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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Bootstrapping a Linux system - an Analysis</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:subhasish_ghosh@linuxmail.org">Subhasish Ghosh</a></H4>
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<p>Everyday millions of Linux users all over the world switch on
their computers, wait for a few seconds (or minutes depending on
their CPU speeds) to see their favorite operating system booting,
and finally get the &quot;<strong>login</strong>&quot; prompt.
That's it. It causes immense pleasure just to log into your
favorite operating system and work. Doesn't it? Well, as for me,
surely it does. (Though I need to switch on my own computer after
every two months, cause I let it run all the time!). </p>
<p>As many of the readers must have noticed, when the computer is
bootstrapping itself, a lot of messages come up on the screen.
These can be viewed later by issuing the command: cat
/var/log/dmesg | more (cause it usually produces a lot of
output). Now, the question is: Hey, what do these messages mean
in reality? That's easy to answer: Look into any Linux textbook,
and you will find it's mentioned something like this: &quot;it
refers to the Kernel Boot messages&quot; and so on. But, is that
all? And what is meant by &quot;Kernel Boot messages&quot;? </p>
<p>Life has taught me a lot of things. Patience is one of them.
And to understand the internal workings of Linux requires a lot
of patience and sacrifice cause it requires the proper
understanding of the &quot;Linux Kernel Architecture&quot;. Most
Linux users don't have either that much time to understand the
&quot;Linux Kernel Architecture&quot;, or maybe are not that much
interested in it, while some may have other important things to
do in life.</p>
<p>I am <strong>NOT</strong> going to explain the &quot;Linux
Kernel Architecture&quot; in this article cause it would require
a whole book to do so. Rather, in this article, I explain in
detail one of the most fundamental concepts of a computer-system
- <strong>Bootstrapping</strong> a computer running Linux. In
other words, I would explain (at least try to do so) the entire
process from the time one switches on the computer till the
&quot;login&quot; prompt appears on the screen (assuming he/she
is using CLI mode). In short, we would see how the Linux Kernel,
and thus the whole system, is &quot;bootstrapped&quot;. </p>
<p>Please Note: </p>
<li>A basic understanding of the internal workings and
operations of the Linux Kernel is assumed on behalf of
the readers.</li>
<li>All the files mentioned in this article refer to Linux
Kernel 2.4.2-2. Though the files are common for all Linux
Kernels and can be found on any Linux system, I have used
Red Hat Linux 7.1 Distribution Release.</li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>1. Bootstrapping. What's that?</strong></font></p>
<p>Traditionally, the term &quot;<strong>bootstrap</strong>&quot;
refers to a person who tries to stand up (usually while lying
down cause he was tired!) by pulling his/her own boots. In
operating systems, the term refers to the process in which a part
of the operating system is brought into the Main Memory, with the
processor executing it. The internal data structures of the Linux
Kernel are also initialized, values are set to the constituent
variable(s), and processes are created (that usually spawn other
significant processes later). Computer bootstrapping is a long
and complicated task, cause when the computer is switched on, all
the hardware devices are in a unpredictable state, while the RAM
is inactive and in a random state. Thus, the thing to be kept in
mind is, the process called &quot;bootstrapping&quot; is highly
dependent on the computer architecture. </p>
<p>Please note: </p>
<li>Here we discuss IBM's PC architecture.</li>
<li>A friend of mine who lives nearby kicks his CPU to
start it. I call this &quot;bootslapping&quot; instead of
&quot;bootstrapping&quot;. But the process
described here still applies! </li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>2. BIOS. What's that? What does it do?</strong></font>
<p>When a computer is powered on, initially, it's practically
