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<SMALL>...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I></SMALL>
<img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif" alt="(?)"
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<A NAME="answer"><BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon"
>The Answer Gang</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG></a>
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<STRONG>By Jim Dennis, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Breen, Chris, and...
(<a href="../tag/bios.html">meet the Gang</a>) ...
the Editors of <i>Linux Gazette</i>...
and You!
</STRONG></BIG> </TD></TR>
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<br>We have guidelines for <a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/tag/ask-the-gang.html">asking</a> and <a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/tag/members-faq.html">answering</a> questions. Linux questions only, please.
<br><em><font color="#7F0000">We make <b>no guarantees</b> about answers, but you can be <b>anonymous</b> on request.</font></em>
<br>See also: The Answer Gang's
<a href="../tag/kb.html">Knowledge Base</a>
and the <i>LG</i>
<a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/search.html">Search Engine</a>
<!-- BEGIN message -->
<dt><a href="#tag.greeting"
><strong>&para;: Greetings From Heather Stern</strong></A></dl>
<!-- index_text begins -->
<dt><A HREF="tag/1.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Troubleshooting boot-time video mode problems</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/2.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>NameVirtualHost in Apache</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/3.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>shutdown down the system using power switch --or--
<dd><A HREF="tag/3.html"
><strong>alternatives for the Big Red Switch</strong></a>
<br>consider journaling...
<dt><A HREF="tag/4.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Question on writing Server program for multiple client connections.</strong></a>
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<A NAME="tag.greeting"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/hbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(&para;) " border="0"
>Greetings from Heather Stern</H3>
<!-- begin hgreeting -->
Hello everyone, and welcome not only to the world of the Answer Gang,
but a very Happy New Year!
Considering how terrible the economy is these days, Linux didn't do too
badly for itself. The question is increasingly not "is that linux
thingy safe enough to use in our enterprise" but "where can it serve us"
... with the advent of stabler desktop software has come some legitimacy,
even among sites that really don't care as much about their desktops.
Also as our installers have been improving, near as I can tell from the
messages, Windows' has been getting worse, and the number of mswin
distrss is increasing the chance that formerly innocent end-users will
someday soon have to endure installing a new OS. And there are a fair
number of free-OS hardware vendors now; the preload advantage is no
longer entirely in Redmond's court, either.
<a href="http://www.commweb.com/article/IWK20021217S0007">Red Hat's in the black</a>
too. Not a bad year for the penguin.
Statistics, statistics. That brings me to the Gang's message queue.
It was <EM>really</EM> light tthis month, about half the usual volume. I'm
not even counting the spam, which we hardly see anymore. (Thanks Dan!
Bunches!) And if we had ignored everything that had come as HTML or
text+HTML rather than plaintext, we darn near could have gone on vacation,
leaving me to gather threads from past months.
Fear not, however. We do have some good stuff here. There
were plenty of good tips as well.
Of course it's time for some new years' resolutions. Being a rather
techie soul -- gosh! who could have guessed??
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> -- I'm for 600x600
full color. dpi, that is. A pal of mine gave me a scanner as a
winter-gift. Now all I have to do is find desk space and some time
to drop
<a href="http://www.mustang.com/sane">SANE</a>
(Scanner Access Now Easy) into place. My dream last year of LCD
prices coming down decently hasn't really settled in yet.
For a more serious resolution, regular backups. The day your computer
decides to go on a magnetic starvation diet and lose a few pounds ...
approximately the weight of one hard disk ... will be really annoying
if you don't have 'em. Too bad DVD writing devices are still such a
pain in the butt to use. They seem to be where video cards were a year
or two ago - if it works then it's just beautiful right out of the box.
And if it doesn't... well, have a lot of fun digging through docs
and scratching your head in puzzlement. I've barely met anyone who's
actually done it yet... and DVD-RAM doesn't count, since it's a different
media entirely from the DVD-R and DVD+R. For that matter a mere 9Gb at
a time is chicken feed to some modern drive setups. I think most folk
will be backing up their medium size hard disks to even larger hard disks
this year.
Have a great month, folks.
<!-- end hgreeting -->
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<br>Copyright &copy; 2003
<br>Copying license <A HREF="">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A>
<BR>Published in Issue 86 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, January 2003</H5>
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<SMALL><CENTER><H6 ALIGN="center">HTML script maintained by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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