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<title>Soundings: Explorations In Linux Sound LG #47</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Soundings: Explorations In Linux Sound</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:layers@marktwain.net">Larry Ayers</a></H4>
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<a href="#ayers1">Linux Sound Drivers</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a href="#ayers2">A Basic Sound Toolkit</a><BR>
<a href="#ayers3">Sound Utilities For Musicians</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a href="#ayers4">Sound Visualization With Extace</a>
<A NAME=ayers1></A>
<H1 ALIGN=center>Linux Sound Drivers</H1>
<p>Lately I've been investigating some of the numerous sound processing and
display tools available for Linux. This is an extremely active area
of Linux software development and covering it fully would be a book-length
project; in this series of articles I'll limit myself to software packages
which I've found to be particularly useful and impressive.
<p>Soundcard support for Linux is in something of a fragmented state these
days. The drivers supplied with the Linux kernel source (the OSS drivers) are
functional and work well with many sound cards; they are being maintained, but
the original developers have gone on to form a company,
<a href="http://www.4front-tech.com">4Front Technologies</a>, which supplies
enhanced drivers (including drivers for cards which Linux doesn't support) to
Linux users willing to pay for them. 4Front's drivers can be easier to set up
than the native Linux drivers, and 4Front's developers attempt to keep abreast
of new cards as they appear.
<p>Devotees of open-source software prefer open-source drivers; frustrated by
the lack of progress in free Linux sound-card support, the ALSA
(<b>A</b>dvanced <b>L</b>inux <b>S</b>ound <b>A</b>rchitecture) project
appeared on the scene. Rather than attempting to extend the current free
Linux drivers, ALSA programmers started from scratch. Other developers began
to contribute and the result has been a new modular driver system which has
been useful for end-users for the past year or so. Several sound-card
manufacturers have provided specifications to the ALSA programmers, enabling
them to provide driver modules for previously unsupported cards.
<p>You aren't restricted to ALSA-aware software if you use the ALSA drivers;
OSS-emulation modules are provided so that older and strictly-OSS applications
can be run.
<p>A third sound development effort began as an offshoot of the Enlightenment
window manager project. The Enlightenment Sound Daemon is intended to allow
multiple digitized streams of audio to be played back by a single device.
This is the daemon which provides the &quot;system sounds&quot; for
Enlightenment. ESD can also play, record, and monitor sounds on remote
machines. This project doesn't provide drivers for specific cards; its
purpose is to act as an intermediary between the sound hardware and
applications. ESD cooperates well with all three of the above driver
<p>This multiplicity of sound software might at first glance seem to be a
confusing morass, but luckily most recent client software has been designed to
make use of any or all of the various interfaces, either via compilation
switches or command-line options.
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<A NAME=ayers2></A>
<H1 ALIGN=center>A Basic Sound Toolkit</H1>
<p>There are several command-line software packages which are both useful in
their own right as well as providing services to GUI sound software. In some cases a
GUI utility is an easier to use front-end for one or more of these console
tools, often a welcome convenience when a tool has dozens of possible command
options. Rather than supplying URLs for these packages, I refer you to Dave
Phillips' comprehensive and up-to-date
<a href="http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linuxsound">Sound and MIDI Software For Linux</a>
web-site, which offers links to a profusion of sound software for Linux, as well as
<p>SoX has been around for several years now; originally created by Lance
Norskog, it is now actively maintained by Chris Bagwell. SoX is both a
file-converter and an effects utility. It can convert just about any
sound-file format to any other, as well as optionally processing the sound in
many different ways. Effects include various filters as well as several
&quot;guitar effects&quot; such as phaser, chorus, flanging, echos, and
reverb. SoX also serves as a sound-file player. As Chris Bagwell writes in
the distribution README file, <blockquote>SoX is really only usable day-to-day
if you hide the wacky options with one-line shell scripts.
