds it, he can
just update the database... which is why you want to keep the database
on a floppy.
<p>The <b>find</b> program is extremely useful for finding suspicious looking
files that the intruder has left laying around. Use find to look for
recently-modified files in the /lib, /usr and /etc hierarchies,
keeping in mind that it is possible to change the timestamps.
<p>An easy situation occurs when you have installed a system via CDROM.
Since the CDROM cannot be modified, you can compare what is on the CD
with what is on the hard disk. Something like:
<pre>find /bin -exec cmp {} /CDROM/dist/{}</pre><br>
will compare files on the disk to what is on the CDROM.
<p>Another thing to check for is:
<pre>find / -perm +6000 -print</pre><br>
which will find all the setuid and setgid files on the disk. A setuid
file is one which runs with the permissions of the file's owner or
group, not the person running the file. This is how the passwd
program lets a user change the password file... but only their own
entry. The intruder may have left something behind which lets him
become root at will.
<p>Note that the -perm option is specific to GNU find-- other systems may
have different syntax. What you're looking for are suspicious files.
A great way to learn Unix is to simply go through the system files and
figure out what each one does.
<p>Perhaps the best way to sleep easier at night is to simply reinstall
the operating system and all of the utilities after a breakin. This
operation is much easier under Linux than most other Unixes and goes a
long way toward giving you peace of mind about any time-bombs left
behind. Besides, you were meaning to upgrade anyway, weren't you?
<H2>War Story #1</H2>
<p>By default, most Linux systems come with tcp wrappers automatically
installed. This program intercepts the initial service requests from
remote machines and logs them in the system logs. The wrappers can be
configured to reject or allow access from listed sites.
<p>In the attempted bankweb breakin, the wrappers let me know that there
had been an attempt in the first place. From the listings, you can
see that by default several services were enable during the
installation that really shouldn't be running. The <b>ps</b> service let
the intruder see processes running on our machine-- and gain account
names. netstat let him see the machine's active network connections.
The first step was to disable those two "services" by commenting out
their lines in /etc/inetd.conf and resetting inetd.
<p>Step number two was to track the cracker back to his network provider.
Fingering and telnetting to the IP number produced a refused
connection, implying that the machine in question was probably not a
Unix machine. Telnetting to port 137, the windows name service port
was accepted, implying that the machine was a windows box. It was
quite possible that the machine I was looking at was not the
intruder's machine-- if the intruder was dialed in via ppp, then the
IP number could have simply been reassigned to the machine that I was
<p>A lookup using <tt>whois</tt> with the first three parts of the IP number
produced the provider's name but not an email address to send a
complaint to. Using the traceroute program gave some intermediate
addresses that I used to find the intruder's provider. The
next-to-last address in the route to the intruder refused connections,
but trying to telnet into the second-to-last produced a shocking
result-- the address turned out to be a completely unprotected router.
Not only were current network statistics displayed and updated, but
"Configure" was a prominent menu item...
<H2>War Story #2</H2>
<p>I logged in to a workstation cluster at school late one Saturday night
to check the progress of one of my jobs. I was quite surprised to
find 'root' logged in running a couple of shells and a chess demo from
the local X-windows console. I chose to leave the intruder alone
since I was unable to do much-- the recent installation of NIS had
been botched and left me unable to change the cluster's root password.
<p>I called the police after he shut down the system, since we've had a
few computer thefts. I did have to do some fancy explaining to the
dispatcher on why I thought a theft was taking place from several
miles away. It turned out that the intruder was an idiot who didn't
know the difference between shutting the system down and logging out.
<p>He had acquired the password by watching one of the faculty miss the
"enter" key while logging in as root-- the password was echoed right
after "root". Coincidentally, I had acquired the cluster's root
password in the same way, only I found it by seeing the log entry
<tt>login failed for rootrs314m</tt>. The moral is change the password
if someone sees it, or if it has accidentally gone into the system
<H2>War Story #3</H2>
<p>One day, on a machine I used as well as administered, I received a
very strange letter that had been originally addressed to root-- I had
forwarded root's mail to myself. The letter appeared to be (and in
fact was) a command that was supposed to mail our password file to an
address at an ivy-league university on the east coast. Old versions
of the 'sendmail' program had a mode that allowed commands to be sent
in letters to facilitate debugging. When the program was distributed,
this "feature" was not disabled. Fortunately, the vendor for the
workstation (not a Linux box) had closed that hole.
<p>The next step was to contact the source of the attacks. I have found
that the proper attitude is to be polite, and inform the
administrators that you are having a problem with one of their users,
then show them everything you have... and hope that the person you've
contacted isn't the one who is launching the attacks. The address
turned out to be on a completely insecure mail server, ending the
hunt, but we at least made the right people aware of the problem.
<p>That machine suffered several additional attacks over the next couple
of months. The reason was that one of my users, who happened to be
Russian, had a bunch of less-than-reputable "friends" back home who
wanted impress him by breaking into his machine. At a group meeting, I
mentioned these attacks, and half-suggested we all kick in twenty
dollars, send the total to Moscow, and have a few legs broken. The
other Russian, in our group, a very mild-mannered man, said
"Break their legs?? Break their heads!". Watch out for those Russians...
<H2>War Story #4</H2>
<p>I received an email notifying me that the machine in War Story #3 was
being used as a base for attacking other machines. I forwarded root's
mail to myself by putting my email in a file named .forward in root's
home directory. If you administer a workstation, you want to do
something like this, because the root account is typically rarely used
and you want to know about this sort of thing the moment it happens.
<p>As it turned out, the people complaining had waited too long for us to
figure out who had been on the machine when the attacks took place.
The logs on that machine were rotated every two weeks. Since the
prime suspect had graduated, we chose to close his account along with
all the other accounts that had never been deleted. Examining the
suspect's files, we did find tools for breaking in to a variety of
systems as well as a utmp editor for hiding his tracks. The root
password was changed at the same time.
<p>So, in conclusion, if you find out that *your* machine is under
attack, stay calm, do it quick, do it first and keep your backups
<H2>Further reading:</H2>
<p>Check out Bill Cheswick's classic "Evening with Berferd" paper.
<a href="ftp://cert.org/pub/papers/Bill_Cheswick_berferd.ps">ftp://cert.org/pub/papers/Bill_Cheswick_berferd.ps</a>
Andy Vaught
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Andy Vaught<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Michael J. Hammel">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="The Monthly Column of Computer Graphics for Linux Systems.">
<TITLE>Graphics Muse</TITLE>
&nbsp;<!-- =============================================================
This Page Designed by Michael J. Hammel.
Permission to use all graphics and other content for private,
non-commerical use is granted provided you give me (or the
original authors/artists) credit for the work.
CD-ROM distributors and commercial ventures interested in
providing the Graphics Muse for a fee must contact me,
Michael J. Hammel (mjhammel@csn.net), for permission.
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<TD><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/gm3.gif" ALT="Welcome to the Graphics Muse" NOSAVE HEIGHT=216 WIDTH=441 ALIGN=LEFT></TD>
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=-1>Set your browser as wide as you'd like now.&nbsp;
I've fixed the Muse to expand to fill the available space!</FONT></CENTER>
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=-2>&copy; 1997 by <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">mjh</A>&nbsp;</FONT></CENTER>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
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<TD VALIGN=TOP><B><FONT SIZE=+1>muse:</FONT></B>&nbsp;
<I>v;</I> to become absorbed in thought&nbsp;</LI>
<I>n;</I> [ fr. Any of the nine sister goddesses of learning and the arts
in Greek Mythology ]: a source of inspiration&nbsp;</LI>
&nbsp;<IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/w.gif" ALT="W" HEIGHT=28 WIDTH=36 ALIGN=BOTTOM>elcome
to the Graphics Muse! Why a "muse"? Well, except for the sisters aspect,
the above definitions are pretty much the way I'd describe my own interest
in computer graphics: it keeps me deep in thought and it is a daily source
of inspiration.&nbsp;
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=-1>[<A HREF="#mews">Graphics Mews</A>] [<A HREF="#musings">Musings</A>]
[<A HREF="#resources">Resources</A>]&nbsp;</FONT></CENTER>
<BR><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/t.gif" ALT="T" HEIGHT=28 WIDTH=26 ALIGN=LEFT>his column
is dedicated to the use, creation, distribution, and discussion of computer
graphics tools for Linux systems.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The format of this months column has changed just a tad.&nbsp;
I rebuilt my template for the column using Netscape's Page Composer, part
of the Communicator 4.01 Preview Release 6.&nbsp; There are lots of little
things I don't like about Communicator but the Page Composer is quite nice.&nbsp;
Its the first WYSIWYG HTML editor I've used on Linux that I've really liked.&nbsp;
I intend to do many of my pages using it from now on.&nbsp; To be fair
to Communicator, it is a preview release (once known as Beta, but I guess
that has bad connotations now).&nbsp; I've always been pleased with Netscape's
products.&nbsp; If I could just get them to publicly support Linux I'd
be happier.&nbsp; Anyway, once the little annoying aspects are cleared
up the 4.x release should be quite a boost to Netscape's product line.&nbsp;<IMG SRC="./gx/hammel/gfx-masses-2.jpg" HSPACE=15 VSPACE=15 HEIGHT=400 WIDTH=299 ALIGN=RIGHT>
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; During the month of July I was finishing up a major X
application for my employer (EMASS, Inc, a division of Raytheon/E-Systems/TI/and
who knows what else).&nbsp; One of the last things I had to do was port
the application to a slew of Unix platforms.&nbsp; Well, the ports were
pretty easy - it was just a matter of getting the build environment set
up right - but I had lots of free time to burn while some compiles were
running.&nbsp; Fortunately I was able to log in from home to do these,
so I started to look at a few graphics applications that I've been meaning
to get to for some time.&nbsp; The first is Image Alchemy, a commercial
product from Handmade Software that provides extensive image conversion
capabilities.&nbsp; I'd long ago promised Hap Nesbitt of Handmade Software
that I would do the review.&nbsp; My apologies to him and Handmade for
taking so long to get around to it.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The next package is ImageMagick.&nbsp; I've seen the posts
for this package on comp.os.linux.announce many times and have heard lots
of good things about the package.&nbsp; I decided it was time to take a
closer look.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Finally, I decided to take a look at a tool thats been
around for awhile but that hasn't really been discussed much in the forums
that I frequent:&nbsp; Geomview.&nbsp; A quick glance at the pre-built
binary really caught my eye.&nbsp; This is a tool with a lot of potential.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In this months column I'll also be covering:
Is VRML ready for Prime Time?</LI>
In Q and A:&nbsp; how do you turn TGA files from POV-Ray into an animation?</LI>
Oh, and the image on the right, <B>Graphics for the Masses</B>, was created
as a demonstration of what can be done with the GIMP.&nbsp; It was enough
to convinve the Linux Journal that I could do the cover for their November
Graphics issue using this handy Photoshop clone.&nbsp; The final cover
art doesn't look anything like this one, however.&nbsp; It was just a way
of showing off what is possible.&nbsp; If anyone else needs a cover done,
feel free to drop me a line!
<BR><A NAME="mews"></A>
<TD><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/mews.gif" ALT="Graphics Mews" HEIGHT=53 WIDTH=242 ALIGN=LEFT></TD>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Disclaimer: Before I get too far into this
I should note that any of the news items I post in this section are just
that - news. Either I happened to run across them via some mailing list
I was on, via some Usenet news group, or via email from someone. I'm not
necessarily endorsing these products (some of which may be commercial),
I'm just letting you know I'd heard about them in the past month.
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=10 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
<TD>I ran across this in the <A HREF="http://www.xcf.berkeley.edu/~gimp">GIMP
Developers mailing list</A>.&nbsp; Unfortunately, I forgot to save the
attribution.&nbsp; My apologies to the original poster of the message.&nbsp;
<BLOCKQUOTE>I've been reading some of the W3 specs recently, and I've come
across some good stuff. I'm impressed - until recently it seemed like the
W3 either wouldn't or couldn't get their act together, but now they seem
to be putting out genuinely useful specifications.&nbsp;
<P>Anyway, the one with perhaps the greatest relevance to GIMP users is
the sRGB standard, which specifies how images should look when displayed
on the Internet. If you're interested at all in gamma correction and monitor
color spaces, take a look at:&nbsp;
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Graphics/Color/sRGB.html">http://www.w3.org/pub/
<P>If you're not familiar with the color management literature, some of
it will be hard going, but it might be worthwhile anyway.&nbsp;
<P>For people who are not intimately familiar with CIE color spaces and
all that stuff, the bottom line of sRGB is that the default gamma value
for Gimp should be 1.0 (as indeed it is in 0.99.10). For people that have
calibrated monitors (most likely a tiny fraction of Gimp users), it would
be appropriate to use some form of color management technology (I think
some of the new X's have color management defined, but I'm not sure how
good it is) and do a transformation from the image color space to the screen
color space. However, in the absence of that, gamma correction is generally
not appropriate.&nbsp;
<P>In the long term, it might be a good idea to add color management to
the Gimp, but for now I think it's fine without. Color management tends
not to work well unless it's very carefully applied - generally, something
that only happens in high end environments.&nbsp;</BLOCKQUOTE>
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<TD WIDTH="50%">
&nbsp;&nbsp; This program is a graphical interface to Font3D&nbsp;
<BR>(<A HREF="http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~squid/font3d.html">http://www-personal.ksu.edu/
~squid/font3d.html</A>), and requires the XForms library (<A HREF="http://bragg.phys.uwm.edu/xforms">http://bragg.phys.uwm.edu/xforms</A>).&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; The interface was developed with <A HREF="http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~squid/font3d.html">Font3D
v1.6.</A>&nbsp; Font3D generates&nbsp; geometry (model) files for 3D text
in a variety of output formats (POV, RIB, etc.) from True Type font files.&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; I designed <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">xfont3d </FONT></B>to
be used as a tool mainly for POV-Ray.&nbsp; The built-in POV-Ray pre viewer
allows you to render a sample of the font generated by Font3D.&nbsp; However,
xfont3d supports all the output options of Font3D - you just won't be able
to preview it directly from xfont3d.&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; You can view an image of the interface and get the source
code from&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://cspar.uah.edu/~mallozzir">http://cspar.uah.edu/~mallozzir</A>&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; I wrote the thing in about three days, so by that time
I was sick of it, and hence it has not really undergone much testing&nbsp;&nbsp;
Please send any bug reports or comments to <A HREF="mailto:mallozzir@cspar.uah.edu">mallozzir@cspar.uah.edu.</A>&nbsp;
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#006600"><FONT SIZE=-1>Dr. Robert S. Mallozzi&nbsp;</FONT></FONT></B>&nbsp;
<BR><I><FONT COLOR="#006600">University of Alabama in Huntsville&nbsp;</FONT></I></TD>
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&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">GCL </FONT></B>(Graphics Command
Language) is an interpreting language that is based on the data plotting
library DISLIN. Version 2.2 of GCL is now released.&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; About 400 plotting and parameter setting routines of DISLIN
can be called from GCL for displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts,
3D-colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are
supported such as X11, PostScript, CGM, HPGL, TIFF and Prescribe.&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; Some quickplots are also added to GCL that can display
data with one command. Similar to programming languages such as Fortran
and C, high-level language elements can be used within GCL. These are variables,
operators, array operations, loops, if and switch statements, user-defined
subroutines and functions, and file I/O routines.&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; GCL is free available for the operating systems&nbsp; MS-DOS,
Windows 95, VMS, Linux, AIX, Digital UNIX, HP-UX and SunOS.&nbsp;
<P>FTP sites:&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/grafik/dislin">ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/grafik/dislin</A>&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://linhmi.mpae.gwdg.de/pub/dislin">ftp://linhmi.mpae.gwdg.de/pub/dislin</A>&nbsp;
<P>Home Page:&nbsp;
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://www.mpae.gwdg.de/dislin/dislin.htm">http://www.mpae.gwdg.de/dislin/dislin.htm</A></TD>
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ImageMagick 3.8.8</H2>
&nbsp;&nbsp; The newest version of the binary distribution of <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">ImageMagick</FONT></B>,
version 3.8.8, has been uploaded to Sunsite..&nbsp; You can also get it
from its primary site at <A HREF="ftp://ftp.wizards.dupont.com/pub/ImageMagick/linux">ftp.wizards.dupont.com
<P>ImageMagick (TM), version 3.8.8, is a package for display and interactive
manipulation of images for the X Window System.&nbsp; ImageMagick performs,
also as command line programs, among others these functions:&nbsp;
Describe the format and characteristics of an image&nbsp;</LI>
Convert an image from one format to another&nbsp;</LI>
Transform an image or sequence of images&nbsp;</LI>
Read an image from an X server and output it as an image file&nbsp;</LI>
Animate a sequence of images&nbsp;</LI>
Combine one or more images to create new images&nbsp;</LI>
Create a composite image by combining several separate images&nbsp;</LI>
Segment an image based on the color histogram&nbsp;</LI>
<BR>Retrieve, list, or print files from a remote network site&nbsp;</UL>
The major changes in ImageMagick 3.8.8 are:&nbsp;
PerlMagick now can interactively display an image or animate an image sequence.&nbsp;</LI>
Subimages can now be specified in any order. For example, image.miff[3,2],
image.miff[11-1], or image.miff[1,2,2,3].</LI>
Added <B>-remote</B> to display and animate. It allows you to send a load
image command to an already running executable.</LI>
Duplicate entries in an image colormap are now automatically eliminated.&nbsp;</LI>
Display and animate now support embedded characters for the -title option
(e.g. -title "%f[%s]", for filename and scene).&nbsp;</LI>
ImageMagick supports also the Drag-and-Drop protocol form the OffiX package
and many of the more popular image formats including JPEG, MPEG, PNG, TIFF,
Photo CD, etc.&nbsp;
Freedom VR - Java Virtual Reality Applet</H2>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Freedom VR </FONT></B>is a photographic
VR applet that was developed with Linux but also works on other flavors
of Unix,&nbsp; the Macintosh and even Windows. It beats Quicktime VR in
compression performance -- because Freedom VR uses Internet standards such
as .gif and .jpeg, Freedom VR content can be produced on any platform.&nbsp;
The developers are interested in working with other programmers to develop
software for converting other VR formats such as VRML and Quicktime VR
to Freedom VR.&nbsp; We've also written up a tutorial for taking VR photographs.&nbsp;
<P>Freedom VR applet:&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/vr/freedom/">http://www.msc.cornell.edu/
<P>Paul and Olivia's VR Garden (produced with Freedom VR):&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/vr/garden/">http://www.msc.cornell.edu/
<P>An introduction to VR photography:&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/vr/howto/">http://www.msc.cornell.edu/
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=4 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
<B>&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Jaw3DLib</FONT></B>, a 3d programming
library has been released for several platforms: linux, ms-dos, and sunos.
I'd like a few alpha testers to take a look at this. An example app is
included that can be easily modified. Go to: <A HREF="http://umn.edu/~jawed/jaw3d/">http://umn.edu/~jawed/jaw3d/</A>&nbsp;
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#006600"><FONT SIZE=-1>Jawed Karim</FONT></FONT></B>&nbsp;
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="mailto:jawed@tc.umn.edu">jawed@tc.umn.edu</A></FONT>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://umn.edu/~jawed">http://umn.edu/~jawed&nbsp;</A></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=5 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
<CENTER>Looking for NetPBM archives?&nbsp; Try&nbsp;</CENTER>
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.arc.umn.edu/GVL/Software/pbmplus-ftp.html">http://www.arc.umn.edu/
<CENTER>for a list of archive sites.</CENTER>
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=10 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
<TD>For those of you owning or otherwise interested in <FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><B><I>Connectix
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; There is now a campaign attempting to convince Connectix
to make the specifications for their VIDEC compression algorithm available
publicly.&nbsp; Without the spec, it is not possible for any third-party
projects (such as SANE) to support 16 bit color mode.&nbsp; If you want
to join or learn more about the campaign, please visit:&nbsp;
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.kabel.de/~hmueller/qc/freevidec.shtml">http://www.kabel.de/
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IKM Interactive announces the release of axis 1.0alpha, a 3D rendering
engine for Linux/SGI/Sun/Win95/WinNT.</H2>
&nbsp;&nbsp; A 3Dfx accelerated version is also available for Win95 (and
possibly Linux soon).&nbsp; A Power Mac version is currently in development.&nbsp;
You can download the current version from <A HREF="http://www.ikm.com">http://www.ikm.com</A>&nbsp;
This is an alpha release, mostly of interest to 3D hackers.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Axis </FONT></B>uses OpenGL on
SGI and Win 95/NT, and <A HREF="http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~brianp/Mesa.html">Mesa
</A>on the remaining platforms.&nbsp; The 3dfx accelerated version utilizes
the <A HREF="http://www-hmw.caribel.pisa.it/fxmesa/index.shtml">Mesa Voodoo
libraries</A>.&nbsp; The Linux version currently has the best coloring/shading;
the different OpenGL implementations have quirks that we haven't sorted
out yet.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; The rendering engine uses a simple stack machine interpreter,
and processes a language that has similarities to Lisp, Forth, and Adobe's
PostScript. The interpreter is multi-threaded, so objects in the 3D environment
can have private namespaces.&nbsp; We are working on a programming manual
for the language.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; It is also network-ready; you can talk directly to the
rendering engine with a TCP/IP connection.&nbsp; The distribution includes
source code for an example TclTk program which utilizes the network connection
(this is the tool we used to position models within the 3D environment).&nbsp;
We will be releasing more complex modelers shortly.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; The rendering engine and language interpreter will be the
base for our multi-user shared environment application, which we plan to
release near the end of July.&nbsp; Environments, and information about
positions of other users, will be downloaded via TCP/IP; if you choose
to customize your avatar, code for that can be uploaded.
<P>Enjoy, and let me know if you have questions.
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#006600"><FONT SIZE=-1>Patrick H. Madden</FONT></FONT></B>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:phm@webvision.com">phm@webvision.com</A>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:pickle@cs.ucla.edu">pickle@cs.ucla.edu</A>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:phm@ikm.com">phm@ikm.com</A> when we get our mail server
sorted out.....
