
48 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et:
# Copyright: GPL, Written by: Guido Socher <guido.socher at linuxfocus.org>
sub simpleflattenpath($);
my $ver="1.0";
# This program is executed from a serverside include to insert automatically
# links to the different languages an articel is availabe in.
# The link is inserted if the file exists.
my @languages=('English','Castellano','ChineseGB','Deutsch',
my %langspell=('Francais'=>'Fran&ccedil;ais','Turkce'=>'T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e');
my ($k,$file);
my $foundcnt=0;
# Thake the path to the article as QUERY_STRING (call this prog with
# file?September2004/articleXXX.shtml)
print "<!-- addedByLfdynidx ver $ver -->";
my @pcomp=split(/\//,$p);
exit 0 if ($#pcomp != 1);
# pwd is always the linuxfocus.org document root directory
# however where we are in the web is a different story
foreach $k (@languages){
# test if the file exists
if ( -f "$file"){
if ($foundcnt){
print '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
$k=$langspell{$k} if ($langspell{$k});
print "<A href=\"../../$file\">".$k."</a>";
if (! $foundcnt){
print '[ERROR Lfdynidx, file not found]';
print "\n";