
205 lines
6.4 KiB

#### This perl script is copyrighted by Mark Nielsen, 5-2000.
#### This script falls under the GNU License.
#### This is a horrible perl script that requires you to have RedHat 5.1 and rsync.
#### It is only the first version of better versions to come.
my $Home = "/home/CDROM";
my $Image_Dir = "$Home/Boot_Mount";
my $Speed = 4;
my $Dev = "0,0,0";
my $Blank = "blank=fast";
my $Make_Boot = 1;
if (!(-d $Home)) {system "mkdir -p $Home"}
if (!(-d $Floppy_Mount)) {system "mkdir -p $Floppy_Mount"}
my $Command = "";
system "clear";
print <<TEXT;
Welcome to version Alpha 0.1 of MILAS.
MILAS stands for MILAS Installs Linux And Stuff.
It has these purposes,
1. To Create a bootable cdrom.
2. To install a bruned image of a Linux installation (with or without other
operating system images) onto computers using a cdrom, hard drive,
or over the network. In addition, to post-configure the burned
Option 1 is the only current option right now.
Option 2 is crudely done, and is not supported.
In addition, we want to convert MILAS from Perl to Python, create
a PythonTk interface, and also to create a web interface (for employees
to use over the network).
Send email to zing\@tcu-inc.com for comments, suggestions, or if you want
to help.
Press enter to continue.
$R = <STDIN>;
system "clear";
##### Now making boot image for Floppy disk.
#### At this point, we need a floppy disk.
#### Do a "mkbootdisk `uname -r`" and then
#### mount the floppy disk, change /etc/lilo.conf,
#### we still have a lilo boot problem.
#### We need to mount the floppy disk and redo lilo so that it boots
#### off the the cdrom and not the floppy drive.
print "We need to make a bootdisk. If you type in \"yes\", we will go
ahead and make a bootdisk, modify the bootdisk, and then make an image
of it for our cdrom so that the cdrom is bootable.
You should have a pre-configured lilo.conf file at
my $Lilo = <STDIN>;
if ($Lilo =~ /y/) {$Lilo = 1} else {$Lilo = 0;}
if ($Lilo == 1)
print "Making /mnt/floppy2\n";
$Command = "mkdir -p /mnt/floppy2";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
print "Unmounting /dev/fd0 or the floppy drive.\n";
$Command = "umount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy2";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
print "Formatting the floppy disk on /dev/fd0.\n";
$Command = "mkfs -t ext2 /dev/fd0";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
system "mkbootdisk `uname -r`";
system "mkdir -p /mnt/floppy2";
print "Mounting the floppy drive for modifications.\n";
$Command = "mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy2";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
print "Copying over lilo.conf.\n";
$Command = "cp $Home/Extra/etc/lilo.conf $Image_Dir/etc/lilo.conf";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
$Command = "cp $Home/Extra/etc/lilo.conf /mnt/floppy2/etc/lilo.conf";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
my @Hd = ("hda1","hda2","hda3","hda4","hda","hdb","hdc","hdd","sda","sda1","sda2");
foreach my $Number (@Hd) {system "rsync -av /dev/$Number /mnt/floppy2/dev/";}
print "Rsyncing soem /dev files over.\n";
# $Command = "rsync -a /dev/hd /mnt/floppy/dev/";
# print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
print "Executing lilo on the floppy drive.\n";
$Command = "lilo -r /mnt/floppy2/";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
print "Making Floppy boot image to $Home/Extra/Boot.img\n";
$Command = "umount /mnt/floppy2";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
$Command = "dd if=/dev/fd0 of=$Home/Extra/Boot.img";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
$R = <STDIN>;
### Now rsync over critical stuff to our directory
### Add configuration files, like the ability to use ramdisk for /tmp
## Make custom changes for the system to use the cdrom for the main part
### and /usr and possibly /usr/local should be mounted from the hard drive
### and /tmp from ramdisk, also mount /home
#These directories need to be blank
# home proc tmp root usr opt
foreach my $Dir ("home","proc","tmp","root","usr","opt","misc")
{system "mkdir -p $Image_Dir/$Dir";}
system "chmod 777 $Image_Dir/tmp";
system "chmod +t $Image_Dir/tmp";
# These directories need to be rsycned
# dev mnt sbin var bin lib boot
foreach my $Dir ("dev","mnt","sbin","bin","lib","boot","usr/bin","usr/sbin")
print "\nRsyncing /$Dir to $Image_Dir/$Dir\n";
system "mkdir -p $Image_Dir/$Dir";
system "rsync -av /$Dir/ $Image_Dir/$Dir/";
## These directories need to be rsynced once,
## and then change for cusotmizations. Make a file, and if the file exists
## in /etc, do not rsync.
my $File = "$Image_Dir/etc/RSYNCED";
if (-e $File) {print "\netc already rsynced. make your changes.\n";}
print "Rsyncing /etc.\n";
system "rsync -av /etc $Image_Dir";
system "echo \"\" >> $File";
my $File = "$Image_Dir/var/RSYNCED";
#if (-e $File) {print "\nvar already rsynced. make your changes.\n";}
# {
# print "Rsyncing /var\n";
# system "rsync -av /var $Image_Dir";
# system "echo \"\" >> $File";
# }
#### Now do some post configuration stuff
### Make a MILAS directory to back things up into or to keep stuff
$Command = "mkdir -p $Image_Dir/MILAS/Backups";
system "$Command";
if (!(-l "$Image_Dir/var"))
$Command = "mv $Image_Dir/var $Image_Dir/MILAS/Backups";
system "$Command";
$Command = "cd $Image_Dir; ln -s tmp/var var";
system "$Command";
if (!(-l "$Image_Dir/etc/mtab"))
$Command = "cd $Image_Dir/etc; ln -s ../tmp/etc/mtab mtab";
system "$Command";
$Command = "cd $Image_Dir/etc; ln -s ../tmp/etc/mtab~ mtab~";
system "$Command";
#### Copy over any configuration files you want to change
print "Copying over specific files from $Home/Extra.\n";
$Command = "rsync -av $Home/Extra/* $Image_Dir";
print "$Command\n"; system "$Command";
### Now make a cdrom image
### copy this script just for the heck of it.
system "cp $Home/Milas-0_1.pl $Image_Dir";
### Make a mkisofs image
my $Boot = " -b Boot.img ";
if ($Make_Boot < 1) {$Boot = "";}
$Command = "cd $Home ; mkisofs -aJlL -r $Boot -o $Home/CDROM.img $Image_Dir ";
print "$Command\n";
system "$Command\n";
### Now use cdrecord to burn it onto the cdrom
print "Now making the cdrom. Make sure you have a blank cdrom in it.
Press enter to continue. Hope it works!\n>";
$R = <STDIN>;
my $Command = "cdrecord -v speed=$Speed dev=$Dev -data $Home/CDROM.img $Blank";
print "$Command\n";
system "$Command\n";