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<b>FILE db.124.168.192:</b> This file does the opposite of db.kulai:
give it an ip address and it returns the computer name. I use ***** to
seperate the file listing from the rest of this article, so do not copy
them into your file.<b> Bold</b> items are explaned below - bold is not
part of the regular file.&nbsp; Here is what mine looks like:
<br><tt><b>@</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SOA&nbsp;
<b>jpollman.kulai.org.</b> (</tt>
86400 );</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>IN NS</b>&nbsp;
<br><tt>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>IN PTR</b>&nbsp; master.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><tt>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR www.kulai.org</tt>
<br><tt>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR mail.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><tt>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR news.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><tt>11&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR fserver.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><tt>1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR jc.kulai.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><tt>20&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; IN PTR phillip.kulai.org.</tt>
<br><b>NOTE:</b> The biggest problem in creating these files is missing
a period where one is required. The period says: this is the end of the
name. Without the period, the domain name will be tacked on, so master.kulai.org
will become: master.kulai.org.kulai.org&nbsp; In other words, the period
is the difference between absolute and relative names.
<p>This file is basically the same concept as the db.kulai file:
<br><b>@&nbsp;</b> This is shorthand for the base domain name. Note: the
@ must appear on the top line and with NO spaces before it.
<br><b>master.kulai.org.</b>&nbsp; This is the server's name.
<br><b>jpollman.kulai.org.</b>&nbsp; This is actually an email address
with the @ replaced by a period. If there is a problem, this person will
be notified via email.
<br><b>All those numbers:</b> These are the default times. If you want
to change them, read the books - the defaults work just fine for home use.
<br><b>IN NS</b> this line tells named that master.kulai.org is the <b>n</b>ame
Note: the first part of the line is blank, so named will add kulai.org
there (no period).
<br>The numbers on the left (10,11,1,20) are the last digits of the ip
address, e.g. name will expand 10 to:
<p>Notice that we use <b>IN PRT</b> instead of<b> IN A</b> in this file.