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<!--X-Subject: Re: [oswg&#45;dis] [Fwd: Linux Documentation Infrastructure] -->
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<!--X-Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 14:33:34 &#45;0500 (EST) -->
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<title>Re: [oswg-dis] [Fwd: Linux Documentation Infrastructure]</title>
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<h1>Re: [oswg-dis] [Fwd: Linux Documentation Infrastructure]</h1>
<li><em>To</em>: Sandy Harris &lt;<A HREF="mailto:sandy@storm.ca">sandy@storm.ca</A>&gt;, <A HREF="mailto:oswg-discuss@thepuffingroup.com">oswg-discuss@thepuffingroup.com</A></li>
<li><em>Subject</em>: Re: [oswg-dis] [Fwd: Linux Documentation Infrastructure]</li>
<li><em>From</em>: Paul Jones &lt;<A HREF="mailto:pjones@metalab.unc.edu">pjones@metalab.unc.edu</A>&gt;</li>
<li><em>Date</em>: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 14:24:22 -0500 (EST)</li>
<li><em>Cc</em>: <A HREF="mailto:oswg-discuss@oswg.org">oswg-discuss@oswg.org</A>, <A HREF="mailto:osrt@metalab.unc.edu">osrt@metalab.unc.edu</A>, <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org">ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org</A>, LDP-Meta &lt;<A HREF="mailto:ldp-meta@franklin.oit.unc.edu">ldp-meta@franklin.oit.unc.edu</A>&gt;, <A HREF="mailto:kim@dfusion.com.au">kim@dfusion.com.au</A></li>
<li><em>In-reply-to</em>: &lt;38763A0C.51E02F63@storm.ca&gt;</li>
<li><em>Resent-cc</em>: recipient list not shown: ;</li>
<li><em>Resent-date</em>: 7 Jan 2000 19:25:13 -0000</li>
<li><em>Resent-from</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org">ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org</A></li>
<li><em>Resent-message-id</em>: &lt;lk3XZC.A.SBG.X2jd4@murphy&gt;</li>
<li><em>Resent-sender</em>: <A HREF="mailto:ldp-discuss-request@lists.debian.org">ldp-discuss-request@lists.debian.org</A></li>
We've already started a metadata template and checker for Open Source
documentation that creates XML and will allow, in the near future, author
correction and database searching etc.
Take a look at what we've done so far at:
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/osrt/projects.html">http://metalab.unc.edu/osrt/projects.html</A> and check out the description of
metadata elements, DTD, and template there. We'd love to have others
involved and to have your input and participation.
Paul Jones
On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Sandy Harris wrote:
&gt; Mehinks this should also be seen by people on the Open Software Writer's
&gt; Group list, so I'm forwarding there.
&gt; Likely replies should go to the original lists.
&gt; -------- Original Message --------
&gt; Subject: Linux Documentation Infrastructure
&gt; Resent-Date: 7 Jan 2000 17:53:24 -0000
&gt; Resent-From: ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org
&gt; Resent-CC: recipient list not shown: ;
&gt; Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 17:51:44 +0000
&gt; From: Kim Lester &lt;kim@dfusion.com.au&gt;
&gt; Organization: Datafusion Systems Pty Ltd
&gt; To: ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org, gnome-doc-list@gnome.org
&gt; Hi All,
&gt; [Note I've sent this to both LDP and Gnome groups. I selected these two
&gt; as they(you) seem to be the
&gt; current key areas of development.]
&gt; I've been around unix and linux a long time. I've done a lot of things
&gt; (programmer, hardware engineer and tech writing)
&gt; I believe that there are a few things that will make or break linux in
&gt; the greater community:
&gt; Good Documentation and Overall (Perceived) ease of use are two key
&gt; items.
&gt; The latter applies to Linux as a whole but also to the docs.
&gt; On to my point.
&gt; I know the history of unix, I know how all the documentation systems
&gt; evolved.
&gt; We need to stop evolving doc systems and bring it all together. Convert
&gt; (in some cases
&gt; on the fly) all docs into one infrastructure, whilst maintaining the
&gt; ability to handle
&gt; frequently changing doc text.
&gt; &gt;From what I've seen LDP and GDP are addressing an important part of
&gt; getting a set of new docs up-to-date
&gt; and mostly in some sort of format. What I see as the next step is
&gt; unifying the strucutre.