useless. Cause the RAM chips contain random data, aren't
initialized, and there's no operating system present. To begin
the &quot;bootstrapping&quot;, a special hardware circuit raises
the logical value of the RESET pin of the CPU. Then, some CPU
registers, which include registers like <strong>cs</strong> (a
Segmentation Register - code segment register, which points to a
segment containing program instructions) and <strong>eip</strong>
( when a processor-detected exception is generated by the CPU,
that is, in other words, an exception raised by the CPU when the
CPU detects an anomalous condition while executing an
instruction, they are further of three types, namely
&quot;faults&quot;, &quot;traps&quot; and &quot;aborts&quot;,
depending on the value of the eip register that is saved on the
Kernel Mode stack when the CPU control unit raises the
exception.) are set to fixed values. Then, the code found at
physical address 0xfffffff0 is executed. This address is mapped
by the hardware to some read-only, permanent memory-chip, a
special kind of memory which is usually called <strong>ROM</strong>
(Read-Only Memory). <strong>BIOS</strong> (Basic Input/Output
System) is a set of programs that is stored in ROM. It consists
of several interrupt-driven low-level procedures used by various
operating systems to handle the hardware devices that constitute
the computer-system. Microsoft DOS is one such OS. </p>
<p>The question that now comes up is: Then, does Linux use the
BIOS to initialize the hardware devices attached to the computer
system? Or, is it anything else that performs the same task? If
yes, what's it? Well, the answer is not that simple, cause the
answer needs to be understood carefully. Starting with the 80386
model, Intel microprocessors perform address translation (from
Logical Address --&gt; Linear Address --&gt; Physical Address) in
two different ways called the &quot;<strong>Real mode</strong>&quot;
and &quot;<strong>Protected mode</strong>&quot;. Real mode exists
mainly to maintain processor compatibility with older models. In
fact, all BIOS procedures are executed in Real mode. But, the
Linux Kernel executes in the Protected mode and NOT in the Real
mode. Thus, once initialized, Linux does NOT make any use of BIOS
but provides its own device drivers for every hardware device on
the computer. </p>
<p>The question that now comes up is: When Linux uses
&quot;Protected mode&quot;, why can't BIOS use the same mode?
BIOS uses the Real mode, cause it utilizes Real mode addresses
for its operation, and Real mode addresses are the only ones
available when the computer is switched on. A Real mode address
is a seg segment and an off offset; thus the corresponding
physical address is given by seg*(2*8)+off. (Please note: Since a
Segment Descriptor is 8 bytes long, its relative address inside
the GDT or the LDT is obtained by multiplying the most
significant 13 bits of the Segment Selector by 8).</p>
<p>So, does this mean Linux never uses BIOS during the entire
process of &quot;bootstrapping&quot;? Well, the answer is <strong>No</strong>,
Linux is forced to use BIOS in the bootstrapping phase when it
has to retrieve the Kernel image from disk or some other external
<p>To sum up this section, let's look closely at the main
operations that the BIOS performs during the bootstrapping
sequence. They are as follows: </p>
<li>It carries out an exhaustive series of tests on the
hardware. This is to check what devices are present,
which are working properly and which aren't. This step is
usually called POST (Power-On Self-Test). The version
banner and a series of messages are displayed during this
step. (Remember my friend who uses
&quot;bootslapping&quot; instead of
&quot;bootstrapping&quot;? Well, the POST on his system
doesn't show any errors!!)</li>
<li>Then, it initializes the Hardware. This step is a very
significant one, cause it guarantees that all hardware
devices are operating without conflicts on the IRQ lines
and I/O ports. When this step's about to be over, it
displays a table of installed PCI devices.</li>
<li>Then comes the turn of the &quot;operating system&quot;.
The BIOS searches for the operating system to boot.
