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<TITLE>A Sample Script</TITLE>
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<B> Next:</B> <A HREF="node97.html">A dip Reference</A>
<B>Up:</B> <A HREF="node95.html">Using dip</A>
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<H2><A NAME="SECTION009310000">A Sample Script</A></H2>
<A NAME="slipdipsample"></A>
<P><A NAME="4008"></A><BR>
<A NAME="slipfigscript">A sample dip script</A>
# Sample dip script for dialing up cowslip
# Set local and remote name and address
get $local vlager
get $remote cowslip
port cua3 # choose a serial port
speed 38400 # set speed to max
modem HAYES # set modem type
reset # reset modem and tty
flush # flush out modem response
# Prepare for dialing.
send ATQ0V1E1X1\r
wait OK 2
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
dial 0123456789
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
wait CONNECT 60
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
# Okay, we're connected now
sleep 3
send \r\n\r\n
wait ogin: 10
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
send Cvlager\r
wait ssword: 5
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
#better not leave your password in ascii (thanx noud)
wait running 30
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
#to set up your remote and local IP
get $remote remote
print remote = $remote
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
wait to 3
get $local remote
print local = $local
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
# We have logged in, and the remote side is firing up CSLIP.
print Connected to $remote with address $rmtip
default # Make this link our default route
mode CSLIP # We go to CSLIP mode, too
# fall through in case of error
print CSLIP to $remote failed.
A sample script is produced in figure-<A HREF="node96.html#slipfigscript"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="gif" SRC="cross_ref_motif.gif"></A>. It can be
used to connect to cowslip by invoking dip with the script
name as argument:
# dip cowslip.dip
DIP: Dialup IP Protocol Driver version 3.3.7 (12/13/93)
Written by Fred N. van Kempen, MicroWalt Corporation.
connected to cowslip.moo.com with addr
After connecting to cowslip and enabling CSLIP, dip will
detach from the terminal and go to the background. You can then start
using the normal networking services on the CSLIP link. To terminate the
connection, simply invoke dip with the -k option. This
sends a hangup signal to dip process, using the process id
dip records in /etc/dip.pid:<A HREF="footnode.html#4009"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="gif" SRC="foot_motif.gif"></A>
# kill -k
In dip's scripting language, keywords prefixed with a dollar
symbol denote variable names. dip has a predefined set of
variables which will be listed below. $remote and
$local, for instance, contain the hostnames of the local and
remote host involved in the SLIP link.
The first two statements in the sample script are get commands,
which is dip's way to set a variable. Here, the local and remote
hostname are set to vlager and cowslip, respectively.
<A NAME="3834"></A>
The next five statements set up the terminal line and the modem. The
reset sends a reset string to the modem; for Hayes-compatible
modems, this is the ATZ command. The next statement flushes
out the modem response, so that the login chat in the next few lines
will work properly. This chat is pretty straight-forward: it simply
dials 41988, the phone number of cowslip, and logs into the
account Svlager using the password hey-jude. The
wait command makes dip wait for the string given as its
first argument; the number given as second argument make the wait time
out after that many seconds if no such string is received. The
if commands interspersed in the login procedure check that no
error has occurred while executing the command.
The final commands executed after logging in are default,
which makes the SLIP link the default route to all hosts, and
mode, which enables SLIP mode on the line and configures the
interface and routing table for you.
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<B> Next:</B> <A HREF="node97.html">A dip Reference</A>
<B>Up:</B> <A HREF="node95.html">Using dip</A>
<B> Previous:</B> <A HREF="node95.html">Using dip</A>
<I>Andrew Anderson <BR>
Thu Mar 7 23:22:06 EST 1996</I>