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<TD WIDTH="50%">
&nbsp;WSCG '98&nbsp; International Conference and Exhibition</H2>
&nbsp;Call for Papers and Participation&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;Deadline for papers September 30,1998&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Sixth International Conference in Central
Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization 98 in cooperation with IFIP
working group 5.10 on Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds will be held
in February 9 - 13, 1998 in Plzen at the University of West Bohemia close
to PRAGUE, the capital of Czech Republic&nbsp;
<BR><B><U><FONT SIZE=-1>Conference Chairs&nbsp;</FONT></U></B>&nbsp;
<CENTER>Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, MIRALab-CUI, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland&nbsp;</CENTER>
<CENTER>Vaclav Skala, Univ. of West Bohemia, Czech Republic&nbsp;</CENTER>
<P>The latest information is available at:&nbsp;
<CENTER><A HREF="http://wscg.zcu.cz">http://wscg.zcu.cz</A></CENTER>
<CENTER><A HREF="http://herakles.zcu.cz">http://herakles.zcu.cz</A></CENTER>
<P><A HREF="wscg.txt">Full announcement </A>in plain text is available.</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HEIGHT=3 WIDTH=20></TD>
POV Texture Library</H2>
This texture library has been updated and the URL has changed.&nbsp; This
site is done by a non-Unix user, but the textures are platform inspecific.If
you're looking for some interesting textures for your POV-Ray scenes take
a look at&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~rs/povray/texlib/">http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HEIGHT=3 WIDTH=20></TD>
IRTC CD-ROM Due out soon!</H2>
Chris Cason, who manages the server which supports the <A HREF="http://www.irtc.org">IRTC
</A>and <A HREF="http://www.povray.org">POV-Ray</A> Web sites.&nbsp; is
getting ready to publish the IRTC CD-ROM.&nbsp; This CD contains the collection
of images submitted to the IRTC over that last year, the IRTC's first year
of existance (in its reincarnation that is).&nbsp;
<P>If you're interested in getting a copy of this CD, please check out
the <A HREF="http://www.irtc.org">IRTC Web site </A>for more information.&nbsp;
All proceeds from the CD go to the maintenence and expansion of the Web
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<B>EPSON Scanner Driver</B></H2>
<B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">EPSCAN </FONT></B>is a scanner driver for EPSON
ES-1200C/GT-9000 scanners.&nbsp; It includes a driver and a nice X frontend.&nbsp;
It allows previewing, and selecting a region of an image to be scanned,
as well as changing scanner settings.&nbsp; It only supports scanners attached
to a SCSI port, not to the parallel port.&nbsp;&nbsp; The driver should
support any of the ES-{300-800}C / GT-{1000-6500}.&nbsp;
<P>EPSCAN is available from:&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/Incoming/epscan-0.1.tar.gz">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/
<BR>and an rpm version to&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/Incoming/epscan-0.1-1.src.rpm">ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/Incoming/epscan-0.1-1.i386.rpm">ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/
<P>The rpm version will probably be moved, if it hasn't already, to&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/contrib/epscan-0.1-1.src.rpm">ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/contrib/epscan-0.1-1.i386.rpm">ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/
<P>The sunsite version will probably be moved to&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/scanners/epscan-0.1.tar.gz">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/</A> <A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/scanners/epscan-0.1.tar.gz">Linux/apps/graphics/scanners/epscan-0.1.tar.gz</A>&nbsp;
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#009900"><FONT SIZE=-1>Adam P. Jenkins</FONT></FONT></B>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="mailto:ajenkins@cs.umass.edu">ajenkins@cs.umass.edu&nbsp;</A>&nbsp;
<P><B><U><FONT SIZE=-1>Requirements</FONT></U></B>:&nbsp;
Linux 2.x&nbsp;</LI>
Qt library version >= 1.1&nbsp;</LI>
libtiff version >= 3.4&nbsp;</LI>
g++ version >= 2.7.2&nbsp;</LI>
You can get the <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Qt </FONT></B>library from <A HREF="http://www.troll.no">http://www.troll.no</A>.&nbsp;&nbsp;
EPSCAN may work with older versions of Linux, XFree, and g++; this is just
what it was developed with.&nbsp;
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<TD><I>Has anyone tried out ELECTRO-GIG's product, 3DGO?&nbsp; The Graphics
Muse wants to know!</I>&nbsp;
<P>Its 37M and downloading across a 36.6 modem is painful at best.&nbsp;
I'd love to try it, but I don't have the cash on hand for ordering it and
having it shipped (I don't mind paying for it, but next months trip to
SIGGRAPH plus some vacation time sort of sucked me dry for the time being).&nbsp;
If you've used it let me know your thoughts.&nbsp; I'll be happy to pass
any review on to my readers, with full credit to you of course!&nbsp;</TD>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cow House Productions is pleased to
announce the release of <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Iv2POV</FONT></B>. Iv2POV
is a translator / converter for Inventor 2.0 / VRML 1.0 files to POVRAY,
the popular raytracing program. Both source code and an Irix 5.3 executable
are available (free!) at&nbsp;
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.cowhouse.com/Home/Converters/converters.html">http://www.cowhouse.com/</A>
<A HREF="http://www.cowhouse.com/Home/Converters/converters.html">Home/Converters/converters.html.</A>&nbsp;</CENTER>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cow House is also pleased to
present a new release of <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Iv2Ray</FONT></B>, the
Inventor (VRML 1.0) to Rayshade (a different popular raytracing program)
converter / translator. Iv2Ray is also available as an Irix 5.3 binary
and as C++ source code.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; While you are at <A HREF="http://www.cowhouse.com">www.cowhouse.com</A>
- feel free to take a look around, download some samples, and otherwise
exerciseyour browser.&nbsp;</TD>
<TD VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="3" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=1 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
-- Did You Know Section
Did You Know?</H4>
...the growth of 3D modellers continues at a frightening pace.&nbsp; Another
modeller was recently announced:&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">GL-SPACE</FONT>.</B>&nbsp;
You can find information on this new modeller at <A HREF="http://tularosa.eece.unm.edu/staff/greywolf/glspace/">http://tularosa.eece.unm.edu/staff/greywolf/glspace/.&nbsp;
</A>It requires Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 and Mesa 1.2.8 or OpenGL.&nbsp; The interface
is quite cool - one of the best I've seen yet.&nbsp; The cameras location
is represented by - a camera!&nbsp; Really.&nbsp; Take a look at it.
<P>...there is a very nifty morphing tool, called <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">xmrm</FONT></B>,
available at <A HREF="http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/ca/mrm/index.html">http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/ca/mrm/index.html.&nbsp;
</A>I played with this a little and it has one of the most professional
looking interfaces I've seen in awhile.&nbsp; Its relatively easy to use,
at least if you follow the one example morph it provides.
<P>...there is a Web site devoted to explaining how to make MPEG movies?&nbsp;
Take a look at <A HREF="http://www.arc.umn.edu/GVL/Software/mpeg.html">http://www.arc.umn.edu/
GVL/Software/mpeg.html&nbsp;</A> to find out more.
-- Q and A Section
<B><FONT SIZE=+0>Q and A</FONT></B></H4>
<I><B>Q</B>:</I>&nbsp; <I>I am quite new to POVRAY and would like to know
where I can get an application which plays a series of *.tga files as an
animation.&nbsp; I have created all the TGA files using POV.&nbsp; What
can I use to play these files in sequence?</I>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR="#006600"><FONT SIZE=-1>Merv Young.</FONT></FONT></B>
<P><B>A</B>:&nbsp; Well, I don't know of any tools that can take a set
of TGA files and directly turn them into an animation on Linux systems.&nbsp;
I'm not that familiar with animations yet, but here is what I do know.
<P>First, you have two types of animations you can create (with freely
available tools) from a set of raster images:&nbsp; MPEG or an animated
GIF.&nbsp; The latter requires the images to be in GIF format (GIF89a,
actually).&nbsp; There are two tools for taking the GIF files and turning
them into an animation:&nbsp; <A HREF="http://www.msg.net/utility/whirlgif/">WhilrGIF
</A>and <A HREF="http://www.peritas.com/~abw/code/multigif.html">MultiGIF</A>.&nbsp;
Both are command line tools and both are fairly easy to use.&nbsp; I like
MultiGIF a little more simply because it can create smaller animation using
sprites (small images that can overlay the previous image).&nbsp; Understanding
how to do this is a little tricky, but not that tough.&nbsp; WhirlGIF simply
concatenates the set of GIFs together into an animated sequence.&nbsp;
Playing an animated GIF can only be done by Web browsers, although I only
know for certain that both Netscape and MSIE support this format.&nbsp;
To my knowledge (someone correct me if I'm wrong) there are no "animated
GIF players" for Linux.
<P>MPEG is an animation format that I've just started to experiment with.&nbsp;
There is only one command line tool that I'm aware of for creating the
animations - <A HREF="ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/mpeg">mpeg_encode</A>
- but there are quite a few tools for viewing them (<A HREF="http://xanim.va.pubnix.com/home.html">xanim</A>,
<A HREF="http://www.mpegtv.com/">MpegTV</A>, <A HREF="ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/mpeg">mpeg_play,</A>
etc).&nbsp; Creating the animation is done by setting up a text file with
the configuration information needed by mpeg_encode.&nbsp; It then reads
the configuration file, determines what sort of processing is to be done
and takes the input files and creates the MPEG output file.&nbsp; The configuration
can be fairly sophisticated, but I found the default template worked fairly
well with only a few minor modifications.&nbsp; One of those modifications
was to tell mpeg_encode what other tool to use to convert the input files,
which were in TIFF format (rendered from BMRT), into a format that mpeg_encode
could handle.&nbsp; Fortunately, mpeg_encode handles two fairly common
formats:&nbsp; JPEG and PPM/PNM (it actually supports a couple of others,
but these two will be readily recognizable to most users).&nbsp; I used
the NetPBM tool <B><I>tifftopnm</I></B>.&nbsp; The TIFF files are converted
on the fly by mpeg_encode as long as you tell it what converter to use.
<BR>There is another format called FLI which has an encoder.&nbsp; My understanding
is that this format is slowly dying as MPEG gains popularity.
<P>So now that you know what formats you need to put the animation in you
might wonder how to get the TGA files into the formats you need.&nbsp;
Thats a common question when dealing with both 2D and 3D images, in both
animated and static formats.&nbsp; The answer:&nbsp; get either the NetPBM
tools. ImageMagick, or ImageAlchemy (the latter being a more sophisticated
commercial product).&nbsp; Any of these are valuable tools for your arsenal
of image processing since they all perform the often needed task of converting
from one format to another.&nbsp; NetPBM is what I currently use, although
I don't believe it has a tool for converting JPEG images to other formats
(there is an add-on package for NetPBM that handles this, but I don't think
the NetPBM package itself has JPEG conversion tools - I could be wrong,
its been awhile since I downloaded the package).
<P>So, to summarize how to get your TGA files into an animation:
Deterine which animation format you want to create.</LI>
Determine what format the input files need to be in (GIF, JPEG or PNM).</LI>
Be sure you have a tool for converting the TGA files to the input format
- this may be a two step process and it may be possible to get the animation
creation software to handle the conversion for you (such as with mpeg_encode).</LI>
Get the encoding tools - mpeg_encode, WhirlGIF or MultiGIF.</LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><A NAME="musings"></A>
<TD><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/musings.gif" ALT="Musings" HEIGHT=52 WIDTH=247 ALIGN=LEFT></TD>
&nbsp;Is VRML ready for PrimeTime?</H2>
Some time back I had a reader send me email asking my thoughts on VRML.&nbsp;
Below is the response I sent.&nbsp; After rereading it I have to say I
still agree with it, although I reserve the right to change my mind after
my trip to SIGGRAPH next month.
<P><FONT COLOR="#006600"><B><FONT SIZE=-1>Reagen Ward</FONT></B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">wrote</FONT>:
<BR><I>I come from the world of PHIGS for visualization, and thus can't
stand VRML as a supposed data format.&nbsp; I'd love to hear your opinions
on why it's not ready for personal use.</I>
<P>Originally I had objected to it due to bandwidth issues.&nbsp; I've
learned since then that this may not be as big a limitation as I once thought
since VRML provides a language which can be passed between client and server
and doesn't (to my knowledge - which admittedly is still somewhat limited)
require the actual images to be passed.&nbsp; PHIGS could probably be done
this way too, but PHIGS needs a "PHIGS for Dummies" layer slapped on top
to make it a little more user friendly.
<P>However, the real limitation right now is processing power.&nbsp; Even
if you pass only descriptions of the objects to render, the end system
still has to be fast enough to render them <B><I>from the point of view
of the user</I></B>.&nbsp; This is <B>very</B> CPU intensive.&nbsp; The
average user doesn't have this kind of processing power (have you seen
the new WebTV boxes?&nbsp; They are even slower and
<BR>dumber than the average 2 year old PC).&nbsp; This processing could
be moved off CPU into some adapter card (maybe a VRML-ready display card),
but such technology isn't available yet so its cost would still be (for
some time) out of the reach of the average home.
<P>Now its not unlikely to see VRML in some environs:&nbsp; kiosks in stores
or malls (real ones, not Internet Malls) come to mind or any kind of public
facility that provides information to users to be browsed at their own
pace. These places will have limited point-of-view (like point-of-sale)
locations on a local network so bandwidth is not a problem, nor is server
capacity (its known pretty much ahead of time how much activity they're
likely to have).&nbsp; The point-of-view boxes can be as powerful as the
mall can afford.&nbsp; VRML provides a reasonable return-on-investment
for these situations.
<P>But the big money, and money (income, that is) is what drives acceptance,
only comes when you can move the technology into the home.&nbsp; Thats
what WebTV's are all about - computers for the common man at toaster prices.
VRML requires too much processing for the average home, so its not likely
to be a big technology for at least 2-5 years.&nbsp; It depends on if Intel/Sun/HP/etc
can find a way to make money producing VRML-toasters.
<P>Hows that?
<IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" ALT="indent" HSPACE=1 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 ALIGN=LEFT></H2>
Image Alchemy&nbsp;</H2>
&nbsp;&nbsp; One of the most common tasks graphic artists will face is
converting stock images from CDs and other resources from their original
format to one that can be used by their particular software or medium (such
as for use on the Web).&nbsp; There are actually a plethora of tools for
doing this conversion.&nbsp; <A HREF="ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/xv">xv
</A>will convert between a limited set of formats, but does handle most
of the most common formats.&nbsp; The NetPBM tools handle a huge number
of formats using a very large set of command-line programs.&nbsp; And ImageMagick
has both command line and X-based interfaces for converting images.&nbsp;
Each of these has advantages and users will want to play with each to find
one that suits their needs.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Another solution for image conversion and manipulation
comes from <A HREF="http://www.handmadesw.com">Handmade Software </A>in
their <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Image Alchemy </FONT></B>package.&nbsp;
This is a commercial package that features support for over 60 different
image file formats using a command line interface.&nbsp; A graphical interface
is available for Sun systems using OpenLook and there may now be a Motif
version as well, however these do not appear to be available for Linux
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Getting the software requires that you simply download
the Linux binary package from the <A HREF="http://www.handmadesw.com/hsi/download.html">download
page </A>of Handmade's Web site.&nbsp; There is a demo package available
for free, but the retail version requires a username and password that
can be obtained from their sales department.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The package I have, which I got from Hap Nesbitt at Handmade
Software, contains two binaries:&nbsp; alchemy and alchfont.&nbsp; The
former is the graphics conversion package.&nbsp; The latter is a font manager,
although I'm not really clear on how to use it.&nbsp; The documentation,
330+ pages in a PDF file, didn't contain any references to it.&nbsp; Since
I wasn't expecting this tool I didn't spend any time looking for info on
it at the Handmade Software Web site.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The <A HREF="http://www.handmadesw.com/hsi/download.html">manual
</A>is available for download from their Web site.&nbsp; Its quite large
(something you'd expect from commercial software and something that is
seriously lacking in many freeware packages) but it covers all the versions
of the software, including 2 chapters (out of 8) and 1 appendix (out of
11) on the DOS/Windows Graphical interface.&nbsp; Along with the manual
you can get runtime help by using the -help command line option.&nbsp;
The runtime help is broken into several categories, each with its own command
line option.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The basic usage takes the following form:&nbsp;
<CENTER><B><FONT FACE="Times New Roman,Times"><FONT SIZE=-1>alchemy inputfile
[outputfile] [outputpath] [options]&nbsp;</FONT></FONT></B></CENTER>
The input file can be in any of the supported formats listed in the manual.&nbsp;
The output file can be any name.&nbsp; By default the converted file will
be written to a file with the same filename as the input file but with
the appropriate suffix.&nbsp; For example, newfile.tga would become newfile.gif.&nbsp;
<I>Outputpath </I>is useful when you want to convert a series of images.&nbsp;
<I>Options </I>can be any of a large number of conversion options, many
of which are file format specific.&nbsp; The only required option is the
one which specifies which file format the output file should be in.&nbsp;
Text files, what Image Alchemy refers to as <I>response files</I>, with
options can be used by specifying the file name preceeded with an '@' sign,
such as&nbsp;
<CENTER><B><FONT FACE="Times New Roman,Times"><FONT SIZE=-1>alchemy @scale
myimagein.tif myimagein.gif&nbsp;</FONT></FONT></B></CENTER>
Basically, you can convert one or more images, to files in the local directory
or some other directory, using the command line directly or through the
use of the text files.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Unlike NetPBM the images don't have to be converted to
an interim format before the final image is produced.&nbsp;&nbsp; NetPBM
used the interim format to do its image manipulation, such as scaling or
quantizing the colors in the image.&nbsp; Image Alchemy can do this in
one step using various options.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Speaking of options, the Image Alchemy manual breaks the
available options into 4 categories:&nbsp;
Color and Palette</LI>
Scaling and Filtering</LI>
<CENTER><A HREF="#next-column">-Top of next column-</A></CENTER>
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=3></TD>
<TD><LH><A NAME="next-column"></A><B>More Musings...</B>&nbsp;</LH>&nbsp;
-- <A HREF="more-musings.html">ImageMagic</A></LI>
<TD BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HEIGHT=3 WIDTH=10></TD>
<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp; General options include items such as usage, statistics
and memory features.&nbsp; Conversion options specify the output file types
and any related options.&nbsp; For example, <B>-g</B>&nbsp; is the option
for converting to the GIF format.&nbsp; This option has an additional numeric
argument, 0 or 1, to specify which version of the GIF format to use - GIF87A
or GIF89A respectively.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Color and Palette options cover such things as alpha channels,
true color options, dithering and gamma correction.&nbsp; Scaling options
allow the resizing of the input image and along with the Filters provide
for convolution, flipping, positioning and aspect modifications.&nbsp;
All of the options are covered in detail by the manual and summaries are
available through the builtin help option (<B>-help</B>).&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; When evaluating image conversion utilties the artist will
want to compare the quality and sizes of the images.&nbsp; On my 24-bit
display the quality of the sample JPEG image provided with Image Alchemy
(a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge) didn't change perceptibly when converted
to GIF, Targa (TGA) or TIFF formats.&nbsp; The same image was converted
using xv and NetPBM to these same formats and also showed almost not visible
differences.&nbsp; The following table shows the file sizes for each:&nbsp;
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>GIF</FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>TGA</FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>TIFF</FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=-1>alchemy</FONT></FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>192360</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>924059</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>769700</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=-1>xv</FONT></FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>142784</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>921618</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>772046</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=-1>NetPBM</FONT></FONT></FONT></B></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>146100</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>921618</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>-</FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><B><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=-1>ImageMagick</FONT></FONT></FONT></B></TD>
Note that my version of NetPBM does not include the JPEG conversion utilities
so the TIFF image converted by alchemy was used as the input image for
NetPBM's tools.&nbsp; As you can see, the file sizes were very similar
for TGA.&nbsp; Image Alchemy produced a significantly larger version for
the GIF format and a slightly smaller version of the TIFF.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on this a user might assume xv or NetPBM might be
better suited for their needs.&nbsp; In many cases this is true, especially
if you are only doing a personal web page or perhaps creating simple greeting
cards.&nbsp; For professional work alchemy provides a wider range of tools
and supported formats than xv and NetPBM, and does so with a single command
line program.&nbsp; Both xv and alchemy provide significant documentation
(you can get xv's by registering your copy and paying a little extra for
the manual).&nbsp; NetPBM provides man pages but these can be difficult
to print and its not always easy to determine which tool fits which format.&nbsp;
Only Image Alchemy offers commercial support and with continued development
at published intervals.&nbsp; For commercial operations this can be of
key importance.&nbsp;
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The moral here is to spend a little time examining your
image conversion needs before investing time in any one particular tool.&nbsp;
Image processing is provided by all of these, but aside from scaling and
perhaps color palette operations you may find the GIMP a better tool for
interactive editing of images.&nbsp; If you need the convenience of command
line oriented operation for batch processing, along with commercial support,
then Image Alchemy may be the tool for you.</TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="78%" BGCOLOR="#000000"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" HSPACE=1 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/resources.gif" ALT="Resources" HEIGHT=57 WIDTH=246 ALIGN=LEFT></TD>
The following links are just starting points for finding more information
about computer graphics and multimedia in general for Linux systems. If
you have some application specific information for me, I'll add them to
my other pages or you can contact the maintainer of some other web site.
I'll consider adding other general references here, but application or
site specific information needs to go into one of the following general
references and not listed here.
<TD><A HREF="http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel/linux/lgh.html">Linux Graphics
<BR><A HREF="http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel/ugu/ugu.html">Unix Graphics Utilities</A>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.digiserve.com/ar/linux-snd/">Linux Multimedia Page</A>&nbsp;
<P>Some of the Mailing Lists and Newsgroups I keep an eye on and where
I get alot of the information in this column:&nbsp;
<P><A HREF="http://www.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/~gimp/">The Gimp User and Gimp
Developer Mailing Lists</A>.&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="http://www.irtc.org">The IRTC-L discussion list</A>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="news:comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing">comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing</A>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="news:comp.graphics.rendering.renderman">comp.graphics.rendering.renderman</A>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="news:comp.graphics.api.opengl">comp.graphics.api.opengl</A>&nbsp;
<BR><A HREF="news:comp.os.linux.announce">comp.os.linux.announce</A>&nbsp;
<TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/gmuse.jpg" HEIGHT=270 WIDTH=190></TD>
<A NAME="future"></A>
Future Directions</H2>
Next month:
<P>No Muse next month (September).&nbsp; I'll be at SIGGRAPH and otherwise
busy throughout August and just won't have time for it.&nbsp; But I'll
be back in October, probably with lots of goodies from SIGGRAPH (or at
least I hope I am!).
<P><A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">Let me know what you'd like to hear
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Michael J. Hammel<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<TITLE>Graphics Muse
<!-- =============================================================
This Page Designed by Michael J. Hammel.
Permission to use all graphics and other content for private,
non-commerical use is granted provided you give me (or the
original authors/artists) credit for the work.
CD-ROM distributors and commercial ventures interested in
providing the Graphics Muse for a fee must contact me,
Michael J. Hammel (mjhammel@csn.net), for permission.
