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<h1 class="title"><a name="AEN2"></a>TLDP Weekly News</h1>
<b>Issue Number :</b> 7<br>
<b>Publication Date :</b> 2003-06-03<br>
<div class="TOC">
<dt class="c1">Table of Contents</dt>
<dt>1. <a href="#AEN9">New documents</a></dt>
<dt>1.1. <a href="#AEN11">Fresh@LDP</a></dt>
<dt>1.2. <a href="#AEN14">Proposed new documents</a></dt>
<dt>1.3. <a href="#AEN20">Submitted for review</a></dt>
<dt>2. <a href="#AEN35">Updates</a></dt>
<dt>2.1. <a href="#AEN37">HOWTOs</a></dt>
<dt>3. <a href="#feedback">Feedback and Contributions</a></dt>
<div class="sect1">
<h1 class="sect1"><a name="AEN9"></a>1. New documents</h1>
<div class="sect2">
<h2 class="sect2"><a name="AEN11"></a>1.1. Fresh@LDP</h2>
<p>No fresh supplies this week.</p>
<div class="sect2">
<h2 class="sect2"><a name="AEN14"></a>1.2. Proposed new documents</h2>
<li><span class="rss:item">A positive note from the SCO dead-march: who has time/knowledge to write a <a href="http://lists.tldp.org/index.cgi?1:mss:4478:200305:gogpemcpgmjdagijfkka" target=
"_top">Unixware to Linux Migration HOWTO</a>?</span></li>
<div class="sect2">
<h2 class="sect2"><a name="AEN20"></a>1.3. Submitted for review</h2>
<li><span class="rss:item">Howard Shane did some minor updates in v0.3 of the <a href="http://lists.tldp.org/index.cgi?5:mss:5067:200305:agldafppnomihjpnkacm" target="_top">Surfboard 4XXX
<li><span class="rss:item">Your comments are wanted on this <a href="http://lists.tldp.org/index.cgi?5:mss:5073:200305:hfkkhgajkonohfgmmlfc" target="_top">NTP HOWTO</a>, by Bob Davis.</span></li>
<li><span class="rss:item">Jorje Bernal submitted a <a href="http://lists.tldp.org/index.cgi?5:mss:5082:200305:ohcpimjelindhgbgcfpk" target="_top">mini-HOWTO</a> explaining use of colours in the
<li><span class="rss:item">The <a href="http://www.geocities.com/smm_cipher/DUMB-Terminals-HOWTO/DUMB-Terminals-HOWTO.tar.gz" target="_top">Dumb Terminals HOWTO</a> (or Diskless Workstations HOWTO?)
by Sumeet Madhukar Moghe is still being reviewed.</span></li>
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<h1 class="sect1"><a name="AEN35"></a>2. Updates</h1>
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<h2 class="sect2"><a name="AEN37"></a>2.1. HOWTOs</h2>
<li><span class="rss:item">David Lechnyr updated the <a href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/mini/Battery-Powered/" target="_top">Battery Powered Linux Mini-HOWTO</a>, now v2.2.</span></li>
<li><span class="rss:item">David A. Ranch sent in v2.00.052603 of the <a href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/" target="_top">Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO</a>.</span></li>
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<h1 class="sect1"><a name="feedback"></a>3. Feedback and Contributions</h1>
<p>Please help us create this weekly newsletter. Seen a site putting in a story with a link to the LDP? Completed the translation of any HOWTO? Know of any articles about the LDP published in
newspapers or magazines? We are curious ;-). You can help us by sending in links and information at <tt class="email">&lt;<a href="mailto:feedback@en.tldp.org">feedback@en.tldp.org</a>&gt;</tt>.</p>
<p>LDP Weekly News is edited by Machtelt Garrels, Torsten Schlabach and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.</p>