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<H1>TAG Bios</H1>
<H4> These are some of the people who answer your TAG questions every month.</H4>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Ben Okopnik</H4>
Ben was born in Moscow, Russia in 1962. He became interested in
electricity at age six--promptly demonstrating it by sticking a fork into
a socket and starting a fire--and has been falling down technological mineshafts
ever since. He has been working with computers since the Elder Days, when
they had to be built by soldering parts onto printed circuit boards and
programs had to fit into 4k of memory. He would gladly pay good money to any
psychologist who can cure him of the resulting nightmares.
<p>Ben's subsequent experiences include creating software in nearly a dozen
languages, network and database maintenance during the approach of a hurricane,
and writing articles for publications ranging from sailing magazines to
technological journals. Having recently completed a seven-year
Atlantic/Caribbean cruise under sail, he is currently docked in Baltimore, MD,
where he works as a technical instructor for Sun Microsystems.
<p>Ben has been working with Linux since 1997, and credits it with his complete
loss of interest in waging nuclear warfare on parts of the Pacific Northwest.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:ben-fuzzybear@yahoo.com">ben-fuzzybear@yahoo.com</A>
<BR> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/ben-fuzzybear/">http://www.geocities.com/ben-fuzzybear/</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Chris Gianakopoulos</H4>
I do embedded software for a living. I work at Motorola in Schaumburg,
Illinois, and I design and implement RF networking protocols for a living.
<P> My schooling is a BSEE at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago,
but I was a nondegreed engineer during most of my career. I have been
doing embedded software for about 20 years, and I'm 48 years old.
<P> Networking protocols are what got me interested in Linux. For example,
after reading <I>TCP/IP Illustrated</I>, Volume 1, by Stevens, I had a yearning
to experiment with the protocols. Also, I got tired of using Microsoft
Windows software on my 486 machine. A 66MHz 486 is sort of fast when
running DOS -- Windows 95 brought it down to its knees. Also the Windows
games require so much resources! Linux (I use SuSE 6.4) brought new life
into that 486.
<P> So I love Linux. I have lots of computers in the house with three of them
running Linux (one of them with no keyboard or monitor -- just an
Ethernet). I have another machine that runs FreeBSD because I like to see
how the various systems (Linux, FreeBSD, even Windows with its protocol
stack and Exceed) interoperate.
<P> Physics, electromagnetics (fields and waves), and protocols are the things
that I study most. I know the IrDA protocol, I have studied its specs,
and I have ported a commercial IrDA protocol stack into more than one
embedded system.
<P> I am married with three kids, and I actually see them. When I am not
hobbying and working, I actually get some sleep now and then.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:cgianakop@1stconnect.com">cgianakop@1stconnect.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Dan Wilder</H4>
Dan was born in the late Pleistocene before mortals were permitted
access to computers. Raised on a diet of grilled Wooly Mammoth, he
wrote his first program in high school, for an IBM 7090 in a language
called MAD. Following a meandering career as a sound technician, auto
worker, offset pressman, mechanic, roustabout and journalist, Dan went
back to college to study Forestry. There, he met his doom in the form
of the keys to a room in the cellar of the forestry school containing an
IBM 1130, given him by an evil lecturer who became his computing mentor.
<P> Following completion of a degree and extended sojourns as a real-time
embedded systems programmer and UNIX sysadmin, Dan gravitated to
<I>Linux Journal</I>, where he helps edit
<A HREF="http://www.embedded.linuxjournal.com"><I>Embedded Linux
Journal</I></A>, and plays with Linux systems all day (and more of the night
than his dear and patient wife Jacque would prefer).
<P> Dan spends his spare time hiking, reading to his two children, and doing
volunteer gardening at their school.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:dan@ssc.com">dan@ssc.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Faber Fedor</H4>
Faber runs <A HREF="http://www.linuxnj.com">LinuxNJ.com</A>, a Linux
hacking, er...consulting company in New Jersey, USA where people pay
him to practice his hobby. Besides teaching Linux around the
country, writing code and setting up networks, Faber <EM>does</EM> occasionally
walk away from the computer. During those times he's either sleeping or
watching reruns of
Star Trek or Babylon 5.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:faber@linuxnj.com">faber@linuxnj.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Frank Rodolf</H4>
After his first experiences with a Sinclair ZX-80 - with a wopping 1 KB
RAM - when in - what in the US would be called - 9th grade, Frank was
addicted to computers.