============================================================= !--><A NAME="musings"></A>
<IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/musings.gif" ALT="Musings" HEIGHT=52 WIDTH=247 ALIGN=LEFT>&nbsp;</TD>
ImageMagick Overview</H2>
&nbsp;&nbsp; After months of procrastination, I finally got around to taking
a closer look at the ImageMagick set of tools from John Cristy and E.I.
DuPont De Nemours and Company Incorporated.&nbsp; I've had a number of
readers write and ask me about the program, what I thought of it and how
does it work, etc.&nbsp; Its time to address some of those issues.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; ImageMagick is a graphics manipulation tool along the
lines of XV or the GIMP that runs on a variety of Unix systems, including
Linux, along with MS and Macintosh platforms.&nbsp; The package is available
in source or binary distributions from <A HREF="http://www.wizards.dupont.com/cristy/ImageMagick.html">http://www.wizards.dupont.com/cristy/ImageMagick.html.
</A>I downloaded the binary package which was a gzipped tar file of the
installation package using relative paths.&nbsp; Since the package attempts
to place the binaries and some other files under the /usr/X11R6 directory
tree, and I only install system files there (everything else goes under
/usr/local), I had to unpack the file in a local directory tree, change
the name of the X11R6 directory to local, recreate the tar file and then
unpack it as root from the root (/) directory.&nbsp; Other than this, the
installation of the binary package was painless.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The distribution comes with a set of 9 tools that allow
both interactive and command line editing of images:&nbsp;<IMG SRC="./gx/hammel/im-1.jpg" HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 HEIGHT=265 WIDTH=411 ALIGN=RIGHT>
All of the tools come with well written man pages and honor the -? command
line option to get usage summaries.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The first of these, <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">display</FONT></B>,
is an interactive program that uses X Windows.&nbsp; The interface is consists
of a single, columnar set of buttons, each of which opens a menu, and a
viewing window.&nbsp; <B>Figure 1</B> shows the default image window and
the menu box.
<BR>The image window will dither images to fit on the display based on
the hardware support you are using.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The menu buttons are simple to use - just click on one
to see the options available for that menu.&nbsp; The top level menu options
File - file functions</LI>
Edit - undo, redo, etc.</LI>
View - affects image size</LI>
Transform - rotations, shear, flip, crop, etc.</LI>
Enhance - brightness, hue, saturation, etc.</LI>
Effects - despeckle, sharpen, blur, solarize, etc.</LI>
F/X - swirl, implode, oil painting, etc.</LI>
Image Edit - add borders and frames, edit colors, etc.</LI>
Miscellany - image info, slide show, histogram, etc.</LI>
Help - extensive help system, including some HTML based documentation</LI>
Under File the options include such things as a Print function (using Postscript,
so you'll want to make sure you have Ghostscript installed first), New,
Open, Next, Former, and Visual Directory, among others.&nbsp; The Visual
Directory appears much like the Open option in that both provide a File
Selection box from which to choose an image.&nbsp; I'm not certain if I
was using it correctly, however, since I got the feeling the visual directory
is supposed to be similar to XV's visual schnauzer.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The Effects and F/X menus are similar in that both provide
access to features that manipulate the image, much like XV's algorithms
or the GIMP's plug-ins.&nbsp; I found the Shade function interesting in
that it turned the 2D planet into a slightly 3D image by adding shadows
in the appropriate places.&nbsp; Most of the functions are similar to the
features found in the stock GIMP distribution but there are a few more
than what XV provides in its algorithms menu.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; The number of features of the display program is attractive,
but as an image editing tool for artists it is a step or two behind the
ease of use of the GIMP.&nbsp; Some of the effects features are a little
nicer than what is currently available for the GIMP, however.&nbsp; And
the annotate feature, which allows you to insert text into an image, does
provide a reasonable font previewer.&nbsp; Still, the GIMP is a more sophisticated
end-user interface. During my brief testing of display I had multiple lock
ups on my Linux 1.2.13 box, but that may be due to older libc.&nbsp; I
also noticed that display appeared to run a bit slow in refreshing the
image window. Redraws of the windowing toolkit (looks a bit like Tk or
Motif, but I'm not certain what it is really) were really slow.&nbsp; Again,
this may be due to my slightly older Linux system.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Beyond the graphical interface, the other 8 programs in
the distribution are command line oriented.&nbsp; From what I can gather
this is what makes ImageMagick a valuable addition to the Linux graphics
artists toolchest. Each of the commands serves a general purpose but handles
that purpose with an extensive array of options.&nbsp; As a group these
tools can be used to automate the handling of images for display on web
pages quite nicely.&nbsp; I think that many of the features builtin into
the display program are covered by these command line interfaces, but I
also found a few features that I think display may not handle.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Import </FONT></B>is used to
do screen captures of windows or rectangular regions of your monitors display.&nbsp;
You can specify an window ID or name or you can use import interactively
by using the mouse to specify the window or region to capture.&nbsp; Options
include allowing capture of the window manager frame, dithering and cropping
the image before saving. The output file format depends on the filename
extension used for the saved file or by prefixing the filename with the
file type followed by a colon, such as <B><FONT FACE="Courier New,Courier"><FONT SIZE=-1>ps:output_image</FONT></FONT></B>.
By default import will save the file as an Encapsulated Postscript file.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Animate </FONT></B>will take
a series of images in just about any format and display them as an animation.&nbsp;
As with most animation software the quality of the animation will depend
on the number and type of images, the speed of the computer and the memory
available to process the images.&nbsp; Since I didn't have a series of
images to experiment with I wasn't able to really look into this particular
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Montage </FONT></B>allows you
to create a single image built from a series of other images.&nbsp; Input
images are scaled to fit a specified tile size, a square of 120x120 by
default, and then places the images side by side in a series of rows. By
default 5 tiles are used in a row and 4 rows are produced.&nbsp; If more
than 20 images are supplied then additional output montages are produced.&nbsp;
You can specify a larger number of tiles to use for a single montage, and
thus the number of input images to use, with the <B><FONT FACE="Courier New,Courier"><FONT SIZE=-1>-tile</FONT></FONT></B>
option.&nbsp; Montage offers a large set of options.&nbsp; The page size
can be set so that the postscript output will fit on various paper sizes.
You can set the gamma level for the output files, crop and dither the input
images, provide an ornamental frame around the output image, and where
to place an image inside a tile if it doesn't fill the entire tile region
(this is known as where the image will gravitate within the tile).&nbsp;
Input files can be identified with labels using various fonts.&nbsp; 3D
shadows can be added to input images as well as a textured backdrop in
the tile areas and borders not covered by input images.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Convert </FONT></B>and <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Identify
</FONT></B>are complimentary programs.&nbsp; Identify can be used to determine,
based on the files magic number, the image format of a particular file.&nbsp;
Along with the file type information such as the size of the file, whether
or not it is colormapped, and the number of colors in the image are also
printed.&nbsp; Convert takes an image in one format and converts it to
another file using a different, specified format.&nbsp; The format type
can be specified just as with import, with a prefix or suffix denoting
the format of the input and output types.&nbsp; Convert can also read Unix
compressed (.Z suffixed) image files, but does not write the converted
image as a compressed file. Multipage or multipart images are converted
with output files using the filename with a scene number for a suffix.&nbsp;
This is a modifiable option, however.&nbsp; You can embed a printf() style
formatting string in the output file name to sequentially number the images
and still include the format type as a suffix.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#CC6600">Mogrify </FONT></B>manipulates
images the way the Effects and F/X menu options in display do.&nbsp; This
tool takes an input file and processes it based on the options specified
and in the order they are specified.&nbsp; Since options are processed
in the order they are presented on the command line, it is possible to
set a series of options to be globally applied to a series of images, then
change one or more of these options for individual images - all from a
single command line.&nbsp; Mogrify permits scripting and batch processing
of images.&nbsp; XV can do this to some extent, but I've never used it
that way and the number of processing functions is greater in mogrify.&nbsp;
The GIMP has a scripting interface, but batch processing has to go through
Net-FU (a network based interface).&nbsp; NetPBM provides only command
line interfaces, but you have to script a series of programs together to
get the same effect you get from mogrify.&nbsp; Image Alchemy, a commercial
product for image processing from Handmade Software, appears to be the
only real match for the way mogrify functions for batch processing.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Finally, the ImageMagick tool set includes an extra feature
- xtp - which allows for network transfer of files simiilar to the way
ftp works.&nbsp; According to the ImageMagick web site, xtp doesn't require
any interactive commands so file transfers can more easily be batch processed.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Beyond the base tools, John Christy and E.I. Dupont De
Nemours and Company also provide a plug-in package called the ImageMagick
Plug-In.&nbsp; This appears to be (although I'm not quite clear about it)
the shared image libraries for a number of popular image file formats.&nbsp;
It is basically equivalent to what libgr provides except that the ImageMagick
libraries include support for MPEG files.&nbsp; There are also a number
of programs in the Plug-In packages, including a TIFF thumbnail generator
and the cjpeg and djpeg tools for compressing and decompressing images
to and from the JPEG format.&nbsp; Most of the tools in the Plug-in package
are related to TIFF handling.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; As you can see the ImageMagick tools cover a lot of ground.&nbsp;
I didn't get to comparing the quality of the images from ImageMagick versus
XV or NetPBM so this review is really just an introduction to the toolset.&nbsp;
But the tools are obviously high quality, feature rich, and well documented.
The developers announce frequent updates and additions which is better
than what you generally hear of XV or NetPBM.&nbsp; If you've used XV,
the GIMP or NetPBM and find these might not quite fill all your needs you
owe it to yourself to take a look at ImageMagick.&nbsp; No graphics fanatics
arsenal of tools is ever complete and no tool can handle every need.&nbsp;
Its important to keep aware of the tools that are available.&nbsp; ImageMagick
is a tool that deserves serious consideration for your collection of graphics
tools for Linux.
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" >
<TD VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="4" BGCOLOR="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><IMG SRC="../gx/hammel/cleardot.gif" ALT="indent" ALIGN=LEFT></TD>
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" >
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-1>&copy; 1997 by <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">Michael
J. Hammel</A>&nbsp;</FONT></TD>
&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
<P> <HR> <P>
<H2>Including RCS Keywords in LaTeX Documents</H2>
<H4>By Robert Kiesling,
<a href="mailto:keisling@terracom.net">kiesling@terracom.net</a></H4>
<I>The GNU Revision Control System is generally considered a tool for
software development, but it is also useful for tracking revisions of
text documents. This article explains how to include and format RCS
keywords in LaTeX documents, and how to track document revisions using
these keywords.</I>
<p>Most discussions of the GNU Revision Control System occur in the
context of tracking source code revisions. But RCS can track
revisions of any type of file, text or binary, provided that the diff
utilities which generate RCS change files can handle binary data.
<p>RCS seems ready-made for working with LaTeX input files. The
pre-defined keyword identifiers built in to RCS are easy to format and
print. They provide ready information that can include the document's
author, its revision, filename, and, revision log entry. RCS also
provides facilities for user-defined identifiers.
<p>RCS is commonly included with the development software of Linux
distributions. The latest source code version of RCS is available
from <a href="ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu">ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu</a>
and its mirror sites.
<p>The ident(1) manual page has a list of the standard RCS keywords that
are generated when documents are checked out by RCS. They include:
<li>$Author: lg $: The login name of the person who checked in the
<li>$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $: The date and time the document was checked in.
<li>$RCSfile: issue20.html,v $ The basename and extension of the RCS file.
<li>$Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $: String containing the name of the RCS file, the revision
number, date and time, author, state, and locker if any.
<li>$Revision: 1.2 $: The document's revision number.
<li>$Log: issue20.html,v $
<li>Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
<li>Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
<li>Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
<li>Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
<li>Imported files
<li>The log message entered when the document was checked in.
<p>These keywords are included verbatim in documents. They are expanded
when the document is checked out with co(1).
<p>One consideration that needs to be taken into account is that the
keywords' dollar signs are interpreted by LaTeX (and TeX) as starting
and ending math-mode typesetting. LaTeX and TeX will not generate
an error when it encounters the dollar signs. However, because LaTeX
and TeX typeset equations differently than normal text, the results
can be unpredictable.
<p>For example, including the $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ string at the top of the odd
pages the commands
\markright{$Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $}
results in the expanded RCS $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ string to be printed at the top of
the pages, but some of the keywords run together because of the way
TeX formats the string. An alternative is to use the keywords of the
individual identifiers, and separating them with the appropriate
command. Here, the TeX command \hfil inserts the necessary space when
the keyword strings are typeset in the running head.
\markright{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $\hfil$RCSfile: issue20.html,v $\hfil$Revision: 1.2 $}
<p>The string given to the \markright command will be typeset with the
date in the upper left of the page, the filename centered, and the
revision number at the top right.
<p>The \markright command is all that's needed for printing on one side
of a sheet. For printing on both sides of the page, use the \markboth
\markboth{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $\hfil$RCSfile: issue20.html,v $\hfil$Revision: 1.2 $}{\thepage}
<p>The first argument to \markboth prints the RCS information at the tops
of the left-hand pages and the page number at the top of the
right-hand pages. The identifier \thepage is a standard LaTeX
variable which prints the page number.
<p>The RCS log message can be placed anywhere in a document that the
$Log: issue20.html,v $
Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
Imported files
keyword can be inserted. For example, to place a (short!) log
message in the margin at the beginning of a document, put the
<tt>\marginpar{$Log: issue20.html,v $
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
<tt>\marginpar{Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
<tt>\marginpar{Imported files
immediately after the \begin{document} command, or after the \maketile
command if the document has a title page and you'd rather have the RCS
log text annotating the body text of the document.
<p>The RCS information can be included in the documents footer by using
the fancyhdr package, which is available from any TeX archive site.
<p>If you want to include the $Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $ and $Revision: 1.2 $ keywords at the
bottom of a page, you could include
\fancyfoot[L]{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $}
\fancyfoot[R]{$Revision: 1.2 $}
in the document preamble; that is, before the \begin{document}
command. At the point you want the RCS data to be typeset, insert the
ident(1) also searches files for RCS keywords. Typing the command
<tt>ident term-paper.tex</tt> for example, will print a list of the
keywords and their values to standard output. It's a simple matter of
<tt>ident *tex | grep "fred" -</tt>
to search for the documents which were last checked out by user
<p>For further information, consult the manual pages of the various
programs in the RCS package, and the rcsintro(1) manual page for an
introduction to the RCS system.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Robert Keisling<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
<A HREF="./index.html"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/indexnew.gif"
<A HREF="../index.html"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/homenew.gif"
<A HREF="./gm.html"><IMG SRC="../gx/back2.gif"
ALT=" Back "></A>
<A HREF="./sameer.html"><IMG SRC="../gx/fwd.gif" ALT=" Next "></A>
<P> <hr> <P>
&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<H2>Interview with Sameer Parekh</H2>
<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:info@starshine.com">info@starshine.com</a></H4>
<I>Jim Dennis, "The Answer Guy" columnist for <I>Linux Gazette</I>
interviewed Sameer Parekh for us. Sameer Parekh is the founder
of C2Net Software Inc., <a href="http://www.c2.net">http://www.c2.net</a>,
the company
that imports the Stronghold web server. Stronghold has added
fully licensed commercial SSL support and other features
to the popular Apache web server.</I>
<p><B>Jim:</B> So how many platforms have you ported Stronghold to?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> We support almost 20 different forms of Unix.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Obviously Linux is one of them. Do you require a 2.x kernel?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> No. We support both the ELF and the a.out libraries. It works with
1.2 and 2.0, although we generally recommend using the latest stable
<p><B>Jim:</B> Which version, or implementation, do you think is your biggest
volume seller? They're all priced the same right?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Yeah, they're all priced the same. I think actually Linux is our
number one seller. Then, second to that, we have Solaris and Irix.
I haven't ... I really should do the numbers. I haven't done those
because we don't sell on a "per platform basis." We just sell a
Stronghold license, and they can use it on whatever platform they like.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Now you've got separate numbers for when people have gotten a
evaluation copy and when they've licensed it. About how many
evaluation copies are being downloaded every month?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> I couldn't tell you precise numbers ...
<p><B>Jim:</B> Just a ball park... are we talking about 100 per week, a 1000 per week ...
<p><B>Sameer:</B> On the order of 20 to 30 a day so that would come about to a
couple hundred per week or about 1000 per month.
<p>Netcraft shows that we have an installed base of about 20,000 on
the public Internet. But that includes the virtual hosts as well so
it's not 20,000 actual hosts, it's the number of domains served
by a Stronghold server. It's a sort of deceiving number because they're
only checking the non-SSL sites and a lot of people run Apache on
their unencrypted server and Stronghold on the encrypted server.
Many run Stronghold on both as well.
<p>Obviously since we have 20,000 unencrypted sites but there's probably a
higher number of people running Stronghold just on the encrypting
port of their site.
<p>Netcraft did a different survey of SSL servers where we came in
second. That is, for servers in general we came out second among
commercial Unix servers and fourth in commercial overall.
<p><B>Jim:</B> The Netcraft surveys that you've been referring to, is there a
link to those somewhere on your web pages?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Well, it's at www.netcraft.com. I think the surveys are on our
site as well. I'm pretty proud of our Netcraft ratings so we mention
that pretty prominently.
<p><B>Jim:</B> What can you tell me about C2Net as an organization? I know you used to be
Community Connexions ...
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Yes, we started as an Internet provider, and a privacy provider --
protecting people's privacy on the Net. People could get anonymous
accounts, they could set up anonymous web pages. We were strong
supporters of the re-mailer network, we set up the anonymizer which
lets people browse the net anonymously through our proxy.
<p>That was going reasonably O.K. I was running it more as a hobby
in my spare time while I was a student at Berkeley. Then I left
school to start contracting at SGI down in the South Bay<sup>1</sup>.
<p>At the end of last year we came out with Stronghold, though it wasn't
called that at first. It was called "Apache-SSL U.S." and that started
going really well. It became clear that we'd do a lot better selling
cryptography products then w'd do at selling privacy services.
<p>The privacy services was going O.K. but it wasn't enough to become a
day job... it wasn't enough to get an office... it wasn't enough to
hire people... it was pretty much a one man operation out of my house
when it was just a privacy business.
<p>So, as it was obvious that we could do a lot better by selling and
deploying cryptography, we moved our focus away from the
privacy services and changed our name to c2.net to reflect that
change in focus and to concentrate primarily on deploying strong
cryptography worldwide. So, as of a few months back, we officially
had the name changed to C2Net Software Inc.
<p><B>Jim:</B> And you moved your customers over to Dave Sharnoff's idiom.com?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> ... we moved our dial-up customers over to idiom back, some time ago
like, last April or so--but we were still supporting the privacy
services until late last year when we move all of our web hosting and
anonymous account holders to Cyberpass which is down in San Diego
and is run by a cypherpunk<sup>2</sup> who is very active in privacy and in the
re-mailer network.
<p><B>Jim:</B> You mentioned that you do cryptography as your business and you
just mentioned the "cypherpunks" which is where you and I first
met--probably at one of the meetings on the Stanford Campus in
Palo Alto. It that where you find most of your employees?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> I get most of my employees from there and from people I know at
school and through other personal contacts and existing employee
referrals. So I think that, of the eleven employees I have, about
half of those I know through cypherpunks. We a pretty cypherpunks
oriented company.
<P>We're really the only company that's willing to deal with the fact
that what the US government is trying to do with their export restrictions
goes beyond just impeding or restricting export--but to create a chilling
effect so that companies inside the US cripple their cryptography even for
their domestic products. So we're one of the few, maybe the only company
in the U.S., that's standing up to this ... that isn't willing
to back down in the face of this chilling effect.
<p>I think a lot of my motivation is related to my involvement
with the cypherpunks and being involved during all the controversy
surrounding the clipper chip when that was first proposed.
<p>All of our development happens overseas so that we can do
cryptography worldwide and the international versions of our
products don't have to be crippled to 40-bit keys that can be broken in
three and a half hours.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So your approach is similar to what Jon Gilmore and Hugh Daniels are
doing with the Free S/WAN project--keeping the developers on the
other end and you're providing the quality assurance on this side...
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Well, we're providing mostly the marketing, actually, and the sales.
We do a little bit of QA but that's too close to the export issue. We
also do the documentation--that's all written in the U.S.
<p>The main benefit of having a U.S. office is the marketing and sales
even though all of the development has to happen overseas, all the
protocols and the standardization efforts, all that new stuff is
all in the U.S. Stronghold conforms to protocols developed and
published by Netscape, the W3 consortium and the IETF--among others.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Now, there's something I'm curious about. You've combined Apache and
SSLeay which is Eric A. Young's SSL<sup>3</sup> implementation--and those are what
you've integrated in Stronghold. Then you got a license from RSA
so you could include their public key libraries. So how did you
approach the Apache organization with the idea for a commercial
version of their free package? What kinds of licensing...
<P><B>Sameer:</B> Well, Apache is free under the Berkeley style license as opposed to
the GPL which means that, if I wanted to, I didn't have to have any
relationship with the Apache group. It's possible to just take Apache
and, according to their license, leave in the appropriate copyright
notices and just start selling a product.
<p>But that would be kind of rude I think. I'd been involved in the group
already before having any intention of changing the focus of my business.
I saw a need for an SSL version of Apache that would be available within
the U.S. So I started working on it and found SSLeay and I found
Ben Laurie's Apache-SSL patches, which he'd done in the UK, and I
integrated all of that for limited distribution within the U.S.
<p>So I had joined the Apache group for that. I already new many of the
Bay Area members socially. I became a contributor--though not as big
as the people who do large chunks of the code but I do testing and help
with the documentation. I have a tech writer who's a full-time employee
of C2Net who does documentation that she contributes back to the Apache group.
<p>I originally joined in an effort to support the group because I
think that free software is a great thing. As the product has started
doing well I think that our connection to the Apache group has been
mutually beneficial. Any bug reports we get from our customers go
back to them, any bugs we find, we fix and donate back. A large number
of the features we've added we've also donated back. Naturally we haven't
donated *all* the features since we need to maintain some proprietary
value because we need to make some money as well.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Did you talk to Eric Young?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Yes. We're in close contact with Eric. We work really well with him.
<p><B>Jim:</B> I'm not familiar with his licensing...
<P><B>Sameer:</B> Yes, both his and Ben Laurie's are very Berkeley style licenses.
They are free software for commercial and non-commercial use--you
just have to give credit. So in our marketing materials, documentation,
and on our web pages it says "this product contains software written by
Eric Young, and by the Apache Group" ... that sort of thing.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So what do you think about the GPL vs. Berkeley issue. I know this is
an ongoing bone of contention between the FreeBSD and Linux camps.
