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<TITLE>The Answer Gang 95: Efficiency regards running script in a subshell () and a seperate shell</TITLE>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
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>Efficiency regards running script in a subshell () and a seperate shell</H3>
<p><strong>From Nimish kamerkar
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By: Thomas Adam
Hi Answer Gang,
Which method is more efficient;
Running a command in () or running it in a seperate shell?
Can the answer include differences in how the processes
are spawned? (i.e. fork exec etc)
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Thomas]
OK. This is usually application/situation dependant. If you have something
echo $(whereis xterm)
What you are doing there is forcing the command "whereis xterm" to run in
a subshell (denoted between ()'s). A "subshell" is just another instance
of the command-line interpreter, running your program. Thus, a "subshell"
in this instance means that the main shell script is its parent, i.e.
assume that we called the script above "parent.sh" then when the subshell
executed you'd get:
This is also known as forking -- i.e. where the process breaks off from
the main caller, to form another.
<TT>"exec()</TT>"'ing a process however, means that the currently running process
is replaced by the program that is to be exec'ed. Thus unlike above
where-by the subshell ran under a new instance, the following script
exec's itself:
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/exec-anything.bash.txt">exec-anything.bash.txt</a></tt></p>
What this is doing is it will echo the first two lines, sleep for a second
and then re-spawn itself. What you'll see is the same message above. The
echo line will NEVER show, because it is after the program ($0 denotes the
program's name) that is being (re)exec'ed.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My question is how are invoking a program in a <TT> subshell()</TT> and
invoking it in a seperate shell different, as regards fork &amp; exec. I am asking
this as the environment inherited by both is different. I started thinking
of this really because I remembered reading somewhere sometime that invoking
it in () is more efficient than in a seperate shell. But as far as I can see,
both processes should need fork and exec.
Only difference is in (), both the
local and global environment variables are initialised, and in a seperate shell,
only global environment variables are initialised. By that logic actually, the
seperate process should be more efficient than the one in ()!
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Thomas]
Those variables that are exported are "global" anyway, so you don't need
to describe them in this way.
It depends. A subshell can be efficient if you want to ensure that a task
running under another shell script is carried out to completion before the
next one is executed (a good example of this would be tarring files over
ssh on a pipe).
Of course, invoking a subshell program means that if the parent dies or is
kill -9'ed, whatever, then the child process is also killed along with it.
That is something you might want to consider.
Normally, when you write a shell script, and you want to end the script
by calling another one then you would "exec" the program name, since
there is no need for the shell process to <TT> fork()</TT>.
If you need two independant processes to communicate concurrently then
using a <TT> fork()</TT> would be best.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Hello Thomas/Answer Gang,
Thanks for the patient unravelling of the intricacies!
With Warm Regards
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