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<H1><A NAME="answer">
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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Gang</font>
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<H4>By Jim Dennis, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Breen, Chris, and the Gang,
the Editors of Linux Gazette...
and You!
<br>Send questions (or interesting answers) to
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Hi Gazette</H3>
<p><strong>From Internet
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Mike Orr, Breen Mullins, Heather Stern
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Hi maybe you can help me I need to create a group with some users
and with the name of this group send to only one address mail, and the
come to the users that I registered in the group.
The majordomo-1.94. is not the solution for me.
atte.: C&eacute;sar D&iacute;@z M.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
Why is majordomo-1.94 not the solution? What is it doing wrong?
There are other mailing-list managers such as Mailman
(<A HREF="http://www.list.org"
>http://www.list.org</A>). However, without knowing why you don't
like Majordomo, we don't know whether Mailman would be any better
for you.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [star]
There are about a gazillion mailing list managers, all aimed at different
special requirements...
For example, some which are aimed to be administered at a web interface
only. Not that I think that's terribly secure, but...
Anyways if you type "mailing list" into the search index gadget at the top
of <A HREF="http://www.freshmeat.net/">Freshmeat</A> (<A HREF="http://freshmeat.net"
>http://freshmeat.net</A>) you'll find more than you have any idea
what to do with.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
The easiest way to maintain a small mailing list is to add an alias
in <TT>/etc/aliases:</TT>
<blockquote><pre>listname: member1@site.com, member2@site.com, member3@site.com
Then you don't need a mailing-list manager at all. Just send mail
to listname, and it will go to all the members. Of course, you'll
have to edit the aliases file manually to add or delete addresses.
Remember that certain main transport agents require you to run a
program after modifying <TT>/etc/aliases.</TT> With Postfix, the command
is "postalias <TT>/etc/aliases</TT>". Exim doesn't have a command to run.
Sendmail has a command whose name I don't know.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Breen]
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [star]
(It's also worth noting that with Postfix, "newaliases" also does
the right thing, to be friendly for sendmail users.)
You can mention aliases inside each other:
<blockquote><pre>wendy_in_hr: miz_wendy, wendy_hr@example.org
john_vp_eng: john, john_bossman@example.org
jobs: wendy_in_hr, john_vp_eng
As long as you don't care that when Wendy and John reply to the email,
the addresses they are replying from get revealed, this works fine, and
might even be prefereable to "full flavored" mailing list software.
When it gets large and you need to convert up to list software, consider
Smartlist; that's its specialty.
<blockquote><em><font color="#000033"><br>... C&eacute;sar went and banged on it for a little while...
Hi again Gazette: I have attemp that you wrote in the last mail, and was
successful. Thanks.... but now I have another trouble..How can I restrict
that address mail??? I want to give permissions to send to that address only
by some users the "Adminsitrator" for example, and other users can<61>t send or
reply or forward mails to that address, only who I decide.
Thanks for your answers .
Cesar Diaz.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
You attempted what? Adding an alias in <TT>/etc/aliases?</TT>
Using the alias strategy, you cannot restrict who sends the message.
Aliases are for convenience, not control.
You could try to do some trickery with your mail transfer agent or
procmail, but for restricted lists, you're better off using a
mailing-list program.
Why didn't majordomo work for you? You still haven't said.
If you want us to help, we need to know <EM>all</EM> the requirements.
Who may post, who may subscribe, whether the list is announcement-only
or for discussions, etc.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for your help: In acord with your answer I think so we have to use a
list manger like majordomo or mailman but really i`m beginner with redhat
and appear some messages when i try to install .....ok no exactly when I
install .....for example I use the "manager package" when select the
majordomo and begin the installation but send a message "Error" so the
instalation isn`t seccesfull .
I attempted with a secodn option The Mailman..but was the error and try with
text mode ( console) and the installation run well but I can`t see an icon
or signal to configure it.....
Iwas checking in red hat`s site and attemp this 3 instructions.... but I
can to do it work
<blockquote><font color="#000033"><br> Summary: Mailing list manager with built in web access.