<P><B>Sameer:</B> I'm generally in favor of Berkeley over GPL because I
think that free
software is best done in a variety of different contexts.
In particular with the crypto environment, it's impossible to do
completely free software inside the U.S., if it involve any public key
techniques, because of the patents<sup>4</sup>.
<p>So for doing crypto inside the U.S., because of the intellectual property
issues and the patent environment, it's impossible to release products
under GPL. I think that the fewer restrictions we place on our software
the more people will use it.
<p>The reason I would write free software is so that people will use it.
If you put complex restrictions on your software saying that you can't
sell any derivatives of it unless.... you create a lot of worry.
<p>Perhaps the motivations of the people writing GPL software are not
just to make it widely used. That's valid. But it doesn't match
my personal motivations for releasing free software. It's clear that
it should be properly credited and have some controls. I don't think
things should be released to the public domain.
<p>Well, I do see a lot of debate about that question--particularly on
the FreeBSD mailing list. I suspect the debate and flame wars on that
will go on forever.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So, how many people have you got working here?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> We have nine people here in the U.S. and two people abroad and then
we have a couple of contractors. That comes out to about 14 or so.
<p><B>Jim:</B> And where are your international programmers?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> We don't say.
We don't want the U.S. government and others to know which country they're
in. They might then put pressure on that country to add export restrictions
to their laws.
<p>This administration has appointed a person, David Aaron, whose sole job
is to convince other countries to adopt similar restrictions to ours--so
that our strategy won't continue to work. Obviously if all other
countries had similar export restrictions than doing development in
any given one would only allow sales in that locale. That would
be pointless in a global economy.
<p>So they have this guy, David Aaron, who effectively harasses and
bullies other countries into adopting restrictions for US interests.
We want to ensure that he can't target the country where we are doing
our development.
<p><B>Jim:</B> And no one from our government's asked? Have you had any official
contact yet?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> No. Not yet.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Do you know of other companies that have?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> I've heard a lot of rumors from companies who've had visits
from the NSA saying "what you're doing is wrong, you should
stop it or it will do bad things to the rest of your business."
<p>They can't do that to me because I have no other business. We do
cryptography and we're at odds with export restrictions on intellectual
<p><B>Jim:</B> So, would you see that as your edge against Microsoft, Netscape and Sun --
that they would have other aspects of their business that might get
severely hampered by the fight against cryptography export restrictions.
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Well. It's not worth it to them. It doesn't make good business
sense for them. At the same time it is a business necessity for us.
So any company that doesn't want to fight this battle can offload
that onto us. They can license our software--and their offshore
distribution agents can also license our software and they don't have
to do any development. They don't have to put their business at risk
over questions of cryptography technologies.
<p><B>Jim:</B> I see. Speaking of other cryptographers, I hear that Phil Zimmerman
just moved to the Bay Area to found PGP Inc.
Do you have any contact with him?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> No. We don't currently have any professional contact with them.
<P><B>Jim:</B> I'm confused about what happened there. Phil licensed the commercial
rights to PGP to a company called ViaCrypt ...
<p><B>Sameer:</B> ... then he bought ViaCrypt--actually their parent company.
<P><B>Jim:</B> That's what I thought I'd read.
So what other products are you working on?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> Well we have our "Safe Passage" web proxy. This does full strength
SSL for web browsers world wide. It's currently in beta and is
available at our U.K. site.
<p>That provides a locally hosted proxy to provide full strength
cryptographic capabilities to the international versions of Netscape
and Microsoft browsers. As you know those are limited to 40-bit
crypto when sold outside of the U.S.--denying them access to sites
that require the domestically available stronger keys.
<p>Basically Safe Passage allows a user's browser to talk 40 bit to the
proxy on their system which, in turn talks to hosts out on the web.
It runs under Windows.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So what do you think of the Free S/WAN project<sup>5</sup>
<P><B>Sameer:</B> I think it's a good thing. We need to provide IP level encryption
in addition to the applications specific security provided by programs
like Stronghold or PGP. With regards to our product line, we haven't
evaluated how that might fit into our strategy. So I don't have any
comment from a business perspective.
<p>However I think, from a more personal point of view, that producing
a freely available implementation of IP level encryption is a great thing.
We want this deployed so that all of the Internet traffic is encrypted
and especially so it's authenticated.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Getting back to Stronghold as a "commercially supported
Apache Server" and
leaving aside it's support for SSL and commerce... are there any
companies offering just that--just a commercially packaged Apache?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> There are companies that offer Apache support services--but there aren't
any that sell a supported package--where you'd get a shrink-wrapped box,
with binaries, and pre-printed documentation, or anything like that.
So these companies just offer the service. We offer a product--which
includes e-mail support, of course.
<p>Cygnus was doing some Apache support as well but I believe they may have
dropped that. Then there was a company in South Africa, Thawte, which
had a product called Sioux. We ended up buying that out and integrating
its features with Stronghold's.
<p>Sioux was released a few months after we had produced "Apache SSL
We started talking to Thawte--and decided to buy that product from
them to eliminate any conflict of interest for some other business
that we wanted to do with them.
<p>You see Thawte's primary business is as a CA (certification authority).
So it was an amicable arrangement since it wasn't the software business
that they wanted to get into.
<p>So we are now bundling Thawte certificates with a Stronghold package.
That's only fifty dollars more--which is about half the regular price
of a Thawte.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So do you find that many of your customers have to go with
Verisign<sup>6</sup> for other reasons?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Well, Thawte is gaining in popularity though their certificates are
only accepted in the latest browsers from Netscape and Microsoft.
So support for older versions of Netscape is probably the main reason
people had been choosing Verisign over Thawte. As the PKI
authority marketplace matures I hope that people will be able to choose
their CA's based on reputation rather than being stuck with whatever the
browser makers supported.
<p>Right now all of the CA's are too new to have any reputations.
So far Verisign is known to be well funded and Thawte is thought of
as a very small company. As far as I can tell they don't have
any reputation with respect to which is more reliable.
<p>The market will have to mature, and they will each have to have time
to build up a track record before people will be able to make informed
<P><B>Jim:</B> Now, back when we were talking about support you mentioned that
the e-mail support is included with Stronghold and that telephone support
unbundled from it. What kind of support call volumes are you getting?
Are you getting a lot of calls?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> Not at all. We have an installed base of something like 20,000 according
to Netcraft--and we only about three people doing support and...
<p>... there's no person who just does support. We're a small company so
everyone does a lot of different things. But we have three people who
mostly do support and two people with the word "support" in their
<p>So the support load isn't very high. I think that's because the product
is actually very easy to use, it's intuitive and it's easy to install.
<p>Although we sold some phone support we really prefer e-mail. People get
answers that are more fully formulated and they don't have to wait on hold.
Also when we use e-mail then everything is tracked and recorded so it's
easy to look back on what's been tried and it's easy to forward the issue
around as needed.
<p>We've been pretty successful steering people toward e-mail support so they
don't have to buy the phone support.
<P><B>Jim:</B> So I've been reading in the apache's modules lists about these
php's, what are those?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> php originally stood for "Personal Home Page"--but
it doesn't really
mean that any more, so it's just php and doesn't really stand for
<p>php is a specific module with does dynamic content--which is the
phrase I like to use for things like server side includes, and extended
ssi, php, e-perl and all of these things. They are all providing
dynamic content--where the page is parsed by the server and the
data that's sent to the client is based on the scripting that's inside
the original document.
<p>php is what we like to use because it's easy to use, it's very robust and
it offers connectivity to almost every database out there. well I should
say that--there are a lot of databases "out there". It can connect to
postgres '95, msql, solid, sybase, odbc, c, etc.
<p>It's a way to embed scripting inside of your html. So, for example, you can
have conditional sections what will include blocks of html based on the
results of certain pieces of code. You can have an HTML page which does
a database query and formats and sends information out of the database.
If offers significant speed advantages over CGI since it's loaded directly
into the web server. You save the load of forking off a Perl process like
you'd usually get with CGI.
<p>So Stronghold 2.0 bundles with the php module. That's in beta now.
We've been using php quite a bit in house for out database connectivity
and our external web site. It's very useful.
<p>We also support the server side includes--which were in the early
CERN server. Stronghold is based on Apache which also includes the
"extended SSI". XSSI adds things like conditionals.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So you think these sorts of tools are better than CGI?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Yeah. It's a lot easier to build applications--particularly where
it's not a complicated application--where you just want to include
a little scripting directly in your HTML. If you use a CGI script--the
script has to output all of the HTML. It's just as transparent
to the browser--but it's a lot faster, and it's a lot easier for the
web administrator to maintain.
<P><B>Jim:</B> On a different tack, you've got a proxying client that brings international
versions of the standard browsers up to domestic standards of cryptographic
strength. that puts you pretty close to the browsers. Where do you see
the browser market going? In the browser wars what would you like to see
come out of it?
<P><B>Sameer:</B> Hmm. That's tough to say. I think there's no alternatives to the
Netscape and Microsoft browsers at this point. It's hard to say if
one will destroy the other. It's such an open subject, maybe you could
be a bit more specific?
<p><B>Jim:</B> Well--do you see Java doing anything significant
<p><B>Sameer:</B> I think Java has some potential for distributed computing. it has a long
way to go. it's rather unfortunate Microsoft has decided to create it's
own proprietary version of Java.
<p>Then there's javascript--which isn't Java at all. So Netscape's decision
to rename live script to "java"-script and that's added confusion to an
already confused marketplace.
<p>I think javascript is interesting because there are a lot of potential
security problems in it's design.
Some versions of Java have implementation problems. Those can be
fixed. The design of Java pays due care to security considerations.
<p>However when a language like javascript is designed with out any
security in mind--you can't fix it.
<p><B>Jim:</B> In other words "implementations can't fix fundamental
design flaws."
<p><B>Sameer:</B> So the danger is that it [javascript] has a similar name [to Java]--
and it is useful for building Intranet applications where hostile
applications are not a security concern. So javascript can be used
to connect to internal HR data applications or to an order entry
system and make the interaction a lot easier.
<p>Javascript's features allow you to make your client more active--so
the user doesn't have to send everything to the server to get
feedback from your web forms.
<p>The problem is that there is currently no provision to restrict
the browser--to say "I'll accept javascript from within my network but
not anything from anywhere else" or "I'm willing to accept javascript
from these people but not them."
<p>Once it gets to that point I think javascript will have more of a
future and offer real benefits.
<P><B>Jim:</B> Could you add those features to your client side proxy--the
filtering that is?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> It could be done. It would be a lot of work and I'm not sure there'd
be enough of a market for it. I think it's best done in the browser.
<P>Hopefully Netscape will add that to their features set soon.
<p>I usually have Javascript disable--but I see some cases where
I'd like to use it. If I could just turn it on for those applications
it would be very nice.
<p>Java is much closer to secure deployment and authentication.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Speaking of authentication--I have a question about SSL.
Currently the whole SSL view of the world, brought to us by the
Netscape Commerce Server, is all about the server authenticating
itself to the client--about web sites saying "You've reached
me--and not some imposter and there's no <I>man-in-the-middle</I> and we can
exchange information privately."
<p>This doesn't seem to offer anything for the client to authenticate
itself to the server other than manually typed passwords. So maybe
that's a feature that we'd like to see in the browsers--is some sort
of client authentication certificates for SSL.
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Actually that's already in there. Stronghold already supports client
authentication. the SSL protocol added that in version 2. Netscape
supports client certificate authentication starting with Navigator version 3
which is built about SSL version 3.
<p>Stronghold was the first widely used, commercial server to support
SSL client authentication. So now that we have the support in the
browser and our server it's only a question of user acceptance and
getting sites to start using it.
<p>I think that the SSL client auth. is an excellent technology. We're
using it extensively here at C2Net. Because we have people from all over
the world we can't really have this big private WAN and we can't set
up a VPN<sup>8</sup> using something like Free S/WAN--because it isn't even ready
<p>So we issue client certificates to all of our employees. We have a
Stronghold web server where our sensitive information is stored and
an employee can connect to that server from wherever they are on the
Internet and access business information. They are protected by full-strength
cryptography and RSA encryption on the client side.
<p>It's an incredibly empowering technology because we don't have to worry about
making people come into the office to get this information. they can do it
from home and the can do it securely.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So you don't have to worry about static IP addresses, and boring holes
in your firewall and packet sniffers on your ISP's routers, and ....
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Right. As long as they have their client certificate on
their laptop. You know I have a ricochet [ed. note: Metricom Ricochet are wireless
modems that are popular in the Bay Area because they offer flat
rate unlimited wireless PPP to modem users]--and I can do anything
from my laptop through that.
<p>I can review support questions, work in the bug tracking database,
I use SSL to do logins. That isn't a product of ours.
<p><B>Jim:</B> I met Tatu Ylongen, author of ssh, at the IETF a couple of months ago.
He's started his own company, too. I guess he does all the development
and has Data Fellows doing all of the licensing.
<P><B>Sameer:</B> That's right. Data Fellows is doing all of the sales and marketing
while he's doing the development.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So do you see C2Net coming out with, maybe, an ssltelnet and sslftp to
compete with ssh?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Well, we can talk about all the details of all our product ideas.
there already is an ssltelnet and sslftp. nobody's supporting them
and nobody's using them yet.
<p>So I think, that as far as encrypting, secure shell logins and file
transfers ssh is the best product out there. Although it's a different
authentication protocol, not like the SSL between my browser and my
web server--but it is RSA based and I can use my copy of ssh through
my ricochet and login to my servers here.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So, if you were to configure all your systems here--presumably all
Unix boxes, and you took out all of the unencrypted and weakly
authenticated services you could almost run without any packet filters
or firewalls--except to prevent address spoofing.
<p><B>Sameer:</B> We have packet filters on all the non-encrypted services--because
there are still a number of useful services for use just within the
private network. We don't allow any non-encrypted packets to pass
<p>We allow ssh for logins and SSL for employee access to our internal
web servers. Those both offer strong authentication--and the SSL
is only accessible to people who have a C2Net employee certificate
installed on their system.
<p><B>Jim:</B> Does the Netscape navigator support a "pass phrase" to unlock the
locally installed certificates, like PGP does with your signature
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Yes, it has some system where you use a pass phrase to encrypt your
private keys.
<P><B>Jim:</B> So if you lose a laptop you don't have to run right into the office
to revoke those certificates. Hopefully their crypto on that is
strong enough to give you a few hours.
<p><B>Sameer:</B> I'm not sure what they use. Safe Passage uses DES [ed. note DES=
Data Encryption Standard] You see browsers that support client
certificates have to do RSA key generation. So the international
versions are limited to 512 bits for the key. That means that
Safe Passage has to proxy the support for the SSL client authentication
as well. That puts the international client on an even footing
with any of the domestic browsers since Safe Passage is actually
connecting to the web servers for the browsers.
<p>Another benefit of using Safe Passage is that it provides an
integrated location for all your certificate keys if your using
different browsers.
<p>One of the problems with client certificates right now is that Netscape
and Microsoft don't have a published interface for managing the keys
that are installed in each. In other words if you've have a certificate
in Navigator you can't transfer it to your copy of Internet Explorer and
if you have a Navigator SMIME<sup>9</sup> you can't transfer it into Eudora.
<p>So Safe Passage helps by allowing you to use just one certificate
database. We plan to offer an easy way to extract those certificates --
though we haven't figured out quite what that will be, yet.
<p>There are standards emerging on how to do this--and we will be supporting
those standards, of course.
<P><B>Jim:</B> Now this proxy is only available for Win 95, and NT
<P><B>Sameer:</B> ... and Win 3.1
<P><B>Jim:</B> Are you planning on release a Unix/Linux version of that
<p><B>Sameer:</B> Making it available for Unix wouldn't be difficult. It was actually
prototyped under Unix and then ported to Windows and there a graphical
interface was added to it.
<p>However, there isn't much of a market demand, and we are a small company,
so we can't afford to support Unix and Mac on it for now. We'll need to
get some more resources before we could broaden that support--as much
as I'd like to do it.
<p><B>Jim:</B> So, what else can you think of that just HAS to be said?
<p><B>Sameer:</B> The key thing that we, at C2Net, are focusing on is the worldwide
deployment of cryptography. I think it's vital that we deploy
strong crypto worldwide in the very near future.
<p>The U.S. government has made it clear that their intent is to make
the personal use of strong cryptography completely illegal. So, the
deployment has to happen before they do that. If these crypto
products aren't ubiquitous before that we'll have a have a much harder
time in protecting our privacy.
<p>I see cryptography being used for much more interesting things than
just protecting credit cards. While I think that it's prudent to
encrypt your credit card number before sending it over the 'net--it's
not an interesting application of strong cryptography.
<p>So we want to build an infrastructure so that restrictions on personal
use of privacy technology will have major business implications ... so
that privacy itself cannot be made illegal.
<h5>Footnote 1. An area in the San Francisco Bay area--near Silicon Valley.</h5>
<h5>Footnote 2. "cypherpunks" is a mailing list for the discussion of the
politics, technologies and soceal ramifications fo cryptography and privacy
issues--members of the list in various cities meet in person on a regular
<h5>Footnote 3. SSL, "secure sockets layer", is the specification
for encrypted and authenticated communications--proposed to
the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) by Netscape</h5>
<h5>Footnote 4. RSA holds a suite of patents which cover almost all known
forms of public key encryption--patents are much different than copyrights
in that a re-implementation of the same algorithm--is still covered</h5>
<h5>Footnote 5. S/WAN is a "secure wide-area networking" protocol from RSA--Free
S/WAN is a work in progress and being imported by another group of
cypherpunks and John Gilmore of the EFF</h5>
<h5>Footnote 6. Verisign is another CA--particularly for SSL certificates.</h5>
<h5>Footnote 7. PKI = Public Key Infrastructure--CA's are the certificate
authorities which verify identity and message integrity using public
key cryptographic algorithms. They act as neutral third-parties in
web and other Internet transactions and "vouch" for the authenticity
of a web site when a secure session is initiated</h5>
<h5>Footnote 8. VPN is the virtual private network-- using IP tunneling
and encryption to create "virtual" WAN links across the Internet</h5>
<h5>Footnote 9. SMIME is the Secure Multi-part Internet
Mail Extensions--that's MIME with digital signatures and message
authentication coding</h5>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Jim Dennis<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<H2>Introduction to RCS</H2>
<H4>By H&aring;din L&oslash;vdal
<a href="mailto:halovda@krs.hia.no">halovda@krs.hia.no</a></H4>
Do you find yourself having lots of different unsorted and more or less
old backup files lying around when working on something, but do not dare
to delete any of them because you might need to go back and find out
what changes you have made compared to your current version&nbsp;?
Would you like to get all those backups out of the way (without reducing
the number of backups), have them sorted and systemated, and perhaps
even with some sort of documentation like exactly when changes where
made, by who (when several persons are involved), and a few lines that
describes the changes which can be the input of an automatically made
In that case read on because RCS will do that for you.
Lets have a look at an example (a traditional hello world program)
of what RCS can do:
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ls -l
total 0
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;cat &gt; hello.c
* $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $
* $Log: issue20.html,v $
* Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
* Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
* Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
* Preliminary.
* Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
* Imported files
printf("hello world");
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;gcc -o hello hello.c
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;./hello
hello world(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ls -l
total 5
-rwxrwx--- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 3928 Jun 28 01:01 hello
-rw-rw---- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 60 Jun 28 01:00 hello.c
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
(The two $-tags in the comment are for automatically documentation, more
about those later)
Our hello world program works now, so we would like to save it in it's
current state before making any changes to it. This is done by running
ci, Check In, on the source file. That is, the source file is put into
the RCS database. When the file is checked in, it is by default also
removed from the current directory.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;mkdir RCS
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ci hello.c
RCS/hello.c,v &lt;-- hello.c
enter description, terminated with single '.' or end of file:
NOTE: This is NOT the log message!
&gt;&gt; A plain simple hello world program
&gt;&gt; .
initial revision: 1.1
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ls -l
total 5
drwxrwx--- 2 hlovdal hlovdal 1024 Jun 28 01:02 RCS
-rwxrwx--- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 3928 Jun 28 01:01 hello
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
By looking into the RCS directory we can now see that there is a
file with the same name as our program with an extra extension ",v".
(By omitting the RCS directory the file would be in the current directory)
This file now holds the source plus some additional information, and
will later on contain the source for all versions. The rcs file is not
particularly interesting to look at directly:
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;cat RCS/hello.c,v
head 1.1;
locks; strict;
comment @ * @;
date; author hlovdal; state Exp;
next ;
@A plain simple hello world program
@Initial revision
* $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $
* $Log: issue20.html,v $
* Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
* Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
* Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
* Preliminary.
* Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
* Imported files
printf("hello world");
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
This our first version of the hello world program sort of worked, but
it lacks an ending newline and the source isn't pretty. Lets fix that.
The source was moved when it was checked in, so we must use co, Check Out,
to copy the source out of the RCS database.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;co hello.c
RCS/hello.c,v --&gt; hello.c
revision 1.1
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ls -l
total 6
drwxrwx--- 2 hlovdal hlovdal 1024 Jun 28 01:02 RCS
-rwxrwx--- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 3928 Jun 28 01:01 hello
-r--r----- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 189 Jun 28 01:04 hello.c
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
Note that co by default fetches the source read-only. This is
usually not what we want, so in order to get the source writable we
use the "-l" option to mark the file locked for others.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;co -l hello.c
RCS/hello.c,v --&gt; hello.c
revision 1.1 (locked)
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ls -l
total 6
drwxrwx--- 2 hlovdal hlovdal 1024 Jun 28 01:02 RCS
-rwxrwx--- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 3928 Jun 28 01:01 hello
-rw-r----- 1 hlovdal hlovdal 197 Jun 28 01:05 hello.c
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
By looking at the hello.c file we see that now some values have been
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and $Log: issue20.html,v $
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Preliminary.
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Imported files
inserted into $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;cat hello.c
* $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $
* $Log: issue20.html,v $
* Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
* Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
* Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
* Preliminary.
* Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
* Imported files
* Revision 1.1 1997/06/28 01:03:43 hlovdal
* Initial revision
printf("hello world");
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;vi hello.c
We makes a few changes. Exactly what was changed can be examined with
the program rcsdiff.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;rcsdiff hello.c
RCS file: RCS/hello.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 hello.c
&lt; main(){
&lt; printf("hello world");
&gt; #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
&gt; int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
&gt; printf("hello world\n");
&gt; return 0;
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
The rcsdiff program is just a front end for ordinary diff, so it accepts
all the options to diff, for example "-u".
