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<!--X-Subject: Re: [OT] OpenSource Documentation Fund -->
<!--X-From-R13: Fbz Tnjprgg <snjprggNzvaqfcevat.pbz> -->
<!--X-Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 13:41:22 &#45;0400 (EDT) -->
<!--X-Message-Id: 14640.2250.889654.895270@sucia.home -->
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<title>Re: [OT] OpenSource Documentation Fund</title>
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<h1>Re: [OT] OpenSource Documentation Fund</h1>
<li><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org">ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org</A></li>
<li><em>Subject</em>: Re: [OT] OpenSource Documentation Fund</li>
<li><em>From</em>: Tom Fawcett &lt;<A HREF="mailto:fawcett@mindspring.com">fawcett@mindspring.com</A>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Date</em>: Sat, 27 May 2000 10:41:30 -0700 (PDT)</li>
<li><em>In-reply-to</em>: &lt;<a href="msg02518.html"></a>&gt;</li>
<li><em>References</em>: &lt;<a href="msg02518.html"></a>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Resent-date</em>: Sat, 27 May 2000 13:41:22 -0400 (EDT)</li>
<li><em>Resent-from</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org">ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org</A></li>
<li><em>Resent-message-id</em>: &lt;fFA5sB.A.9aH.5iAM5@murphy&gt;</li>
<li><em>Resent-sender</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss-request@lists.debian.org">ldp-discuss-request@lists.debian.org</A></li>
John &lt;jcj@spiretech.com&gt; wrote:
&gt; my old computer (which used to run NT), put a new, cheap, hard drive in it
&gt; and installed Corel Linux just to see what all the Linux hoopla was about.
&gt; I found the documentation that came with it pretty useless. Were it not for
&gt; newsgroups and friends helping me out, I would never have gotten the
&gt; network or the modem working. At that, I bought the Idiot's Guide, but it
&gt; didn't help a lot either.
Many authors are interested in feedback and would like to know whether (and
why) their documents aren't useful. I welcome comments from intelligent
beginners, and especially from people who seem to have good writing
aesthetics and can explain where my document is lacking. I take feedback
seriously though I don't make every change suggested.
&gt; One thing that seems to be completely lacking, both in the LDP and
&gt; currently published books, is a troubleshooting guide. For example, what if
&gt; someone went through the newsgroups and compiled the most commonly asked
&gt; questions (&quot;The ppp daemon died unexpectedly -- what does that mean?&quot;) --
&gt; and then did a step-by-step checklist for the user to go through. I sure
&gt; wish I had been able to get my hands on something like that. Would have
&gt; saved me a lot of frustration and a lot of my friends' time and effort.
IMO, each task-specific document should have a troubleshooting section for
the task. The PPP-HOWTO should have one that covers the example you give.
&gt; The problem I found was that I would post a question in a newsgroup and
&gt; people would respond by posting an URL to a document in the LDP. I would
&gt; dutifully go to the URL, but the text was incomprehensible to me.
&gt; Everything was written in Geekspeak. The authors assumed too much knowledge
&gt; on the part of the reader, thus failing to define terms before using them.
Since you have a background in writing but not in Linux, it might be useful
to collaborate with an author to improve an existing document.
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<li><strong><a name="02518" href="msg02518.html">Re: [OT] OpenSource Documentation Fund</a></strong>
<ul><li><em>From:</em> John &lt;jcj@spiretech.com&gt;</li></ul></li>
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