<br> Description: Mailman is software to help manage email discussion
<br>lists, much like
<br>Majordomo and Smartmail. Unlike most similar products, Mailman gives
<br>each mailing list a web page, and allows users to subscribe,
<br>unsubscribe, etc. over the web. Even the list manager can administer
<br>his or her list entirely from the web. Mailman also integrates most
<br>things people want to do with mailing lists, including archiving, mail
<br>&lt;-&gt; news gateways, and so on.
<br>When the mailman package has finished installing, you will need to:
<br>1.-* run /var/mailman/bin/mmsitepass
<br> to create the mailman administrator password
<br>2.-* edit /var/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py
<br> to customize mailman's configuration for your site
<br>3.-* add these lines:
<br> ScriptAlias /mailman/ /var/mailman/cgi-bin/
<br> Alias /pipermail/ /var/mailman/archives/public/
<br> Options +FollowSymlinks
<br> to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to configure your web server.
<br>Users upgrading from previous releases of this package will need to
<br>move their data or adjust the configuration files to point to the
<br>locations where their data is.
.....really I would like to work with majordomo but when I open the
majordomo section appear a message like this...
<blockquote><font color="#000033"><br>Your majordomo version is not supported by Webmin. Only versions 1.94 and above are supported.
I don<6F>t know why appear this message if i install
majordomo-1.94.4-7.i386.rpm after I find 1.94.5-2.i386 and try to install
but send a message that find a conflict with th mailman.
What can I do.??????????
Cesar Diaz
Thanks for your time to answer me.
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
I'm having difficulty understanding what the error is. I'm Cc'ing
our Spanish translators:
Felipe Barousse &lt;<A HREF="mailto:fbarousse@piensa.com"
Rory Krause &lt;<A HREF="mailto:rory@ssc.com"
Can you explain the problem to them in Spanish? Then they can translate
it for us.
Send all follow-ups to <A HREF="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Ok.....(in spanish)
Gracias por su tiempo al tratar de ayudarme...
He tenido problemas al instalar un manejador de listas de correo basicamente
es el majordomo-1.94
el cual se intal&oacute; pero el webmin no lo puede activar y manda el siguiente
Your majordomo version is not supported by Webmin. Only versions 1.94.4-7
above are supported.
como ya no pude hacer m&aacute;s se instal ocaute; en Mailman que tampoco pude activar ,
despues regrese a intentar instalar una version m&aacute;s reciente del majordomo
la cual fu&eacute; majordomo-1.94.5-2 pero detect&oacute; conflictos con el mailman
y de ese paso no he podido salir.
p.d. tenia el webmin 0.85 y lo actualiz&eacute; al 0.88 y se actualiz&oacute;
correctamente, este fue hecho antes de tratar de instalar los dos
manejadores de listas de correo.
C&eacute;sar D&iacute;az
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
For those joining us just now, C&eacute;sar wants to run a restricted mailing
list, where only the administrator is allowed to post. He tried
Majordomo and Mailman, but got different installation errors in both
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Heather]
Hmmm, what is his distro.
I know that Majordomo can do that easily (I think I have a template for
that style) but, some distros seem to feel that you should have only one
list manager software installed, and perhaps he is getting that.
The explicit error message given by his packaging system would probably
be useful.
It is possible, but clunky, to remove all of the package-manager packages,
then build the chosen package from source; then you know it will run locally,
but the documentation is often messier or missing that way.
There is a majordomo version 2 out, which claims some interesting features,
and to have shot an uncountably high number of bugs. However it is in that
weird internet-based-project state of "it may be finished someday". I mention
it because, as far as I can tell, some educational institutions decided to
go ahead and use it anyway.
If you type "mailing list" into the search gadget at Freshmeat.net you get so
many projects you have to spend all day looking at them. "web mailing list"
narrows it down a little, though there are still some false hits.
I mentioned Smartlist before, but if he wants to use a web interface, it's
probably not what he needs, at least not without some booster packages. OTOH
it only needs procmail, which he might already have installed "for free"
because it's extremely popular as the local-deliver agent for mail.
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<BR>Published in issue 72 of <I>Linux Gazette</I> November 2001</H5>
<H6 ALIGN="center">HTML script maintained by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
Starshine Technical Services,
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