<P> When he first got to play with Linux (an SLS distribution with kernel
0.98.xx), he was impressed, but - having no experience with Unices at
all - had no real use for it. Writing applications for small companies
and tutoring students in IT-related classes meant using the standard
(DOS-based) software.
<P> Things changed when he got a new PC. Now he could play with other OSes
on the old PC. Kernel 1.2.10 being available by now, Linux had gotten
much more stable and thus much more fun to experiment with. After a
short while, Linux was the main OS on the new machine too - DOS being
hidden behind a dual boot that was hardly ever used anymore.
<P> After having had various office jobs, Frank accepted a job as Unix
system administrator with the biggest Dutch ICT service provider - now,
after a merger, officially a French company - in August 1998.
<P> Apart from the standard work - mostly involving Sun Solaris and HP-UX -
Frank is responsible for the Linux developments within the group he is
part of. This includes making a standard installation for Linux
servers, based on Red Hat, kickstart and a lot of Bash and Perl scripts.
<P> At home, when Frank is not on the phone with his girlfriend in NYC or
playing backgammon online, he experiments with various distributions,
currently using Mandrake on his main machine.
<P> Frank lives in the Netherlands.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:linux@rodolf.com">linux@rodolf.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Guy Milliron</H4>
Guy grew up in SillyCon Valley (San Jose/San Francisco Bay area) where frequent
road signs say Intel, HP, Apple, etc...
<P> Starting at an early age of 10, when Guy took the 27" console television
apart one afternoon when the parental units were busy elsewhere, they learned to
keep him at bay with his own personal electronic components. It started with a
Radio Shack 200 in 1 electronic test kit. Quickly he grew into computers
(Apple ][ series - TTL chip sets). Guy entered into an electronics course at
school, but was more capable of teaching the course than the teacher. So he
was given run of the class to do whatever projects he came up with.
<P> After high school, Guy joined the working people. He worked in IT/MIS for
such companies as Adept Technologies (Robotics), Micro Focus (COBOL), Apple,
Ibm... His interests in hardware quickly grew into interests in software too.
Reading any technical book about any OS, he quickly learned about DOS, Win,
OS/2, MacOS... Taking him to a new job title, OS Tech. He heard about
Slackware Linux. Obtained a copy, never really thought it would take off and
shelved the project.
<P> Guy operated a FidoNet based BBS for many years. Always trying to get more
out of the computer by trying different operating systems. Connectivity really
interested Guy.
<P> Continued life working for various Microsoft based companies (QualComm,
Stac Electronics). Until one day in the late 90's, he heard about Red Hat
Linux. Once again, obtained a copy, installed it... and promptly deleted
Windows (much to the annoyance of the people in his household). Ended up
buying more computers, one specific to Windows for those less apt at Linux, but
kept playing with Linux.
<P> Today, Guy runs Red Hat Linux on several systems offering dns, webhosting,
email services... to small businesses. (He also has one Windows machine,) He
also also, operates a taxicab and karaoke hosting business in Las Vegas,
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:guy+tag@gmnow.net">guy+tag@gmnow.net</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Heather Stern</H4>
Heather got started in computing before she quite got started learning
English. By 8 she was a happy programmer, by 15 the system administrator
for the home... Dad had finally broken down and gotten one of those personal
computers, only to find it needed regular care and feeding like any other
pet. Except it wasn't a Pet: it was one of those brands we find most
everywhere today...
<P> Heather is a hardware agnostic, but has spent more hours as a tech in
Windows related tech support than most people have spent with their computers.
(Got the pin, got the Jacket, got about a zillion T-shirts.) When she
discovered Linux in 1993, it wasn't long before the home systems ran Linux
regardless of what was in use at work.
<P> By 1995 she was training others in using Linux - and in charge of all the
"strange systems" at a (then) 90 million dollar company. Moving onwards, it's
safe to say, Linux has been an excellent companion and breadwinner... She
took over the HTML editing for "The Answer Guy" in issue 28, and has been
slowly improving the preprocessing scripts she uses ever since.
