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<title>Using Linux to Teach Kids How to Program LG #43</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Using Linux to Teach Kids How to Program</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:afsilva@liberty.edu">Anderson Silva</a></H4>
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<COL WIDTH=256*>
<P ALIGN=LEFT STYLE="font-weight: medium"><IMG SRC="gx/silva.logo/logo1.jpg" NAME="Graphic1" ALIGN=LEFT HSPACE=10 WIDTH=288 HEIGHT=215 BORDER=0>
I was in 5<SUP>th</SUP> Grade when I took my first computer class in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. I was going to start taking a course in LOGO running on
Commodore 64. Soon enough LOGO was known to us as the &quot;turtle
<P ALIGN=LEFT STYLE="font-weight: medium">
LOGO is a programming language developed at the MIT labs in the late-60's, and
its main purpose is to make a programming language for children. LOGO has its
own syntax and semantics, but what really makes it fun for kids is its
Graphical Environment. </P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT STYLE="font-weight: medium">
LOGO has a &quot;programmable&quot; cursor that draws on the screen whatever
you programmed it to do. That cursor is known as the turtle. <BR>With the
turtle you can make animation, draw houses, cars, or any of the primitive
geometrical figures.</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><IMG SRC="gx/silva.logo/logo2.jpg" NAME="Graphic2" ALIGN=RIGHT HSPACE=10 WIDTH=299 HEIGHT=299 BORDER=0><SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">
For example:<BR>To make the turtle go forward 10 pixels you would
give the command:<BR><B>FD 10<BR><BR></B>
To make the turtle go
backwards 120 pixels:<BR><B>BK 120<BR><BR></B>To turn turn right
or left on a 90 degree angle:<BR></SPAN><B>RT 90 <BR>LT 90</B></P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">To make a simple
arc or circle use the command <B>arc </B>and the degrees of the
circumference and the radius.<BR></SPAN><B>ARC 360 120</B></P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">To set the color
of the background and of the drawing of the turtle:<BR></SPAN><B>SETBG
Color#</B> <SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">- (The color number
varies from system to system)<BR><B>SETPC Color#</B> -</SPAN> <SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">(It
sets the color of the turtle's drawing)</SPAN></P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><SPAN STYLE="font-weight: medium">To clean (=clear) the
<P> Today I am 21 years old, and I still like playing around
with LOGO. And I will use it to teach my son a little bit about
programming and discrete math concepts. Now, my challenge was to
find a version of LOGO for Linux. I have been using Linux for
about 2 years now, and just a couple of weeks ago I started
searching the web for a free version of LOGO for Linux. It took
me about 30 minutes, but I was able to find the Berkeley LOGO
version, which is really good. It runs in many Unix flavors and
works with MS Operating Systems as well.</P>
<P> I was able to compile it with Red Hat 5.2 pretty fast and
it worked great, but I did encounter several errors with Red Hat
6.0, and i am still trying to figure out some incompatibilities.
The Berkeley distribution of LOGO can be downloaded it at:
<A HREF="ftp://anarres.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/ucblogo/">ftp://anarres.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/ucblogo/</A></P>
<P> The distribution comes with a pretty good user manual,
and it has at least 3 different versions available for download.
I do encourage any programmers that have children to download
LOGO and start having fun with your children, they will have a
blast, and you can even take the opportunity to teach them some
basic Linux tasks.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Anderson Silva<BR>
Published in Issue 43 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1999</H5></center>
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