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;rcsdiff -u hello.c
RCS file: RCS/hello.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 hello.c
--- hello.c 1997/06/28 01:03:43 1.1
+++ hello.c 1997/06/28 01:05:21
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
* Initial revision
-printf("hello world");
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
+ printf("hello world\n");
+ return 0;
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
This version looks good, so we want to save it with Check In. By giving
option "-l", ci runs a implicit "co -l" so that the source file remains
checked out. When ci is run we are asked to enter a log description of
our changes. This log description is inserted into $Log: issue20.html,v $
our changes. This log description is inserted into Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
our changes. This log description is inserted into Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
our changes. This log description is inserted into
our changes. This log description is inserted into Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
our changes. This log description is inserted into Preliminary.
our changes. This log description is inserted into
our changes. This log description is inserted into Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
our changes. This log description is inserted into Imported files
our changes. This log description is inserted into.
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;ci -l hello.c
RCS/hello.c,v &lt;-- hello.c
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
enter log message, terminated with single '.' or end of file:
&gt;&gt; Fixed main prototype, inserted a missing newline and a missing #include
&gt;&gt; .
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;cat hello.c
* $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $
* $Log: issue20.html,v $
* Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
* Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
* Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
* Preliminary.
* Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
* Imported files
* Revision 1.2 1997/06/28 01:07:23 hlovdal
* Fixed main prototype, inserted a missing newline and a missing #include
* Revision 1.1 1997/06/28 01:03:43 hlovdal
* Initial revision
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
printf("hello world\n");
return 0;
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;gcc -o hello hello.c
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;./hello
hello world
(hlovdal) localhost:/tmp/rcstest&gt;
In short RCS is this simple to use:
<LI>"mkdir RCS"
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and $Log: issue20.html,v $
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan Exp $ and
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Preliminary.
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and Imported files
<LI>Insert $Id: issue20.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ and into one comment. Optional, but nice
to have. (NB! Note that $Log: issue20.html,v $
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to have. (NB! Note that Preliminary.
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to have. (NB! Note that Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
to have. (NB! Note that Imported files
to have. (NB! Note that does *not* include previous
versions. If $Log: issue20.html,v $
versions. If Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
versions. If Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
versions. If
versions. If Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
versions. If Preliminary.
versions. If
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versions. If Imported files
versions. If is inserted after some time only that
and later versions will end up in the log. It is therefore
smart to have $Log: issue20.html,v $
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smart to have Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
smart to have
smart to have Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
smart to have Preliminary.
smart to have
smart to have Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
smart to have Imported files
smart to have in the file from the start)
<LI>Edit the file
<LI>Optionally run rcsdiff when you want to see what changes
you have made since last check in.
<LI>Run "ci -l" each time you want to save what you have done so far.
<LI>Repeat 3 to 5.
For more info on RCS look at the rcsintro(1) man page.
Here in this example RCS is used on C source, but RCS can be used on many
other things. Config files in /etc are for example excellent candidates
of being put under RCS control.
RCS is one method of version control. Two others are SCCS and CVS.
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a further development of RCS intended
to be used on larger software projects. For example most (?) BSD clones
are distributed and developed using CVS.
SCCS (Source Code Control System) is an old proprietary system which few
(if any) uses. I think SCCS and RCS have a somewhat a similar relation
as traditional compress vs gzip.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, H&aring; L&oslash;vdal<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<P> <hr> <P>
&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
<P> <HR> <P>
<H2>TeX without Tears!</H2>
<H4>By Martin Vermeer,
<a href="mailto:mv@fgi.fi">mv@fgi.fi</a></H4>
<P><HR><EM>LyX, an international volunteer project that started off in T<>bingen, Germany, is already revolutionizing Linux word processing. It is an
interactive, visual shell for LaTeX running under X, giving finger-tip access
to the raw power of this world class typesetting software -- while presenting
a face to the user deceptively like, e.g., Microsoft's Word for Windows. And,
most amazingly, just as easy to use! </EM></P>
<TITLE>TeX without Tears!: Historical introduction</TITLE>
<H2>1. Historical introduction</A></H2>
<P>When you tell people that you are using Linux, their first comment often is "<EM>yes, a fine and interesting operating system for programmers and scientists, but not for ordinary people. There is no good applications software for it</EM>". Unfortunately, until just a couple of years ago, this remark was all too appropriate, especially where word processing was concerned. </P>
<P>It is only in recent years that the situation has begun to improve, with some good packages -- commercial, to be sure -- becoming available to UNIX in general, and to Linux in particular. E.g. <EM>Applixware</EM>, a complete office suite which received very good reviews in a recent article in <EM>Linux Journal</EM>, and the freeware-like <EM>Star Office</EM> package. Both of these contain very conventional word processing modules.</P>
<P>And yet -- TeX/Metafont, developed by
<A HREF="http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/~knuth/">Donald Knuth</A>, and LaTeX, an extension written in TeX's macro language, from the hands of <B>Leslie Lamport</B> -- both systems further extended by a host of volunteers -- have existed for over a decade: free, publicly available, and good, <EM>very</EM> good. This is not WP any more, this is typesetting. You only have to look at a LaTeX-produced document, especially mathematics, to see the difference...</P>
<P>Until recently, the only way to use this software was by manually editing the source code of your document using the defined mark-up language -- the manual opened by the side of the keyboard. And writing formulas was a real pain in the butt. But mathematicians <EM>loved</EM> it! The beauty of LaTeX is, that it allows you to specify on a fairly abstract level the <EM>structure</EM> of a document, without bogging you down in details of the actual formatting. </P>
<P>Many science journals also distributed macro packages for TeX or LaTeX to help people write their articles in the prescribed standard format; thus, TeX became also an <EM>exchange standard</EM> for scientific manuscripts. (If only my Word for Windows would agree to produce the same page layout for my papers at home as it does at the job!)</P>
<P><EM>Mark-up language. </EM>We have all heard of the mark-up language of the Web, <CODE>HTML</CODE>. Have you ever wondered how many web pages would be published in the world, if they all had to be edited by hand in raw HyperText Mark-up Language? Not many, I daresay. Everybody uses interactive, graphic tools, that show you here and now what your becoming web page looks like while you write it.</P>
<TITLE>TeX without Tears!: Enter LyX</TITLE>
<H2>2. Enter LyX</A></H2>
<P>Several years ago, <B>Matthias Ettrich </B>from T<>bingen University's computer science department, decided to do something about it. Also LaTeX needed an editor that was easy to use and showed you interactively, on the screen, how the document was to be structured; and then, on your order, generated the LaTeX code containing all the embedded commands needed for the typesetting job. Ettrich's first attempt was called Lyrix, but the name had to be changed to LyX for legal reasons.</P>
<P>Other volunteers in several countries joined the effort and, a year ago, a first beta release, 0.10.7, was published on the Web. It was in no way perfect or complete; not even all of the most common LaTeX features were supported. Yet I was interested enough to try it, and here are my first impressions.</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/overview.jpeg">[Click for screen shot!]</A></P>
<P>For testing, and for writing this article, I use an Intel i486sx system running at 33 MHz (yes, LyX runs somewhat sluggishly, but at my job, on a 75 MHz Pentium, it <EM>flies</EM>), with 8 MB of memory and some 1.5 GB of Linux-dedicated disc storage. Last January I had installed RedHat 4.0 ("Colgate") and
<A HREF=" http://www.tex.ac.uk/CTAN/latex/latex2e.html">LaTeX2e</A> the version required by LyX. </P>
<P>At the time when I started with Linux, in February this year, the LyX documentation was still pretty poor, but last June, a much improved documentation package has been published. About myself: I have some UNIX experience from half a decade ago (those Unices are hairy dogs next to Linux today), but my only previous experience with LaTeX has been occasionally printing out files that colleagues sent me.</P>
<P>LyX has many sites dedicated to it around the world. We list them here shortly. At them, you can find further links.
<A HREF=" ftp://ftp.via.ecp.fr">The French ftp site</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.lehigh.edu/~dlj0/LyriX.html">The leading US site</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://la1ad.uio.no/~larsbj/lyx.shtml">Norway</A> Development versions</LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.via.ecp.fr/~andre/lyx/lyx.html">France</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://www-pu.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de:80/users/ettrich/">T<EFBFBD>bingen</A> Ettrich's page!</LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.diku.dk/students/alstrup/lyx.html">Denmark</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.elec.uq.edu.au/~rae/LyX.html">Australia</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.sad.it/~jug/lyx/">Italy</A> Versions for UNIX machines</LI>
<A HREF=" http://www.uni-paderborn.de/software/tex/doc/lyx/lyx.html">Paderborn</A></LI>
<A HREF=" http://sumatra.mv.uni-kl.de/bis/LyX/">Kaiserslautern</A> Frequently Asked Questions</LI>
<A HREF="http://www.paulwork.demon.co.uk/files/lyxfaq/lyxfaq.0.2.2.html">UK</A> FAQ</LI>
<A HREF="http://niebla.planet.com.mx/lyx/">Mexico</A> Site of the MathEd developer</LI>
<P>The "home site" for posting LyX material is the French machine, where new versions of LyX-related stuff are usually found first. Also the German LyX site in T<>bingen is of interest. There also can be found links to a large number of other web sites dedicated to LyX on both sides of the Atlantic. In one of them, I even found a screen shot of LyX containing <EM>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/lyxsh3.gif"> Chinese text</A></EM>...</P>
<P>There exists another LaTeX editor apparently designed along similar lines as LyX, for the MS Windows environment. It is a commerical product named "Scientific Word", said to be very good by its makers (of course!). I do not know any users however. Can anyone enlighten me? I also do not know if any Linux/UNIX version exists, as I for one do not fancy much the idea of having to use TeX in a DOS/Windows environment! But perhaps I am prejudiced...</P>
<TITLE>TeX without Tears!: Installation experiences</TITLE>
<H2>3. Installation experiences</A></H2>
<P>My Linux version on CD-ROM contained a pre-version of LyX in the "Contributed" department, which did not work properly. On the Web I found the beta version 0.10.7 and downloaded it, a <CODE>*.tar.gz</CODE> file ("tarball").
<DT><B>Tip:</B><DD><P>The utility <CODE>mc</CODE> (Midnight Commander), a workalike of that other famous commander for DOS, allows you to look inside <CODE>*.tar.g</CODE>z and <CODE>*.rpm</CODE> (Red Hat Package Manager) files. Useful! </P>
<P>Inspecting the file with <CODE>mc</CODE>, or more traditionally, with the command
tar -tzvf,
<P>is followed by unpacking it with the command
tar -xzvf
<P>into a pre-created directory <CODE>lyx</CODE>.
<DT><B>Remark:</B><DD><P>To the beginning user, the <CODE>tar</CODE> command may seem forbidding with its scores of command line options. However, when using disk files rather than tape reels, you only need to know half a dozen of them; for creating an archive, scanning it, unpacking it, optionally gzipping/degzipping (GNU tar only!) and for giving the archive filename. </P>
<P>For help on all these options, use the on line help by typing
man tar
man info
<P>or even better, their modern GUI equivalents
tkman tar
tkinfo tar.
<P>Similarly you find help for any other command that you are interested in. The last two programs are good demonstations of the power of the <CODE>tcl/tk</CODE> scripting language, a sort of Visual Basic like (no insult intended) freeware thing running in a variety of windowing environments. Download recommended!</P>
<P>I created a directory <CODE>lyx</CODE> under <CODE>/home</CODE>, and expanded the downloaded package there. </P>
<P><EM>First complication:</EM> LyX expects to be in <CODE>/usr/local</CODE>, being a standard place. If it is somewhere else, one must add the proper definition <CODE>LYX_DIR</CODE> to <CODE>bashrc</CODE> and LyX knows where everything is.</P>
<P><EM>Next problem:</EM> To tell Linux where LyX is. As the binary executable was now in <CODE>/home/lyx/bin/lyx</CODE>, I solved this by putting a <EM>symbolic link</EM> into the executable directory <CODE>/usr/bin</CODE>, located in the shell's search path:
ln -s /home/lyx/bin/lyx /usr/bin/lyx,
<P>and that's it. Symlinks are handy!</P>
<P>After that, LyX worked obediently from anywhere on the system.</P>
<P>One can create an alias:
lyx=&quot;lyx -width 600 -height 350&quot;,
<P>with whatever values may be suitable to make the LyX window fit your screen. </P>
<P>To make also the man system find LyX's man pages, you should edit<CODE> /etc/man.config</CODE>, or alternatively (mandatory for <CODE>tkman</CODE>) define the shell variable <CODE>MANPATH</CODE>. Consult the relevant documentation.</P>
<P>There is a file <CODE>.lyxrc</CODE> in your home directory (or you should copy it there from the template in the distribution), which should be edited suitably. I found e.g. that the screen font <B>utopia</B> was lacking, and replaced it by <B>times</B>. Also the T1 font encoding did not work for the Scandinavian special characters, so I chose "default" instead; and input encoding "latin1". All the other editable options in the file are provided with helpful comments.</P>
<P>Some more tinkering with config files is needed to make everything work together. LyX, <CODE>xdvi</CODE> (print pre-viewer), <CODE>ghostscript/ghostview </CODE>(ditto; I found version 4.03-1 satisfactory, an older version proved buggy), <CODE>dvips</CODE> (printing module) and <CODE>/etc/printcap</CODE>, the file describing, or "retrofitting" by software, the capabilities of your printer. Fortunately the new, extensive LyX manual contains lots of info on these standard chores that any Linux user has to go through in order to make the printer work under Linux, and especially with TeX -- LyX or no LyX.</P>
<P>There are many other things you can or perhaps ought to do to make LyX live happily on your system; e.g., add it to the menu system of <CODE>TheNextLevel</CODE><B>.</B> Let us hope that the packagers (Red Hat and others) will "discover" LyX and proceed to do all this tinkering on our behalf, so inexperienced users will not give up too easily before the slings and arrows of complexity...</P>
<H2>4. Does it work?</A></H2>
<P>The general answer to this is, based on my preliminary experiences: <EM>Yes!</EM></P>
<P>It must be said that the software is not bug-free; but a segmentation fault is a rare event running LyX.</P>
<P>One annoying bug is that, when running LaTeX in the background after having just opened a file in the LyX window, control may not return to the foreground and one has to kill the job by control-C. (Obviously one does not lose any data due to this bug, only time.)</P>
<P>Also, many features in LaTeX -- some trivial -- are not directly supported by LyX or do not quite work as they should. I had trouble, e.g., with the <EM>Bibliography</EM> environment. But the more I got to know LyX, the more I learned to like it -- especially since it supports a <EM>transparency mode</EM> in which LaTeX commands are handed through unmodified to output. All you have to do is "paint" the LaTeX command red, using the mouse and the LaTeX toolbar button, and LyX skips all the processing there. This means that all commands not available directly in LyX, can be had by brute force, through the back door, in spite of LyX -- a technique at which I rapidly became proficient.</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/bibliography.jpeg">[Do-it-yourself 'bibliography' screen shot]</A></P>
<P>In fact, it is possible to use LyX simply as a "dumb editor" for LaTeX source code -- the way scientists have been using <CODE>vi</CODE>,<CODE> emacs</CODE> and all that. In this fashion, one gains nothing and loses nothing. As an editor, LyX is quite good, allowing you to set layout details, such as indent and alignment, for individual paragraphs, and character layout, such as font shaps and sizes, empasized, small caps, etc. for selected areas of text; as well as all that for the document as a whole (of course already this basic editing is translated internally to LaTeX mark-up).</P>
<P>But already using <EM>one</EM> of LaTeX's many "difficult" features supported by LyX -- the formula editor, say -- results in massive gains to the user, making the editing job quite essentially easier.</P>
<P><EM>Anecdotical evidence</EM>: one of my German colleagues admitted that he has kept his LaTeX skills hidden from his university employer, because he <EM>hates</EM> writing -- nay, programming -- formulas and does not want to be ordered to do that. </P>
<P>We computer people should never underestimate the difficulty that programming (and mark-up language is a programming paradigm) poses to computer-naive users!</P>
<H2>5. Formulas (formul\ae ?)</A></H2>
<P>As a scientist I have to be able to write formulas easily and correctly. Therefore of course I wanted to put the math editor through its paces. The competition, MS Word for Windows, has a very good math editor (apparently sublicenced from a smaller company) and the litmus test for LyX is measuring up to this standard. Here follow some formulas that I often use in my work, first of all the expansion into spherical harmonics of the Earth's gravitational potential (<B>W.A. Heiskanen</B> and <B>H. Moritz</B>:<B> </B><EM>Physical Geodesy</EM>, W.H. Freeman &amp; Cy., 1967, p. 107):</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/eq_spher.jpeg">[The formula on-screen]</A></P>
<P>...and in the
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/output.jpeg">print previewer</A> (<CODE>xdvi</CODE>).</P>
<P>Another formula frequently encountered in physical geodesy is the <EM>Stokes integral</EM>, named after <B>G.G. Stokes</B>, the famous mathematician who in 1849 discovered this relationship between the global field of gravity anomalies (delta-g) and the undulations of mathematical mean sea level or the <EM>geoid</EM> N:</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/eq_stokes.jpeg">[Stokes on-screen]</A></P>
<P>where the <EM>Stokes function</EM> S is defined by
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/eq_stokes.jpeg">the same picture</A></P>
<P>So, what should the conclusion be? I did not write these two formulas as fast as I would have done in the WfW Equation Editor; but faster than when I did that for the first time, many years ago (<EM><EFBFBD>bung macht den Meister</EM>). And it most certainly beats manual LaTeX coding in both speed and convenience!</P>
<P>The Math Editor is good, intuitive, interactive and a fine piece of programming. Some small additions would be needed still. A few of the weirder mathematical symbols are still lacking -- they could be added to the
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/mathpanel.jpeg">math panel</A> in their raw LaTeX form --, and one does not get the integration domain placed straight underneath the integral sign, like with the summation limits to the big Sigma sign. In display mode, these limits, which are entered as "index" and "exponent" -- nice touch! -- end up straight underneath and above the Sigma, see above. </P>
<P>To <EM>number</EM> equations, just push "insert label" <EM>inside the equation box</EM> and follow the crowd. You may use symbolic names for the formulas which will appear when you try to insert a cross-reference. Just take your pick. LaTeX will replace the references by numbers in the right sequence. </P>
<P>The standard functions <CODE>sin</CODE> and <CODE>cos</CODE> should be entered in "macro mode" prefixing them by a backslash. They are correctly displayed in roman. But <EM>you </EM>have to remember the function and symbol LaTeX names... not hard for sines and cosines, though. Placing them somewhere in the math panel would be a good idea also.</P>
<P>Also plain roman text can be entered, by a keystroke sequence documented in the User's Guide. Sub- and superscripts are entered in the traditional LaTeX way by prefixing with an underscore or a "hat" symbol.</P>
<P>One way in which LaTeX math mode is superior to Word for Windows is in changing the font size. If you change the default font size in a LaTeX document, all fonts, including those inside formulas, change proportionally along, without any special effort from your side. In WfW you have to separately change the standard font size inside the formula editor, and then <EM>click on every formula</EM>... I like it more the LaTeX way.</P>
<H2>6. Section headers and friends</A></H2>
<P>Perhaps formulas and equations are a too specialized property to convince the ordinary user to switch to LyX. But what about something more down-to-earth, such as section, subsection, subsubsection etc. headers?</P>
<P>In short:<EM> excellently supported</EM>. LyX shows the header numbers on-screen, changing them if material is added or removed. What's more, you can open a
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/toc.jpeg">table-of-contents panel</A> where you can quickly navigate within large documents. (In Word for Windows, this would correspond to "outline mode". But you do not have to switch modes in LyX, just click on the right header in the TOC panel.)</P>
<P>Like we discussed above for formulas, also section headers etc. may be referred to by embedding labels in them. These labels appear in a
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/xref.jpeg">label panel</A> that pops up whenever you want to insert a reference; nifty. One can refer either to the (sub-) section itself, or to the page it is on, like in "see Section 3 on Page 7". If you move material around, the numbers in the printed output may change, but not the labels.</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/ref_pageref.jpeg">[Using section and page references]</A></P>
<P>If you want a section header without a number, you use the alternative form <B>section</B>* <B> </B>(and equivalent sub- and subsub- forms) from the styles menu. These headers will then also not appear in the table of contents. If you want the header to appear there after all, you'd better open your <EM>LaTeX Companion</EM>, page 36, and add the command
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section headers and friends}
<P>painted in LaTeX red, of course.</P>
<H2>7. Figures and tables (and footnotes)</A></H2>
<P>Also nicely supported. These can be put into a "float", to be positioned suitably on the page (as LaTeX) does. The figure can contain a caption; captions are numbered and collected into a List of Figures/Tables. They can also be referred to -- you guessed it -- by embedding a label into the caption text.</P>
<P>LyX 0.10.7 shows <CODE>*.eps</CODE> (encapsulated postscript) figures on the screen, and so does the print previewer <CODE>xdvi</CODE>. I have noticed, however, that LyX does not display large pictures, which do come out nicely in print.</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/eps_popup.jpeg">[The EPS popup for embedding graphics]</A></P>
<P><CODE>EPS</CODE> pictures can be drawn using the facility <CODE>xfig</CODE>, which has a complex and somewhat cumbersome user interface that takes some time to learn. (Anyway, it beats the drawing tool packaged with WfW 6, which was a great disappointment after the nice one packaged with WfW 2.) Also bitmapped pictures can be generated in <CODE>EPS</CODE> format, e.g. by using the screen grabber facility <CODE>import</CODE>, part of the ImageMagick package (recommended!). In this way, the screen shots for this article were produced, in a bitmapped graphics mode, though.</P>