Depending on the BIOS setting, this step may want to
access the boot sector of a floppy disk, any hard disk or
any CD-ROM in the system.</li>
<li>As soon as a valid device is found, the BIOS copies the contents
of its first sector into RAM, starting from the physical
address 0x00007c00, then jumps to that address and
executes the code just loaded. That's all. These are the
operations that the BIOS is scheduled to perform. Once
this is over, it's the Boot Loader that takes over. So,
let's now move on to the next section.</li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>3. Boot Loader. What's that? What does
it do?</strong></font></p>
<p>The BIOS invokes (note: NOT executes) a special program whose
main (rather only) task is to load the image of an operating
system Kernel into RAM. This program is called the <strong>Boot
Loader</strong>. Before we proceed any further, let's take a
brief look in the different ways a system can be booted:</p>
<li>Booting Linux from a Floppy disk </li>
<li>Booting Linux from a Hard disk </li>
<p><font size="4"><em><strong>1. Booting Linux from a Floppy disk
:</strong></em></font> When booting from a floppy disk, the
instructions stored in the first sector of the floppy disk is
loaded in RAM and executed. These instructions then copy all the
remaining sectors containing the Kernel image into RAM. </p>
<p><font size="4"><em><strong>2. Booting Linux from a Hard disk :</strong></em></font>
When booting from the hard disk, the booting procedure is
different. The first sector of the hard disk, called the Mater
Boot Record (MBR) includes the partition table and a small
program. This program loads the first sector of the partition
containing the operating system to be started. Linux is highly
flexible and sophisticated piece of software, thus it replaces
this small program in the MBR with a sophisticated program called
LILO (LInux boot LOader). LILO allows users to select the
operating system to be booted. </p>
<p>Now, let's take a more deeper and detailed look into these 2
different ways of booting a system. </p>
<p><font size="5"><strong>4. Booting Linux from Floppy Disk.</strong></font>
<p>The Linux Kernel fits into a single 1.44-MB floppy disk. (In
fact, there exists a type of Red Hat Linux installation known as
&quot;stripped-off&quot; type, which requires approx. 2 MB
physical RAM and approx. 1.44 MB hard disk space for running a
Red Hat Linux system. That's what Linux is all about, after all.
Isn't it?) But the only way to store a Linux Kernel on a single
floppy disk is to compress the &quot;Linux Kernel Image&quot;.
The point to remember here is that, compressing is done at
compile time, while decompressing is done at boot time by the
<p>When you're booting Linux from a floppy disk, the boot loader in case of
booting Linux from a floppy disk is very simple. It has been coded in the
assembly-language file
/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.S. When we
compile the Linux Kernel source, and obtain a new kernel image, the executable
code yielded by this assembly language file is place at the beginning of the
Kernel image file. This makes it easy to produce a floppy disk containing the
Linux Kernel.</p>
<p>Copying the kernel image starting from the first sector of the
disk can create the floppy. When the BIOS loads the first sector
of the floppy disk, it actually copies the code of the boot
loader. The boot loader, which is invoked by BIOS (by jumping to
the physical address 0x00007c00) performs the following
<li>Moves itself from address 0x00007c00 to address
<li>Using address 0x00003ff4, sets up the &quot;Real
Mode&quot; stack.</li>
<li>Sets up the disk parameter table. This is used by BIOS to
handle the floppy device driver.</li>
<li>Displays the message &quot;Loading&quot; by invoking a
BIOS procedure.</li>
<li>Then, invokes a BIOS procedure to load the setup( ) code
of the Kernel Image from the floppy disk. It puts this
into RAM starting from address 0x00090200.</li>
<li>Invokes a BIOS procedure finally. This procedure loads
the rest of the Kernel image from the floppy disk and
puts the image in RAM starting from either address
0x00010000 (called &quot;low address&quot; for small
Kernel Images compiled with &quot;make zImage&quot;) or
address 0x00100000 (called &quot;high address&quot; for
big Kernel Images compiled with &quot;make
<li>Then, it finally jumps to the setup( ) code. </li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>5. Booting Linux from Hard Disk.</strong></font></p>
<p>The Linux Kernel is mostly loaded from the hard disk. This
requires a two-stage boot loader. On Intel systems, the most
commonly used Linux boot loader is named LILO. For other
architectures, other Linux boot loaders exist. LILO may either be
installed on the MBR (Please note: During Red Hat Linux
Installation there comes a step where the user has to either
write LILO to the MBR or put it in the boot sector) or in the
boot sector of an active disk partition.</p>
