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<TITLE>Kernel sem structure</TITLE>
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<B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html1003" HREF="node51.html">SYSTEM CALL: semget()</A>
<B>Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html1001" HREF="node48.html">Internal Data Structures</A>
<B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html997" HREF="node49.html">Kernel semid_ds structure</A>
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<H4><A NAME="SECTION00743220000000000000">Kernel <TT>sem</TT> structure</A></H4>
In the <TT>semid_ds</TT> structure, there exists a pointer to the base of the semaphore array
itself. Each array member is of the <TT>sem</TT> structure type. It is also defined in
<HR><PRE> /* One semaphore structure for each semaphore in the system. */
struct sem {
short sempid; /* pid of last operation */
ushort semval; /* current value */
ushort semncnt; /* num procs awaiting increase in semval */
ushort semzcnt; /* num procs awaiting semval = 0 */
<HR><DL ><DT><STRONG><TT>sem_pid</TT></STRONG>
The PID (process ID) that performed the last operation
The current value of the semaphore
Number of processes waiting for resources to become available
Number of processes waiting for 100% resource utilization
</DL><BR> <HR>
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