<P>One weakness I noticed in LyX was the lacking support for the LaTeX <B>figure*</B> and <B>table*</B> commands, which place a figure or table float across the full width of a two column page. (But, then, one easily inserts these commands manually, painting them red...)</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/figure_star.jpeg">[A do-it-yourself full-width figure float, with labeled caption]</A></P>
<P>And footnotes, of course. (But no <CODE></CODE><CODE><B>thanks</B></CODE><B></B> command support!)</P>
<H2>8. Nested environments</A></H2>
<P>One of the well known niceties of LaTeX is also the three "nested environments" (<B>enumerate, itemize, description</B>) for making numbered/bulleted/labeled lists. LyX supports these on-screen roughly as they will be on paper, with the numbers or letters showing for the <B>enumerate</B> environment. And they can be freely nested, four levels deep. Great!</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/nested_env.jpeg">[Nested environments example]</A></P>
<H2>9. Tables ("tabular")</A></H2>
<P>Tables are nicely supported, with a fully functional (IMHO) table editor hanging from the right mouse button. The LyX team claims that this editor is buggy/incomplete/both, but it has satisfied at least my modest needs. The tables intelligently expand and contract depending on what they contain, just like in the LaTeX paper output. You can add and remove columns, put horizontal and vertical lines in the table or suppress them, and even join neighbouring cells. Text alignment can be set column-wise, like in LaTeX: left, right or centred.</P>
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/table.jpeg">[A table example, from the Users Guide]</A></P>
<H2>10. Keyboard shortcuts, and other things</A></H2>
<P>All the main menus given on the menu bar can be activated by pressing M-&lt;letter&gt;, the letter being the underlined one. Pretty logical, "Windows-like" and also documented somewhere in the set of documents in the 0.10.7 distribution.</P>
<P>What can be discovered by trial and error -- and is now also in the documentation --, is that M-&lt;letter&gt; followed by &lt;space&gt; pulls down the menu in question. A clever compromise saving CPU time on slow machines. And the submenu letters are given in the status line below the text screen anyway, if you hesitate... excellent design!</P>
<P>I was happy to find that my left hand finger reflex "Alt-F S" also here saved the file to disc. Use it frequently!</P>
<P>There are two different key binding maps available, the PC-like one (preferred by me, at least) and an emacs-like one for the aficionados.</P>
<P>LyX has also a good
<A HREF="./gx/lyx/findbox.jpeg">Find (and Find/Replace) facility</A> </P>
<P>Cut and paste works within a document, and between two simultaneously open documents (only one of them is always visible). Also import from other applications works; export not yet.</P>
<H2>11. Extending LyX</A></H2>
<P>LyX 0.10.7 as distributed supports almost all the standard LaTeX2e textclass types: <B>article, report, book, letter</B> and <B>amsart</B> ("American Mathematical Society article"). Furthermore, a special mode for Linuxdoc <CODE>SGML</CODE> format is provided, used here to produce this text. Making overhead transparencies and slides is semi-supported.</P>
<P>This is of course only the tip of a substantial iceberg: according to <EM>The LaTeX Companion</EM> (<B>M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, A. Samarin</B>, Addison-Wesley 1994) there exist over 150 packages catering for the most varied publishing needs -- from sheet music to Feynman diagrams, and everything in between. It will be some time before LyX catches up!</P>
<P>Adding new textclasses is not difficult. First, the textclass file for LaTeX should be found (on the web, usually) and installed, if not already on your distribution; these files have the extension <CODE>.cls</CODE>. Then, a so-called <EM>layout file</EM> must be created -- usually based on an existing one such as <CODE>article.layout</CODE> -- in which the known properties of all the major commands and environments for that textclass are described. If this is done properly, LyX will make these styles behave on-screen in ways similar to LaTeX on the printed page. In other words, the near-WYSIWYG property.</P>
<P>I wrote myself a few such layout files for journals I contribute to; One thing I discovered the hard way, is that to make LaTeX recognise a new class file, you have to run
<P>and to make LyX find a new class and layout file pair, you have to <EM>first</EM> edit the file <CODE>chkconfig.ltx</CODE>, and <EM>then </EM>run
latex chkconfig.ltx
<P>One learns by doing.</P>
<H2>12. The future of LyX</A></H2>
<P>After bringing out the 0.10.7 version, the LyX team proceeded to develop successive versions of 0.11. Unfortunately they have had no end of trouble with bugs; only now, 0.11.X is starting to be relatively clean and fully functional again. They replaced<B> XForms</B>, a library of graphic elements to be used under the X windowing system to produce user interfaces, by a similar but supposedly better library <B>Qt</B>; also many messy though functioning parts of the code have been sanitized.</P>
<P>One change in the making is the introduction of <EM>inheritance</EM> between <CODE>.layout</CODE> files; then you can say that a new texclass in LyX has all the properties of e.g. <B>article</B>, but with some added and some modified. In this way the work of writing new layout files, and of maintaining them, can be greatly reduced. LaTeX connoisseurs will recognize this technique as a carbon copy of the corresponding LaTeX practice, and will facilitate the "catching up" job for LyX.</P>
<P>Currently the <B>Layout/Document</B> menu offers a choice between various paper sizes, and for DIN A4 also a choice between a few standard margin width alternatives. Free setting of the margins by the user is not yet supported. Also this is scheduled to change. While waiting, you can use the <B>geometry</B> style package, which you should activate by including the lines
\geometry{various page size and margin width options}
<P>into the <EM>preamble</EM> of the LaTeX document. This is done from within LyX through the <B>Layout</B> menu. You see that one can still not do without a basic understanding of LaTeX...</P>
<P>One thing I intend to try out still is to use the mailmerge facility which is available for LaTeX <EM>inside</EM> LyX. It can surely be done, but a day has only 24 hours...</P>
<H2>13. Some philosophical conclusions</A></H2>
<P>Concludingly I will say that the LyX system, though being still a little rough around the edges, actually works well, is, inspite of the beta label, already production quality and really makes exploiting the unique properties of LaTeX a great deal easier. In fact, I would venture to claim that, once installed, LyX 0.10.7 is no more difficult to use than the leading commercial WP packages for MS Windows -- a remarkable claim perhaps for software that does so much more.</P>
<P>What I like about the LyX philosophy -- and there has been some debate on this in the newsgroups also -- is that it does not try to cover up the true complexity of typesetting text, a complexity properly addressed by LaTeX; it just harnesses the built-in intelligence of this existing typesetting software to make the handling of it more easy and intuitive. And that is how it should be.</P>
<P>Traditional word processors -- no names mentioned -- do give you more freedom to format the text as you want; remarkably, this is not always a good thing. It is easily possible to generate documents that look <EM>precisely</EM> as tasteless on screen as they come out on the printed page!</P>
<P>Of course there are things which by their nature are best done in a WYSIWYG fashion, e.g. the editing of mathematical formulas which are among the most visual typographic objects known to man. Also the logical structure of a document, its division in chapters, sections etc., is an essential property that must be visually represented. But other aspects of typesetting are not intrinsically visual -- e.g. the division of a paper into pages is more a property of paper as a hardware medium than an intrinsic property of a text. Also page headers, page numbers etc. are only "programming devices" targeted at us, flesh-and-blood browsers of printed text. This <EM>surface structure</EM> of the written message is inessential, and LyX rightly tries to handle this elegantly outside the user's field of view.</P>
<H2>14. Acknowledgements, and more...</A></H2>
<P>Everything in this text above that resembles a trademark, probably is one. Contrary perhaps to the impression created above, I hold Microsoft(tm) Word(tm) for Windows(tm) to be an excellent piece of software, arguably the best in its category. I have been a happy user myself for four years. It is the market leader, a de-facto standard against which others are measured.</P>
<P>And that LyX, and LaTeX, measure up so well, does not reflect poorly on the Microsoft programmers' skills; the message is a positive one, about the benefits of standing on tall shoulders -- <EM>each other's</EM> shoulders. LyX, TeX, Linux, all have simply grown in a better environment, one of openness, civic spirit and genuine enthusiasm, rather than of dollars and lawsuits. That freedom makes excellent <EM>economic</EM> sense has been known since Adam Smith. Resisting its pull is futile! </P>
<H2>15. How this document was written</A></H2>
<P>When I was asked to write this article for <EM>Linux Gazette</EM>, the suggestion was made to write it with LyX and convert the LaTeX code to <CODE>HTML</CODE> using the conversion utility <CODE>latex2html</CODE>. I installed and tried out this utility at my job computer (the Pentium!) and decided against using it. It was <EM>very</EM> demanding on the CPU, especially when converting formulas into <CODE>GIF</CODE> pictures.</P>
<P>Therefore I chose the alternative of writing the text in the <B>Linuxdoc</B> <CODE>SGML</CODE> textclass, which is supported by LyX. (I should say that this support is a little sketchy still at this point. It is easy to produce SGML files by LyX that the converter chokes on, e.g. containing <CODE>tscreen</CODE>, supposed to indent text.)</P>
<P>Then, conversion by <CODE>sgml2html</CODE>, included in the <CODE>linuxdoc-sgml</CODE> package -- runs <EM>very</EM> quickly -- and possible embedded pictures can be added only after that, using the Netscape <CODE>HTML</CODE> editor, if you have it installed. Obtaining these pictures, screen shots, was easy enough with ImageMagick.</P>
<P>Finally, UNIX wouldn't be UNIX, if there was not a quicker way to change the colours of background and text of <EM>all</EM> the <CODE>.html</CODE> files obtained from the conversion run:
# Add background and text colour to an HTML document
for i in *.html
sed -e s'/&lt;BODY&gt;/&lt;BODY bgcolor=\&quot;fff0e8\&quot; text=\&quot;503000\&quot;&gt;/g' $i &gt;temp
mv temp $i
echo $i
exit 0
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Martin Vermeer<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<H2>Using a Laptop in Different Environments</H2>
<H4>By Gerd Bavendiek,
<a href="mailto:bav@rw.sni.de">bav@rw.sni.de</a></H4>
<h1>Do you use a laptop at home ? In the office ? At a customers
site ?</h1>
If yes, you should read on. I would like to show you how I integrate
my laptop in different network environments. The basic idea is really
simple. Using <code>lilo</code> as bootmanager, I boot with an
additional variable assignment. The kernel passes this to the
init-processes shell environment. So all processes started by
<code>init</code> can use it. Example:
<code>linux netoff=</code>
This sets up the variable <code>netoff</code>. It is assigned
nothing. I use it as a flag meaning <i>&quot;now I am in the
office&quot;</i>. Booting with
<tt>linux netetc=</tt>
means <i>&quot;now I am at customer site&quot;</i>. Using lowercase
variable names is just for convenient typing. If you prefer,
you can use something like <code>NETENVIRON=123</code>.
The real work of processing this variables is done in my
<code>/etc/init.d/netenv</code>. Take a look at this code
NETENV=/tmp/netenv # When located in /tmp, script must be called
# AFTER wiping out /tmp has been done ...
elif env | grep '^netoff=' > /dev/null; then
echo &quot;&quot;# Networkenvironment: Laptop at office (Network-Interface: Ethernet)&quot;
echo &quot;export PROFILE=31&quot;
echo &quot;IPADDR=\&quot;123.456.78.123\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;NETMASK=\&quot;\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;NETWORK=\&quot;123.456.78.0\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;BROADCAST=\&quot;123.456.78.255\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;GATEWAY=\&quot;123.456.78.1\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;DOMAIN=\&quot;rw.sni.de\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;DNS_1=\&quot;123.456.89.9\&quot;&quot;
echo &quot;export RLPR_PRINTHOST=printer-off&quot;
echo &quot;export PRINTER=pr1&quot;
elif env | grep '^netetc=' > /dev/null; then
echo &quot;# Networkenvironment: Laptop at customer site (Network-Interface: Ethernet)&quot;
echo &quot;export PROFILE=32&quot;
echo &quot;export RLPR_PRINTHOST=printer-etc&quot;
echo &quot;export PRINTER=pr1&quot;
Output ist written to a world readable file. Scripts which shall use
the assignments simply have to do something like
<code>. /tmp/netenv</code>
For further details you may refer to the included
<a href="./laptoplist.html">netenv</a>.
As you can see from the code, I do assign not only network stuff, but
also a Variable <code>PROFILE</code> as well as printing
stuff. This makes it possible, to have e.g. <b>ONE</b>
I would like to show you how to do that when I come back from my
So far !
Kind regards
<address><a href="mailto:bav@rw.sni.de">Gerd Bavendiek</a></address>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Gerd Bavendiek<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<IMG ALT="Linux Weekend Mechanic" SRC="../gx/fisk/wkndMech.gif" ALIGN=BOTTOM
<H1>Welcome to The Linux Weekend Mechanic!</H1>
<H2>Published in the August, 1997 Edition of the Linux Gazette</H2>
<FONT SIZE="2"><B>
Copyright &#169; 1997 John M. Fisk &lt;fiskjm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu&gt;<BR>
The Linux Gazette (tm) is Copyright &#169; 1997 <A HREF="http://www.ssc.com/">
Specialized Systems Consultants Inc.</A>
<!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS ================================================ -->
<IMG ALT="Table of Contents" SRC="./gx/fisk/toc.gif" WIDTH=316 HEIGHT=72
<IMG ALT="ITEM" ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/fisk/redball.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14>
<A HREF="#welcome">Welcome to the August WM!</A><BR>
<IMG ALT="ITEM" ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/fisk/redball.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14>
<A HREF="#networking">2 PC LAN: Adventures in Home Networking!</A><BR>
<IMG ALT="ITEM" ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/fisk/redball.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14>
<A HREF="#xemacs">XEmacs Xtras!</A><BR>
<IMG ALT="ITEM" ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/fisk/redball.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14>
<A HREF="#closeup">Closing Up Shop...</A><BR>
<!-- END TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================ -->
<!-- WELCOME SECTION ================================================== -->
<A NAME="welcome">
<IMG SRC="./gx/fisk/welcome2.gif" WIDTH=555 HEIGHT=131 ALIGN=TOP
ALT="Welcome to the WM"></A>
Howdy! How y'all doing?
Thanks for droppin' in! The big news this month is that I finally got
that old PC that bought a couple months ago up and running AND was able
to get Ethernet set up between them. I've written about my experiences
with <B>TCP/IP, Ethernet setup, and Samba</B> here in the hopes that
they might either encourage or guide others in a similar endeavor.
This is a whole lot of fun!
I've also been learning a bit about the venerable <B>emacs</B> editor.
Actually, I've been learning on its worthy progeny, <B>XEmacs 19.15</B>.
Along the way I've discovered that there's a wealth of elisp code out there to
customize emacs in all sorts of ways. I've included some code snippets that
I've recently culled from the comp.emacs and comp.emacs.xemacs groups.
Finally, in the &quot;Closing Up Shop&quot; section I've included some
of the more useful <B>UNIX-type resources that have been ported to
the Windows NT/95</B> environment. I've come to the conclusion that
there is no such thing as the &quot;perfect OS&quot;, because there
is always some feature, utility, or application that it lacks (sorry,
even 'ol Linux can't do everything that I'd like it to do!). I've been
having to use Windows NT 4.0 at work and have been sorely missing the
tools that I've grown accustomed to under Linux. After a bit of 'Net
searching I've put together a small collection of UNIX utilities and
programs that have been ported to the Windows environment.
Anyway, my sincerest thanks and kudos to <B>Marjorie and Amy</B> at SSC who
continue to do a great job of getting the Linux Gazette out each month. This
is a lot of work and they are doing a fantastic job!
Hope y'all enjoy!
<!-- END WELCOME SECTION ============================================== -->
<!-- ARTICLE 1 ====================================================== -->
<H2><A NAME="networking"><IMG SRC="./gx/fisk/typewrit.gif" WIDTH=64 HEIGHT=56
ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="Article">2 PC LAN: Adventures in Home Networking!</A></H2>
This is a brief recounting of my experiences setting up a small,
2 PC home LAN. The purpose was to to connect a computer running
Linux kernel version 2.0.30 with another running Windows 95.
Networking was accomplished via TCP/IP over Ethernet. Basic TCP/IP
services (ping, telnet, SMTP) were setup. In addition, file,
printer, and CD-ROM sharing was achieved using Samba v. 1.9.16p11.
<I>This is the story of an adventure...</I><BR>
&quot;A Horse And His Boy&quot;, by C.S. Lewis<BR>
<B>CAVEAT:</B> What follows is an account of <I>my own</I> experiences with
setting up a small home LAN. I started out knowing a bit of networking
theory, but had little practical experience with networking stuff. Along the
way, I learned a bit and discovered a few things by trial and error. What I
hope to do is encourage y'all to give this a try. It's definitely not as hard
as it looks and it is SERIOUSLY COOL!
This is NOT a HOWTO. There are numerous well written and informative sources
of definitive information on setting up TCP/IP and Ethernet under Linux and
Windows 95. The point of this is to share my own experiences. If you find
something here that's helpful, that's great. Keep in mind, though, that
you're on your own. Like all things with Linux, it's your responsibility to
make sure you know what you're doing BEFORE you go messing with things. I've
tried to ensure that the information here is as correct as possible, but I
can't vouch for everything. Before you do anything to your system, make sure
you know what you're doing! Like the old saying goes...
<I>If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces...</I>
Also, this is NOT intended for anyone who is setting up networking in a public
or semi-public setting. What is described below is a small home setup: both
boxes set on my desk in the office. I'm the only one that has physical access
to them with the exception of my wife who does not use Linux at all and who
uses Win95 only for email and a bit of word processing. Networking opens up
potentially hazardous portals of entry into your system. I'll point out the
few places where I've tried to include minor security measures. If you're
setting up networking in a public or semi-public setting then this is
<I>definitely</I> not what you need to be reading. There are plenty of good
books on networking and security and you'd do well to peruse them if you're
not completely sure of what you're doing.
<I>The wise will heed this warning...</I>
Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest... :-)
<H3>How things got started...</H3>
One of the things that I've been wanting to do for some time now is learn a
bit about networking. I'd taken a class in networking last Fall and had
gotten quite a bit of theory, but precious little &quot;hands on&quot;
experience. When I finally bought an old &quot;as-is&quot; PC a while ago I
started entertaining hopes that I could somehow set up a small 2 PC LAN. The
dream was born...
The reality of the situation, however, soon became quite evident.
After a frustrating couple days of swapping out one board after another
to isolate and replace the defective ones, I finally managed to get the
'ol PC to boot and installed a copy of WFW 3.11 on it. The old ISA I/O
board was a serious dog and the ancient WD video card with 512K didn't
help the situation any. But I was glad to see that it worked at least.
I finally got tired of watching window redraws and, after finishing up
school and starting work, did a major overhaul. My wife very kindly
OK'd the investment after numerous assurances that the upgrade would be
&quot;her box&quot; and that I'd make sure that it booted to Windows and
that there'd be handy icons for the word processor and email stuff... my
wife is a sweetheart! :-)
Anyway, the old box got transformed (thanks to a new MB, HD, EDO RAM,
and a few other goodies) into a decent performer. When I bought it
there was an Artisoft AE-2 NIC in it which I hoped was still working.
When my brother-in-law gave me a WD 8003 NIC that he had lying
around, I knew that I was on the verge of an adventure. After picking
up the thin coax cable, T's, and terminators at Javanco's here in town,
I was all set. The adventure was on...!
<H3>Deja' News to the Rescue!</H3>
One of the first things I had to do was install the NIC cards, which turned
out to be more of a chore than I had first anticipated. The cards, as it
turned out, both worked fine. What was missing was documentation on all those
funny little plastic jumpers that I'd need to set the IRQ and base I/O and
such. In a stroke of good fortune I happened across one of those sites that
belongs in EVERYONE's bookmark file:
<FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="http://www.dejanews.com/">Deja News
Deja News, for those who've not come across this place, provides a search
engine for a database of Usenet postings. It's a fantastic source of
information; granted, the signal to noise ration dips a bit now and then, but
with some judicious searching you can find answers to all kinds of interesting
problems. After searching for &quot;Artisoft AE-2&quot; and &quot;WD
8003&quot; I found myself in possession of several postings with complete
descriptions of jumper settings that previous net pioneers had culled off of
manufacturer's FTP sites and Web pages.
I was happy.
I initially set the cards up under Win95 since it was easy to find an unused
IRQ and base IO offset. Once IRQ and IO conflicts had been settled for both
boxes I decided to try Win95 -&gt; Win95 peer-to-peer networking. This
actually turned out to be the easiest part of the setup, owing in no small
part to the fact that my &quot;programmer/networking guru&quot; brother-in-law
came for the weekend. We managed to have one box talking to the other in no
I won't go into great detail as to how we did this: there are numerous
excellent (and plenty of not-so-excellent...) references on setting up Win95
boxes. In brief, however, this is what we did:
<LI><B>Added TCP/IP support.</B>
If you right click on &quot;Network Neighborhood&quot; -&gt;
&quot;Properties&quot;, a dialog box appears that should look
<A HREF="./gx/fisk/net-conf.jpg"> something like this</A>. Click
on the Add -&gt; Protocol -&gt; Microsoft buttons to select
TCP/IP. You'll likely need the setup disks or CDROM to install
the drivers.
<LI><B>Configured TCP/IP settings</B>
Since there were just two boxes on the network all I set up was
the <A HREF="./gx/fisk/net-addr.jpg">IP address and netmask</A>;
all other default settings appeared to be correct. Since this
wasn't a dial up connection I didn't define a DNS.
<LI><B>Defined Workgroup, Hostname, and Shares</B>
I found out the hard way that if you want to set up a workgroup to
shared resources that <I>everyone</I> in the workgroup has to use the
same workgroup name...
<P>Duh... :-)
Anyway, I defined <A HREF="./gx/fisk/net-iden.jpg">workgroup and
hostnames</A> after making sure that I had OK'd the &quot;File
and Print Sharing...&quot; checkboxes from the main Network
configuration dialog box. After doing this, I set up each share by
right-clicking on the item (drive C, drive D, the CD-ROM, the printer,
and so forth...), selecting the &quot;Sharing...&quot; menu item, and
then <A HREF="./gx/fisk/net-shar.jpg">configured share properties</A>
and passwords. Also, I selected the &quot;Share Level Access
Control&quot; from the &quot;Access Control&quot; tab item.
<LI><B>Created a C:\Win95\hosts file</B>
This one would have completely stumped me had it not been for Bill, my
brother-in-law. After we got all through with basic setup he had me
set up a hosts file in C:\Win95 (being the non-conformist that I am
this is where I put all the Windows stuff). Basically, this is just a
file called &quot;hosts&quot; and is similar to the stock /etc/hosts
file under Linux. At the moment, mine looks like:
<PRE> localhost Johnsbox Faithsbox Caduceus
At this point, I rebooted both boxes and was able to login and browse shares
from either box. I doubt that this is the optimal setup; however, since
everything seemed to work and I was able to browse through directories and
share the printer, floppy drive, and CD-ROM, I figured I'd leave well enough
alone. All in all, I was pretty pleased with this...
Seriously cool... :-)
So, at this point I knew that the NIC's and all the hardware were working and
that I should be able to do something similar between Linux -&gt; Win95. The
real adventure was just beginning so it was...
<H3>On to Linuxland...!</H3>
Setting up networking support under Linux was just a bit more work than under
Win95 and while it wasn't excessively difficult I'll admit that I got bit more
than once by a couple of <I>gotcha's!</I>. I'll try to mention these as I go.
