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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>NameVirtualHost in Apache</H3>
<p><strong>From Rich Price
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<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Huibert Alblas, Faber Fedor, Mike "Iron" Orr, Heather Stern
I am running <A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> 7.1.0 and <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/">Apache</A>/1.3.12 on my web server which I have
been running for many years. Recently, I acquired a second domain name and
I attempted to use name based virtual hosting to support both domains on
this server.
I have been unable to configure apache to do this. I have been using the
second edition of "Apache The Definitive Guide" by Ben and Peter Laurie as
a guide. But repeated attempts to come up with a httpd.conf file have
resulted in either both web sites showing the same [primary site] pages or
in both sites showing an error page.
I have a number of questions that the Laurie's book has not been able to
<LI>Can you have both a primary site and a "NameVirtualHost" site that use
<LI>Can you have both a primary site and a "NameVirtualHost" site that use
the same IP address?
<LI>Should I make both sites be "NameVirtualHost" sites?
<LI>Should I make both sites be "NameVirtualHost" sites?
<LI>Is there anything obviously wrong with these httpd.conf statements?
<LI>Is there anything obviously wrong with these httpd.conf statements?
NameVirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
&lt;VirtualHost virt-host-name&gt;
ServerAdmin relevant-email-address
DocumentRoot /websites/virthost/htdocs
ErrorLog /var/log/error_log
CustomLog /var/log/access_log common
Any advice would be appreciated!
Rich Price
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Halb]
Yes, as far as I can see you're missing the ServerName entry:
<blockquote><pre> &lt;VirtualHost virt-host-name&gt;
ServerName virt-host-name
ServerAdmin relevant-email-address
DocumentRoot /websites/virthost/htdocs
ErrorLog /var/log/error_log
CustomLog /var/log/access_log common
Hope it helps
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for your reply. But my problem remains.
When I add the NameVirtualHost and &lt;VirtualHost &gt; commands
[with the ServerName statement] to the end of the httpd.conf file, I
get the "HTTP 404 - File not found" error message when trying to
access either website.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Faber]
Hang on. From what I've seen in this thread, you need to do this:
<blockquote><pre>NameVirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
&lt;VirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd&gt; &lt;-- note this nibbly bit
ServerName virt-host-name
<blockquote><pre>NameVirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
&lt;VirtualHost virt-host-name&gt; &lt;-- this line is the problem
ServerName virt-host-name
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
That's how our sites are set up, those that do name virtual host.
However, the Apache docs (version 1.3) say you can use either the IP
or domain name, although they recommend the IP for the NameVirtualHost
line. I would thus use the IP on both the NameVirtualHost and
VirtualHost lines so it's easier for the person to match up which
VirtualHost stanzas go with which NameVirtualHost.
Note that you can also use ServerAlias to define multiple names for
one virtual host:
ServerName buffy.vampire.slayer
ServerAlias www.buffy.vampire.slayer
This can be called the "Rick Moen can't get his users trained not to
type the 'www'" approach.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I figgured it out!!!!
The Apache online documentation says:
<p align="center">...............</p>
Note: the "main server" and any <em> _default</em> servers will never be served for
a request to a NameVirtualHost IP Address . . .
</BLOCKQuote></STRONG></P><p align="center">...............</p>
So I added the origional "main server" as another virtual host like this:
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/named-host.httpd.conf">named-host.httpd.conf</a></tt></p>
And the original host continued to work with the new httpd.conf file.
The problem with the new host turned out to be a misspelled directory path.
[I blush with shame].
Thanks for all the help.
Rich Price
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Oh, OK. Often you think the problem is one thing but it turns out to be
something else.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Heather]
So, I didn't join this thread when it was active during the month, and
here I am adding this as I edit the thread. But I figured it would be
valuable to complete the example.
You need to have permissions for the directory set up in your
httpd.conf too, since the very default permissions usually explicitly
describe that anywhere in the web tree should be inaccessible unless
opened up (or possibly, only open to localhost). The defaults may work
pretty well until you start moving your web directories to a place
unplanned for by your installation of Apache. (For example, having a
websites directory off of the root directory, not exactly
<a href="http://www.linuxbase.org/">LSB compliant</a>
, but heck, it's <EM>your</EM> server.) That Rich misspelled this little tidbit,
then realized and spelled it right, is what fixed him. So here's that
part, presuming that these are pages for access by a world of visitors,
not just a limited number of friends.
AllowOverride suggests what things .htaccess control files can affect.
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/host-directories.httpd.conf">host-directories.httpd.conf</a></tt></p>
Now, the fact that he mentions "htdocs" suggests that he probably
also has a dedicated cgi directory and maybe even a dedicated icons
directory (so fancy indexing gets a touch of local flavor). So here's
an expanded and slightly fancier example that covers the lot, and
puts things in a slightly more reasonable place in the directory tree.
Also I seperate the logs.
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/completist.httpd.conf">completist.httpd.conf</a></tt></p>
Of course, to use my example you should also touch and set
permissions for the logfiles you'll be keeping, and give them group
permission that allows the webmasters to see their own stuff.
You'll want to change that "lettered" IP address to a real one.
You can use and a bunch of entries in your <TT>/etc/hosts</TT>
file to test things out if you need to.
DNS "A records" should exist pointing these sites to your IP
addrress; it might be good if the less preferred names (the
ServerAlias values) are all CNAMEs to their primaries, so that at
least a few browsers will get the hint when bookmarking.
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/test-fragment.etc-hosts.txt">test-fragment.etc-hosts.txt</a></tt></p>
Create <TT>/home/websites/virthost1</TT> and its subdirectory <TT>/errors</TT> with 2 files
in it, likewise for virthost2, and copy their sets of icons in.
Make sure that the webfiles and grpahics for the web are world readable
in your filesystem too, so the webdaemon (which usually runs as an
unprivileged user, either 'nobody' or one dedicated to run only apache)
can access the files. They can be group writable by the webmaster for
the given site.
Keeping the custom error pages in the directory "errors" under the web
tree and numbered like that is compatible with thttpd; so is the attitude
that everything under the htdocs directories iw world-readable at the
filesystem. To really go whole hog with that, your virthostX directories
would be named the same as the preferred name of the site instead, and your
thttpd.conf would contain the lines:
<blockquote><code><font color="#000033"><br>dir=/home/websites
Useful to know if you're switching over in a hurry if there is some nasty
apache hole that's been discovered and you can't afford to have the websites
down while the patch is being prepared. Set symlinks for the
ServerAliased names and it should just work, though your cgi scripts will be
dead without additional setup, thttpd doesn't do fancy indices, and the
logs will be somewhere new.
Add norobots.txt files for spice if you like to keep your sites
from being web-indexed until they are ready.
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="../misc/tag/simple.norobots.txt">simple.norobots.txt</a></tt></p>
When things are good you can take out the second Disallow and replace
it with lines for specific places that shouldn't be traversed.
After you've finished mixing all these ingredients in a big mixing
bowl labelled "disk space", season to taste, stuff in the oven, bake
at 450 for 10 seconds, frost. Serves thousands.
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