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<TITLE>Processes and Process Context</TITLE>
&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#3366FF"><FONT SIZE=+3>Threads</FONT></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;The majority of processes seen on operating systems
today are single threaded, meaning there is a single path of execution
within the process. Should a process have to perform many sub tasks during
it's operation then a single threaded process would sequence these tasks
in a serial manner, with each sub task being required to wait for the completion
of the previous sub task before commencement. Such an arrangement can lead
to great inefficiency in the use of the processor and in the apparent responsiveness
of the computer.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>An example can illustrate the advantages of having multiple
threads of execution as shown in the figure. Suppose a user wants to print
a document, a user process can be initiated to accept input from the operator
to select the print action and start the printing action. Should the user
process be required to check for further user commands subsequent to initiating
the print there are two options :</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>(i) the process can stop the printing periodically, poll
for user input, then continue printing, or</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>(ii) wait until printing has completed before accepting
user input.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Either of these alternatives slow down printing and/or
decrease responsiveness. By contrast a <I>multi-threaded </I>process can
have many paths of execution. A multi-threaded application can delegate
the print operation to a different thread of execution. The input thread
and print thread then run in parallel until printing is completed.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT>
<DIR><IMG SRC="../gx/flower/threads.gif" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=400></DIR>
<FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;Each thread has access to the allocated resources within
the process and can access global variables available to all threads. In
a multi-threaded process each thread 'believes' it has independent access
to its own 'virtual machine' with the <A HREF="schedule.html">scheduler</A>
being responsible for allocation of CPU quanta to threads to optimise throughput
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;Threads within the same task share resources such
as file pointers and code segments. Swapping between threads within a process
presents a much smaller overhead to the scheduler than swapping between
processes. This is because less context related data must be saved to enable
successful restoration of that context later. For this reason threads are
often known as 'light weight processes' (LWPs) with normal processes being
correspondingly known as heavyweight processes.<FONT FACE="Courier New">
</FONT>Typically, when a thread context switch is performed, only the program
counter and register set need to be saved in the PCB. Heavy-weight processes
typically don?t share such resources so when heavy-weight processes context
switch, all this additional info must be saved.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;Although threads have many advantages as described
above, they also have disadvantages, one of these being that any single
'rogue' thread within the process can cause the whole process to fail.
Programming threads is also more complex than for simple processes as kernel
code and libraries must have 100% re-entrant code. Special care must be
taken to ensure that pre-emption cannot occur within critical sections
of code within which inconsistencies could occur should another thread
gain access at the wrong time. Other such problem is "what happens if a
thread forks another process ?", it must be defined how threads within
a process are affected in this case.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT>
<UL><B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+1>Linux</FONT></FONT></B></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT></UL>
<UL><B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+1>Windows NT</FONT></FONT></B></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>There are two types of threads: user-space and kernel-space.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>User space threads consist of internal cooperative multitasking
switches between sub tasks defined with a process.&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>A thread may send a signal, perform it?s own switch or
be invoked by a timer to give up the thread of execution. The user stack
is then manipulated to save the thread context Switching is typically faster
for user threads than kernel threads.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>User threads have disadvantages in that starvation can
occur if one thread does not give up the CPU. Also should a thread become
blocked waiting on a resource, all other threads will be blocked as well.
User threads cannot take advantage of SMP systems should such a multi processor
environment be available.</FONT></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>Similarly to its implementation of processes, Windows
NT threads are implemented as Objects.&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Certain attributes of a thread may restrict or qualify
the attributes applicable to the overall process.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>The thread has a context attribute which allows the operating
system to correctly perform context switching as required.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>The Windows NT Posix subsystem does not support multi-threading,
though the OS/2 and Win 32 subsystems do.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>All threads are subject to manipulation by the kernel,
which will schedule their priority for access to the CPU. The kernel is
concerned with its own view of a thread called a <I>kernel thread object</I>.
The kernel does not use thread handles but instead accesses threads directly
from it's kernel process object.</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Windows NT threads support SMP, with individual threads
(and processes for that matter) having a defined <I>processor affinity
</I>which can define on which of a selection of available processors the
thread may be run.</FONT></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>Kernel-space threads may be implemented in the kernel
by allocation of a thread table to a process. The kernel schedules threads
within the time quantum allocated to the process.&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>This method requires slightly more overhead for context
switching but advantages include true pre-emption of tasks, thus overcoming
the starvation problem. I/O blocking is also no longer a problem. Threads
can automatically take advantage of SMPs with run time efficiency improving
linearly as CPUs are added.</FONT></UL>
<UL><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;</FONT></UL>
<DIV ALIGN=right>&nbsp;<A HREF="context.html"><IMG SRC="../gx/flower/cyan_lef.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=31 WIDTH=31></A><A HREF="page1.html"><IMG SRC="../gx/flower/cyan_up.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=31 WIDTH=31></A><A HREF="schedule.html"><IMG SRC="../gx/flower/cyan_rig.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=31 WIDTH=31></A></DIV>