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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 50: CRC Error -- System Halted --</TITLE>
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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Guy</font>
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<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
<A HREF="http://www.linuxcare.com/">http://www.linuxcare.com/</A>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
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>CRC Error -- System Halted --</H3>
<p><strong>From Tom Manning on Tue, 11 Jan 2000
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CRC Error -- System Halted --
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Hi there...
Problem I'm having with Linux is this: Couple of days ago, worked
great. Then one morning I booted up, typed "<tt>linux</tt>" at the LILO
prompt, and it immediately said "<tt>CRC ERROR --SYSTEM HALTED--</tt>"
End of story. <tt>CTRL-ALT-DEL</tt> doesn't even work, it has to be reset
manually. I can boot into Windows just fine.
Linux and Windows are on seperate hard drives, I'm running a
Celeron266 with 96MB RAM, ABIT BX6(1) motherboard.... What do you
Thanks very much
Tom [Canada?]
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It sounds like an ailing hard drive to me. Try a
boot/rescue floppy (Tom's Root/Boot is nice for this --
<A HREF="http://www.toms.net/rb"
If you can't mount your filesystems, try running fdisk to
view the partition table. The command '<tt>fdisk -l</tt>' will list
all available partitions on all drives (except for the
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> fdisk which will require a
series of commands like
'<tt>fdisk -l /dev/hda ; fdisk -l /dev/hdb</TT>' etc depending on the
number of drives you have --- they use a more powerful
version of fdisk which nonetheless has this limitation).
It's possible that the CRC error is only affecting your
track 0 (where your MBR, and the partition table are
Anyway it is almost certainly a hardware problem. If
you have a backup, I'd replace the drive (or at least
reformat it with badblock checking enabled) and restore
your system and data. If you don't have a backup, you
might be able to recover some of your data and filesystems
through some low-level disk editing heroics.
(If you've given up on recovering the filesystems and
data, and you want to confirm that it really is hardware
and not some Linux glitch, try using MS Windows to
repartition and reformat that second drive. Not that
MS Windows does that any better than Linux --- but you'll
know by that it's not "just us").
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 2000, James T. Dennis
<BR>Published in <I>The Linux Gazette</I> Issue 50 February 2000</H5>
<H6 ALIGN="center">HTML transformation by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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