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<TITLE>General Configuration Options-- the config File</TITLE>
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<B> Next:</B> <A HREF="node159.html">How to Tell UUCP </A>
<B>Up:</B> <A HREF="node153.html">UUCP Configuration Files</A>
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<H2><A NAME="SECTION0014350000">General Configuration Options-- the config File</A></H2>
<A NAME="6606"></A>
<A NAME="5994"></A>
You won't generally use this file to describe much beside your UUCP
hostname. By default, UUCP will use the name you set with the
hostname command, but it is generally a good idea to set the UUCP
name explicitly. A sample file is shown below:
Of course, there are a number of miscellaneous parameters that may be
set here, too, such as the name of the spool directory, or access rights
for anonymous UUCP. The latter will be described in a later section.
<BR> <HR>
<I>Andrew Anderson <BR>
Thu Mar 7 23:22:06 EST 1996</I>