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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 34:
Test Suites for GNU and other Open Source (TM) Software
Is there a testsuite for glibc v2.0.x?
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
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<H3><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)"
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>Test Suites for GNU and other Open Source (TM) Software</H3>
<p><strong>From Steve Snyder on 20 Sep 1998 </strong></p>
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<p><strong>Is there a validation test suite for glibc v2.0.x? I mean a more
comprehensive set of tests than are run by "<tt>make check</tt>" after
building the runtime libraries.
<blockquote><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)" height="28" width="50" align="bottom">Not that I know of. I guess the conventional wisdom
is that if I install glibc, and a bunch of sources and
I compile the sources against the libc and run all of them
--- that failures will somehow be "obvious."
<blockquote>Personally I think that this is stupid. Obviously it mostly
works for most of us most of the time. However, it would be
nice to have full test and regression suites that exercise a
large range of functions for each package --- and to
include these (and the input and reference data sets) in the
<blockquote>It would also be nice if every one of them included a
"fuzz" script (calling the program with random combinations
of available options, switches and inputs --- particularly
with a list of the available options). This could test
the programs for robustness in the face of errors and
might even find some buffer overflows other bugs.
<blockquote>However, I'm not a programmer. I used to do some quality
assurance --- and that whole segment of the market seems
to be in a sad state. I learned (when I studied
programming) that the documentation and the test suite
should be developed as part of the project. User and
programmer documentation should lead the coding (with
QA cycles and user reviews of the <EM>proposed</EM> user
interfaces, command sets, etc, prior to coding.
<blockquote>The "whitebox" test suites should be developed incrementally
as parts of the code are delivered (if I write a function
that will be used in the project, some QA whiteboxer should
write a small specialized program that calls this function
with a range of valid and invalid inputs and tests the
function's behaviour against a suite that just applies to
<blockquote>Recently I decided that <tt>md5sum</tt> really needs an option
to read filenames from stdin. I want do write some
scripts that essentially do:
<code>'find .... -print0 | md5sum -0f '
<blockquote>... kind of like '<TT>cpio</TT>' Actually I really want to do:
<code>'rpm -qal | regular.files | md5sum -f'
<blockquote>... to generate some relatively large checksum files
for later use with the '<tt>-c</tt>' option. This '<TT>rpm</TT>' command
will "Query All packages for a List of all files. The
<tt>regular.files</tt> filter is just a short shell script that
## This uses the test command to filter out filenames that
## refer to anything other than regular files (directories,
## Unix domain sockets, device nodes, FIFO/named pipes, etc)
while read i ; do
[ -f "$i" ] &amp;&amp; echo "$i"
<blockquote>So I grabbed the textutils sources, created a few
sets of md5sum files from my local files (using
'<tt>xargs</tt>'). Those are my test data sets.
<blockquote>Then I got into <tt>md5sum.c</tt>, added the command options,
cut and pasted some parts of the existing functions
into a new function, and what able to get it cleanly
compiling in a couple hours. I said I'm not a programmer
didn't I. I think a decent programmer could have done
this in about an hour.
<blockquote>Then I ran several tests. I ran the "<tt>make check</tt>" tests,
and used the new version's <tt>-c</tt> to check my test sets.
I then used same script that generated those to generate
a new set using the new version/binary. I then compared
those (using '<TT>cmp</TT>' and '<tt>diff</tt>') and checked them with
the old version. Then I generated new ones (with the
new switch I'd added, and again with the old version)
and cross check them again.
<blockquote>This new version allows you to to use stdin or pass
a filename which contains a list of files to checksum
--- it uses the <tt>--filelist</tt> long argument as well as
the <tt>-f</tt> short form; and you can use <tt>-f -</tt> or just
<tt>-f</tt> to
use stdin. I didn't implement the <tt>-0</tt> (<tt>--null</tt>)
--- but I did put in the placeholders in the code where
it could be done.
