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<title>Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation) - Reading documentation and getting help</title>
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<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-compiling" rel="section" title="14.6 Compiling software yourself">
<link href="ch-dpkg.html#s-dpkg-proprietary" rel="section" title="14.7 Proprietary software not in .deb format">
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<link href="ch-troubleshooting.html#s-troubleshooting-vi" rel="section" title="15.3 The computer beeps when I press a key, and my screen shows a text file and/or a lot of <samp>~</samp> symbols.">
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<link href="ch-introduction.html#s-introduction-debian-os" rel="subsection" title="2.1.1 What's an operating system, and what sort of operating system is Debian?">
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<link href="ch-docs.html#s-docs-support-posting" rel="subsection" title="5.5.1 Dos and Don'ts of asking a question">
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<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-movement" rel="subsection" title=" Moving around in a file">
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<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-numbers" rel="subsection" title=" Repeating commands">
<link href="ch-editor.html#s-editor-vi-editing-advanced" rel="subsection" title=" Advanced reference">
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<link href="ch-disks.html#s-disks-mount-fstab" rel="subsection" title="13.2.3 <samp>/etc/fstab</samp>: Automating the mount process">
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Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation)
<br>Chapter 5 - Reading documentation and getting help
<h2><a name="s-docs-sources"></a>5.1 Kinds of documentation</h2>
Unfortunately documentation on Unix-like systems is a little disorganized. On
Debian, you can find documentation in at least the following places:
<samp>man</samp> pages, read with the <samp>man</samp> command.
<samp>info</samp> pages, read with the <samp>info</samp> command.
The <samp>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></samp> directories, where
<var>package</var> is the name of the Debian package.
<samp>/usr/doc/HOWTO/</samp> contains the Linux Documentation Project's HOWTO
documents, if you've installed the Debian packages containing them.
Many commands have a <samp>-h</samp> or <samp>--help</samp> option. Type the
command name followed by one of these options to try it.
The Debian Documentation Project has written some manuals, including this one.
Check out <code><a href="http://www.debian.org/doc/ddp">their home
The <code><a href="http://www.debian.org/support/">Debian support
page</a></code> has a FAQ and other resources. You can also try the <code><a
href="http://www.linux.org">Linux web site</a></code>.
You can buy many proprietary books with helpful information. Most people
praise the O'Reilly brand very highly. However, do consider supporting freely
modifiable and redistributable manuals such as this one when possible. If you
want hard copy, purchasing free manuals from the Free Software Foundation
(available at many bookstores, such as Borders, and direct from the FSF)
supports the creation of more free software.
The confusing variety of documentation sources exists for many reasons. For
example, <samp>info</samp> is supposed to replace <samp>man</samp>, but
<samp>man</samp> hasn't disappeared yet. However, it's nice to know that so
much documentation exists!
So where to look for help? Here are some suggestions:
Use the <samp>man</samp> pages and the <samp>--help</samp> or <samp>-h</samp>
option to get a quick summary of a command's syntax and options. Also use
<samp>man</samp> if a program doesn't yet have an <samp>info</samp> page.
Use <samp>info</samp> if a program has <samp>info</samp> documentation.
If neither of those work, look in <samp>/usr/doc/<var>packagename</var></samp>.
<samp>/usr/doc/<var>packagename</var></samp> often has Debian-specific
information, even if there's a man page or info page.
Use the <samp>HOWTOs</samp> for instructions on how to set up a particular
thing, or information on your particular hardware. For example, the Ethernet
HOWTO has a wealth of information on ethernet cards, and the PPP HOWTO explains
in detail how to set up PPP.
Use the Debian Documentation Project manuals for conceptual explanations and
Debian-specific information.
If all else fails, ask someone. See <a href="#s-docs-support">Getting help
from a person, Section 5.5</a>.
Using <samp>man</samp> pages is discussed above in <a
href="ch-basics.html#s-basics-commandline">The command line and
<samp>man</samp> pages, Section 4.1</a>. (It's very simple: press the spacebar
to go to the next page, and press <samp>q</samp> to quit reading.)
<samp>info</samp>, viewing files in <samp>/usr/doc</samp>, and asking for help
from a person are all discussed in this chapter.
<h2><a name="s-docs-info"></a>5.2 Using info</h2>
A brief keystroke summary/tutorial, mention TkInfo, apologize for ridiculous
<h2><a name="s-docs-textfiles"></a>5.3 Viewing text files with more and less</h2>
Use these to view some docs. Mention zless and when to use it.
