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<title>More 2 Cent Tips & Tricks LG #35</title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><A NAME="tips"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/twocent.gif">
More 2&#162; Tips!</A></H1> <BR>
Send Linux Tips and Tricks to <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#trapp">
NumLock - On at Startup
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#milmeister">
Environment configuration using zsh
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#inder">
XWindow servers for MS PCs
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#williams">
Simultaneous color depths for X
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#kaufman">
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#jablecki">
Hard Disk Duplication - Update
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#baldwin">
Back Ups
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#young">
ANSWER: Re: suggestion for Linux security feature
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#wood">
ANSWER: Re: How to add disk space to Red Hat 5.1?
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#wood2">
ANSWER: Re: Win95 peer-to-peer vs. Linux server running Samba
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#wood3">
ANSWER: Re: Single IP Address & Many Servers. Possible?
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#pritzkau">
ANSWER: Re: Help Modem+HP
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips35.html#irwin">
ANSWER: Re: Suggestion for Linux security
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="trapp"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">NumLock - On at Startup</font>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 09:37:58 -0500<BR>
From: Brian Trapp, <A HREF="mailto:bmtrapp@acsu.buffalo.edu">
Here's a 2 cent tip for others trying to turn NumLock on at startup (I'm
using Red Hat 5.1, Linux 2.0.34)
Dennis van Dok wrote in to let us know there's a program called
"setleds" that will handle this kind of activity. The "Linux FAQ"
http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/faqs/section7.html#q_7_10 has this to say
about how to set this up automatically.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Question 7.10. How do I get NUM LOCK to default to on ?<BR>
Use the setleds program, for example (in /etc/rc.local or one of the /etc/rc.d/* files):
<tt>for t in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</tt><BR>
<tt>setleds +num &lt; /dev/tty$t &gt; /dev/null</tt><BR>
setleds is part of the KDB package (see Q7.9 `How do I remap my keyboard to
UK, French, etc. ?').<BR>
Alternatively, patch your kernel. You need to arrange for KBD_DEFLEDS to be
defined to (1 &lt;&lt; VC_NUMLOCK) when compiling
</font> </blockquote>
Steve Head also wrote in saying he thought there was a setting in the
X11 configuration file to change this, but I haven't had a chance to try that
Again -- the Linux community comes through. Thanks to all who helped.
Brian Trapp
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="milmeister"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">Environment configuration using zsh</font>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 02:27:39 +0100<BR>
From: Gerard Milmeister, <A HREF="mailto:gemi@bluewin.ch">gemi@bluewin.ch</A>
It may happen that I want to use a software package which includes
lots of binaries, sometimes even hundreds of them as is the case
with BRLCAD. These packages live in their own directories, for example
/usr/local/brlcad/bin, /usr/local/brlcad/lib etc. I don't want to cp,
mv or ln the binaries in a common place like /usr/local/bin as they
would clutter up these directories and, more important, name clashes
can arise. Furthermore these packages require environment variables to
be set, and it would be cumbersome to configure these in a personal
.zshrc file.
The following method using zsh may help to quickly set up an
environment appropriate for the specific package.
The idea is, that calling a script, e.g. brlcad_setup, living in a
common place, will make a new instance of shell properly set up. Using
zsh it is possible to modularize the configuration, such that it is
possible build up a general configuration tool.
In the directory /usr/local/brlcad I put the following shell script,
linked into /usr/local/bin:
export BRLCADHOME=3D/usr/local/brlcad # (*)
export PATH=3D$BRLCADHOME/bin:$PATH # (*)
export MANPATH=3D$BRLCADHOME/man # (*)
export ZDOTDIR=3D/usr/local/lib/zsh # (**)
export PSNAME=3Dbrlcad # (**)
exec zsh # (1) (**)
In /usr/local/lib/zsh there is a replacement .zshenv file:
. ~HOME/.zshrc
This is called at (1) in place of the user's .zshenv and will set up
the prompt, so that the user is able to see in what environment he
works. The lines (*) are the customization for the particular
package. The lines (**) can be used as a template for other
configuration scripts, with PSNAME set to the name of the package. I
have created scripts for gpm (Modula-2 compiler, name clash with the
console mouse driver), brlcad and bmrt.
Example session:
[gemi]:~:$brlcad_setup =
[brlcad:gemi]:~:$bmrt_setup =
[bmrt:brlcad:gemi]:~:$gpm_setup =
At each level, the PATH configuration and other environment variables
are available for the packages displayed in the prompt, and will
disappear as soon as a shell is exited.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="inder"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">XWindow servers for MS PCs</font>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 17:09:58 +1300<BR>
From: Mark Inder, <A HREF="mailto:mark@tts.co.nz">mark@tts.co.nz</A>
A while ago I inquired about X Windows servers for PC's so that I could run
my Linux GUI on my PC for administration etc..