<p>LILO is broken into 2 parts, otherwise it would be too large
to fit into the MBR. The MBR or the disk partition boot sector
includes a small boot loader, which is loaded into RAM starting
from address 0x00007c00 by the BIOS. This small program moves
itself to the address 0x0009a000, then sets up the Real Mode
stack, and then finally loads the second part of the LILO boot
loader. (Please note: The Real Mode stack ranges from 0x0009b000
to 0x0009a200).</p>
<p>The second part of LILO reads all the available operating
systems from disk and offers the user a prompt so that he/she can
choose any one of them from that available list. After the user
has chosen any one Kernel (on my system, one can opt for any 1
Linux Kernel out of 8 Custom Kernels!) to be loaded, the boot
loader may either copy the boot sector of the corresponding
partition into RAM and execute it or directly copy the Kernel
image into RAM.</p>
<p>Since the Linux Kernel image must be booted, the Linux boot
loader performs essentially the same operations as the boot
loader integrated into the Kernel image. The boot loader, which
is invoked by BIOS (by jumping to the physical address
0x00007c00) performs the following operations:</p>
<li>Moves itself from address 0x00007c00 to address
<li>Using address 0x00003ff4, sets up the &quot;Real
Mode&quot; stack.</li>
<li>Sets up the disk parameter table. This is used by BIOS to
handle the hard disk device driver.</li>
<li>Displays the message &quot;Loading Linux&quot; by
invoking a BIOS procedure.</li>
<li>Then, invokes a BIOS procedure to load the setup( ) code
of the Kernel Image. It puts this into RAM starting from
address 0x00090200.</li>
<li>Invokes a BIOS procedure finally. This procedure loads
the rest of the Kernel image and puts the image in RAM
starting from either address 0x00010000 (called &quot;low
address&quot; for small Kernel Images compiled with
&quot;make zImage&quot;) or address 0x00100000 (called
&quot;high address&quot; for big Kernel Images compiled
with &quot;make bzImage&quot;).</li>
<li>Then, it finally jumps to the setup( ) code. </li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>6. The setup( ) function. What does it
do?</strong></font> </p>
<p>Now, time has come to take a deeper look into some of the
essential assembly language functions that are indispensable for
the &quot;bootstrapping&quot; process. Here we look at the setup(
) function.</p>
<p>The setup( ) function can be found in the file
/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/arch/i386/boot/setup.S. The code of the
setup( ) assembly language function is placed by the linker
immediately after the integrated boot loader of the Kernel, that
is, at offset 0x200 of the Kernel Image file. This allows the
boot loader to locate the code easily and copy it onto the RAM
starting from the physical address 0x00090200.</p>
<p>Now the question that comes up is: What does this setup( )
function do? As its name suggests, it's supposed to set up
something. But what? And how?</p>
<p>As we all know, for the kernel to operate properly, all the
hardware devices in the computer must be detected, and then
initialized in an orderly fashion. What the setup( ) function
does is initialize all the hardware devices and thus creates
an environment for the Kernel to operate in.</p>
<p>But, hang on a second. Didn't we see a few minutes earlier,
that the BIOS was supposed to do all this stuff? Yeah, you are
right. 100%. Although the BIOS already initialized most hardware,
the Linux Kernel does <em><strong>NOT</strong></em> rely on it
and initializes all of the hardware in its own fashion. But, if
someone asks, well, why does Linux operate in such a way? The
answer to this question is both very easy yet extremely difficult
to explain. The Linux Kernel had been so designed to enhance
portability and robustness. This is one of the many features that
makes the Linux Kernel the best out of all the Unix and Unix-like
Kernels available and makes it unique in so many ways. A proper
understanding of why and exactly how the Linux Kernel implements
this feature is beyond the scope of this topic and would require
an extremely detailed coverage of the essential features of the
Linux Kernel Architecture.</p>
<p>The setup( ) code mainly performs the following tasks:</p>
<li>First, total amount of physical RAM available to the
system is detected. It invokes a BIOS procedure for
detecting the RAM.</li>
<li>Sets the Keyboard repeat delay and rate.</li>
<li>The Video adapter card is detected.</li>
<li>The Disk Controller is reinitialized and hard disk
parameters are determined.</li>
<li>Checks for an IBM Micro Channel bus (MCA).</li>
<li>Checks for a PS/2 pointing device (bus mouse).</li>
<li>Checks for Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS support.</li>
<li>Now checks the position of the Kernel Image loaded in
RAM. If loaded &quot;low&quot; in RAM (when using zImage,
at physical address 0x00010000) it is moved to
&quot;high&quot; in RAM (at physical address 0x00001000).
