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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 32:
How to read DVI files?
How to read DVI files?
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a>
<BR>Starshine Technical Services, <A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)"
width="50" height="28" align="left" border="0"
>How to read DVI files? </H3>
<p><strong>From Gregory F.I. Sewbalak on 20 Aug 1998 </strong></p>
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<strong><p>Dear Answer Guy,
<strong><p>A few weeks ago I've purchased the S.u.S.e. 5.2.
<strong><p>With this 6 CD-Box there was no user manual available, therefore I
tried to read the "books.dvi" on the CD. However, I don't seem to
succeed in opening this file, because I don't know which program I
need to do so! So, with which program can I read the dvi-files and
the psz-files?
<strong><p>Reminder: I used to be a Microsoft fan, but since I've tried
<a href="http://www.redhat.com/">RedHat</a>
5.0 I've completely switched to Linux! How about that?!!
<strong><p>Yours Sincerely,
<br>Gregory F.I. Sewbalak
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>.dvi files are created by the TeX and LaTeX typesetting
(desktop publishing) packages. These are in a "device
independent" format --- and are normally processed further
by printer drive like '<tt>dvips</tt>' or '<tt>dvilj</tt>' (for PostScript
and LaserJet printers respectively).
<blockquote>If you have the X Window System up and running you can use
'<tt>xdvi</tt>' to "<tt>preview</tt>" these (view them on screen). You could
also use '<tt>dvips</tt>' to generate a Postscript file and use '<tt>ghostview</tt>'
or '<tt>gv</tt>' (both are PostScript viewers for X) to view them.
<blockquote>When you have questions of this sort it's often helpful to
use the '<tt>apropos</tt>' or '<tt>man -k</tt>' command to get a list of commands
and man pages that may related to some key word. Thus, on my
<A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</A> 5.1 system typing the command:
<tt>man -k dvi</tt> gives me:
<pre>dvi2tty (1) - preview a TeX DVI-file on an ordinary ascii terminal
dvibook (1) - rearrange pages in DVI file into signatures
dviconcat (1) - concatenate DVI files
dvilj (1) - convert dvi files to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvips (1) - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvired (1) - print dvi-files
dviselect (1) - extract pages from DVI files
dvitodvi (1) - rearrange pages in a DVI file
dvitype (1) - translate a dvi file for humans
grodvi (1) - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
xdvi (1) - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
<blockquote>... and reading those would give me some cross references.
<blockquote>Allegedly there are also SVGAlib dvi and PostScript viewers
--- though I've never used one. One of these day I'll hunt
one down and play with it. Although my wife doesn't mind
running X on the old 386 --- it seems too slow to me (I finally
changed to this 150Mhz Pentium system that I built because
I've been using <tt>xdvi</tt> and <tt>Gnus</tt> so much)..
<blockquote><em>[In fact, I'm using it right now, very effectively. But I'm
cheating... I'm really using the networking power of X. Betel, our
VarStation II, is running Netscape and two sterms for me, and Antares
is just serving display, keyboard and pointer functions to my desktop.
<br>-- Heather]</em></blockquote>
<blockquote>The TeX typesetting language, and the LaTeX set of macros
for it, are very popular among academic and technical
publishers. The system was orginally created by Donald
Knuth --- the most respected professor in the field of
programming. He designed it and the the WEB &quot;Literate
Programming&quot; system while he was writing the first editions
of his &quot;<em>Art of Computer Programming</em>&quot; series (between the
2nd and 3rd volumes, if I recall correctly).
<blockquote>TeX is not just a typesetting language like troff --- it
is an extensible programming language for creating typesetting
commands. Leslie Lamport used this facet of the system to
create a set of macros, LaTeX, to allow people to focus on
a document's structure and let his macros and the TeX system
do almost all of the page layout.
<blockquote>Thus a bit of plain text like the following:
<pre>% Template for a LaTeX Letter
\name{Jim Dennis}
\address{903 Harriet Ave.\ \\Campbell, CA 95008-5119}
%% for each letter do:
\begin{letter} {%
\\ % full name and title
\\ % address
} % city, state, zip-code
\opening{Dear %
% greeting name
\signature{Jim Dennis,}
%% end letter (Repeat as necessary)
<blockquote>... is all you need to create nicely typeset letters.
Basically you just fill in the blanks, run a command like:
<blockquote><blockquote><code>latex myletter.tex
<blockquote>.. and (if all goes well) send the <tt>.dvi</tt> file to the printer
(or run it through the '<tt>dvips</tt>' command and then to the printer).
<blockquote>If you've been hearing about XML (the next generation
"extensible" enhancements to HTML) then this should give you
an idea of what they're doing. LaTeX and TeX are extensible
--- and there are packages to do all kinds of interesting
and specialized typesetting and layout with them (things
like "chess" and "backgammon" diagramming and all sorts of
scientific and technical diagrams, tables and bibliographies).
<blockquote>(Frankly XML sounds like a bit of a mess --- something like
the old LU6.2 and APPC morass that my mainframer friends used
to describe).
<blockquote>The problem for many people is that this mode of thinking
and working is totally alien. They're used to WYSIWIG
interfaces and manual/visual layout (make it "look right"
rather than "make it clear what you mean").
<blockquote>There are some efforts to provide a friendlier interface
to LaTeX --- the most notable is "LyX" (pronounced "licks")
and the <A HREF="http://www.kde.org/">KDE</A> variant called <tt>KLyX</tt>).
You can read more about
LyX at its own web site: <A HREF="http://www.lyx.org">http://www.lyx.org</A>
<blockquote>Anyway, I hope that helps.
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<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)"
width="50" height="28" align="left" border="0"
>How to read DVI files?</H3>
<p><strong>From Gregory F.I. Sewbalak on 22 Aug 1998</strong></p>
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<p><strong>Thanks for the explanation!
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1998, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 32 September 1998</H5>
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