I got about 32 replies. Great support! I have summarized the replies
here in case anybody else is interested.
I tried the MI/X and VNC. I found MI/X tricky and not very solid, and VNC
to be amazingly flexible. Try viewing your own desktop from another PC
while viewing that PC's desktop.
<li>XAppeal from <A HREF="ftp://ftp.xtreme.it/pub/xappeal">
<li>There's a freeware X server at <A HREF="http://www.microimages.com/">
<li>$99 XwinPro, <A HREF="http://www.labf.com/">http://www.labf.com/</A>
<li>StarNet Communications Corporation, <A HREF="http://www.starnet.com/">
<li>Yahoo has a Page that has links to various X servers (Mix and Starnet
ones are listed here also):
<li>try the list at <A
<li>There are all kinds of shareware X servers for win32, take a look at
<A HREF="http://www.winfiles.com/">http://www.winfiles.com</A> for a listing. The best server you'll probably find is
Hummingbird Software's <B>eXceed</B>.
<li>Try looking for a product called XWIN32, it's not shareware but it is
quite cheap ( compared to exceed and the like ).
<li>Try getting the demo X-Win32 from <A HREF="http://www.starnet.com/">
<li>Here you will find a lot of info about X:<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.rahul.net/kenton/xsites.framed.html">
<li>Check <A HREF="http://www.starnet.com/">http://www.starnet.com/</A> and poke "Product Demos"
Mark Inder
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="williams"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">Simultaneous color depths for X</font>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 16:47:34 -0500<BR>
From: Adam Williams, <A HREF="mailto:awillia1@chuma.cas.usf.edu">
With this technique you can run several X servers simultaneously with
different color depths. This comes in handy for interoperating programs
only support a few color depths or previewing
images in different color depths, all without quitting the current
session or so much as opening a Control Panel.
Create a startx file for every bit depth called startx8, startx16, or
startx24. Give yourself execute permission on those.
In each startx file put the following, which is a slightly modified
version of the
default startx:
if [ -f $userclientrc ]; then
else if [ -f $sysclientrc ]; then
if [ -f $userserverrc ]; then
else if [ -f $sysserverrc ]; then
while [ "x$1" != "x" ]; do
case "$1" in
/''*|\.*) if [ "$whoseargs" = "client" ]; then
fi ;;
--) whoseargs="server" ;;
*) if [ "$whoseargs" = "client" ]; then
clientargs="$clientargs $1"
serverargs="$serverargs $1"
case "$1" in
:[0-9]) display="$1" ;;
fi ;;
serverargs="$serverargs $display -auth $HOME/.Xauthority -bpp $depth"
xauth add $display . $mcookie
xauth add `hostname -f`$display . $mcookie
echo "xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs"
exec xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs
Change the display and depth variables to different numbers for every
startx file.
For example:b4
For an 8 bit server set depth=8 and display=:0<BR>
For a 16 bit server set depth=16 and display=:1<BR>
For a 24 bit server set depth=24 and display=:2<BR>
You can even have several startx files for the same bit depth as long
as the display variables are different.
Now you can start up an 8 bit server with startx8. Open an xterm and
type startx16 to get a 16 bit server without quitting the 8 bit
server. You can switch between servers using the Ctrl-Alt-F keys.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="kaufman"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">Netscape</font>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:25:13 -0600<BR>
From: Jim Kaufman, <A
You recently published the following tip:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Nevertheless, Netscape seems to create a directory nsmail in the user's
home directory every time it starts and doesn't find it, even if mail is
not used. This is annoying. Here's a trick which doesn't make this
directory go away, but at least makes it invisible.
</font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
I didn't find a GUI equivalent to change this setting so you have to do the
following: <BR>
Edit the file ~/.netscape/preferences.js and change all occurrences of
'nsmail' to '.netscape'. The important thing here is, of course, the
leading dot before 'netscape'.
</font> </blockquote>
My recommendation is to edit ~/.netscape/preferences.js and change the
occurrences of 'nsmail' to '~/Mail' That way, netscape can display mail if I
choose, or I can use another mail reader (elm, mutt, pine, etc.) configured
to use the same directory.
James M. Kaufman
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="jablecki"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">Hard Disk Duplication - Update</font>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 23:41:06 -0800<BR>
From: Michael Jablecki, <A HREF="mailto:mcjablec@ucsd.edu">
The Ingot program did not work well for me. Power Quest has, IMHO, a
superior product for less money -- drive image. Good stuff!
