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<title>Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation) - Footnotes</title>
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<link href="ch-about.html" rel="chapter" title="1 About this manual">
<link href="ch-introduction.html" rel="chapter" title="2 Introduction">
<link href="ch-start.html" rel="chapter" title="3 Getting started">
<link href="ch-basics.html" rel="chapter" title="4 The Basics">
<link href="ch-docs.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Reading documentation and getting help">
<link href="ch-shell.html" rel="chapter" title="6 Using the shell">
<link href="ch-files.html" rel="chapter" title="7 More on files">
<link href="ch-editor.html" rel="chapter" title="8 Creating and editing text files">
<link href="ch-custom_shell.html" rel="chapter" title="9 Customizing the shell">
<link href="ch-X.html" rel="chapter" title="10 The X Window System">
<link href="ch-text_tools.html" rel="chapter" title="11 Text tools">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html" rel="chapter" title="12 File tools">
<link href="ch-disks.html" rel="chapter" title="13 Using disks">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html" rel="chapter" title="14 Removing and installing software">
<link href="ch-troubleshooting.html" rel="chapter" title="15 Troubleshooting">
<link href="ch-advanced.html" rel="chapter" title="16 Advanced topics">
<link href="ch-next.html" rel="chapter" title="17 Where to from here?">
<link href="ch-helping.html" rel="chapter" title="18 Contributing to Debian: How can I help?">
<link href="ap-apps_appendix.html" rel="appendix" title="A A brief survey of available applications">
<link href="ap-components_appendix.html" rel="appendix" title="B Summary of GNU/Linux system components">
<link href="ap-booting_appendix.html" rel="appendix" title="C Appendix C: Booting the system">
<link href="ap-misc_appendix.html" rel="appendix" title="D Miscellaneous">
<link href="ch-about.html#s-acknowldgements" rel="section" title="1.1 Acknowledgements">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-debian" rel="section" title="2.1 What is Debian?">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-DFSG" rel="section" title="2.2 What's free software?">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-how" rel="section" title="2.3 How to Read This Book">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-ldp" rel="section" title="2.4 The Linux Documentation Project">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-multi" rel="section" title="3.1 A multiuser, multitasking operating system">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-login" rel="section" title="3.2 Logging in">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-keys" rel="section" title="3.3 Keys">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-commandline" rel="section" title="3.4 Command history and editing the command line">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-root" rel="section" title="3.5 Logging in as root">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-VC" rel="section" title="3.6 Virtual consoles">
<link href="ch-start.html#s-start-shutdown" rel="section" title="3.7 Shutting down">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-commandline" rel="section" title="4.1 The command line and <samp>man</samp> pages">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-files" rel="section" title="4.2 Files and Directories">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-processes" rel="section" title="4.3 Processes">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-shell" rel="section" title="4.4 The shell">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-jobs" rel="section" title="4.5 Managing processes with Bash">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-bash" rel="section" title="4.6 A few Bash features">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-identity" rel="section" title="4.7 Managing your identity">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-sources" rel="section" title="5.1 Kinds of documentation">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-info" rel="section" title="5.2 Using info">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-textfiles" rel="section" title="5.3 Viewing text files with more and less">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-howtos" rel="section" title="5.4 HOWTOs">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-support" rel="section" title="5.5 Getting help from a person">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-sysinfo" rel="section" title="5.6 Getting information from the system">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-variables" rel="section" title="6.1 Environment variables">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-path" rel="section" title="6.2 Where commands live: the <samp>PATH</samp> variable">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-custom_shell-aliases" rel="section" title="6.3 Aliases and shell functions">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-io" rel="section" title="6.4 Controlling input and output">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-modifiers" rel="section" title="6.5 Specifying how and when to run commands">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-wildcards" rel="section" title="6.6 Filename expansion (&quot;Wildcards&quot;)">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s6.7" rel="section" title="6.7 Interactive/non-interactive">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-files-permissions" rel="section" title="7.1 Permissions">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-files-tour" rel="section" title="7.2 What files are on my system? Where can I put my own files?">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-file-manager" rel="section" title="7.3 Using a filemanager">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-textfile" rel="section" title="8.1 What's a text file?">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-editor" rel="section" title="8.2 Text editors">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi" rel="section" title="8.3 Creating and editing a text file with <code>vi</code>">
