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<p><strong>From Faber Fedor
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Mike "Iron" Orr, Heather Stern
Hi guys (and Heather)!
Is there a way to chroot a user such that they can't travel out of heir
home dir but without having to copy a bunch of binaries to their home
I'd like to restrict my users to not being able to see into <TT>/bin</TT>, <TT>/etc</TT>,
and most importantly <TT>/home/httpd</TT> without jumping through hoops.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
For <TT>/home/httpd</TT>, set the ownership and permissions so the webserver
process has read access, the person who maintains the content has
read/write access, and nobody else has any access.
The standard <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> setup is for the webserver to run as user
'www-data', group 'www-data', and the HTML directory (<TT>/var/www</TT>) is:
<blockquote><pre>drwxrwsr-x 11 root www-data 1024 Nov 12 17:25 /var/www/
Unix comes with a catchall user 'nobody', group 'nogroup', for processes
that shouldn't have any privileges. But in that case, you'd either have
to make <TT>/home/httpd</TT> world-readable (which is what you said you don't
want), or owned by 'nobody' or group 'nogroup' (which is bad because
'nobody' should never own any files, although some sysadmins disagree).
Chroot requires you to copy the binaries, as you say.
The 'bind' filesystem in recent 2.4 kernels allows you to make a
directory appear to be in two different locations, and the shadow
location <EM>can</EM> be inside a chroot jail. Or so some documentation I saw
a few months ago said. That may or may not be more convenient than
copying binaries and shared libraries.
Why don't you want your users reading files in <TT>/bin</TT> and <TT>/etc?</TT> Normally
it's only a few senstitive files that need to be protected (those
containing passwords). For each case, you'll need to think of a
strategy that allows the user to do their work without being able to
read the password. For programs, make the file world-executable but
not world-readable (mode -rwxrwx--x).
To prevent users from listing the files in <TT>/bin</TT> (to discover commands
they didn't know existed), but still allow them to run or list programs
whose names they know, make the directry itself world-executable but not
world-readable (mode -rwxrwx--x).
To prevent users from reading sensitive files in <TT>/etc</TT>, arrange to have
the program run as a different user or group, and give only that
user/group access to the configuration file(s). But that means making
the program setuid or setgid, so that it will run under its own
permissions rather than the user's, but set[ug]id itself is a security risk.
Relatively speaking, setgid is safer than setuid.
As an alternative to setuid, you can arrange for the programs to run
via 'sudo' or 'super', two proxy programs that do something like suid
but in a safer and more configurable way.
It's probably a bad idea to make <TT>/etc</TT> non-world-readable. Numerous
standard programs would break.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Heather]
Hmm, if most of your users don't need to access the web server, and you
aren't offering home based web access... www.example.org/~username ...
then you <EM>could</EM> simply run the web daemon in a more complete than usual
chroot, and only give members of the webmaster team accounts within its
jail. You'd need more than one ssh running... one per jail, and one for
the top... but it can be very effective.
Each "child jail" can have much more limited <TT>/etc</TT> contents and a seriously
stripped binaries tree, as well as only having the user accounts that
match its purpose. The top can house your syslog, as there's an easy option
for reading multiple <TT>/dev/log</TT> nodes. I think you get up to 19 extras.
The trick works especially well if combined with some of the recent
"chroot as a one way trip" patches being offered out there. These nearly
always prevent double chrooting, so you'll need to tweak the trapped
daemons to be ok with not being able to chroot any further. The patches
keep changing too, so I haven't settled on a preferred one yet.
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