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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
<P> <HR> <P>
<H1><font color="maroon">Compiling Programs on Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jpollman@imcnet.net">JC Pollman</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><font color="#000000">So you are a linux
newbie and want to get your hands dirty. Most of you, myself included,
are not programmers, but that does not mean we can not enjoy the benefits
of open source, and even contribute to the cause. It also means that we
are at a distinct disadvantage when compiling goes wrong. Compiling is
usually very simple: nothing to get worried about and certainly nothing
as hard as programming, but it is not a 100% guaranteed event. What follows
is a beginner's guide to compiling. It is meant to be a 90% solution for
people starting out with linux.</font></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">Sooner, or later, everyone will download
a program in source code and try to compile it. Even if you are avid follower
of Red Hat or Debian, you will eventually find a program that is either
too old, or too new, to find a precompiled binary. The bad news is that
the code will not always compile no matter what you do - remember, most
linux programs are beta at best. The good news is that the percentage of
programs that compile without problems has increased significantly over
the past five years, and that there are things you can do to "fix" code
that will not compile without being a programmer.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><b>After you download</b>: you now have
some sort of tarball on your disk. First you must uncompress it and untar
it to a directory. By convention, most people untar programs to the directory:
/usr/src. This keeps everything in one place so you can clean it after
time, as well as keep track of which version of the program you have compiled.
You will need to be root to use this directory. The linux tar program can
uncompress and untar a file at the same time if the file was compressed
using gzip. If you have a file named: filename.tar.gz, you can cd to the
/usr/src directory and type:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tar -xzvf /{path
to file}/{filename.tar.gz} <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">and it will uncompress and untar. Here
is a quick explanation of the flags:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; x - untar the file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; z - uncompress the file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; v - verbose - so you can see what is happening
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; f - what follows is the file you want to untar
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">If you used Netscape to download the file,
you might get an error. Sometimes Netscape will uncompress the file for
you. So if you try to untar it as listed above you might see:
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; gzip: stdin: not in
gzip format
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tar: Child returned
status 1</div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tar: Error exit delayed
from previous errors</div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">Try the same command, but leave out the
z. So it looks like this:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tar -xvf /{path
to file}/{filename.tar.gz} <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">Instead of gzip, many files are using
bzip2 for the compression, so your file will look like: the-program.tar.bz2.
The z flag for tar will not work. The easiest way to untar the file is
to type: bunzip2 the-program.tar.bz2. This will give you the file: the-program.tar,
which you can untar using:
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tar -xvf /{path
to file}/{filename.tar.gz} <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><b>After untaring</b>: cd to the directory
that was created when you untared the program. Look at the files in the
directory: ls. You have to read the README and INSTALL files. Do not think
you will get the slightest bit of help from anyone if you do not read these
files. There is a reason why RTFM is one of the most common expressions
on the net. The README and INSTALL files should tell you how to compile
and install the program.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">To compile, you issue the "make" command.
In order for "make" to start compiling, it must have a file named: Makefile
(you could issue "make" options on the command line, but that is beyond
the scope of this article.) There are three common ways to start the compile:
simple, Imake, and configure.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><b>Simple compile</b>: If you see is a
file called Makefile - no Imake or configure files, you are going to use
this method to compile. This method of compiling has the most problems
because nothing is configured to your computer. Often times the README
and INSTALL files will tell you to edit some files so it will compile.
Usually you can then type:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make install <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">and if all goes well, you can now run
the program.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><b>Imake</b>: If you ls the directory
and there is an Imake file and no Makefile, you use this method. This is
an older way to setup the compiling. Basically, you type:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; xmkmf <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i></div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make install <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><b>Configure</b>: Use this method of compiling
if there is a file named configure in the directory. This is the easiest
way to compile and probably has the highest chance of compiling correctly.
Essentially it checks your entire system for every possible library and
support file to ensure you can compile the program, and then creates the
Makefiles with the correct information. To compile, type:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ./configure <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i></div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; make install <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i></div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">Notice the ./ in front of the first command.
When you type a command, you shell looks for the files in your path. It
does not start looking in your current directory, so if ./ (which means:
current directory) is not in your path, even though ls can see the file,
your shell can not it. The shell can execute make because it is usually
in /usr/bin which is in your path. To see your path, type:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm"><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; echo $PATH <font color="#FF0000">[Enter]</font></i>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">If things go wrong:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">The most common cause of not compiling
is missing files. Almost all programs rely on support programs/files/libraries.
If they are missing, the program can not compile. The README/INSTALL files
should have told you which files, and which version of the files, you need
to compile the program. Note: the wrong version will kill you just as much
as not having it at all. Usually you will know if this is the problem because
the error statement at the end of the compile will tell you it can not
find a certain file. Note: sometimes you have the file, but it is not where
the Makefile says it is. Use your linux distribution install program, e.g.
rpm, and check to see if you have the missing file. If not, go get it.
If you do have it, and it is the correct version, check the Makefile to
see where it thinks the file is. Example: say the file moc is in /usr/local/bin,
but the Makefile says: moc=/opt/bin/moc. Then just edit the Makefile (with
vi or whatever you use for text editing) and change where moc is located.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">The next most common problem is missing
include files. Most of the files in the program source directory have lines
near the top that look something like this:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #include &lt;gtk/gtk.h>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #include &lt;netinet/in.h></div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #include &lt;arpa/inet.h></div>
<div STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #include &lt;stdlib.h</div>
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">These "h" files (or headder files) must
exist on your computer. As a minimum, check that you have the kernel headder
files by: ls /usr/include/linux. If you have installed libraries, like
gtk, make sure you have also installed the devel files for them as well.
Sometimes having multiple versions of the same library can cause problems
as each version could put its header files in different places and you
will not know which files the compile will use.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">If you have made all the necessary changes
to the Makefiles and have all the libraries and include files and it still
will not compile do the following IN ORDER:
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">1. If you downloaded the program from
a site other than the home site for this program, go to the home site and
see if there is a newer version available.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">2. Go to <a href="http://www.dejanews.com/">www.dejanews.com</a>
and search for your program. It is very likely that others have had the
same problem and posted solutions.
<p>3. If all else fails, email the author. Most program authors are very
interested in improving their program and bug reports/suggested improvements
are usually well received (remember: this is linux, not commercial software.)
Note: your bug report had better say something more than "it did not compile"!
I usually email the last 10, or so, lines from the xterm compile window
so the author can see exactly where it died. If I really like the program,
I will email the author after every new version and give him/her as much
useable feedback as I can. Please note: programmers are humans too - they
go on two week vacations, change jobs and locations, and some even have
to go to class once in a while, so do not expect an immediate reply.
<p STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.00cm">Lastly, there are some programs that have
unique compile setups: qt and the kernel come immediately to mind. To compile
them, I will beat the horse one last time: read the README and INSTALL
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, JC Pollman <BR>
Published in Issue 38 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, March 1999</H5></center>
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