&gt; Please bear with be while I explain, and if I've missed a key point (eg
&gt; this is being done) then
&gt; please a) bear with me b) enlighten me c) show me where.
&gt; I haven't made this a more formal structure as I wanted general comments
&gt; first.
&gt; My casual list of &quot;formats&quot; currently includes:
&gt; plain text - misc
&gt; plain text - HOWTO (kind of a separate category)
&gt; man
&gt; info
&gt; ghelp
&gt; Tex (and variants)
&gt; html/sgml
&gt; &quot;toc&quot; ?
&gt; application-integrated help
&gt; My recommendation which I want to help with, (time permitting :-) ) is
&gt; to reduce the
&gt; number of formats to 3 initially and 2 later. I think fewer is
&gt; impractical, however
&gt; all formats would be presented though a similar front end so the
&gt; formatting would not
&gt; matter so much.
&gt; My suggested minimal formats are:
&gt; *) sgml
&gt; *) man
&gt; *) plain-text
&gt; * The sgml is open to discussion, I simply picked that as it seems the
&gt; most flexible dynamic
&gt; language for inertactive manuals.
&gt; * Man is there because there will always be man pages on unix systems.
&gt; Good or bad
&gt; they're here to stay. They could be stored in say sgml format, but they
&gt; do need
&gt; to be readable on an ascii terminal...
&gt; * Plain text. Well in an ideal world every hacker would write at least
&gt; an html-ish
&gt; ducument in their html-text editor, but being realsitic people will
&gt; still bash out
&gt; plain text for some time to come. Never-the-less I'd suggest a really
&gt; simple sgml template
&gt; (or whatever) that could be filled out (basic headings etc) that was so
&gt; easy to use
&gt; that there would be no real excuse for using plain-text.
&gt; There also ought to be a good formatter for printed material. ie it
&gt; should be possible
&gt; to reformat the docs on thefly for good quality printing (perhaps
&gt; sgml-&gt;(la)tex - I haven't studied this much ??)
&gt; The second part of my suggestion is to more rigorously integrate the
&gt; documents into
&gt; a formalised infrastructure. There is a wealth of info available that is
&gt; jsut too hard
&gt; to find (even assuming you know it is there).
&gt; Part of the problem is integration, part is presentation.
&gt; Lets discuss this.
&gt; My first suggestion is to have a hierarchival system (not too deep) off
&gt; a main front help page. Assuming a netscape style navigator we'd have a
&gt; panel at left showing position in
&gt; hierarchy and panel at right showing relevant page (Actually rather like
&gt; the Microsoft
&gt; Development help system).
&gt; Lets take it further.
&gt; I think there shuld be a bookshelf (bit like SGI's offering)
&gt; Books could be added by any app into a supplied &quot;hierarchy&quot;
&gt; The hierarchy should be able to be cross refrernced in at least 3 ways
&gt; (and also via
&gt; a word search):
&gt; By title
&gt; By problem/concept/
&gt; By program|module|group name
&gt; Further there should be several categories of bookselves.
&gt; My first thoughts are:
&gt; 1) End User
&gt; a) Desktop Environment
&gt; b) Major Applications
&gt; Listed By Name
&gt; Listed By Category (Word Process, Text Edit, Spreadsheet, Vector
&gt; Drawing)
&gt; c) Utilities/Tools
&gt; Listed by Name
&gt; Listed by Category (Disk, Net, File Manip, Text Manip, etc)
&gt; (Listed By Problem/Solution)
&gt; 2) Administrator
&gt; a) Linux Installation
&gt; i) General Linux Installation
&gt; ii) &lt;Vendor Specific&gt; Installation
&gt; iii) &lt;Vendor + Version Specific&gt; Installation
&gt; b) Hardware
&gt; c) LAN
&gt; d) Internet (SLIP/PPP etc)
&gt; e) User Accounts
&gt; f) Routine Maintenace
&gt; g) ...
&gt; .
&gt; z) (Man Pages)
&gt; 3) Software Developer
&gt; Language Summary/Overviews
&gt; Languages...
&gt; Debuggers
&gt; (Man Pages)
&gt; X11 Developer
&gt; Gnome Developer
&gt; KDE Developer
&gt; Window Manager...
&gt; 4) Kernel (Developer etc)
&gt; 5) Hardware
&gt; Board Level Docs (disks, graphics cards etc)
&gt; he hierarchy should be easy to navigate and not be too deep (say 4/5
&gt; levels max not including book chapters)
&gt; The documentation system should be dynamic in a couple of senses.