</blockquote> One such shell script, called <b>play</b>, is part of the SoX
package; it supplies the options to the <i>sox</i> binary which enable it to
be a sound-file playing utility. You may have already used it without knowing
it was there, as many file managers call <i>sox</i> whenever a sound-file is
double-clicked with a mouse.
<p>Though there are many flashy X Windows mp3 players out there, the humble
command-line decoder/player mpg123 is still one of the fastest and most
memory-efficient. Several of the GUI players call mpg123 to do the actual
grunt work, while XMMS (formerly known as x11amp) now
incorporates some of the mpg123 code internally rather than calling it as an
external process. Like SoX, mpg123 has many command-line options. With these
you can play an MP3 file in a great variety of ways, such as in mono, or at
varying speeds. Mpg123 can also retrieve and play files directly from a web-site.
<p>Though Gramofile does have an ncurses-based text interface, it's pretty
spare, so I'll include it here. Gramofile was originally developed at the
Delft University of Technology by Anne Bezemer and Ton Le as a means of
capturing audio tracks from vinyl LPs and writing them to WAV files.
Subsequently track-splitting and noise reduction were added, though both of
these require some tinkering with settings to get good results. Gramofile is
particularly useful to people (myself included) who have collections of old
LPs and would like to burn tracks to CDs. This can be time-consuming;
after the audio stream has been written it takes another block
of time to split off individual tracks and run them through the
pop-and-click-removal process. Through experimentation I discovered that
Gramofile doesn't know or care if another Gramofile session is running on
another console or xterm. While one copy of the program is busily sipping at
the audio stream and depositing WAV files in its wake, another process can be
splitting and filtering the files from the last run.
<p>I've had good results from simply patching my stereo amplifier's alternate
speaker leads to the sound-card input jack. It takes some fiddling to get the
amplifier's volume adjusted just right so that clipping and distortion don't
occur. I generally keep a software mixer handy while setting up a session.
While recording, Gramofile displays a simple level-meter which indicates
whether the signal is too strong.
<p>Gramofile isn't limited to vinyl LPs; I've also transferred tracks from
cassette tapes with good results.
<p>During the past year or so CD-RW drive prices have plummeted. It's now
possible to find even SCSI drives which cost less than two hundred dollars,
and IDE drives at not much over one hundred. A couple of months ago my old
12x CDROM drive died and I saw this as a perfect excuse to replace it with a
CD read-write drive. My search for Linux software to enable me to use the
drive didn't take long -- the consensus on the net seems to be that Joerg
Schilling's <b>cdrecord</b> package is robust and well-supported. Though
numerous front-end packages have been written as wrappers for cdrecord, so far
I've been using it directly. Eventually I'll probably switch over to using
XCDroast or one of the others, but as a beginner I find cdrecord's verbose
status messages (which are displayed on the terminal as the program burns a
CDROM) reassuring. These messages are enabled with the <kbd>-v</kbd> option
<p>Schilling's program is exceedingly versatile. Multi-session CDs (especially
useful for data backup discs) are easily enabled, as well as blanking
rewritable discs. Just about all recent drives are supported by the program.
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<A NAME=ayers3></A>
<H1 ALIGN=center>Sound Utilities For Musicians</H1>
<p>As a semi-proficient amateur guitar and fiddle player, I often find myself
wondering just how particular licks and passages of recorded music are played.
The players I listen to often play so quickly that distinguishing individual
notes and their sequences can be nearly impossible for the unaided ear.
Musicians have approached this problem in several ways. Back when vinyl LPs
and multi-speed turntables were the norm, some would play 33-1/3 RPM discs at
half speed. More recently specialized cassette tape machines have become
available which are able to slow down the music without altering the pitch;
this would be a boon to the aspiring musician if the machines weren't so
expensive. It seemed to me that this was something my Linux machine ought to
be able to do, so I began searching for software.