But, if the Kernel image is a &quot;bzImage&quot; loaded
in &quot;high&quot; of RAM already, then it's NOT moved
<li>Sets up the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) and a Global
Descriptor Table (GDT).</li>
<li>If floating point unit (fpu) is present, it's now reset
at this step.</li>
<li>PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller) is reprogrammed
at this step.</li>
<li>The CPU is switched from &quot;Real mode&quot; to
&quot;Protected mode&quot; by setting the PE bit in the
cr0 status register.</li>
<li>Jumps to the stratup_32( ) assembly language function.</li>
<p>Now from here on, the going gets a bit tougher as the
&quot;bootstrap&quot; process gets a bit more complicated. I hope
you put aside everything and carefully try to understand from
here on.</p>
<p><font size="5"><strong>7. The startup_32( ) function - 1st
function. What does it do?</strong></font></p>
<p>Okay, let's get to the confusing point straight away. There
exist <strong>two</strong> functions called <strong>startup_32()</strong>.
Although both these two startup_32()
functions are assembly language functions and are required for
&quot;bootstrap&quot; process, they are totally different
functions. The one we refer to here is coded in
/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.S file. After
setup() code is executed, the function has been moved either to
physical address 0x00100000 or to physical address 0x00001000,
depending on whether the Kernel Image was loaded &quot;high&quot;
or &quot;low&quot; in RAM.</p>
<p>This function when executes, performs the following
<li>The segmentation registers are initialized along with a
provisional stack.</li>
<li>The area of uninitialized data of the Kernel is filled
with zeroes. It is identified by symbols _edata and _end.</li>
<li>It then executes a function decompress_kernel( ). This
function is used to decompress the Linux Kernel image. As
a result, the &quot;Uncompressing Linux . . .&quot;
message is displayed on the screen. After the Linux
Kernel image has been decompressed correctly, the
&quot;OK, booting the kernel.&quot; message is shown. One
very significant question here is: Okay, we understand
the Linux Kernel image is decompressed. But, where is it
loaded? The answer is: If the Linux Kernel image was
loaded &quot;low&quot;, then the decompressed kernel is
placed at physical address 0x00100000. Otherwise, if the
Linux Kernel image was loaded &quot;high&quot;, the
decompressed kernel is placed in a temporary buffer
located after the compressed image. The decompressed
kernel image is then finally moved to its final position,
which starts at physical address 0x00100000.</li>
<li>Finally code execution jumps to the physical address
<p>Now, after the 4th operation (as mentioned above is over),
code execution is taken over by the other startup_32( ) function.
