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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Configuring GDM 2.2</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:articles@gnujobs.com">Mark Nielsen</a></H4>
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<a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#install">Downloading and installing GDM.</a></li>
<li><a href="#config">Configuring GDM</a></li>
<li><a href="#Conclusion">Conclusion</a></li>
<li><a href="#REF">References</a></li>
<a NAME="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h3>
GDM or GNOME Display Manager, is a nice GUI login screen which makes it nice
and pretty to login to X-windows. It it much nicer for non-linux people to have
a GUI interface to login to rather than a console.
One thing that bothered me with some of the older versions of GDM was the
fact that I couldn't place the login window anywhere I wanted on the
screen. With the latest version, it as very easy. Also, I couldn't figure
out how to make logos of people in the login window, and now I figured
that out. The latest version of GDM is really nice and I have figured out
how to configure it the way I wanted it to be configured, so I finally
decided to write this article.
<h3><a name="install">Downloading and installing GDM.</h3>
I could have downloaded an RPM from somewhere, but instead I decided to
compile it manually. I was testing it on a RH 6.2 system. As soon as I can
get the 7.1 version of RH (as the 7.0 wasn't worth the trouble), I will
test it on it as well, and Debian of course.
The danger of not using RPMs to install GDM, is the fact that I am installing
a newer version of GDM on top of a GDM version which was installed by RPMs.
This could cause problems if I decided to use an RPM in the future. I found
an RPM version at
<a href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/latest/redhat/i386/Base/gdm-2.2.0-1.i386.rpm">
in case you don't want to install it manually.
Initial Steps
<li> Downloaded GDM from <a href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/latest/sources/gdm-2.2.0.tar.gz">
<li> tar -zxvf gdm-2.2.0.tar.gz
<li> cd gdm-2.2.0
<li> ./configure --prefix=/usr
<li> make
<li> make install
After fooling around a bit, I found out that /etc/X11/gdm wasn't being
used for the configuration files, so I linked /etc/X11/gdm to the place
that gdm was looking. I probably could have recompiled gdm to fix this problem,
but I am being lazy. Also, one directory was missing, so I created it.
Three additional Steps
<li>mv /usr/etc/gdm /usr/etc/gdm_new
<li>ln -s /etc/X11/gdm /usr/etc/gdm
<li>mkdir /usr/share/faces/
Again, I emphasize the fact that you should probably use the rpm and
not bother installing it manually.
<a NAME="config"></a>Configuring GDM</h3>
The goals I had were,
<li> Be able to place the login screen anywhere I wanted.
<li> Be able to play a game before someone has to login.
<li> Be able to put images in the background just for fun.
<li> Be able to put a clock on the background.
<li> Be able to put pictures or logos of people on the browser part of GDM.
I had to change some of the settings in the file gdm.conf. My changes
Also, here was my Init/Default script,
/usr/X11R6/bin/xsetroot -solid "#363047"
xsri -geometry +5+5 /etc/X11/xdm/Logo2.png
xsri -geometry +400+5 /home/mark/public_html/wedding/wed2.jpg
xsri -geometry +700+500 /home/mark/public_html/wedding/walk.jpg
xsri -geometry +200+500 /home/mark/public_html/wedding/kiss.jpg
xsri -geometry +5+175 /home/mark/public_html/kiss.gif
xsri -geometry +5+500 /usr/local/apache_gnujobs/htdocs/images/zing.png
xeyes -geometry +825+5 &amp;
xclock -digital -geometry +825+125 -update 1 &amp;
xtriangles -geometry +800+300 &amp;
In order to get logos or pictures of people on the GDM screen, I had to
make the name of the image exactly the name of username and put it in
/usr/share/faces/. To test this, I took my logo for ZING and copied it
"/usr/share/faces/root" like
cp /usr/local/apache_gnujobs/htdocs/images/zing.png /usr/share/faces/root
Notice that there is no extension.
<a NAME="Conclusion"></a>Conclusion</h3>
Everything worked perfectly once I followed these steps. Using the rpm
might have been easier, but oh well. I will try that out next time. I
highly recommend to back up any gdm configuration files before installing
any new RPMs (though the RPMs should back them up for you). I don't really
see any other features that I would need. Some miscellaneous features, like maybe
a ticker tape, downloading the weather, or other games besides triangles
would be cool. I imagine it is possible, but it isn't necessary for me.
It also might be a security risk to let people play games before they
have to login, in case they figure out some way to break out to a shell,
so I wouldn't advise putting games into GDM on public computers.
I would have liked to compare KDM with GDM, but I wasn't able to easily
find a recent web page for KDM. I am also waiting until I install the latest
version of KDE before I mess around with KDM anyways.
<a NAME="REF"></a>References</h3>
<li><a href="http://www.socsci.auc.dk/~mkp/gdm/">Gnome Display Manager</a>
<li> 6-24-1999 <a href="../issue43/nielsen.xdm.html">Setting up XDM</a>.
If this article
changes, it will be available here
<a href="http://www.gnujobs.com/Articles/19/GDM.html">
<i> Mark works as an independent consultant donating time to causes like
GNUJobs.com, writing articles, writing free software, and working
as a volunteer at <a href="http://www.eastmont.net">eastmont.net</a>.</i>
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<h4><img align=bottom alt="" src="../gx/note.gif">Mark Nielsen</h4>
Mark works at ZING
(<A HREF="http://www.genericbooks.com">www.genericbooks.com</A>) and
<A HREF="http://GNUJobs.com">GNUJobs.com</A>. Previously,
Mark founded <A HREF="http://www.gnujobs.com">The Computer Underground</A>.
Mark works on non-profit and volunteer projects which promote free literature
and software. To make a living, he recruits people for GNU related jobs and
also provides solutions for web/database problems using Linux, FreeBSD, Apache,
Zope, Perl, Python, and PostgreSQL.
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Copyright &copy; 2001, Mark Nielsen.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 66 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 2001</H5>
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