<P> Here's an autobiographical filksong she wrote called
<A HREF="../../issue67/misc/tag/filksong-programmers-daughter.txt">The Programmer's Daughter</A>.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">star@starshine.org</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Huibert Alblas</H4>
Huibert Alblas is my real name, but everybody has been calling me Halb
since the day I moved from Holland to Germany. After spending 5+ years on
University (mostly hanging around on campus) "studying" math and physics to
become a teacher, I was finally asked by a small .com to work for them, doing
what I was doing all day anyway (programming, Linux, Windows, hardware
support (a little bit) and overall messing around with computers). In the
evenings I teach Wing Tsun (kung fu) 3 times a week or sit in my
favorite cafe, drink Weizen (2 times a week), or practice playing guitar
and writing a songbook with campfire songs in LaTeX.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:halblas@weos.de">halblas@weos.de</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Jay Ashworth</H4>
Jay has been a Unix geek in some fashion or other since
the local Radio Shack Computer Centers had to password-protect their Xenix 1.2
machines *specifically* to keep him out of them, almost 20 years ago.
<P> Since then, his administration skills have improved to the point that
people actually *pay* him to take the root passwords to their Unix (and,
increasingly, Linux) boxen and fix things for them. And his writing
skills have, hopefully, improved enough also that he can hold his own in
the Chain<b>^W</b>Answer Gang.
<P> He is also, in no particular order, a professional driver, a voiceover
artist, a karaoke and background vocalist, a photographer, a graphic
artist, a network and applications designer, an amateur (and lazy) pundit
(<A HREF="http://www.baylink.com/">www.baylink.com</A>).
He kibitzes on
the HylaFAX project, helps out the Suncoast FreeNet (on those rare
occasions when something breaks), and produces lots of Public Access
Television (<A HREF="http://www.accesspinellas.org/">www.accesspinellas.org</A>), a hobby he's indulged for
13 years now.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:jra@baylink.com">jra@baylink.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Jim Dennis</H4>
Jim has been using Linux since kernel version 0.97 or so. His first
distribution was
SLS (Soft Landing Systems). Jim taught
himself Linux while working on the technical support queues at
Symantec's Peter Norton Group.
He started by lurking alt.os.minix and alt.os.linux on USENET
netnews (before the creation of the comp.os.linux.* newsgroups), reading them
just about all day while supporting Norton Utilities, and
for a few hours every night while waiting for the rush-hour traffic to subside.
<P> Jim has also worked in other computer roles, and also as an electrician and
a crane truck operator. Jim has also worked in many other roles. He's been a
graveyard dishwasher, a janitor, and a driver of school buses, taxis, pizza
delivery cars, and even did some cross-country, long-haul work.
<P> He grew up in Chicago and has lived in the inner city, the suburbs,
and on farms in the midwest. In his early teens he lived in Oregon--
Portland, Clackamas, and the forests along
the coast (Brighton). In his early twenties, he moved to
the Los Angeles area "for a summer job" (working for his father, and learning
the contruction trades).
<P> By then, Jim met his true love, Heather, at a
science-fiction convention. About a year later they started
spending time together, and they've now been living together for
over a decade. First they lived in Eugene, Oregon, for a year, but now they
live in the Silicon Valley.
<P> Jim and Heather still go to SF cons together.
<P> Jim has continued to be hooked on USENET and technical mailing
lists. In 1995 he registered the <A
HREF="http://starshine.org">starshine.org</A> domain as a birthday gift to
Heather (after her nickname and favorite Runequest persona). He's participated
in an ever changing array of lists and newsgroups.
<P> In 1999 Jim started a book-authoring project (which he completed
after attracting a couple of co-authors). That book <I>Linux System
Administration</I> (published 2000, New Riders Associates) is not
a rehash of HOWTOs and man pages. It's intended to give a high-level
view of systems administration, covering topics like
Requirements Analysis, Recovery Planning, and Capacity Planning.