I also found a fair amount of helpful documentation along the way which I'll
also try to give pointers to. In brief, I took the following steps to get
networking up and going:
<LI>Compile new kernel and modules with networking support
<LI>Edited networking configuration files
<LI>Edited rc files to start appropriate networking services at bootup
One thing that I did that I'd encourage y'all to do: take <I>lots</I> of
notes. There are all kinds of details that you need to attend to along the
way and its easy to forget what you've done and what you haven't done. Also,
things occasionally break along the way, it's nice to be able to &quot;back
out&quot; of recent changes. Anyway, the first thing to do was...
<H3>Building The New Kernel</H3>
Building a new kernel with the needed networking support was fairly
straightforward, although there was one gotcha that I'll mention.
The kernel options that I compiled in included Networking support, TCP/IP
networking, Network device support, Ethernet support, and support for
the Artisoft NIC. I also decided to compile as many of these options as
modules as I could and use the kerneld to automatically load and unload
them as needed. I also anticipated setting up Samba to fully realize
Linux &lt;-&gt; Win95 networking, so I compiled these options in as well.
In summary, the kernel options I included were:
Enable loadable module support (CONFIG_MODULES) [Y/n/?] Y
Kernel daemon support (e.g. autoload of modules) (CONFIG_KERNELD) [Y/n/?] Y
Networking support (CONFIG_NET) [Y/n/?] Y
TCP/IP networking (CONFIG_INET) [Y/n/?] Y
Network device support (CONFIG_NETDEVICES) [Y/n/?] Y
Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) (CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET) [Y/n/?] Y
Other ISA cards (CONFIG_NET_ISA) [Y/n/?] Y
NE2000/NE1000 support (CONFIG_NE2000) [M/n/y/?] M
SMB filesystem support (to mount WfW shares etc..) (CONFIG_SMB_FS) [M/n/y/?] Y
SMB Win95 bug work-around (CONFIG_SMB_WIN95) [Y/n/?] Y
After I did this, I updated /etc/lilo.conf, using an &quot;append&quot; line
to pass it the base IO address and IRQ number for the network card. The
global section of /etc/lilo.conf now looked like:
boot = /dev/fd0
delay = 300
vga = normal
append = &quot;ether=10,0x300,eth0&quot;
An important README file that you'll want to have a look at is in the
Documentation directory of the linux source (which is normally under
/usr/src/linux/Documentation) in the networking subdirectory. It's the
<KBD>net-modules.txt</KBD> file which describes how to use networking device
driver modules. Specifically, it strongly recommends passing the network card
base address and IRQ instead of auto-probing. Here's a short snippet from the
In many cases it is highly preferred that insmod:ing is done
ONLY with defining an explicit address for the card, AND BY
Now most cards have some explicitly defined base address, they
are compiled with (to avoid auto-probing, among other things).
If that compiled value does not match your actual configuration,
do use &quot;io=0xXXX&quot; -parameter for the insmod, and give there
a value matching your environment.
If you are adventurous, you can ask the driver to autoprobe
by using &quot;io=0&quot; parameter, however it is potentially dangerous
thing to do in a live system. (If you don't know where the
card is located, you can try autoprobing, and after possible
crash recovery, insmod with proper IO-address..)
The file had these additional comments about &quot;NE2000&quot; clone cards,
like the one that I was using:
8390 based Network Modules (Paul Gortmaker, Nov 12, 1995)
(Includes: smc-ultra, ne, wd, 3c503, hp, hp-plus, e2100 and ac3200)
The 8390 series of network drivers now support multiple card systems
without reloading the same module multiple times (memory efficient!) This
is done by specifying multiple comma separated values, such as:
insmod 3c503.o io=0x280,0x300,0x330,0x350 xcvr=0,1,0,1
The above would have the one module controlling four 3c503 cards, with
card 2 and 4 using external transceivers. The &quot;insmod&quot; manual
describes the usage of comma separated value lists.
It is *STRONGLY RECOMMENDED* that you supply &quot;io=&quot; instead
of autoprobing. If an &quot;io=&quot; argument is not supplied, then
the ISA drivers will complain about autoprobing being not recommended,
and begrudgingly autoprobe for a *SINGLE CARD ONLY* -- if you want to
use multiple cards you *have* to supply an &quot;io=0xNNN,0xQQQ,...&quot;
The ne module is an exception to the above. A NE2000 is essentially an
8390 chip, some bus glue and some RAM. Because of this, the ne probe is
more invasive than the rest, and so at boot we make sure the ne probe is
done last of all the 8390 cards (so that it won't trip over other 8390
based cards) With modules we can't ensure that all other non-ne 8390
cards have already been found. Because of this, the ne module REQUIRES
an &quot;io=0xNNN&quot; argument passed in via insmod. It will refuse
to autoprobe.
It is also worth noting that auto-IRQ probably isn't as reliable during
the flurry of interrupt activity on a running machine. Cards such as the
ne2000 that can't get the IRQ setting from an EEPROM or configuration
register are probably best supplied with an &quot;irq=M&quot; argument
as well.
If you're planning on using modular device drivers I'd recommend having a look
at this file as it contains additional helpful information.
The gotcha that I encountered occurred after successfully compiling and
installing the new kernel. After I rebooted, there was no message indicating
that it had found the network card. As I'm sure most of you know, you can
review kernel boot messages using something like:
# dmesg | less
I went back and recompiled and installed yet another kernel, this time with
everything compiled into the kernel and NOT as modules; this time, I got the
following message:
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker (becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov)
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 00 6e 30 91 cf
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 10.
I suspect that many of you have already guessed what I did wrong: I compiled
the network device driver as a module but NEVER LOADED THE MODULE!
The <B>Slackware</B> distribution includes an <KBD>rc.modules</KBD> file with the set
of rc files. Among other things, this allows you to specify modules to load
at boot up using <KBD>modprobe</KBD>. After uncommenting the line for the
<KBD>ne.o</KBD> driver and specifying the base IO and IRQ values, it loaded
without a hitch. Those of you using a <B>Red Hat</B>, or Red Hat derived
system, will probably find a similar file under the /etc subdirectory. The
invocation that I'm using is:
# jmf -- this is for the Artisoft NE-2 which is jumpered to io=0x300, irq=10
/sbin/modprobe ne io=0x300,irq=10
Anyway, that was a pretty minor gotcha, but I did manage to lose a bit of time
messing around with repetitive kernel recompiles and such. Let me mention
here that there are a couple helpful HOWTO's that you might be interested in
looking over:
<LI><A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/Ethernet-HOWTO.html">
<LI><A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html">
The Ethernet-HOWTO contains a LOT of details with respect to setting up
Ethernet support under Linux. Personally, I wished that the author had taken
more of a step-by-step approach to doing this; still there's a good deal of
very useful information here. The Kernel-HOWTO is a good reference to use if
you're new to Linux or still don't feel comfortable yet with the notion of
compiling and installing a new kernel. This is actually a pretty painless
proposition now and with the advent of both an ncurses- (actually
&quot;dialog-based&quot;) and a tk-based configuration utility, kernel
customization and compilation is definitely getting easier.
<H3>Setting Up Networking Configuration Files</H3>
Once the kernel correctly recognized and initialize the network device, the
next step was updating the necessary networking configuration files. There's
an absolutely fantastic HOWTO file that goes through this process in an
orderly and well-documented manner:
<A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/NET-3-HOWTO.html">The NET-3 HOWTO</A>
This is a <I>must read</I> document as it describes each of the
files needed for networking configuration, gives working examples,
and touches on various issues such as security. It is, however, as the
author points out, <I>not</I> a networking security oriented document. If
security is an issue then you'll probably want to read one of the several
excellent reference works available through publishers such as <B>O'Reilly
&amp; Assoc.</B>.
Since all of you can read, I'll not insult your intelligence by rehashing
what is amply covered in this HOWTO. I would like to make a couple
comments about certain files. To begin with, I'm using a <B>Slackware
3.2</B> distribution, so the files on other distributions may be in different
locations (or use a different filename) than the ones mentioned here. These
are the files that I edited:
Slackware uses <KBD>rc.inet1</KBD> to configure the network interfaces and
update the kernel routing tables. I chose to assign the boxes IP addresses
from the 192.168.xxx.xxx block. The NET-3 HOWTO covers the assignment of IP
addresses in a private network (such as a home LAN like I was setting up).
Basically, there are three blocks of addresses that are reserved for private
networks (a Class A, Class B, and Class C block). If you're interested,
<KBD>RFC-1597</KBD> describes this in detail.
And speaking of which, I should mention another very useful WWW resource that
you should add to your bookmark file if you haven't already. <B>Nexor
Corporation</B> has a web page that allows easy look up and retrieval of RFC
documents. Their URL for this service is:
<A HREF="http://www.nexor.com/public/rfc/index/rfc.html">
For the curious, my rc.inet1 now looks like:
#! /bin/sh
# rc.inet1 This shell script boots up the base INET system.
# Version: @(#)/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 1.01 05/27/93
# Attach the loopback device.
/sbin/ifconfig lo
/sbin/route add -net netmask lo
# IF YOU HAVE AN ETHERNET CONNECTION, use these lines below to configure the
# eth0 interface. If you're only using loopback or SLIP, don't include the
# rest of the lines in this file.
# IP addresses for TCP/IP Ethernet connection
# Uncomment the line below to configure your Ethernet card.
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask ${NETMASK}
# Set up IP routing table.
/sbin/route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} eth0
if [ -n $GATEWAY ]; then
/sbin/route add default gw ${GATEWAY} netmask metric 1
# End of rc.inet1
In addition, my /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, and /etc/hosts.deny files look
# hosts This file describes a number of hostname-to-address
# mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem. It is mostly
# used at boot time, when no name servers are running.
# On small systems, this file can be used instead of a
# &quot;named&quot; name server. Just add the names, addresses
# and any aliases to this file...
# By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen &lt;agulbra@nvg.unit.no&gt; says that
# should NEVER be named with the name of the machine. It causes problems
# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)
# For loopbacking. localhost Johnsbox.vanderbilt.edu Johnsbox Faithsbox.vanderbilt.edu Faithsbox Caduceus.vanderbilt.edu Caduceus
# END /etc/hosts
# hosts.allow This file describes the names of the hosts which are
# allowed to use the local INET services, as decided by
# the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# Version: @(#)/etc/hosts.allow 1.00 05/28/93
# Author: Fred N. van Kempen, &lt;waltje@uwalt.nl.mugnet.org&gt;
# allow all services ONLY to the local boxes
# End of hosts.allow.
# hosts.deny This file describes the names of the hosts which are
# *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
# by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# Version: @(#)/etc/hosts.deny 1.00 05/28/93
# Author: Fred N. van Kempen, &lt;waltje@uwalt.nl.mugnet.org&gt;
# deny all services to everyone unless specified in /etc/hosts.allow
# End of hosts.deny.
Finally, I updated /etc/resolv.conf to point to the DNS servers at Vanderbilt
University and, secondarily, at MTSU:
domain vanderbilt.edu
At this point, I rebooted both boxes and kept a watch out for boot up error
So far, so good...
The seriously cool moment occurred when I was able to both <B>ping</B> and
then <B>telnet</B> from my wife's Win95 box to Linux. Here's the screen shots
of this glorious occasion ;-)
<A HREF="./gx/fisk/ping.jpg">Pinging from Win95-&gt;Linux</A><BR>
<A HREF="./gx/fisk/telnet.jpg">Telnetting from Win95-&gt;Linux</A><BR>
You've probably noticed that I <I>wasn't</I> using the telnet client that
comes with Win95. I've found several freeware sites recently and one of them
had the venerable <B>ewan 1.05</B> telnet client that I'd been using for the
past couple years. This provides at least ANSI colors as you can see from
screen dump of the XEmacs session I had running.
These alone were worth a bit of celebrating! Running console-based programs
via telnet was surprisingly fast: there was little or no performance
difference between the telnet session and running the programs natively under
Linux. This was seriously cool!
I also found that I could ping from Linux-&gt;Win95 and that I could ping and
telnet from Win95-&gt;Linux using both IP address and hostname!
I was a happy man :-)
Still, there was one final challenge left...
<H2>The Big Kahuna: Setting Up Samba!</H2>
This is still, as the academe's would say, &quot;a work in progress...&quot;
(which is to say: &quot;all the bugs ain't worked out yet...&quot;)
Still, I've got file and CD-ROM sharing working and am closing in on getting
printer support working as well! At the moment, I can browse my Linux file
system from under Win95, view and edit files, use the CD-ROM (and the floppy
drive) as though they were local. This has been a serious pump! I've also
discovered that I can do some other nifty things using TCP/IP, such as email,
which I'll mention later. All in all, this has been huge! So, here are how
things got started...
<H3>Going to the Source...</H3>
The first thing I did, and if you're interested in setting up Samba what I'd
suggest that you do first too, to head right on out to:
<A HREF="http://samba.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba/">Official Samba Home Page</A>
Samba was created by <B>Andrew Tridgell</B>, who has not only written a
fantastic program, but has provided a wealth of information on Samba at the
home page. This includes:
<LI>update announcements
<LI>manual pages
<LI>program documentation
<LI>newsgroup digests
<LI>source and binary distributions for a variety of platforms
<LI>SMB client software
<LI>security patches and information
<LI>and so forth...
This is definitely Stop Number One.
Stop Number Two was the
<A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO.html">SMB-HOWTO</A> which
provided a good deal of useful information in compiling, installing, and
configuring Samba. After messing around with this for the past couple weeks
and starting to read the comp.protocols.smb newsgroup, I'm convinced that the
biggest challenge to getting Samba up and doing what you want is getting the
smb.conf configuration file correct. Hence, you'll probably want to spend a
bit of time with the documentation.
The good news is, however, that getting basic file sharing up and working is
pretty straightforward.
Anyway, the first thing I did was to get the current source, which as of July,
1997 was 1.9.16p11. Compiling and installing Samba was fairly easy. The
first thing to do was edit the Makefile under samba-1.9.16p11/source and
change the defaults to match my preferences. Specifically, the values I
used were:
BASEDIR = /usr/local/samba
LIBSM = -lshadow
Basically, I used the Samba default filesystem structure, which puts all the
program and configuration files under /usr/local/samba. I added the
<KBD>-DSYSLOG</KBD> flag since I'm basically nosy about what's going on and
like to see log files to help diagnose problems. The log file and lock file
locations, once again, are defaults. I made the default workgroup
<KBD>FISK</KBD> which is what I used under Win95; I also made sure that I had
a guest account and group to which login was barred. The reason for this is
giving in the Makefile:
# set this to the name of the default account, which is the one
# to use when no username or password is specified. This can be overridden
# in the runtime configuration file (see smb.conf(5))
# NOTE: The account &quot;nobody&quot; may not be a good one as
# on many unixes it may not be able to print. Thus you
# might have to create a separate guest account that can print.
And finally, I compiled Samba with shadow password support. You'll find
several configuration options for Linux with and without shadow passwords,
quotas, and so forth so just pick whichever one is suitable and uncomment the
appropriate lines. Hereafter, the compile and install were as simple as:
# make
# make install
At this point I should have mentioned that I was actually doing all this from
two VT's (after logging in as root). From the first VT I was editing the
Makefile and managing the compilation; from the other VT I had changed to the
samba-1.9.16pll/docs/ subdirectory and was following the
<KBD>INSTALL.txt</KBD> file directions. At the top of the file is the
encouraging pronouncement <KBD>HOW TO INSTALL AND TEST SAMBA</KBD> and, in
fact, the directions do a pretty good job of doing just that.
At this point, I'd done the first couple steps:
<LI>STEP 0. Read the man pages
<LI>STEP 1. Building the binaries
<LI>STEP 2. The all important step...
If you're wondering what this &quot;all important step&quot; might be, here's
Andrew in his own words:
At this stage you must fetch yourself a coffee or other drink you find
stimulating. Getting the rest of the install right can sometimes be
tricky, so you will probably need it.
So, after grabbing a coke and a bag 'o nachos, I was ready to plunge ahead.
I'd suggest you do the same...
The next step is to create the <KBD>smb.conf</KBD> file. Now, the good news
is that it appears that it isn't too hard to get something working -- you
should definitely see fruits of your labors! The bad news is that getting
<I>everything exactly right</I> is quite a bit more challenging.
In the samba-1.9.16p11/examples/simple directory there's a well-commented
sample smb.conf file that I used as a template when setting this up. As the
documentation suggests, you'll probably want to be armed with this or an
equivalent template and the <KBD>smb.conf</KBD> manual page, which goes into
great detail with regard to each of the configuration options. Fortunately,
the manual page is pretty well written although there is admittedly quite a
bit of it... :-)
After making a few guesses about what I'd like to try I went back to the
<KBD>INSTALL.txt</KBD> file and continued with the installation instructions.
The next thing it suggests doing is testing the configuration file with the
included <KBD>testparm</KBD> program. This is really handy as it will let you
spot errors in the syntax of the configuration file. Here's a copy of my
current smb.conf file:
; Configuration file for smbd.
workgroup = FISK
printing = bsd
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
guest account = guest
domain master = yes
log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%m
comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
read only = no
writable = yes
create mode = 0744
comment = All Printers
browseable = no
printable = yes
public = no
writable = no
create mode = 0755
path = /var/spool/public
print command = echo Printing %s &gt;&gt; /tmp/smb_print.log; lpr -P %p %s
comment = Toplevel Directory
browseable = yes
printable = no
public = yes
writable = no
readonly = yes
only guest = yes
path = /
comment = Mitsumi CD-ROM Drive
browseable = yes
writeable = no
readonly = yes
printable = no
public = yes
only guest = no
path = /cdrom
; END smb.conf
When I run the <KBD>testparm</KBD> program on this file I get:
Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
Processing section &quot;homes]&quot;
Processing section &quot;printers]&quot;
Processing section &quot;guest]&quot;
Processing section &quot;cdrom]&quot;
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
By hitting ENTER you get a LOT of detailed information about the current
values of the configuration. Since this seemed to be OK I went ahead and
started the smbd and nmbd daemons from the command line using:
# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D -d1 -s/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
# /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D -d1 -s/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf \
The <KBD>-D</KBD> option specifies that smbd and nmbd run as daemons;
<KBD>-d1</KBD> sets the debug level; and <KBD>-s</KBD> and <KBD>-l</KBD> set
the locations of the smb.conf and logging files respectively. After having a
peek at <KBD>ps -x</KBD> to make sure that they had started OK, I ran the next
test, which involves using the <KBD>smbclient</KBD> program to list the shares
on the local server. Doing this I get:
# smbclient -L Caduceus
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Server time is Mon Jul 28 20:36:15 1997
Timezone is UTC-5.0
Domain=[FISK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.16p11]
Server=[caduceus] User=[fiskjm] Workgroup=[FISK] Domain=[FISK]
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
ascii Printer ljet2p-letter-ascii-mono
cdrom Disk Mitsumi CD-ROM Drive
fiskjm Disk Home Directories
guest Disk Toplevel Directory
homes Disk Home Directories
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba 1.9.16p11)
lp2 Printer ljet2p-letter-auto-mono
raw Printer ljet2p-letter-raw
This machine has a browse list:
Server Comment
--------- -------
CADUCEUS Samba 1.9.16p11
This machine has a workgroup list:
Workgroup Master
--------- -------
Again, there's a good deal of information (just keep telling yourself that
this is the &quot;Information Age&quot; and there's <I>supposed</I> to be
a lot of this around... :-). Anyway, I didn't spot any errors here and so
tried to connect to the local server, again using <KBD>smbclient</KBD>:
fiskjm@Caduceus [ttyp1] [docs] $ smbclient '\\Caduceus\fiskjm'
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Server time is Mon Jul 28 20:39:49 1997
Timezone is UTC-5.0
Domain=[FISK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.16p11]
smb: \&gt;
Excellent! So far, so good...
The last thing to do was head back to the Win95 box, and this is where the fun
Let me stress once again that all of the above steps are outlined in the
<KBD>INSTALL.txt</KBD> file which really does a nice job of leading the
uninitiated, like myself, through this potentially bewildering process. At
this point, then, I was ready to try connecting from Win95.
The first thing I noticed was that when I clicked on the &quot;Network
Neighborhood&quot; the Linux box did <I>not</I> immediately show up!
So I did the next logical thing (logical, at least in my own mind, I guess...)
I pinged Caduceus (my Linux box) from Win95 and, sure enough, it answered
back. I then telnetted to it from Win95 and again, had no trouble! Now, when
I clicked on &quot;Network Neighborhood&quot; Caduceus showed up!
I honestly haven't a good explanation of why this happens but I've found it to
be the case from time to time: to get the SMB shares to &quot;show up&quot; I
need to ping or telnet to the Linux box before trying to browse. Those of you
who have more experience or insight might be able to offer an explanation...
Anyway, I was thrilled to see 'ol Caduceus show up. And just so that you
don't think I was making this up, here's a
<A HREF="./gx/fisk/netneigh.jpg">screen dump of Network Neighborhood</A>
showing Caduceus. The next gotcha came when I clicked on the Caduceus icon:
I got an error to the effect of &quot;network not found...&quot; which had me
completely stymied.
<H3>Diagnosing Those Network Blues...</H3>
Fortunately, in the samba-1.9.16p11/docs directory there's another helpful file
called <KBD>DIAGNOSE.txt</KBD>which, as the name implies, is a useful
checklist of things to run down when trying to pin-point the cause of a
problem. As it turned out, the solution to the &quot;network not found&quot;
error was <A HREF="./gx/fisk/net-wins.jpg">adding the IP address of
Caduceus</A> to the WINS server configuration box in the Network options
dialog box. Doing this and rebooting the Win95 box fixed the problem
At this point, I was golden! I could now:
<LI><A HREF="./gx/fisk/expl-net.jpg">See the Entire Network in Explorer</A>
<LI><A HREF="./gx/fisk/expl-cad.jpg">See the Caduceus shares in
<LI><A HREF="./gx/fisk/exp-fisk.jpg">Browse my /home/fiskjm directory</A>
<LI><A HREF="./gx/fisk/expl-cd.jpg">Browse a CD that I had mounted under
This was a serious pump! ;-)
I found that I could mount a CD under Linux and then browse the contents of
that CD via Samba! I found that I could even install Win95 software via a CD
mounted under Linux.
I was dancin'!! This rocks!
In addition to the above I also found that I could browse my entire Linux
hierarchy as &quot;guest&quot;. What was even MORE freaky was that I could
mount my local Win95 partitions under Linux (to /dosC, for example) and then
browse <I>those</I> files via Samba from the other networked Win95 box.
This was getting better and better all the time... ;-)
I'm sure, having skimmed through most of the docs and reading a bit of the
newsgroup digests, that there are all sorts of <I>way too cool</I> things
that can be done with Samba...
This'll let you push the envelope, my friend...
<I>...riding the Ragged Edge of Destruction and Howling in the Wind!</I>
<I>This</I> is what makes Linux just rock!