<h3>Creating and Working With WAVE Files</h3>
<p>Whether the audio source is CDROM, tape, or LP, the first step is to create
a file on disk which can be manipulated with software. Though historically on
unix-ish systems the Sun <i>*.au</i> was the native sound-file format, these
days it's more common for Linux software to be designed to work with the
Microsoft WAV format. The two formats are nearly identical; both are mainly
made up of PCM audio data with the WAVE files carrying
extra header information. WAV files are huge, occupying about twelve
megabytes per minute of playing time. There are several utilities which can
write WAV files from either an audio stream or directly from an audio CD.
<b>cdda2wav</b>, a console program which is bundled with Joerg Schilling's
excellent <b>cdrecord</b> package, works well with most CDROM drives. Not
only can it rip tracks or entire discs and convert them to WAV files, it can
also play the files through a soundcard at any speed without writing the file
to disk. Supplied along with cdda2wav is a script (originally by Raul Sobon
and modified by Joerg Schilling) called <b>pitchplay</b> which simply calls
cdda2wav with options which cause it to not write out a file and play a CD
track at a specified percentage of normal pitch. As an example,
<code>pitchplay 6 50</code> will play track six of a CD one octave lower than
<p>Another track-ripping package, cdparanoia, is intended for use with CDROM
drives which read tracks erratically. Cdparanoia doesn't have as many options
as cdda2wav, but with certain drives its error-correction is needed to produce
WAV files which accurately reproduce the contents of an audio track.
<p>These command-line utilities don't have to be used in their bare form, as
numerous GUI front-ends have been developed. One of the best I've encountered
is Mike Oliphant's Grip program, an exceedingly stable and handy GTK-based
front-end for not only the track-rippers but also mp3-encoders. Grip is not
tied to any particular rippers and encoders. Any can be used; one of Grip's
configuration screens allows the user to specify client programs as well as
preferred command switches. Grip doubles as a CDDB-aware CD player, which
makes it particularly well-suited for the musician. In the screenshot below
notice the &quot;Rip partial track&quot; check-box. This allows you to rip
just one segment of a track, perhaps a particular solo for study.
<p><img alt="Grip config screen" src="gx/ayers/grip.gif">
<BR CLEAR=all>
<p>What to do with these bulky WAV files now? Andy Lo A Foe has written a
sound-file player called Alsaplayer which has several unique features. This
player is designed to work with the ALSA drivers, the native Linux OSS
drivers, and ESD. It can play WAV, MP3 and MikMod-supported module files as
well as CD audio ripped digitally direct from disc. A variety of
visualization scopes are implemented as plug-ins, including several FFT
variants and a reworked version of Paul Harrison's Synaesthesia program. I
was particularly impressed by the variable speed and direction controls, which
work amazingly well. In the screenshot below you will see a slider control;
it's the central one with the two triangular arrow buttons to the left of it:
<p><img alt="Alsaplayer" src="gx/ayers/alsaplayer.gif">
<BR CLEAR=all>
<p>As a sound file plays this slider lets you dynamically alter the speed and
even cause the sound to instantly begin playing backwards (handy for finding
those hidden secret messages!). I kept expecting the program to crash as I
abused this control but it seems steady as a rock. This speed control works
equally well with MP3 files. Now if I could just figure out a way to control it
with my feet so I wouldn't have to put the instrument down!
<p>Not every WAV editor can deal with very large files. One program which
can, and which can also play them at reduced speed without altering the pitch,
is Bill Schottstaedt's <b>snd</b> program. Snd is a self-effacing
program which doesn't look like much the first time it is run. Sort of like
booting Linux for the first time and seeing a bash command prompt on a
black screen. Snd, though, has layer upon layer of complexity which becomes
apparent after reading the thorough and well-written HTML manual. Luckily the
program's basic editing functions aren't too difficult to learn. Many of the
keyboard commands are patterned after those of Emacs and are also available
from the menu-bar. The feature which will be of the most interest to
musicians is the ability to &quot;expand&quot; a sound-file. This is accessible
when <b>Show Controls</b> is selected from the <b>View</b> menu. In the
screenshot below the controls consist of the series of horizontal sliding
control-bars beneath the main window:
<p><img alt="Snd Window With Controls" src="gx/ayers/snd.gif">
<p>As with Alsaplayer, the speed of playback can be controlled with the second
bar, while the two small arrows to the right of the speed bar control the
direction of play. But to a musician the third bar (Expand) is the most
useful. From the manual:
<blockquote>'Expand' refers to a kind of granular synthesis used to change the
tempo of events in the sound without changing pitch. Successive short slices
of the file are overlapped with the difference in size between the input and
output hops (between successive slices) giving the change in tempo.
