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<title>Mail for the Home Network--POP3 LG #45</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H4><font color="maroon">Mail for the Home Network</font></H4>
<H1><font color="maroon">Pop3</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jpollman@bigfoot.com">JC Pollman</a>
and <a href="mailto:bill.mote@bigfoot.com">Bill Mote</a></H4></center>
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<p>Setting up a pop3 server is a very easy operation.&nbsp; First setup
the pop3 server and then setup the accounts.
<p>Edit /etc/services and make sure these two lines are in there and remove
any # in front of them:
<p><tt>pop-3&nbsp; 110/tcp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # PostOffice V.3</tt>
<br><tt>pop&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 110/tcp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # PostOffice V.3</tt>
<p>Edit /etc/inetd.conf and remove the # in front of this line:
<p><tt>pop-3&nbsp;&nbsp; stream&nbsp; tcp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nowait&nbsp;
root&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /usr/sbin/tcpd ipop3d</tt>
<p>and then restart inetd by typing:
<blockquote><i>killall -HUP inetd [Enter]</i></blockquote>
Your pop3 server is now fully up and operational. Nice and simple.
<p>It will serve mail to any user that has an account on your server using
the user's login name and password.&nbsp; If you have users who will be
using the mail server only for mail, for security reasons, you should limit
their access to the other services.&nbsp; To make the account unusable
for log in, put a * in the password field of /etc/passwd and specifying
a bogus shell - like /bin/false - in the last field of the password file
entry.&nbsp; They will still be able to get and send mail, as well as use
the modem if masquerading is setup, but they will not be able to telnet,
ftp, or run remote programs on the mail server itself.
<p>Many of you might want to use imap instead of pop3. For the purposes
of this article, set up pop3 first, and once everything is working, you
can try imap. Although imap gives serious advantages to the user, particularly
if you move between operating systems and mail clients, we have strong
reservations about. Almost every time someone has attempted to crack into
my server, imap was tested. There were some security concerns about earlier
versions of imap which are now fixed, so we would very strongly urge you
to run only the latest version if you intend to implement it on your server.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, JC Pollman and Bill Mote <BR>
Published in Issue 45 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 1999</H5></center>