<link href="ch-custom_shell.html#s-custom_shell-dotfiles" rel="section" title="9.1 .rc files and <samp>ls -a</samp>">
<link href="ch-custom_shell.html#s-custom_shell-etc" rel="section" title="9.2 System-wide vs. user-specific configuration">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-starting" rel="section" title="10.1 Starting the X environment">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-intro" rel="section" title="10.2 Intro: What is X">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-basics" rel="section" title="10.3 Basic X operations">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-startup" rel="section" title="10.4 Customizing your X startup">
<link href="ch-text_tools.html#s-text_tools-regexps" rel="section" title="11.1 Regular expressions">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html#s-file_tools-backup" rel="section" title="12.1 Backup tools">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html#s-file_tools-compression" rel="section" title="12.2 File compression with <samp>gzip</samp>">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html#s-file_tools-split" rel="section" title="12.3 Splitting files into smaller pieces">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html#s-file_tools-find" rel="section" title="12.4 Finding files">
<link href="ch-file_tools.html#s-file_tools-file" rel="section" title="12.5 Determining a file's contents">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-concepts" rel="section" title="13.1 Concepts">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount" rel="section" title="13.2 <samp>mount</samp> and <samp>/etc/fstab</samp>">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-network-ppp" rel="section" title="13.3 PPP">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-dpkg" rel="section" title="14.1 The <code>dpkg</code> package utility">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-what" rel="section" title="14.2 What a package maintenance utility does">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-apt" rel="section" title="14.3 Apt">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-dselect" rel="section" title="14.4 Using dselect.">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-commandline" rel="section" title="14.5 Using dpkg manually">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-compiling" rel="section" title="14.6 Compiling software yourself">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-proprietary" rel="section" title="14.7 Proprietary software not in .deb format">
<link href="ch-troubleshooting.html#s-troubleshooting-frozen" rel="section" title="15.1 Debian is frozen or crashed!">
<link href="ch-troubleshooting.html#s-troubleshooting-termgarbage" rel="section" title="15.2 My terminal isn't behaving properly">
<link href="ch-troubleshooting.html#s-troubleshooting-vi" rel="section" title="15.3 The computer beeps when I press a key, and my screen shows a text file and/or a lot of <samp>~</samp> symbols.">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-scripting" rel="section" title="16.1 Introduction to shell scripting">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files" rel="section" title="16.2 Advanced files">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-kernel" rel="section" title="16.3 Compiling the kernel">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-security" rel="section" title="16.4 A few words on security">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-programming" rel="section" title="16.5 Programming on Linux">
<link href="ch-next.html#s-next-manuals" rel="section" title="17.1 Other Debian manuals to read">
<link href="ch-next.html#s-next-resources" rel="section" title="17.2 Other resources">
<link href="ch-helping.html#s-helping-bugs" rel="section" title="18.1 Submit bug reports">
<link href="ch-helping.html#s-helping-other" rel="section" title="18.2 Other things">
<link href="ap-apps_appendix.html#s-A_apps-whatever" rel="section" title="A.1 (Subheadings could copy the structure of the menu system)">
<link href="ap-misc_appendix.html#s-unix-history" rel="section" title="D.1 Unix History">
<link href="ap-misc_appendix.html#sD.2" rel="section" title="D.2 GNU/Linux History">
<link href="ap-misc_appendix.html#sD.3" rel="section" title="D.3 The Linux kernel's version numbering">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-debian-os" rel="subsection" title="2.1.1 What's an operating system, and what sort of operating system is Debian?">
<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-debian-how" rel="subsection" title="2.1.2 Who creates Debian?">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-commandline-description" rel="subsection" title="4.1.1 Describing the command line">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-files-intro" rel="subsection" title="4.2.1 Introduction to files">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-files-using" rel="subsection" title="4.2.2 Using files: a tutorial">
<link href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-bash-completion" rel="subsection" title="4.6.1 Tab Completion">
<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-support-posting" rel="subsection" title="5.5.1 Dos and Don'ts of asking a question">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-shell-variables-parents" rel="subsection" title="6.1.1 Parent and child processes">
<link href="ch-shell.html#s-interactive-shells" rel="subsection" title="6.7.1 Interactive shells">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-files-permissions-groups" rel="subsection" title="7.1.1 File Ownership">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-files-permissions-mode" rel="subsection" title="7.1.2 Mode">