<p>This expansion works surprisingly well, though such processing does tend to
highlight any noise or flaws in the original recording. For a musician just
wanting to hear which notes inhabit a complex musical passage this is a
wonderful feature. The mp3 player mpg123 can play mp3 files in a similar way.
Using (as an example) the command <kbd>mpg123 -h 2 [filename]</kbd> will play
each frame of the mp3 file twice, resulting in half-speed-same-pitch output.
The output tends to be more distorted than that of snd expanding a WAV file,
but this likely is a limitation of the lossy mp3 format.
<p>Snd is chock-full of capabilities which I haven't had time to explore yet.
It's scriptable using the Guile scheme dialect. The recording window,
featuring a set of simulated VU meters, can be used to record audio from
multiple soundcards, microphones or any other source with the output written
to a sound file. I find some new feature or capability each time I run the
program. All this with a good manual!
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<A NAME=ayers4></A>
<H1 ALIGN=center>Sound Visualization With eXtace</H1>
<p>I couldn't wrap up this article without at least a mention of an impressive
piece of &quot;eye-candy&quot;, a program for sound visualization called
eXtace. This is an addictive piece of software which was originally written
by Carsten Haitzler (of Enlightenment window-manager fame) and Michael
Fulbright, from Redhat. Its new maintainer, Dave J. Andruczyk, has recently
given the program a new lease on life and it's well worth trying out.
<h3>Installation and Usage</h3>
<p>eXtace relies upon ESD (the Enlightened Sound Demon) for its sound input
and won't work without it. ESD is a small download and it's probably packaged
on your distribution CD if you aren't running it already. ESD can be started
with the command&nbsp; <kbd>esd -port 5001 &</kbd>&nbsp;; once it's running
eXtace can be started up. Another requirement is the FFTW libraries (Fastest
Fourier Transform In The West). Though this issue will probably be resolved
by the time you read this, version 1.2.9 didn't seem to be able to find the
libfftw libraries during configuration and thus the display of the 3D
landscape and spike modes is minimal. Version 1.2.8 works well for me, and I
recommend it. The source for all versions can be obtained from <a
href="http://techdev.buffalostate.edu/~dave/extace/archives">this site.</a>
<p>Here is a screenshot of eXtace displaying a moment's worth of Thelonious
Monk's Sweet and Lovely, in 3D landscape mode:
<p><img align="center" src="gx/ayers/extace3.gif" alt="Extace Control">
<p><img alt="eXtace main window" src="gx/ayers/extace1.gif">
<p>As with many such audio visualization tools, quieter music with few
instruments seems to provide a more comprehensible display. A piece such as
the slow introduction to Jimi Hendrix's blues <b>Red House</b> (from the Live
At Winterland CD) is a good one to try.
<p>eXtace has several controls enabling you to tailor the display to your
machine's capabilities and your own taste. Here is the Options window:
<p><img alt="eXtace Options Window" src="gx/ayers/extace2.gif">
<p>The lag factor setting needs to be adjusted for each combination of
sound-card and ESD version; it only needs to be tinkered with once, as these
settings are saved between sessions.
<p>You will notice a small black window hovering above eXtace's
main window. This one is great fun; by manipulating the white line by changing
its direction and length with the mouse... just try it. It's sort of like
riding a roller coaster.
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Copyright &copy; 1999, Larry Ayers<BR>
Published in Issue 47 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, November 1999</H5>
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