His book intended to build upon the works of Aeleen Frisch
(<I>Essential Systems Administration</I>, O-Reilly & Associates) and
Nemeth, et al (<I>Unix System Administrator's Handbook</I>, Prentice
<P> Jim is an active member of a number of Linux and UNIX users' groups
and has done Linux consulting and training for a number of companies
(Linuxcare) and customers (US Postal Service). He's also presented
technical sessions at conferences (Linux World Expo, San Jose and
New York).
<P> A few years ago, he volunteered to help with misguided technical
question that were e-mailed to the editorial staff at the Linux
Gazette. He answered 13 questions the first month. A couple
months later, he realized that these questions and his responses had
become a regular column in the Gazette.
<P> "Darn, that made me pay more attention to what I was saying! But I
did decide to affect a deliberately curmudgeonly attitude; I didn't
want to sound like the corporate tech support 'weenie' that I was
so experienced at playing. That's not what Linux was about!"
(<A HREF="http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=curmudgeon">
curmudgeon</A> means a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man,
according to the
<A HREF="http://www.m-w.com/">Merriam-Webster OnLine dictionary</A>.
The word hails back to 1577, origin unknown, and originally meant miser.)
<P> Eventually, Heather got involved and took over formatting the column,
and maintaining a script that translates "Jim's e-mail markup hints"
into HTML. Since then, Jim and Heather have (finally) invited other
generous souls to join them as The Answer Gang.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:jimd@starshine.org">jimd@starshine.org</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
John Karns</H4>
I first heard of Linux around 1994. Shortly thereafter I bought a copy
of Yggdrasil, which had kernel version 0.99 if I recall. One could either
install it to hard drive or run it directly from the CD.
<P> Until 1987, I worked as musician full- and part-time. My preferred
musical idiom is modern jazz - John Coltrane, Mile Davis, etc.
<P> Graduated 1983, Lawrence Institute of Technology (now Lawrence
Technological University), Southfield, Mich. B.S.E.E.
<P> First personal computers: Commodore 64 w/ TV as monitor, and Apple ][+.
<P> 1983 - 1985: field engineer with Wang Laboratories. Bought my first PC
from them, an 8086 (16 bit XT style), with 256k RAM, 10MB hdd, and
monochrome graphics in 1984.
<P> Worked in an electronics shop and freelanced as programmer approx 4 yrs.
Picked up some networking and RDBMS experience in an industrial IS dept.,
approx. 5 yrs; then more freelancing.
<P> Since early 1998 have been implementing LAN's (Linux-based, of course)
and setting up a distributed RDBMS for an educational institution in
Bogot&aacute; and other parts of Colombia, South America.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:jkarns@csd.net">jkarns@csd.net</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Karl-Heinz Herrmann</H4>
I'm a physicist. Right now I'm working in a research center in Germany, and am
enjoying my good fortune in having mostly Unix machinery around me. I started
out with Linux as it made the leap to 2.0.0 and have been running my home PC
under Linux since then.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:k.-h.herrmann@fz-juelich.de">k.-h.herrmann@fz-juelich.de</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Mike Ellis</H4>
Mike works as a Research and Development Engineer in Surrey,
England. His first experience of Unix was in 1990 at the University of
Kent in Canterbury (UKC) where he also came across Linux in 1992. He has
been running Linux systems at home and at work since 1996, starting with
Slackware 96, although he now tends to prefer RedHat. He spends as much
of his work time as possible writing code for Linux and Solaris, although
unfortunately most of it is commercially confidential. Having learnt a lot
from other people, Mike hopes to repay some of the debt by contributing to
the Linux community through TAG. He also regularly contributes to C-Vu,
the bi-monthly magazine produced by <A HREF="http://www.accu.org">ACCU</A>.
Non-computing activities include Juliet, flying light aeroplanes and target
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:mike@miju.demon.co.uk">mike@miju.demon.co.uk</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Mike Martin</H4>
I got introduced to Linux through Red Hat 5.2 in April 1999, and rapidly got
involved in the movement.
I'm definitely not a guru but I know a lot about
configuring systems, both individual and as a part of NT networks.
I got involved in The Answer Gang because I saw quite a few answers regarding
RH that were not quite right (ie they were related to known RH issues that I
was aware of), so in the spirit of co-operation decided to get involved.