<link href="ch-files.html#s-files-permissions-tutorial" rel="subsection" title="7.1.3 Permissions in practice">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-creating" rel="subsection" title="8.3.1 Creating a file">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing" rel="subsection" title="8.3.2 Editing an existing file">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-movement" rel="subsection" title=" Moving around in a file">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-deletion" rel="subsection" title=" Deleting text">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-moremoving" rel="subsection" title=" Sophisticated movement">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-numbers" rel="subsection" title=" Repeating commands">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-advanced" rel="subsection" title=" Advanced reference">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-basics-mouse" rel="subsection" title="10.3.1 The mouse">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-basics-clients" rel="subsection" title="10.3.2 X clients">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-basics-trouble" rel="subsection" title="10.3.3 Troubleshooting">
<link href="ch-X.html#s-X-basics-leaving" rel="subsection" title="10.3.4 Leaving the X environment">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount-mounting" rel="subsection" title="13.2.1 Mounting a filesystem">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount-cdromexample" rel="subsection" title="13.2.2 Example: Mounting a CD-ROM">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount-fstab" rel="subsection" title="13.2.3 <samp>/etc/fstab</samp>: Automating the mount process">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount-removable" rel="subsection" title="13.2.4 Removable disks (floppies, Zip disks, etc.)">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-network-ppp-introduction" rel="subsection" title="13.3.1 Introduction">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-network-ppp-preparation" rel="subsection" title="13.3.2 Preparation">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-network-ppp-wvdial" rel="subsection" title="13.3.3 The Easy Way: <samp>wvdial</samp>">
<link href="ch-disks.html#s-network-ppp-pppd" rel="subsection" title="13.3.4 Doing It Manually">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-apt-config" rel="subsection" title="14.3.1 Configuring Apt">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-apt-usage" rel="subsection" title="14.3.2 Using apt-get.">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-scripting-why" rel="subsection" title="16.1.1 What and why">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-scripting-example" rel="subsection" title="16.1.2 A simple example">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-hardlinks" rel="subsection" title="16.2.1 The real nature of files: hard links and inodes">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-types" rel="subsection" title="16.2.2 Types of files">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-types-symlinks" rel="subsection" title=" Symbolic links">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-files-misc-types-devices" rel="subsection" title=" Device files">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-types-devices-null" rel="subsection" title=" <samp>/dev/null</samp>">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-types-pipes" rel="subsection" title=" Named pipes (FIFOs)">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-types-sockets" rel="subsection" title=" Sockets">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-proc" rel="subsection" title="16.2.3 The <samp>proc</samp> filesystem">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-permissions" rel="subsection" title="16.2.4 Advanced aspects of file permissions">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-permissions-absolute" rel="subsection" title=" Using numeric arguments with <samp>chmod</samp>">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-chattr" rel="subsection" title="16.2.5 chattr">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-copying" rel="subsection" title="16.2.6 Large-scale copying">
<link href="ch-advanced.html#s-advanced-files-undocumented" rel="subsection" title="16.2.7 Other concepts not yet covered, but should be">
Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation)
<h2><a href="ch-start.html#fr1" name="f1">1</a></h2>
(A terminal is just a keyboard and a screen, connected to the computer through
the network, over a modem, or directly. Your keyboard and monitor form a
terminal which is directly attached to the computer: this special terminal is
often called the <em>console</em>.)
<h2><a href="ch-start.html#fr2" name="f2">2</a></h2>
The solution to this problem is fairly technical. You have to boot with a
rescue disk, mount your normal root partition, and edit
<samp>/etc/passwd</samp> to remove the old root password. Ask for help if this
doesn't make sense to you (see <a href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-support">Getting
help from a person, Section 5.5</a>).
<h2><a href="ch-start.html#fr3" name="f3">3</a></h2>
To avoid possibly weakening some hardware components, only turn off the
computer when you're done for the day. Power up and power down are the two
greatest contributors to wear and tear on computer components. Turning the
computer on and off once a day is probably the best compromise between your
electric bill and your computer's lifespan.
<h2><a href="ch-basics.html#fr4" name="f4">4</a></h2>
<em>Syntax</em> means the correct ways to combine various options and
<h2><a href="ch-basics.html#fr5" name="f5">5</a></h2>
While you <em>can</em> use almost any letters or symbols in a file name, in
practice it's a bad idea. It is better to avoid any characters that often have
special meanings on the command line, including: <samp>{ } ( ) [ ] ' ` &quot; \
/ &gt; &lt; | ; ! # &amp; ^ * % @</samp>
Also avoid putting spaces in filenames. If you want to separate words in a
name, good choices are the period, hyphen, and underscore. You could also
capitalize each word, <samp>LikeThis</samp>.
<h2><a href="ch-basics.html#fr6" name="f6">6</a></h2>
There is also another use for the word &quot;path&quot; . The intended meaning
is usually clear from the context.
