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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 37: Ahh ... The Toils of Time</TITLE>
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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Guy</font>
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<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Ahh ... The Toils of Time</H3>
<p><strong>From cly on Mon, 11 Jan 1999
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Ahh ... The Toils of Time
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<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My problem is, that the system clock runs too fast,
about 4 mins/3 days.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's a pretty bad clock. However, there are ways to
cope with it.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
It's a big problem, because this server is time server for some
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Are you using timed, xntpd or some other time
synchronization server/protocol?
If you have a dedicated connection to the Internet,
I'd recommend using xntpd --- and thus using the
NTP protocol.
This is a complex protocol with largely inaccessible
documentation. So far as the average sysadmin is
concerned it should simply be a matter of installing
xntpd on one or more Internet accessible (bastion)
hosts --- such as your nameserver and external
mail relay, and providing it with a suitable
configuration file.
Mine looks like:
<BR>server nebu1-atm.ucsd.edu ## (
<BR>server ns.scruz.net ## (
<BR>server # local clock (LCL)
<BR>fudge stratum 10 # LCL is unsynchronized
<BR>driftfile <TT>/etc/ntp.drift</TT>
... note that the servers I've chosen are listed among
the Stratum-2 (secondary) public time servers at
the NTP web pages:
<A HREF="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp"
... also note that you should ping and run ntpdate
against any of these before you try to use them as
one of your xntpd time source servers. (This list
is sadly out of date --- and includes hosts which
haven't responded to my pings and time requests
in a couple of years --- and that's just from a
sampling of the ones in California!).
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First you need to
ensure that your clock is even close (within 1000 seconds)
of the correct time before you load the xntpd daemon.
So, during startup you should run the 'ntpdate' command
to set your system time. (I also run the <TT>/sbin/clock</TT> -w
command to write the system time to the CMOS hardware
clock --- and have a cron job to repeat that command
once a day).
Using this technique during startup you have your
system time in the right ballpark. (The cron job also
limits how far off your CMOS/hardware clock can drift).
Then you have your startup scripts load the NTP daemon
after your networking interfaces and routes have been
established. Then this daemon will periodically poll
its time servers, measuring the networking delays and
arriving at a precise approximation of the UTC time.
I gather that the default is every 17 minutes. You'll
see UDP traffic between port 123 on the clients and
I recommend that you configure at least one exposed
(bastion) server with xntpd and another one or
two internal hosts which access the externally visible
one. Then all of your internal systems can access
the internal (stratum-4) time servers. If you have
less than a hundred systems your external systems
should probably refer to stratum-2 servers (to limit
the load on the primary (stratum-1) servers).
You can also buy hardware clocks which xntpd can use
to set the time. Some of them are radio clocks, other
monitor GPS (global positioning system) or Loran signals
(which would also be considered "radio" clocks I guess)
and others are high precision clocks embedded on PC or other
Thus, if you connect a GPS or Loran based high precision
clock to one of your servers you can be your own stratum-1
time source. (If you go to the expense of buying one of
these --- and they can cost over $1000 US --- I highly
recommend that you make that server publicly available as a
primary NTP server).
I gather that there are also modem based time services that
are supported by the NTP package. I have yet to see any
configuration examples for using these.
It has sometimes been the experience that the local clock oscillator
frequency error is too large for the NTP discipline algorithm, which
can correct frequency errors as large as 30 seconds per day. There are
two possibilities that may result in this problem. First, the hardware
time- of-year clock chip must be disabled when using NTP, since this
can destabilize the discipline process. This is usually done using the
tickadj program and the -s command line argument, but other means may
be necessary. For instance, in the Sun Solaris kernel, this must be
done using a command in the system startup file.
... in your case your system may require a bit of extra
work to get xntpd working reliably. You're experiencing
over a minute per day in slew --- so you'll almost
certainly need read these details from the NTP home page.
As I've said --- the biggest failing in the xntpd package
is that the documentation is written like a doctoral thesis.
It add incredible complexity to a process that should be
very simple to the "user" (the typical sysadmin, in this
Another problem with the whole system (protocol, utilities
etc) is that it's designed for systems with dedicated
Internet connections. No provisions or suggestions are made
for those of us with dial-up (dial on demand) connection
over modems, ISDN lines, etc.
My solution was to create a cron job that kill the
xntpd on my internal time server once every day ---
fired up my link to the 'net, ran 'ntpdate' against
three different servers and then restarted the daemon.
This is specifically NOT recommended in the NTP
documentation. They are concerned that the sudden
change in time might confuse some daemons and processes.
However, it seems to be the only choice for those of us
that want to maintain reasonable time synchronization
but don't have the money to spend on dedicated internet
connections and/or hardware clocks.
You can find a list of those high precision time clocks
at the NTP web pages. I'm must sorry that you'll have to
muddle through all that erudite prose to get at the
information you want.
(Meanwhile I have changed my network and I do have
a dedicated connection (DSL) now. So if anyone wants
to send me a good GPS PC/clock I'll be happy to set up
an ntp.starshine.org public time server
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My config:
<A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> 3.5 with 2.0.36 kernel on iP200MMX
<br>What to do?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I hope that helps. I don't know if xntpd is
included with Slackware --- but you can certainly find
and build the source package from any good Linux archive
site or from the NTP home pages that I've listed above.
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1999, James T. Dennis
<BR>Published in <I>The Linux Gazette</I> Issue 37 February 1999</H5>
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