<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/">http://www.powerquest.com</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="baldwin"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">Back Ups</font>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 03:46:10 +0000<BR>
From: Anthony Baldwin, <A HREF="mailto:ab@spkypc.demon.co.uk">
Here's my two cent tip:<BR>
Disk space is relatively cheap, so why not buy a small drive
say 500Meg which is used for holding just the root /lib /bin
/sbin directories. Then setup a job to automatically back this
up to another drive using "cp -ax" (and possibly pipe it through
gzip and tar). This way when the unthinkable happens and you
loose something vital, all you have to do is boot from floppy
mount the 2 drives and do a copy.
This has just saved my bacon while installing gnu-libc2
-- <BR>
Anthony Baldwin
<P> <hr> <P>
<H4><font color="maroon">
Tips in the following section are answers to questions printed in the Mail
Bag column of previous issues.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="young"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: suggestion for Linux security
feature </font>
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 01:10:10 -0700<BR>
From: Warren Young, <A HREF="mailto:tangent@cyberport.com">
In regards to a letter you wrote to the Linux Gazette:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
A. only that user could access their own cache, cookies, pointer files,
</font> </blockquote>
I will first assume that you already have the computer basically
secured: you are not logging in as "root" except to maintain the
system, and the "regular user" account you are using does not
have permission to write files to any other area of the hard disc
than your own home directory. (I will ignore the "temporary"
and other "public" directories.)
The first step is to set the security permissions on your home
directory and its subdirectories. I won't go into the details
here (that's best left to a good introductory Linux text), but
you can have the system disallow other users from reading and/or
listing the contents of your directories, as well as disallowing
write access. (Under Red Hat Linux 5.0, the default is to disallow
others _all_ access to your home directory, but subdirectories you
later create aren't protected in this way.) Do the same for your
existing files.
Next, learn to use the "umask" command. (This command is part of
your shell -- find out what your "login shell" is, and then read
its manual to find info about this command.) The umask command
sets the "default file permissions" for new files. For example,
you can make the system create new files and directories such that
only you can read them or write to them.
One other thing you should look into is an encrypting file system
driver. I seem to recall hearing of such a thing for Linux, but
I can't recall any details.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
I do not know how deleted files could be safeguarded in this way
</font> </blockquote>
It's possible to patch the OS so that the "unlink()" system call
always overwrites the file with zeros or something before it
removes the file from the file system. That would make the system
run slower at times, but that might be a worthwhile tradeoff for
you. That should be a fairly easy change to make to the kernel,
given that the source code is available. If you don't know how
to do this and are unwilling to learn, try asking on the Net for
someone to do this for you. You can probably find someone who's
willing just because it's an interesting thing to do.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
B. these files - the whole lot of them - could be scrubbed, wiped,
obliterated (that's why it's important for them to be in a
known and findable place) by their owner, without impairing the function
of the applications or the system, and without
disturbing similar such files for other users.
</font> </blockquote>
You list as criteria (to paraphrase) "without disturbing the system
for others", so the kernel idea above wouldn't work. Instead, you
would probably want a utility to do the same thing as the kernel
idea: overwrite the file (perhaps multiple times) with junk, and then
remove it. This, again, shouldn't be too hard to write, and I
wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't already exist. Such things
already exist for most other operating systems.... You could even
make it a fancy drag-and-drop X Windows application so you just drag
files to it like a Mac/Win95 "trash can" and it securely deletes the
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
C. it would be nice too if there were a way to prevent the copying of
certain files, and that would include copying by backup
programs (for example, I'm a Mac user and we use Retrospect to back up
some of our Macintoshes; there's a feature to suppress the
backing up of a particular directory by having a special character (a
"bullet", or optn-8) at the beginning or end of the directory
name.) But if this could be an OS-level feature, it would be stronger.
</font> </blockquote>
This sort of feature does not belong in the operating system because
"backup" is not part of the operating system, it's an add-on. The
reason that it's an add-on is because you want to allow each
individual to choose their own backup solution based on their own
needs, desires and preferences. I may want to use the BRU backup
program, while another might prefer "afio", and a third person may
be a raving "tar" fan.
The point is, it's not part of the OS, so several different backup
programs have emerged, each with a different style and feature
list. The price of this freedom and flexibility is that a feature
like "don't back this file up" is something that each program will
implement differently. It can't be part of the OS under this
model, and I don't think we want to change this.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
If I'm user X, and I want to get rid of my computer, or get rid of
everything that's mine on the computer, I should just be able to
delete all of my data files (and burn them or wipe them or otherwise
overwrite that area of the disk), which I can surely do
today. But in addition, I should know where to go to do the same thing
with whatever system level files might be out there,
currently unbeknownst to me, and be able to expunge them also, without
affecting anything for anyone else.
