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<title>UniForum Press Release 2 LG #29</title>
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Thursday, May 21, 1998
Ralph Nader's Consumer Activists Meet UniForum's Open Computing Advocates;
Monopoly Fighters and Open Standards Experts Talk Strategy
Columbia, MD - At the UniForum Association's Spring '98 Conference in Ocean
City, MD, Ralph Nader and his pro-competition, anti-monopoly campaign met
with the ideas and achievements of the UniForum Association, an international
association of computer professionals that has long advocated a more diverse
and interoperable marketplace. The participation of public-interest activists
in a forward-looking industry conference produced some new ideas and
potential alliances in their collective battle for user empowerment.
At a keynote presentation on Monday, May 18th, Nader lauded the contribution
that the open standards movement has made so far, citing TCP/IP and Linux as
examples of what a free and interoperable computing marketplace can do. He
went on to acknowledge open technologies like Unix and Apache as critical
elements in the Internet explosion of the past several years, and the role
that the Open Source movement played in inspiring Netscape to open their
Communicator source code to the public.
Citing his own experiences as a consumer activist, he urged conference
attendees to consider government procurement policies, and how they might be
utilized and influenced to better serve the cause of open computing.
Historically, he pointed out, the standardization of many different industries
has started with meeting the requirements of the federal government.
Additionally, he pointed out that this might also be one of the best ways to
increase private sector acceptance of open computing.
Many attendees said they found Nader's angle enlightening; the activist
approach clearly put some new ideas into the mix, and put a new spin on some
old ideas. After signing autographs for his new book, Nader and his colleagues
left the conference pledging to follow up with UniForum members on the issues
Especially interesting was the timing of the Justice Department's filings
against Microsoft the very same day. Some conference attendees reported that
the Department of Defense, while falling short in its required procurement of
UNIX 95-compliant products, was continuing to purchase non-compliant Windows
NT. So, while one hand of the federal government was attacking Microsoft as
monopolistic, the other was apparently failing to support the open
technologies that it was legally required to purchase.
The UniForum Association is a non-profit membership organization advocating
the development and use of computing technologies based on open, public
standards. Open computing standards significantly increase the rate of
innovation and provides users with more choice in computing systems. The most
prominent example of the power of open standards is the Internet, built on an
open internetworking standard called TCP/IP, which is what enables the diverse
types of software and hardware to be linked together effectively.
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