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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 28: Some Thoughts on "The Man of the Century"</TITLE>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1 align="center"><A NAME="answer">
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<a href="./lg_answer28.html">The Answer Guy</a>
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A> </H4>
<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)" width="50" height="28"
align="left" border="0">Some Thoughts on "The Man of the Century"</H3>
<p><strong>From Brian Schramm on Sat, 11 Apr 1998 on the Linux Users Support
Team (<a href="http://www.unixzone.dk/lust/lustf1.html">L.U.S.T</a>)
Mailing List</strong></p>
I think this might interest... It arrived to me without the original
sender ID.
<hr width="10%">
The DALnet #Linux has started a movement to get Linus Torvalds voted as
Man of the Century. Their idea is to get a massive number of votes for
Linus, which would at least get the attention of Linux if nothing else.
They estimate that they need about 1 million votes to pull it off.
They've requested everybody to vote for Linus and to pass it along. The
category in which Linus is being placed also has a mention of Bill
Gates, so we've got some competition. If you would like more
information, see the URLs below.
<dt>Vote for Linus Torvalds:
<dd><A HREF="http://www.pathfinder.com/time/time100/time100poll.html"
<dt>Linus as Man of the Century Mailing List:
<dd><A HREF="mailto:linusmotc-request@merconline.com"
<hr width="10%">
When you vote the system gives you the present ratings. The category
where Linus shows now: </strong></p>
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" alt="(!)" width="50" height="28"
align="left" border="0">While
I have the utmost respect for Linus and feel greatly
indebted to him for Linux. I have reservations about this
First I have to say that the computer has not, in my opinion, been
the dominate development of this century. Although microcomputers
are the basis for my career and the principle tool in my hobbies
(writing and participating in newsgroups and mailing lists) --- I
have to step back and try to achieve a more objective view.
I'd rate the development of the telephone and our world wide
telecommunications infrastructure as roughly an order of magnitude
more important worldwide. Granted that modern telephony would be
impossible without the computer. The underlying importance of the
telephone has driven computers in large part (specifically in the
development of Unix --- at AT&T Bell Labs!). However, my sense of
history suggests that the impact of telephony was already evident
before that (when the vast majority of it was run by mechanical
relays and even by human switchboard operators).
Despite this I wouldn't even say that telephony is the most
important development of our century. I think that broadcast
media (radio and television) have at least twice as much impact
as the phone. The reason is that telephones primarily extend
our ability to communicate and shrink our time scales --- but they
are still mostly localised geographically and socially. The fact
that the technology allows me to call someone in Japan as easily as
I could call the local Pizza parlor doesn't matter much when I have
no acquaintances in Japan. The telephone doesn't most of us to really
connect with a significantly broader or larger set of associates
than were possible with old-fashioned postal correspondence.
Broadcast television has had quite a bit of effect on this country
and on most of the rest of the world. The results are fundamentally
different than anything that could be have been accomplished by
correspondence or other forms of individual association. Prior to
radio and television we didn't even have a word "broadcast."
I'd put publishing in the same league as broadcast media for potential.
However it is several centuries old. Also its potential has never been
as widely realized as broadcast media due to the simple hurdle of
<em>literacy</em>. This is not so simple as functional literacy. Many people
have sufficient academic skills to participate in our (or their) culture
--- but are not affected enough by any publications to really move
society. I personally consider television to have had a greater
effect on our culture based largely on the sheer number of hours that
people spend absorbing its emanations.
It doesn't matter how trite most of the "content" has been --- the
fact is that a largely percentage of the world's population has been
pacified for an astounding number of hours by TV's and movies (silver
screen). I'm not nearly so concerned by what television has caused
people to do as how much it may have prevented by its diversion.
Despite the its greater importance I still wouldn't say that television,
movies and other broadcast media is the <em>most</em> important development
in our century. There is one thing that's had even more effect over more
of the world that those.
I think I'd have to give the award to Henry Ford. Not only is the
automobile one of the most important and ubiquitous developments of
<em>this</em> century, but the manufacturing techniques and organisational
structures associated with Ford dominate the world's economy and literally
shape our cities.
So, despite the fact that Ford appears to have been anti-semitic and
to have held elitist views that would disgust many people today --- I'd
have to vote for him for <em>this</em> century.
That brings me back to Linus. I think we just might see the real effects
of the FSF and Linux later. It may be that people in 2098 will look back
and remark on how the spirit of co-operation that was fostered by
Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds (among many others) in the field of
microcomputer software fundamentally changed our culture's ethic and
economy. We might see radical changes to the publishing industry as
more content moves more unto the 'web' (by which I don't just mean HTML
carried over HTTP --- but in a broader sense I mean to include the
multi-cast communications we see in netnews and on these mailing lists).
This would have to be accompanied by radical solutions to the <em>real</em>
problems we face in the world today. We cannot continue to allow our
population and resource utilization to grow through another century.
In addition the current allocation of natural resources must be rationalized
before we can have a better world. If we continue to have less than
5% of the population accounting for 80% of the world's resource consumption
and continue to allow individual to rape the land that they "own" and
discard it when they've extracted the value from it then most of the
world's population will remain poor and miserable (and most of the
"developed" nations will see large parts of their own populations
degenerate into "third world" conditions). This is not "doom and
gloom" prophecy --- it's a simple matter of arithmetic. The question
is not "if" but "when" and I think the argument is over decades
rather than centuries.
So, if we're still in a position to concern ourselves about a
"person of the century" contest ten decades from now, I hope that
the standard of living for the rest of the world has improved
to the point where we can get more than a .05% participation
in the selection process. (There were less than 3 million votes
listed in the table that Paul quoted, and that's only 1% of
<em>just</em> the U.S. population --- which is about 5% of the world
population last I heard).
Who knows, we might then see a bit of national, racial, or even
gender diversity in the candidates! (Unfortunately that might
take way more than a century).
It's not very likely --- but I'd like to on the next century and be
astounded by the spread of altruistic collaboration from software into
other endeavors.
While I can't vote for Linus Torvalds as the man of this century I can
mark his accomplishment as one of the most amazing things I've ever
seen. He might leave a legacy that makes him the man of the next century!
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1998, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 28 May 1998</H5>
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