</font> </blockquote>
The safest method is to erase the hard disk with a "government
level wipe" program. Many of these exist for DOS -- you can create
a DOS disk for the sole purpose of booting up and wiping your system.
Then, install a fresh copy of the OS. This is the only way you can
be sure that everything sensitive is off of the machine.
The only other option is for you to learn where all of the
"individual configuration" files are kept -- that is, those files
that make your setup unique. Following the security suggestions
above can help, because then applications can't store something
where you can't find it -- the OS won't let it, and thus everything
is either under your home directory, or somewhere you put it as
"root". But, you may miss a file, so the "wipe the HD" is the only
foolproof method.
Good luck,<BR>
Warren -- http://www.cyberport.com/~tangent/
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="wood"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: How to add disk space to Red Hat 5.1?</font>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:43:35 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: R Garth Wood, <A HREF="mailto:rgwood@peace.netnation.com">
0 init 1
1 mount your drive on /mnt **(see below)
2 cp -dpR /usr /mnt
3 umount /mnt
4 mount your drive on /usr
5 init 2
6 rejoice
** recompile your kernel. make sure you have the options needed
in the HOWTO: <A
R Garth Wood
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="wood2"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: Win95 peer-to-peer vs. Linux server running
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:36:15 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: R Garth Wood, <A HREF="mailto:rgwood@peace.netnation.com">
The advantages are:
<li>It won't go down
<li>You don't have to use a good machine
<li>you can print from UNIX as well
<li>you can do other things on it as well
R Garth Wood
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="wood3"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: Single IP Address & Many Servers.
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:27:50 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: R Garth Wood, <A HREF="mailto:rgwood@peace.netnation.com">
Look into the programs "redir" and "rinetd".
R Garth Wood
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="pritzkau"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: Help Modem+HP</font>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 03:24:36 -0800<BR>
From: "David P. Pritzkau", <A HREF="mailto:pritzkau@leland.Stanford.EDU">
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
In issue 33 of the Linux Gazette you wrote:<BR>
I have already spent hours trying to fix my Supra336 PnP internal modem and my HP DeskJet 720C under Linux! The result is always the same, no
communication with the modem and no page printed on the HP printer! Could someone help me, I am close to abandon!
</font> </blockquote>
I've had the same problem with the HP820 printer. It turns out that the
'20 series printers use a protocol called PPA unlike the PCL protocols
that HP uses for its other printers. Basically Windows uses software to
print to these printers. Fortunately there's somebody out there who was
able to figure out some of that protocol (since HP isn't releasing any
info). This person created a PPA to PBM converter to allow printing
under Linux. Right now you can only print in black and white, but
that's better than nothing. If you are shopping for a printer and plan
to use Linux, you should avoid the '20 series HP printers like the
plague. Here's the URL where you can find more info about the converter
and download it. It comes with sample scripts to setup the printing.
Keep in mind that you must change the 'enscript' command in the scripts
to 'nenscript' because enscript is a commercial program. Also take out
the '-r' switch since 'nenscript' doesn't support it. Hope this helps.
<A HREF="http://www.rpi.edu/~normat/technical/ppa/index.html">
David P. Pritzkau
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="irwin"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">Re: Suggestion for Linux security
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 11:17:18 +0100<BR>
From: Roger Irwin, <A HREF="mailto:irwin@mail.com">irwin@mail.com</A>
Linux already does most of what you said (example, netscape cache
cookie files are kept in a .netscape file in your home that cannot be
accessed by other users).
As for delete, this can easily be done by a user file that opens the
file for random access and writes x's everywhere before deleting. Have
seen such utilities around for virtually all platforms (as it only
requires ANSI C calls, you could easily write a command that compiles
onto any platform. It is slow, and could be slightly improved by being
done in kernel space. If you want to try, I suggest that you start by
reading Alessandro Rubini's book "Writing Linux Kernel Device Drivers".
This will give you an easy and gentle introduction to programming in
Kernel space. Once you have got the hang of that, you should read
through the documentation for the e2fs. Then implement a simple draft
version. Once you have it working, post it to the Linux Kernel
development mailing list, and the kernel hackers will guide you from
DO NOT approach the kernel list with ideas you are thinking about doing.
It is not that they are unresponsive, but there are a lot of Linux users
and with a lot of ideas, they could easily be submerged. In order to
avoid time wasters, they are forced to adopt a 'first show me the code'
attitude. This is not a bad thing as when one starts to actually
implement something (rather than dream about it) you begin to realize
WHY it has not yet been done.
Once you actually have something, even a first draft that only vaguely
works, you will find kernel developers very responsive and helpful.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 35, December 1998</center>
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<h5>This page maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
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Copyright &copy; 1998 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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