<blockquote>The point here is that I had a test suite that was longer
than the code. I also spent more time testing and
documenting (writing a note to Ulrich Drepper, the
original author of this package to offer the patches to
him) than I did on coding.
<p><strong><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)" height="28" width="50" align=""bottom">Though a benchmarking component would be nice, my main concern is
to verify that all (or at least the vast majority) of the library
function work correctly. What I want to know is, given a specific
compiler and a specific version of glibc source files, how can I
verify that the libraries built are reliable?
<blockquote><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)" height="28" width="50" align="bottom">By testing them. Unfortunately, that may mean that
you'll have to write your own test suites. You may
have to start a GNU/new project to create test suites.
<blockquote>It is likely that most of the developers and maintainers
of these packages have test suites that they run before
they post their new versions. It would be nice if they
posted the test suites <em>as part of the source package</em>
--- and opened the testing part of the project to the
open development model.
<blockquote>In addition these test suites and harnesses (the scripts
to create isolated and sample directory structures, etc)
to run a program (or library) through its paces) would
serve as a great addition to the documentation.
<blockquote>I find '<TT>man</TT>' pages to be incredibly dense. They are
find if you know enough about the package that you are
just looking for a specific feature, that you think
<em>might</em> be there, or one that you <EM>know</EM> is in there
somewhere --- but you don't remember the switch or the
syntax. However, a test harness, script, and set of
associated inputs, outputs, and configurations files would
give plenty of examples of how the bloody thing is
<em>supposed</em> to work. I often have to hunt for examples
--- this would help.
<p><strong><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)" height="28" width="50" align=""bottom">The specific version I want to test is the glibc v2.0.7 that comes
with RH Linux v5.1 and updated after 5.1 release by package
glibc-2.0.7-19.src.rpm. I think that such a testsuite, though, if
it exists, would be applicable to any platform.
<blockquote><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)" height="28" width="50" align="bottom">I agree. I just wish I could really co-ordinate such
a project. I think this is another example where our
academic communities could really help. Before I've
said that I would like to see the "adopt a '<TT>man</TT>' page
project" --- where college and university professors
even high school teachers from around the world assign
a job to their students:
<blockquote>Find a command or package for Linux, <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/">FreeBSD</A>,
etc. Read the man pages and other docs.
Find one way that the command is used or useful
that is not listed the "examples" section of
that man page. Write a canonical example of
that command variant.
<blockquote>... they would get graded on their work --- and any A's
would be encouraged (solely at their option) to submit
the recommended example as a patch to the maintainer of
the package.
<blockquote>Similar assigments would be given for system calls, library
functions, etc (as appropriate to the various classes and
class segments).
<blockquote>Along with this, we could have a process by which students
are encouraged to find bugs in existing real world software
--- write test suites and scripts to test for the recurrence
of these bugs in future versions (regressions), and submit
the tests to that package's maintainer.
<blockquote>The problem with all of this is that testing is not
glamorous. It is boring for most people. Everyone
knows Richard M. Stallman's and Linus Torvalds' names
--- but fewer people remember the names of the other
programmers that they work with and no one know who
contributed "just the testing."
<blockquote>There are methods that can be used to many detect bugs quicker
and more reliably than by waiting until users "bump into"
them. These won't be comprehensive. They won't catch
"all" of the bugs. However, people will "bump" into enough
bugs in normal usage, even if we employ the best principles
of QA practice across the board.
<blockquote>Unfortunately I don't have the time to really devote to
such a project. I devote most of my "free" time to the
tech support department. I do have spare machine cycles.
could gladly devote time to running these tests
and reporting results. Obviously some tests require whole
networks, preferably disconnected ones, on which to
run safely. Setting up such test beds, and designing
tests that return meaningful results is difficult work.
<blockquote>I personally think that good test harnesses are often
harder to design than the programs that they are designed
to test.
<p><strong><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)" height="28" width="50" align=""bottom">Thank you.
<br>***** Steve Snyder *****
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
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Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 34 November 1998</H5>
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