&gt; 1) Adding a book (or even a chapter) into the document directory
&gt; hierarchy will
&gt; effectively install that book - ie keep it simple. Reindexing might be
&gt; done as a cron job.
&gt; 2) There should be known &quot;template&quot; areas into which certain classes of
&gt; docs should go.
&gt; Eg if you have KDE then a KDE book will go in the USER bookshelf under
&gt; the Desktop section.
&gt; Similarly a developer book in the &quot;Desktop/Developer&quot; section and of
&gt; course any KDE specific apps
&gt; in the Appslications/Utilities section.
&gt; Similarly the Gnome books would go in the same respective places. Once
&gt; might also keep a tag on sets of books
&gt; like KDE or Gnome s.t. If appropriate some sets could be turned off in
&gt; simple user display. This might be achievable
&gt; using BOOK path environment but category tags in the docs would be
&gt; better.
&gt; 3) RPM might be integrated as a &quot;virtual&quot; book, so that all installed
&gt; packages could be quickly interrogated (rpm -qil)
&gt; The rpm &quot;Group&quot; tag would possibly be a good place to start listing
&gt; software by category until extended tags
&gt; were created.
&gt; 4) Application help (accessed within the app) should be common with the
&gt; bookshelp docs (maybe apart from very context sensitive
&gt; help).
&gt; Where there are variations on a &quot;standard&quot; these should be separate so
&gt; that they can change without invalidating a whole
&gt; overview document.
&gt; For example:
&gt; PPP
&gt; General overview
&gt; Technical overview
&gt; Distribution Specific
&gt; Version Specific
&gt; And to make the system even more useful hyperlinks could be made from
&gt; say technical overview, referring to &quot;starting PPP&quot;
&gt; into the Distrib/Version specific document, such that any changes in
&gt; starting ppp would not require re-editing the tech.
&gt; overview.
&gt; In some cases there might only be a version specific document, but at
&gt; least the concept of such a hierachy permits
&gt; bigger documents to remain valid for much longer. The only thing worse
&gt; than no documentation is WRONG documentation.
&gt; It would proably be best if the dir structure was fairly centralised
&gt; rather than using endless &quot;MAN PATH&quot; ideas.
&gt; Hoever NFS mounted books etc might require some use of paths.
&gt; The cross referencing is very important. As I mentioned above I've been
&gt; around unix for years and there are still
&gt; plenty of commands I just don't know about - and I have spent hours
&gt; hunting though bin dirs.
&gt; I one wrote a xref type guide for the research centre where I worked and
&gt; it was _really_ useful for all the users.
&gt; They could basically ask things like &quot;How do I flip an image&quot;/&quot;Raster
&gt; Image Editing&quot; or
&gt; &quot;[What programs are available for] email&quot;.
&gt; Ideally I should be able to access the most useful chapter/page of
&gt; information within 4/5 clicks.
&gt; Cross referencing makes this possible and sgml/tags etc makes it
&gt; feasible.
&gt; I want be be able to access the documentation on say any unix
&gt; command/application to find out what it is or what
&gt; options to use etc in a few clicks.
&gt; If I want to edit an image or configure PPP, I want the relevant docs
&gt; (for my system) available within a few clicks.
&gt; Book updates would be automatically made available for download from the
&gt; net, users/ssyadmin would be flagged about
&gt; availability etc
&gt; I'd like to get all doc parties on board so that everyone is pulling
&gt; together. I cetainly don't want to start another
&gt; documentation project, that would be futile. But I do want to bring
&gt; everything together.
&gt; One way this _might_ work is that gnome developers open up their help
&gt; system to encompass more than just gnome and the LDP
&gt; work with Gnome devs to get a good doc technology presentation system.
&gt; I've got many ofthe ideas, but it needs to be a community effort.
&gt; So how about it everyone ?
&gt; I look forward to your comments!
&gt; best regards
&gt; Kim Lester
&gt; Senior Engineer,
&gt; Datafusion Systems Pty Ltd.
&gt; --
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Paul Jones
&quot;We must protect our precious bodily fluids!&quot; General Jack D Ripper
<A HREF="http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/">http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/</A> at the Site Formerly Known As SunSITE.unc.edu
pjones@MetaLab.unc.edu voice: (919) 962-7600 fax: (919) 962-8071
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