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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 39: Secure Shutdown from the Console</TITLE>
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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Guy</font>
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<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
<A HREF="http://www.linuxcare.com/">http://www.linuxcare.com/</A>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
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>Secure Shutdown from the Console</H3>
<p><strong>From Werner Ackerl on Sun, 28 Mar 1999
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Secure Shutdown from the Console
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Dear jim,
<br>I've been using Linux for - well, it must be four years by now,
and I've finally got around to do my first donation to the community.
I'm a bit concerned about security - part of my tip is about creating
a new user to run <TT>/sbin/halt</TT> - I just don't want to (re)introduce any
Would you please have a look a it? The text is attached.
thanks, werner
nb: My tip is intended to go to the 2-cent-tip column. I'll be
glad to include your comments.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
(Attachment includes a kernel patch to change the
LED status on kernel halt, and some suggestions on
create a user account with <TT>/sbin/halt</TT> as a shell, etc
This is all in the context of a print server in his
closet that he wishes to run without the monitor attached
most of the time. He also wants it to be shutdown down
on a nightly basis due to the noise factor).
I didn't attempt to do a thorough code audit of the
attached file. However, I do have some ideas on how
I'd attempt this.
First, I'd avoid a kernel patch. I might write a small
small utility shell script that would cycle among the
LEDs that might look something like:
trap "/usr/bin/setleds -L" 0 1 2 3 5 6
while /bin/true; do
setleds -L +num; setleds -L -num
setleds -L +caps; setleds -L -caps
setleds -L +scroll; setleds -L -scroll
sleep 1
setleds -L
... this just turns each keyboard LED on then off, in turn,
waits one second and repeats the process. The -L causes the
command to affect only the LED lit status and not the actual
keyboard lock status. In other words this blinks the lights
without actually setting the keyboard CapsLock, NumLock or
ScrollLock settings. The extra '<tt>setleds -L</tt>' and the trap
attempt to resync the the LEDs to our actual keyboard lock
status as we exit the loop and on any common form of
interrupt signal. (The part outside the loop is
non-sensical for this loop, with <TT>/bin/true</TT> as our condition
--- but would make sense if we added some 'break' test
inside the loop or changed the loop condition).
With that script set up I might invoke it via init
(<TT>/etc/inittab</TT>) or from a startup script.
That gives me a constant indicator that the computer is
still processing user space stuff. It should also tell me
when the halt is completed (since the '<tt>cycleleds</tt>' script
will be killed only a few seconds before the rest of the
system has been fully halted.
Instead of the special user in the <TT>/etc/passwd</TT> file (which
might be remotely accessible) I'd just modify the line in
<TT>/etc/inittab</TT> that refers to the <TT>/sbin/shutdown</TT> command. I'd
change that line from something like:
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -r -t 4 now
... to:
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -h now
... and I'd then just use [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] (the
traditional PC "three finger salute" or "vulcan PC pinch")
to do my shutdown.
<p><em>[ I did this for my laptop, since I'm far more likely to do that
in order to pack it away, than to need to to restart it.
-- Heather ]</em></p>
The advantage to this method is that it doesn't involve any
login and that it absolutely requires physical access to the
system to invoke (unless your attacker can employ
telekinesis, of course).
A more elaborate method would be to write a small C program
that issues the appropriate <tt>ioctl()</tt>'s to cycle the LEDs at
your desired frequencies, and to have it monitor the
keyboard for your custom key event. Have that started from
You could find out how to control the LEDs by reading the
sources to the '<tt>setleds</tt>' program (which is in the kbd or
consoletools packages), and you read up on the shutdown()
system call from its man page, or read the example in the
sources to the '<tt>shutdown</tt>' command.
There is a small package that's included with
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> 2.x
that blinks your LEDs based on network traffic. There's
also a utility called "<tt>loaddog</tt>" which is a system load
watchdog. These are the sorts of things you might use on
your system to monitor your system's activity without
turning on the monitor and without connecting to it through
your LAN from the other systems on your net.
Of course, if I had this system in my closet and I wanted to
shut if off, I'd just have a script on my desktop system
that would perform the desired operation over ssh. It's
assume that the system was pretty well done with its
shutdown by the time I got to it from my desk.
With newer APM motherboards you can configure you systems to
power off on shutdown. I think this is possible even with
desktop systems that implement APM features.
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your
approach. However, it seems like more work and more
risk than my method.
As for the noise. I can understand your concern.
I have a number of relatively noisy computers around the
house and am considering trading them out for quieter
systems. It's ironic that these systems (like my trusty
old 386s --- my router and my main mail, news and internal
web server) are still electronically perfectly suitable
for my workload and that the only reason I'm considering
replacing them is to reduce the power consumption, heat
generation, and noise emanations.
Luckily I have just enough load on my finances to resist
the urge to buy couple of rackmounted Corel Netwinders
and/or Cobalt Raq's. Those are both very quiet systems
with much less fan noise than my current systems. I
already have most of my current systems in a closet, with
cables leading out to a switchbox, and thence to my
keyboard and monitor.
One of my best customers has his cables poked through a wall
between his den and the garage. That room is really quiet.
unfortunately my house isn't laid out in a way that makes
that feasible. The garage is by the kitchen and the den
and bedrooms are all adjacent to one another.
As I get richer (or less thrifty) I'll probably get a
couple of Igel (<A HREF="http://www.igelusa.com"
>http://www.igelusa.com</A>) X terminals
or desktop Netwinders (<A HREF="http://www.hcc.ca"
>http://www.hcc.ca</A>) to use at
my desk and in the living room.
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1999, James T. Dennis
<BR>Published in <I>The Linux Gazette</I> Issue 39 April 1999</H5>
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