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<title>Mail for the Home Network--Final Thoughts LG #45</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H4><font color="maroon">Mail for the Home Network</font></H4>
<H1><font color="maroon">DNS for Mail</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jpollman@bigfoot.com">JC Pollman</a>
and <a href="mailto:bill.mote@bigfoot.com">Bill Mote</a></H4></center>
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<center><b><font size=+1>Some Final Thoughts</font></b></center>
<p>Where does sendmail put the mail when it queues it? The mail queue directory
is /var/spool/mqueue. All mail messages become two files, one named dfXXXnnnnn
, the other qfXXXnnnnn , where XXX is a three-letter sequence, nnnnn a
five-digit sequence. They are used to give every message a unique identifier.
The "qf'", or queue control file, contains the e-mail message header and
various processing information, and the "df'", or data file, contains the
body of the e-mail message. There are other files, but they are of interest
only to sendmail.
<p>To see what sendmail is doing, check the file: /var/log/maillog. It
is pretty hard to read, but is your only real chance to see what the error
might be.
<p>Some of you may log into your local computer with a different name than
what you use for your ISP. Fetchmail will obviously get your mail and put
it where it belongs, but sendmail needs some special help. Check out the
<a href="ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/mini/Sendmail-Address-Rewrite">Sendmail-Address_Rewrite
Howto</a>. If you have been able to followed this article, this Howto is
pretty simple.
<p>Do not be put off if things do not work the first time! I have been
using sendmail for 4 years with varying degrees of success. It is a big
beast that has evolved greatly over time. Since the vast majority of email
on the internet travels via sendmail somewhere along the way, it is worth
the time to get it working on your computer.
<p><b>Final thoughts</b>: We have given you a cookie-cutter recipe for
setting up a simple home mail system.&nbsp; Since success usually creates
greater interest, here are some places to learn more:
<p><a href="http://www.sendmail.org/">Sendmail Homepage</a>
<br><a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/fetchmail/index.html">Fetchmail
<br><a href="http://www.hrweb.org/spambouncer/proctut.shtml">Procmail Info</a>
<p>Two well know alternatives to sendmail:
<p><a href="http://www.exim.org/">Exim</a>
<br><a href="http://www.qmail.org/">Qmail</a>
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, JC Pollman and Bill Mote <BR>
Published in Issue 45 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 1999</H5></center>