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<!--X-Subject: Re: More graphics questions -->
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<!--X-Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 21:44:45 &#45;0400 (EDT) -->
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<title>Re: More graphics questions</title>
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<h1>Re: More graphics questions</h1>
<li><em>To</em>: Bill Brooks &lt;<A HREF="mailto:wbrooks@lug.ee.calpoly.edu">wbrooks@lug.ee.calpoly.edu</A>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Subject</em>: Re: More graphics questions</li>
<li><em>From</em>: Mark Komarinski &lt;<A HREF="mailto:markk@cgipc.com">markk@cgipc.com</A>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Date</em>: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 21:53:54 -0400</li>
<li><em>Cc</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-docbook@lists.debian.org">ldp-docbook@lists.debian.org</A></li>
<li><em>References</em>: &lt;<a href="msg00094.html">Pine.LNX.4.10.10006011628110.10923-100000@lug.calpoly.edu</a>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Reply-to</em>: <A HREF="mailto:markk@cgipc.com">markk@cgipc.com</A></li>
<li><em>Resent-date</em>: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 21:44:45 -0400 (EDT)</li>
<li><em>Resent-from</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-docbook@lists.debian.org">ldp-docbook@lists.debian.org</A></li>
<li><em>Resent-message-id</em>: &lt;Z_u5xB.A.Pf.JGxN5@murphy&gt;</li>
<li><em>Resent-sender</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-docbook-request@lists.debian.org">ldp-docbook-request@lists.debian.org</A></li>
The use of graphic will be depreciated with DocBook 5.0, plus it doesn't
allow for the use of an alt tag for lack of a better term.
I'm also starting a H-H section called &quot;DocBook Tips and Tricks&quot; to cover
some of these funky features.
Use this as an example:
&lt;imagedata fileref=&quot;figures/eiffeltower.eps&quot; format=&quot;eps&quot;&gt;
&lt;imagedata fileref=&quot;figures/eiffeltower.gif&quot; format=&quot;gif&quot;&gt;
&lt;phrase&gt;The Eiffel Tower&lt;/phrase&gt;
&lt;para&gt;Designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1889, The Eiffel Tower is one of
the most widely recognized buildings in the world.
I have been having some trouble getting db2pdf to work, but somehow by hand
I could generate TeX then PS, then PDF. This was late in the evening,
so I'll look at it some more tomorrow.
Bill Brooks wrote:
&gt; On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Mark Komarinski wrote:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; &lt;CITE&gt;I've spent the afternoon trying to make TeX/DVI/PDF output from
&gt; &gt; &lt;CITE&gt;my HOWTO-HOWTO only to find I should be using .eps files instead
&gt; &gt; &lt;CITE&gt;of .jpg for TeX/DVI/PDF output. Which leads me to the question:
&gt; &gt; [...rest deleted...]
&gt; On a related note, is there an example document in docbook format in the
&gt; LDP repository that has screenshots or any other graphic figure in .eps or
&gt; .jpg format? In preparing my guide, I'm using the comand-line DocBook
&gt; tools from <A HREF="http://sourceware.cygnus.com/docbook-tools">http://sourceware.cygnus.com/docbook-tools</A> and I can't get
&gt; them to produce a .pdf file from my docbook sources that include a .eps
&gt; file in the following manner:
&gt; &lt;FIGURE ID=&quot;screen01-fig&quot; FLOAT=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
&gt; &lt;TITLE&gt;This is what the screen looks like&lt;/TITLE&gt;
&gt; &lt;GRAPHIC FILEREF=&quot;images/screen01&quot; SCALE=&quot;60&quot;&gt;&lt;/GRAPHIC&gt;
&gt; &lt;/FIGURE&gt;
&gt; ...when I attempt to produce a .pdf file from with &quot;db2pdf foo.sgml&quot; I get
&gt; the following:
&gt; LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .eps.
&gt; ..even though there is a file called screen01.eps in the &quot;images&quot;
&gt; subdirectory. No image shows up in the resulting .pdf file. What gives?
&gt; Can someone point me at an existing DocBook project that has graphics in
&gt; it (as well as the graphic files) that compiles to a .pdf successfully? Or
&gt; do the jadetex-based .pdf file generation tools from cygnus just not work
&gt; with images in the .sgml file?
&gt; Thanks in advance.
&gt; Bill
&gt; --
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<li><strong><a name="00094" href="msg00094.html">Re: More graphics questions</a></strong>
<ul><li><em>From:</em> Bill Brooks &lt;wbrooks@lug.ee.calpoly.edu&gt;</li></ul></li>
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