<h2><a name="s-docs-howtos"></a>5.4 HOWTOs</h2>
In addition to their books, the Linux Documentation Project has made a series
of short documents describing how to set up a particular aspect of GNU/Linux.
For instance, the SCSI-HOWTO describes some of the complications of using SCSI
--- a standard way of talking to devices --- with GNU/Linux. In general, the
HOWTOs have more specific information about particular hardware configurations,
and will be more up to date than this manual.
There are Debian packages for the HOWTOs. <var>doc-linux-text</var> contains
the various HOWTOs in text form; while the <var>doc-linux-html</var> package
contains the HOWTOs in (surprise!) browsable HTML format. Note also that
Debian has packaged translations of the HOWTOs in various languages that you
may prefer if English is not your native language. [<a
href="footnotes.html#f9" name="fr9">9</a>] If you've installed one of these,
you should have them in <samp>/usr/doc/HOWTO</samp>. However, you may be able
to find more recent versions on the net on the <code><a
href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/">LDP Project home page</a></code>.
<h2><a name="s-docs-support"></a>5.5 Getting help from a person</h2>
The correct place to ask for help with Debian is the debian-user mailing list
If you know how to use IRC (Internet Relay Chat), there is a
<samp>#debian</samp> channel on <samp>irc.debian.org</samp>. You can find
general GNU/Linux help on the <samp>comp.os.linux.*</samp> Usenet hierarchy.
You can search past Usenet questions and answers with the <code><a
href="http://www.dejanews.com">DejaNews service</a></code>. It is also
possible to hire paid consultants to provide guaranteed support services.
<code><a href="http://www.debian.org">The Debian web site</a></code> has more
information on many of these resources.
Again, please <em>do not</em> ask the authors of this tutorial for help. We
probably don't know the answer to your specific problem anyway; if you mail
<samp>debian-user</samp>, you will get higher-quality responses, and more
Always be polite and make an effort to help yourself by reading the
documentation. Remember, Debian is a volunteer effort and people are doing you
a favor by giving their time to help you. Many of them charge hundreds of
dollars for the same services during the day.
<h3><a name="s-docs-support-posting"></a>5.5.1 Dos and Don'ts of asking a question</h3>
DO read the obvious documentation first. Things like command options and what
a command does will be there.
DO check the HOWTO documents if your question is about setting up something,
such as PPP or Ethernet.
DO try to be sure the answer isn't in this tutorial (though we realize an index
would be helpful---we're working on it!).
DON'T be afraid to ask, after you've made a basic effort to look it up.
DON'T be afraid to ask for conceptual explanations, advices, and other things
not often found in the documentation.
DO include any information that seems relevant. You'll almost always want to
mention the version of Debian you're using. You may also want to mention the
version of any pertinent packages: the command <samp>dpkg --status
<var>packagename</var></samp> will tell you this. It's also useful to say what
you've tried so far and what happened. Please include the exact error
messages, if any.
DON'T apologize for your ignorance, or make excuses for being a newbie.
There's no reason everyone should be a GNU/Linux expert to use it, any more
than everyone should be a mechanic to use a car.
DON'T post or mail in HTML. Some versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer
will post in HTML rather than plain text. Most people will not even read these
posts, because they are difficult to read in most mail programs. There should
be a setting somewhere in the preferences to disable HTML.
DO be polite. Remember that Debian is an all-volunteer effort, and anyone who
helps you is doing it just because they're a nice person.
DO re-mail your question to the list if you've gotten no responses after
several days. Perhaps there were lots of messages and it was overlooked. Or
perhaps no one knows the answer --- if no one answers the second time, this is
a good bet. You might want to try including more information the second time.
DO answer questions yourself, when you know the answer. Debian depends on
everyone doing their part --- if you ask a question, and later on someone else
asks the same question, you'll know how to answer it. Do so!
<h2><a name="s-docs-sysinfo"></a>5.6 Getting information from the system</h2>
When diagnosing problems or asking for help, you'll need to get information
about your system. Here are some ways to do so.
/var/log/*, dmesg, uname -a
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Debian Tutorial (Obsolete Documentation)
29 Dezember 2009<br>
Havoc Pennington <code><a href="mailto:hp@debian.org">hp@debian.org</a></code><br>