Anyway, as I said before, this is still a work in progress. The one thing
that I'm still working on is printing, both from Linux-&gt;Win95 and <I>vice
versa</I>. I'm getting incrementally closer, but haven't quite gotten all the
pieces together yet. Still, after a Dejanews search I'm armed with a host of
old postings on the subject and have a plan of attack in figuring this out.
One thing about Linux...
<I>It hones your problem solving skills</I> :-)
<H3>So, Where to, Captain?</H3>
The next step in the Odyssey, after whipping printing into shape, is to set up
modem sharing between the Linux box and Win95. Currently, I'm doing all my
dialup networking (or realistically, the vast majority of it) under Linux.
What I'm planning to have a go at next is IP masquerading that would allow the
Win95 box to access the 'Net via the dialup line under Linux. I've already
discovered that, using <A HREF="http://www.eudora.com/">Eudora Lite for
Windows 95/NT</A>, an excellent, mature, and freely available SMTP/POP email
client from the folks at <A HREF="http://www.qualcomm.com/">Qualcomm
Corporation</A>, I can use the <KBD>in.pop3d</KBD> daemon to allow Eudora to
pick up mail from the Linux box via POP3 and then send mail out using
<KBD>sendmail</KBD> running under Linux! This is another Huge Blow For
Freedom since it allows me to pick up mail under Linux, skim through the mail
for stuff that's specifically mine, and then POP the rest to the Win95 box
where my wife can read/reply to it. Outgoing mail is forwarded to sendmail
under Linux where it's queued up and sent out the next time a connection is
It just gives me Willies!
So, I'm one Seriously Happy Linux Hombre Kinda Guy! I know that it's quite
expensive setting up a single box, let alone two, but if you can find an old
beater box somewhere: someone's upgrade &quot;hand-me-down&quot; or something
like that, and a couple old NIC cards I'd really recommend this to you.
You'll never be the same...
Trust me... :-)
<H3>Resources Galore!</H3>
For those of you who've caught the bug, here are a few more resources that I
came across in the nascent stages of The Quest. In addition to the HOWTO's
and other documents already listed, have a look at:
<DT><A HREF="http://www.imcnet.net/~jpollman/mini-home-server.txt">J.
Pollman's Mini-Home-Server document</A>
<DD>J. Pollman has written an excellent, concise guide to doing pretty
much what I've just described above. In this case, he actually describes
setting up three boxes: a Linux box, a Win95 box, and an old i386 box
that he uses as a &quot;server&quot; for printer and modem sharing.
He covers TCP/IP, Samba, and IP firewall setup to make all of this happen.
I'd definitely have a look a this.
<DT><A HREF="http://www.xos.nl/">The Linux ipfwadm Home Page</A>
<DD>This excellent resource is brought to you by the kind folks at
<B>X/OS</B>. The page has links to the most recent distribution of the
ipfwadm package, update announcements, and a VERY comprehensive paper that
details the installation, setup, and configuration of the ipfwadm package.
If you're going to &quot;do ipfwadm&quot; then this is definitely a place
to start.
<DT><A HREF="http://www.hwy401.com/achau/ipmasq/">The Linux IP Masquerade
Resource Page</A>
<DD>This is yet another &quot;must-bookmark&quot; page that provides a
tremendous amount of helpful information and documentation on configuring
IP masquerading under Linux.
<DT><A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/Firewall-HOWTO.html">The
Firewall and Proxy Server HOWTO</A>
<DD>Yet another good source of information on obtaining, compiling,
installing, and configuring the ipfwadm package. This includes detailed
descriptions of how to go about setting up both IP filtering firewalls and
Proxy servers.
<DT><A HREF="ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/Linux/docs/LDP/network-guide/">
Olaf Kirch's classic &quot;Linux Networking &amp; Administrator's
<DD>This is a foundational work that covers all aspects of networking
under Linux. In its own words it is a &quot;350-page book covering all
major tasks of running Linux in a networked environment ranging from basic
TCP/IP configuration to NFS, NIS, SLIP, PPP, inetd, etc.&quot;
The above list is far from comprehensive, although I trust that it at least
provides a jumping off site for further exploration. I really can't stress
how much fun this networking stuff has been. Being able to share resources
between a Linux box and a Windows box has opened up all sorts of
possibilities. My wife is actually talking about &quot;her box&quot; which is
a major step forward in computer acceptance around the Fisk household after
years of..., er... <I>detente</I>.
I'd also like to point out once again that this is a NETWORK NEWBIE's article:
I'm way down low on that 'ol learning curve and have quite a ways to go before
I can claim basic proficiency. Be warned once again that at least part of
what I've mentioned here may well be wrong (the problem, of course, is that I
don't know <I>which</I> part). Please don't hesitate to drop me a note
and provide corrections or modifications.
Anyway, here's wishing y'all a VERY HAPPY LINUX'ing!
Best Wishes,
John M. Fisk<BR>
Nashville, TN<BR>
28 July, 1997
<!-- END ARTICLE 1 ================================================== -->
<!-- ARTICLE 2 ================================================ -->
<H2><A NAME="xemacs"><IMG SRC="./gx/fisk/typewrit.gif" WIDTH=64 HEIGHT=56
ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="XEmacs Xtras!">XEmacs Xtras!</A></H2>
Since the end of the Spring semester, which can be loosely interpreted to
mean, &quot;since I had a bit more time...&quot;, I've been slowly learning my
way around XEmacs. I've still not formed a solid opinion on it yet, but it's
definitely growing on me. I love the speed of vi[m] and I still use this for
all the day to day editing and such that needs to be done. But I've slowly
grow quite attached to XEmacs and all the nifty things that this great editor
is capable of doing.
And for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, XEmacs is...
Well, in their own words (from the XEmacs FAQ):
What is XEmacs?
An alternative to GNU Emacs, originally based on an early alpha
version of FSF's version 19, and has diverged quite a bit since then.
XEmacs was known as Lucid Emacs through version 19.10. Almost all
features of GNU Emacs are supported in XEmacs The maintainers of XEmacs
actively track changes to GNU Emacs while also working to add new
I guess, to my own conceits, XEmacs provides all of the power and
sophistication of its worthy progenitor, GNU Emacs, with a goodly assortment
of the amenities of a GUI. It seems to strike a nice balance between the
&quot;pretty, mouse-driven UI&quot; and the speed of the keyboard. All
in all, I'm having a great time messing around with this. Which reminds me,
<B>Dan Nicolaescu</B> sent a very nice note pointing out something that I'd
clearly missed:
From done@ece.arizona.edu Tue Jul 22 22:09:23 1997<BR>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 10:16:13 -0700<BR>
From: Dan Nicolaescu &lt;done@ece.arizona.edu&gt;<BR>
To: fiskjm@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu<BR>
Subject: article in Linux Gazette<BR>
I have one comment about the screen captures of Emacs and XEmacs in
your article in Linux Gazette at
<A HREF="../issue18/wkndmech.html">../issue18/wkndmech.html</A>
To truly illustrate both emacsen syntax coloring capabilities you would
better take a snapshot after you put in your .emacs
(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t) and restart [X]Emacs.
Thanks Dan!
As the old academic saw goes, &quot;this is left as an exercise for the
reader&quot;. I appreciated his pointing this out.
This segues right into another point that I wanted to bring up: there
is a HUGE amount of interesting and fun elisp code floating around out
there that does all sorts of cool and groovy things.
Like what, you ask...?
Well, in issue 11 of the Linux Gazette, the prolific <B>Larry Ayers</B>
had an article on adding a &quot;kill ring menu&quot; to the menu bar
which allows you to select from a number of previously killed sections
of text being held in the kill ring. I've added this to my ~/.emacs
file and it works like a charm! Kudos to Larry!
Well guess what? If you hang around the <KBD>comp.emacs, comp.emacs.xemacs,
or gnu.emacs.sources</KBD> newsgroups you'll find that code snippets like
this are passed around all the time. To help entice you, here are two
postings that I ran across a little while ago. The first, from <B>David
Hughes</B> tells how to set up <B>func-menu</B> which provides a menu of the
functions defined in the current buffer. This is similar to using <B>etags or
ctags</B> for those of you who are familiar with these programs, but adds a
clever bit of GUI:
From: djh@videonetworks.com (David Hughes)
Subject: Re: Is func-menu what I'm looking for?
Newsgroups: comp.emacs.xemacs
Sender: xemacs-request@xemacs.org
Lines: 50
Xref: news.vanderbilt.edu comp.emacs.xemacs:16055
&gt; Hi gurus,
&gt; I remember, a while ago, I used to be have a menu that would
&gt; give me the name of the functions defined in the current buffer.
&gt; The menu would also allow me to point to one particular function.
&gt; I'd like to be able to use that again, but I do not know
&gt; which package does it.
&gt; Is it func-menu?
&gt; If so, where can I find it? I have tried, but I could
&gt; not find it.
Add the following (or something like it) to your .emacs
;;; func-menu is a package that scans your source file for function
;;; definitions and makes a menubar entry that lets you jump to any
;;; particular function definition by selecting it from the menu. The
;;; following code turns this on for all of the recognized languages.
;;; Scanning the buffer takes some time, but not much.
;;; Send bug reports, enhancements etc to:
;;; David Hughes &lt;d.hughes@videonetworks.com&gt;
(cond (running-xemacs
(require 'func-menu)
(define-key global-map 'f8 'function-menu)
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-add-menubar-entry)
(define-key global-map &quot;C-cl&quot; 'fume-list-functions)
(define-key global-map &quot;C-cg&quot; 'fume-prompt-function-goto)
;; The Hyperbole information manager package uses (shift button2) and
;; (shift button3) to provide context-sensitive mouse keys. If you
;; use this next binding, it will conflict with Hyperbole's setup.
;; Choose another mouse key if you use Hyperbole.
(define-key global-map '(shift button3) 'mouse-function-menu)
;; For descriptions of the following user-customizable variables,
;; type C-h v &lt;variable&gt;
(setq fume-max-items 25
fume-fn-window-position 3
fume-auto-position-popup t
fume-display-in-modeline-p t
fume-menubar-menu-location &quot;File&quot;
fume-buffer-name &quot;Function List*&quot;
fume-no-prompt-on-valid-default nil)
-- David Hughes
The second, by <B>Tom Steger</B> (who actually tips the hat to another
fella...), tells how to do something that I really have gotten used to
under vi[m], and that is hitting the percent &quot;%&quot; key when the
cursor is positioned on top of a brace, bracket, parenthesis, etc. and
have it move to the matching element. For those long-winded functions
with lots of nesting this is a godsend when trying to untangle a mass
of braces and brackets.
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:20:35 -0400
From: steger@WILLEY.tautron.com (Tom Steger)
Subject: Re: matching parenthesis
Newsgroups: comp.emacs.xemacs
&gt; Hi,
&gt; Is there a command in xemacs19.15 by which I can go to a matching
&gt; parenthesis (like % in vi) ??
&gt; I do have the parenthesis library working which highlights the
&gt; matching parenthesis but if the matching parenthesis is out
&gt; of the page how do I get to it without moving the cursor ??
&gt; Thanks in advance,
&gt; Chetan
I got the following from hall@grumpy.nl.nuwc.navy.mil in response to a similar
question. I bound it to ALT %.
(defun goto-matching-paren ()
&quot;Move cursor to matching paren.&quot;
(let* ((oldpos (point)) (blinkpos))
(condition-case ()
(setq blinkpos (scan-sexps oldpos 1))
(error nil))
(if blinkpos
(setq blinkpos (1- blinkpos))
(condition-case ()
(setq blinkpos (scan-sexps (1+ oldpos) -1))
(error nil)))
(setq mismatch
(/= (char-after oldpos)
(logand (lsh (aref (syntax-table)
(char-after blinkpos))
-8) 255)))
(if mismatch
(setq blinkpos nil)
(message &quot;Mismatched parentheses&quot;
(if blinkpos
(goto-char blinkpos)))))
(global-set-key &quot;M-%&quot; 'goto-matching-paren)
I know that trying to cut and paste from HTML isn't always the easiest so if
you're interested in trying these things out I've taken the liberty of cat'ing
these into a plain ASCII file. You can either save the following link to a
file or else display it and then save it as a plain text file:
<A HREF="./gx/fisk/xemacs.code">XEmacs Customization Code</A>
Anyway, I've had a huge amount of fun playing with this, hope you do too.
John M. Fisk<BR>
Nashville, TN<BR>
29 July, 1997
<!-- END ARTICLE 2 ================================================ -->
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<A NAME="closeup">
<IMG SRC="./gx/fisk/closing.gif" WIDTH=555 HEIGHT=95 ALIGN=BOTTOM
ALT="Closing Up Shop"></CENTER>
Say, thanks again for stopping in!
Thought I'd finish up with a quick list of UNIX resources for Win95/NT users.
When I started work this summer they upgraded the workstation that I'd been
using to a Pentium-based system running Windows NT version 4.0. This was the
first time that I'd used NT and, although it's quite similar to Windows 95,
found that it took a bit of getting used to.
One of the things that I really missed were the editors and file processing
tools that I'd been using under Linux at home and at school. I soon
discovered that there's quite a wealth of UNIX type tools that have been
ported to the Win95/NT environment. I was quite impressed at what is
currently available: vi, emacs, perl, tcl/tk, gcc, gs, ksh, bash, and so
forth. Not all programs work as well in the Windows environment and often
there are missing features. Still, overall I've been pretty pleased at what's
out there.
So here's a short listing of some of the resources &quot;out there...&quot;
<DT><A HREF="http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/vim.index.html">
VI Improved (VIM) version 4.6</A>
<DD>This tops the list as one of favorite applications of all times:
Bram Moolenaar's &lt;mool@oce.nl&gt; VIM editor. This is version 4.6
of this great program. You'll find information on documentation,
version announcements, ports, binary distributions, and so forth here.
You'll also find information on the (currently alpha) 5.0 version that
adds color syntax highlighting in addition to all the other goodies!
Run, don't walk, to get this one!
<DT><A HREF="http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/voelker/ntemacs.html">
GNU Emacs version 19.34 for Windows NT/95</A>
<DD>As I gain experience with emacs this is quickly becoming my second
most used app. This is a terrific port of GNU Emacs version 19.34 for
the Windows NT/95 environment. Be forewarned, as with most things
emacsen, <I>it's HUGE</I>!
If you want, you can head right on out to the
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/pub/ntemacs/latest/i386/">
GNU Emacs for Windows NT/95 FTP site</A>
<DT><A HREF="http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/">GNU-Win32 Project at
Cygnus Solutions</A>
<DD>Kudos to the folks at Cygnus!!
These guys have provided a high quality, 32 bit, GNU-based development
environment with an impressive number of utilities as well as the bash
shell. I've been using these tools for the past couple months now and
they are truly a godsend. If memory serves me correctly you'll find
both development archives as well as an archive with basic file and
disk utilities (grep, awk, sed, cat, rm, ls, and so forth). This is a
definite bookmark site.
<DT><A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/uwin/">UWin (Unix to
Windows) Tools from AT&amp;T</A>
<DD>In addition to the tools and utilities from Cygnus, you can also find
a full featured development environment complete with 160+ utilities
at the UWin Project. Development tools include cc, yacc, lex, make,
ksh, and much more.
This is under the leadership of David Korn (of the Korn Shell fame...)
who describes UWin as &quot;a package [which] provides a mechanism for
building and running UNIX applications on Windows NT and Windows
Comparison shoppers will want to have a look at what's available here
as well and make their own decisions.
<DT><A HREF="http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/">DJGPP Development Suite</A>
<DD>Here's yet another excellent C/C++ development environment that is
quite mature and full featured. DJGPP is now up to version 2.x and
brings the native 32 bit GCC development tools to 16 or 32 bit DOS or
Windows platforms. I've been using this for writing quick C++
programs that I need at work and have been VERY pleased with it.
You'll find a host of tools and utilities including brand new DJGPP
binaries from the Pentium Compiler Group! This is another must visit
<DT><A HREF="http://www.perl.hip.com/">HIP Communications' Win32 Perl</A>
<DD>For all you perl fans out there, here's a high quality port of Perl 5
which was commissioned for Windows NT by the folks from Redmond. I'm
no perl jockey yet (it's on my short list of things to learn... :-)
but I picked up the binaries for that rainy afternoon when I've got
time to pick up another language...
If you &quot;do perl&quot; then this is your site!
<DT><A HREF="http://nentug.org/unix-to-nt/">Unix to NT Resources from the
New England NT User's Group</A>
<DD>This is an excellent compendium of annotated links to Unix to Windows
NT resources (many of which are also applicable to the Windows 95
platform). If you bookmark only one page from your list, this should
be it!
<DT><A HREF="http://nentug.org/unix-to-nt/msmirror/WinNT-Tools.html">
Windows NT Tools (again, from the N.E. NT User's Group)</A>
<DD>To help you get here quickly I've added this link: it's a nice list
of tools and utilities for the Windows NT platform, many of which are
UNIX based.
<DT><A HREF="ftp://ftp.cc.utexas.edu/microlib/nt/gnu/">GNU tools for WinNT
at the U. of Texas FTP site</A>
<DD>Here's another place to poke around for that GNU app you've been
looking for. Unfortunately, this link will just dump you into an FTP
directory, you'll need to have a look at the index.txt file to see
what goodies are there.
<DT><A HREF="http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/">Alladin Ghostscript v.
<DD>The venerable ghostscript program from the kind folks at Alladin is
available here at the U. of Wisconsin site. You'll find links to all
sorts of information, binaries, sources, and other stuff.
Well, I'm running out of time here, but hopefully this will get you going.
With a bit of poking around you'll easily find ports of several other
excellent programs including:
<LI><A HREF="http://samba.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba/">Samba</A>
<LI><A HREF="http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/">Kermit</A>
<LI><A HREF="http://sunscript.sun.com/">Tcl/Tk</A>
<LI><A HREF="http://space.mit.edu/~davis/jed.html">Jed</A>
<LI>and so forth...
A <A HREF="http://www.yahoo.com/text/">Yahoo search</A> will often get you
going on the right track. Also, a couple of the pages above have a very nice
set of links to help you on your search for Good Tools.
Anyway, thanks again for stopping by! Take care.
Best Wishes,
John M. Fisk<BR>
Nashville, TN<BR>
29 July, 1997
<!-- END CLOSE UP SHOP ================================================ -->
<IMG SRC="../gx/fisk/mailme.gif" ALT="Mail Me a Note" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=398
Got any comments, suggestions, criticisms or ideas?<BR>
Feel free to drop me a note at:<BR>
<ADDRESS> John M. Fisk
<A HREF="mailto: fiskjm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu">
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, John M. Fisk<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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<li><a HREF="./lg_backpage20.html#notlinux">Not Linux</a>
<a name="authors"></a>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><H3> About This Month's Authors </H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Larry Ayers</H4>
Larry Ayers lives on a small farm
in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a
timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill,
does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare
prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also
struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">
Gerd Bavendiek</H4>
Gerd has worked as a software engineer with various flavors of Unix since 1988.
1994 he realized that using Linux could make his every-day work more
Since that time he has used Linux and various GNU-software. He lives in Essen,
In my spare time I build model-steam engines using real hardware: lathe,
milling-machine and a lot of hand tools.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Jim Dennis</H4>
Jim Dennis
is the proprietor of <A href="http://www.starshine.org">
Starshine Technical Services</A>.
His professional experience includes work in the technical
support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS)
departments of software companies like
<A href="http://www.quarterdeck.com"> Quarterdeck</A>,
<A href="http://www.symantec.com"> Symantec/
Peter Norton Group</A>, and
<A href="http://www.mcafee.com"> McAfee Associates</A> -- as well as
positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's.
He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active
participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and
newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition
for a book on Unix systems administration.
Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was
married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">John Fisk</a></H4>
John Fisk is most noteworthy as the former editor of the <I>Linux Gazette</I>.
After three years as a General Surgery resident and
Research Fellow at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
John decided to &quot:hang up the stethoscope&quot:, and pursue a
career in Medical Information Management. He's currently a full
time student at the Middle Tennessee State University and hopes
to complete a graduate degree in Computer Science before
entering a Medical Informatics Fellowship. In his dwindling
free time he and his wife Faith enjoy hiking and camping in
Tennessee's beautiful Great Smoky Mountains. He has been an avid Linux fan,
since his first Slackware 2.0.0 installation a year and a half
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">
Guy Geens</H4>
One of Guy Geens's many interests is using Linux. One of his dreams is to
be paid for being a Linux geek. Besides his normal work, he is the (rather
inactive) maintainer of his research group's web pages at <a
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Michael J. Hammel</H4>
Michael J. Hammel,
is a transient software engineer with a background in
everything from data communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable
systems--all based in Unix. His interests outside of computers
include 5K/10K races, skiing, Thai food and gardening. He suggests if you
have any serious interest in finding out more about him, you visit his home
pages at http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel. You'll find out more
there than you really wanted to know.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">
H&aring;kon Lo&oslash;vdal</H4>
H&aring;kon is 24 years old and lives in Norway. He is educated as an
Electronics Engeneer and has one year of computer science in addition.
He is about to begin his first job as a Software Development Engineer
at Ericsson. Linux has been installed on his computer since version
1.0.8 and has has grown from just a tool to explore Unix into his
favorite operating system.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">
Andy Vaught</H4>
Andy is currently studying physics at Arizona State University. When not
on-line (most of his waking hours), he enjoys reading, bicycling and
<a name="notlinux"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3> Not Linux </H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
<IMG ALIGN=CENTER ALT="" SRC="../gx/rose.gif">
My assistant, Amy Kukuk, did all the work again this month.
She's so good to me. Thank you, Amy.
Vacations are fun and wonderful, but mine sure put me behind schedule with my
<I>Linux Journal</I> work. My grandchildren are even smarter and more
beautiful than I remembered. It was a much needed break, and I expect to
get caught up this week. :-)
<I>Linux Journal</I> is expanding to 116 pages
and going to perfect binding with the October issue. No wonder I'm working
so hard!
<IMG ALIGN=LEFT ALT="" SRC="./gx/bmw.gif">
Riley is going off again this Saturday for our
annual week-long motorcyle trek with friends. This time I'm staying home.
:-( Oh, well, perhaps next year. (Needless to say, our motorcycle is a BMW.)
Have fun!
<P> <hr> <P>
<A HREF="http://www.ssc.com/ssc/Employees/Margie/margie.html">
Marjorie L. Richardson</a><br>
Editor, <i>Linux Gazette</i> <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</a>
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<I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 20, August 1997, http://www.ssc.com/lg/<BR>
This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
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