<h2><a href="ch-basics.html#fr7" name="f7">7</a></h2>
daemon originally means Disks And Extensions MONitor
<h2><a href="ch-basics.html#fr8" name="f8">8</a></h2>
In technical terms, <samp>kill</samp> simply sends a signal. By default it
sends a signal which requests termination (<samp>TERM</samp>, or signal 15);
but you can also specify a signal, and signal 9 (<samp>KILL</samp>) is the
signal which forces termination. The command name <samp>kill</samp> is not
necessarily appropriate to the signal sent; for example, sending the
<samp>TSTP</samp> (terminal stop) signal suspends the process but allows it to
be continued later.
<h2><a href="ch-docs.html#fr9" name="f9">9</a></h2>
Debian have packages for the German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Polish, Swedish and Chinese versions of the HOWTOs; usually available
in the package <var>doc-linux-languagecode</var>, with <var>languagecode</var>
being <samp>fr</samp> for French, <samp>es</samp> for Spanish, etc...
<h2><a href="ch-shell.html#fr10" name="f10">10</a></h2>
You may see a chicken and egg problem here. There is an original process that
starts all the others; it's process number 1, <samp>init</samp>. You can see
it running by typing <samp>ps u 1</samp>.
<h2><a href="ch-shell.html#fr11" name="f11">11</a></h2>
If you're running a C Shell derivative, the equivalent builtin to
<samp>type</samp> is <samp>which</samp>.
<h2><a href="ch-shell.html#fr12" name="f12">12</a></h2>
Actually, files beginning with <samp>.</samp> are not included in the expansion
of <samp>*</samp>
<h2><a href="ch-editor.html#fr13" name="f13">13</a></h2>
The keyboard of some very old terminals (from the 60s) had no BackSpace or
Delete key
<h2><a href="ch-X.html#fr14" name="f14">14</a></h2>
It's also sometimes called X11 or X Window. Please note that &quot;X
Windows&quot; is <em>not</em> correct and you're likely to offend the purists
if you use this incorrect term.
<h2><a href="ch-X.html#fr15" name="f15">15</a></h2>
You can see how Debian's X startup works in the file
<samp>/etc/X11/Xsession</samp>. Note that the behavior of
<samp>/etc/X11/Xsession</samp> can be changed by modifying the file
<samp>/etc/X11/config</samp>, which specifies a few system-wide preferences.
<h2><a href="ch-text_tools.html#fr16" name="f16">16</a></h2>
The single quotes are not always needed, but they never hurt.
<h2><a href="ch-disks.html#fr17" name="f17">17</a></h2>
Some people spell it as two words, i.e. &quot;file system&quot;. A quick poll
of man pages (<samp>man -k filesystem</samp>, <samp>man -k 'file
system'</samp>) reveals about an even split. So I'm spelling it as one word.
<h2><a href="ch-disks.html#fr18" name="f18">18</a></h2>
This isn't a comprehensive list. Generally the documentation for a particular
device or program will tell you what device name you want to use. There are
hundreds of different device names. A pretty complete (through not very
detailed) list should be on your system in the file
<h2><a href="ch-disks.html#fr19" name="f19">19</a></h2>
SCSI devices have a more complicated naming scheme than IDE devices, mostly
because SCSI has more uses. The partitions of a SCSI disk have the form
<samp>/dev/sda[1-9a-f]</samp>, that is, <samp>/dev/sda</samp> (or
<samp>sdb</samp> or <samp>sdc</samp>, etc.) followed by a number or letter from
<samp>1--9</samp> or <samp>a--f</samp>. <samp>/dev/scd0</samp> is the first
SCSI CDROM device; general devices such as scanners might look like
<samp>/dev/sg0</samp>; <samp>/dev/st0</samp> is a SCSI tape drive.
<h2><a href="ch-disks.html#fr20" name="f20">20</a></h2>
If you have SCSI hard disks in your system, you'll have to change
<samp>sda</samp> by <samp>sdb</samp> or <samp>sdc</samp>, etc... in the
example above.
<h2><a href="#fr21" name="f21">21</a></h2>
&quot;Assembly language&quot; is a very basic computer language that is tied to
a particular type of computer. It is usually considered a challenge to program
<h2><a href="#fr22" name="f22">22</a></h2>
Previously, USL was owned by AT&amp; T and later Novell
<h2><a href="#fr23" name="f23">23</a></h2>
A cryptic way of saying &quot;System Five, Release Four&quot;.
<h2><a href="#fr24" name="f24">24</a></h2>
The <em>source code</em> of a program is what the human programmer reads and
writes. It is later translated into machine code that the computer interprets.
Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation)
29 Dezember 2009<br>
Havoc Pennington <code><a href="mailto:hp@debian.org">hp@debian.org</a></code><br>