In other words, the second one takes over the bootstrapping
<p><font size="5"><strong>8. The startup_32( ) function - 2nd
function. What does it do?</strong></font></p>
<p>The decompressed Linux kernel image begins with another
startup_32( ) function. This function exists in
/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/arch/i386/kernel/head.S file.</p>
<p>The question that must come up here is: Hey, using two
different functions having the same name&#133; Doesn't this cause
problem? The answer is: Well,<strong> no</strong> it doesn't at
all. Cause both functions are executed by jumping to their
initial physical addresses and hence they are executed in their
own execution environments. No problem at all!</p>
<p>Now, let's look at the second startup_32( ) function
functionality. What does it do? This function when executes, it
essentially sets up the execution environment for the first Linux
process (process 0). The function performs the following
<li>The segmentation registers are initialized with their
final values.</li>
<li>Sets up the Kernel Mode stack for process 0.</li>
<li>It then invokes and executes a function setup_idt( ) that
fills the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) with null
interrupt handlers.</li>
<li>The system parameters obtained from BIOS is put in the
first page frame.</li>
<li>The &quot;Model&quot; of the processor is identified.</li>
<li>Loads the gdtr and idtr registers with the addresses of
the GDT and IDT tables.</li>
<li>It finally makes a jump to the start_kernel( ) function.</li>
<p><font size="5"><strong>9. The start_kernel( ) function. What
does it do?</strong></font></p>
<p>The start_kernel( ) function completes the &quot;<strong>initialization</strong>&quot;
of the Linux Kernel. All the essential Kernel components are
initialized when this function executes. And this in fact is the
last step of the entire &quot;bootstrapping&quot; process.</p>
<p>The following takes place when this function executes:</p>
<li>The paging_init( ) function is executed that initializes
the Page Tables.</li>
<li>The mem_init( ) function is executed that initializes the
Page Descriptors.</li>
<li>The trap_init( ) and init_IRQ( ) functions are executed
that initializes the IDT for the final time.</li>
<li>The kmem_cache_init( ) and kmem_cache_sizes_init ( )
functions are executed that initializes the Slab
<li>The time_init( ) function is executed that initializes
the System Date &amp; Time.</li>
<li>The Kernel thread for process 1 is created by invoking
the kernel_thread( ) function. This in turn creates the
other kernel threads and executes /sbin/init program.</li>
<p>The &quot;Linux version 2.4.2 &#133;&quot; message is
displayed right after the beginning of start_kernel( ). Many
other messages are displayed also. At the very end, the very
familiar login prompt appears on the console. This tells the user
that the Linux Kernel is up and running, and just raring to
go&#133;. And dominate the world!</p>
<p><font size="5"><strong>10. Conclusion</strong></font></p>
<p>This sums up our long and tedious journey of the entire &quot;<em><strong>bootstrapping</strong></em>&quot;
process of a Linux system, or in other words, of a computer
system running Linux operating system. As the readers would
rightly note, I have NOT explained most of the other components
and terms that I have had used. A few include IDT, GDT, eip
register, cs register and so on. The full explanation of all
these terms would make it impossible to complete the article in
just a few pages, and would make the entire topic rather very
boring. So, I really hope the readers would understand the fact
that in this article I provide everyone with a glimpse of the
processes and other various things that take place when a Linux
system boots. In depth coverage of all the associated functions
like paging_init( ) and mem_init( ) is beyond the scope of this
<!-- *** BEGIN bio *** -->
<SPACER TYPE="vertical" SIZE="30">
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Subhasish Ghosh</H4>
<EM>I am
20 years old, currently a computer-systems engineering student in
India. I am a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), MSCD, MCP
certified on NT 4.0, recently completed Red Hat Linux Certified
Engineer (RHCE) Training. I have been working with Linux for a
long time, have had programmed using C, C++, VC++, VB, COM, DCOM,
MFC, ATL 3.0, Perl, Python and Linux programming using GTK+.
Currently busy learning the Linux Kernel Architecture in detail
and doing Linux Kernel Programming.</EM>
<!-- *** END bio *** -->
<!-- *** BEGIN copyright *** -->
<P> <hr> <!-- P -->
<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2001, Subhasish Ghosh.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 70 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 2001</H5>
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