I'm currently running the beta version of Red Hat and am actively involved
in a local Linux users group (LUG).
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:mike@redtux.demon.co.uk">mike@redtux.demon.co.uk</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Mike ("Iron") Orr</H4>
Mike is the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>. You can read what he has
to say in the Back Page column of each issue. He has been a Linux enthusiast
since 1991 and a Debian user since 1995. He is SSC's web technical
coordinator, which means he gets to write a lot of Python scripts.
Non-computer interests include Ska and Oi! music and the international
language Esperanto. The nickname Iron was given to him in college--short for
Iron Orr, hahaha.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Neil Youngman</H4>
Neil is a contractor, specialising in C++ programming on Unix and
Linux. He has degrees in Computer science and Next Generation Computing.
As of April 2002, Neil has, like many other British Contractors, been
"resting" for longer than he would like to admit. He is, however, making
positive use of his time and skills as an IT Volunteer with
<A HREF="http://www.victimsupport.org.uk/">Victim Support</A> and
<A HREF="http://www.leonard-cheshire.org/">Leonard Cheshire</A>.
<P> Neil has worked on a wide range of systems from the control system for the
British Gas national grid to video servers for the Home Choice video on
demand service. He first programmed computers in 1980 with his school General
Studies class, which was allowed access to a mainframe at The National
Institute of Oceanography, programmed in Fortran on punch cards.
<P> A computer science degree followed at Queen Mary College, London, then Neil
worked for Logica for 3 years before taking an MSc in New Generation
Computing at Exeter University.
<P> The next 5 years saw Neil researching parallel simulation algorithms at the
Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, initially on transputers and
subsequently on SPARC based parallel systems. Since leaving RSRE, Neil has
mostly worked freelance and has worked on financial data feeds, video servers
and virus scanning proxies.
<P> Neil first used Unix at college in 1982 and started working on Linux in 1996.
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:n.youngman@ntlworld.com">n.youngman@ntlworld.com</A>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../../gx/note.gif" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="39">
Thomas Adam</H4>
I write the recently-revived series "The Linux Weekend Mechanic", which was
started by John Fisk (the founder of Linux Gazette) in 1996 and continued
until 1998.
<P> I was born in Hammersmith (London UK) in 1983. When I was 13, I moved to
the sleepy, thatched roofed, village of East Chaldon in the county of Dorset.
I am very near the coast (at Lulworth Cove) which is where I used to work.
<P> I first got interested in Linux in 1996 having seen a review of it in a
magazine (Slackware 2.0). I was fed up with the instability that the then-new
operating system Win95 had and so I decided to give it a go.
Slackware 2.0 was great. I have been a massive Linux enthusiast ever
since. I ended up with running SuSE on both my desktop and laptop computers.
<P> While at school (<A HREF="www.purbeck.dorset.sch.uk">The Purbeck
School</A>, Wareham in Dorset), I was actively involved in setting up two
Linux proxy servers (each running Squid and SquidGuard). I also set up
numerous BASH scripts which allowed web-based filtering to be done via
e-mail, so that when an e-mail was received, the contents of it were added to
the filter file. (Good old BASH -- I love it)
<P> I am now 18 and studying at University (Southampton Institute, UK), on a
course called HND Buisness Information Technology (BIT). So far, it's great.
<P> Other hobbies include reading. I especially enjoy reading plays (Henrik
Ibsen, Chekov, George Bernard Shaw), and I also enjoy literature (Edgar Allan
Poe, Charles Dickens, Jane Austin to name but a few).
<P> I enjoy walking, and often go on holiday to the Lake District, to a place
called Keswick. There are numerous "mountains", of which "Great Gable" is my
most favourite.
<P> I am also a keen musician. I play the piano in my spare time.
<P> I listen to a variety of music. I enjoy listening to
Rock (My favourite band is "Pavement" (lead singer:
Stephen Malkmus). I also have a passion for 1960's
psychadelic music (I hope to purchase a copy of
"Nuggets" reeeeaaall soon).
<BR> <A HREF="mailto:thomas_adam16@yahoo.com">thomas_adam16@yahoo.com</A>
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2002, the Linux Gazette Answer Gang.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 78 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 2002</H5>
<!-- *** END copyright *** -->