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<title>Including RCS Keywords in LaTeX Documents Issue 20</title>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<H2>Including RCS Keywords in LaTeX Documents</H2>
<H4>By Robert Kiesling,
<a href="mailto:keisling@terracom.net">kiesling@terracom.net</a></H4>
<I>The GNU Revision Control System is generally considered a tool for
software development, but it is also useful for tracking revisions of
text documents. This article explains how to include and format RCS
keywords in LaTeX documents, and how to track document revisions using
these keywords.</I>
<p>Most discussions of the GNU Revision Control System occur in the
context of tracking source code revisions. But RCS can track
revisions of any type of file, text or binary, provided that the diff
utilities which generate RCS change files can handle binary data.
<p>RCS seems ready-made for working with LaTeX input files. The
pre-defined keyword identifiers built in to RCS are easy to format and
print. They provide ready information that can include the document's
author, its revision, filename, and, revision log entry. RCS also
provides facilities for user-defined identifiers.
<p>RCS is commonly included with the development software of Linux
distributions. The latest source code version of RCS is available
from <a href="ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu">ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu</a>
and its mirror sites.
<p>The ident(1) manual page has a list of the standard RCS keywords that
are generated when documents are checked out by RCS. They include:
<li>$Author: lg $: The login name of the person who checked in the
<li>$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $: The date and time the document was checked in.
<li>$RCSfile: latex.html,v $ The basename and extension of the RCS file.
<li>$Id: latex.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $: String containing the name of the RCS file, the revision
number, date and time, author, state, and locker if any.
<li>$Revision: 1.2 $: The document's revision number.
<li>$Log: latex.html,v $
<li>Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
<li>Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
<li>Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
<li>Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
<li>Imported files
<li>The log message entered when the document was checked in.
<p>These keywords are included verbatim in documents. They are expanded
when the document is checked out with co(1).
<p>One consideration that needs to be taken into account is that the
keywords' dollar signs are interpreted by LaTeX (and TeX) as starting
and ending math-mode typesetting. LaTeX and TeX will not generate
an error when it encounters the dollar signs. However, because LaTeX
and TeX typeset equations differently than normal text, the results
can be unpredictable.
<p>For example, including the $Id: latex.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ string at the top of the odd
pages the commands
\markright{$Id: latex.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $}
results in the expanded RCS $Id: latex.html,v 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg Exp $ string to be printed at the top of
the pages, but some of the keywords run together because of the way
TeX formats the string. An alternative is to use the keywords of the
individual identifiers, and separating them with the appropriate
command. Here, the TeX command \hfil inserts the necessary space when
the keyword strings are typeset in the running head.
\markright{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $\hfil$RCSfile: latex.html,v $\hfil$Revision: 1.2 $}
<p>The string given to the \markright command will be typeset with the
date in the upper left of the page, the filename centered, and the
revision number at the top right.
<p>The \markright command is all that's needed for printing on one side
of a sheet. For printing on both sides of the page, use the \markboth
\markboth{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $\hfil$RCSfile: latex.html,v $\hfil$Revision: 1.2 $}{\thepage}
<p>The first argument to \markboth prints the RCS information at the tops
of the left-hand pages and the page number at the top of the
right-hand pages. The identifier \thepage is a standard LaTeX
variable which prints the page number.
<p>The RCS log message can be placed anywhere in a document that the
$Log: latex.html,v $
Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
Imported files
keyword can be inserted. For example, to place a (short!) log
message in the margin at the beginning of a document, put the
<tt>\marginpar{$Log: latex.html,v $
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 1.2 2002/10/09 22:24:18 lg
<tt>\marginpar{Remove all lg_toc##.html; change hyperlinks to index.html
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 2002/08/14 22:27:03 dan
<tt>\marginpar{Revision 1997/09/14 15:01:51 schwarz
<tt>\marginpar{Imported files
immediately after the \begin{document} command, or after the \maketile
command if the document has a title page and you'd rather have the RCS
log text annotating the body text of the document.
<p>The RCS information can be included in the documents footer by using
the fancyhdr package, which is available from any TeX archive site.
<p>If you want to include the $Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $ and $Revision: 1.2 $ keywords at the
bottom of a page, you could include
\fancyfoot[L]{$Date: 2002/10/09 22:24:18 $}
\fancyfoot[R]{$Revision: 1.2 $}
in the document preamble; that is, before the \begin{document}
command. At the point you want the RCS data to be typeset, insert the
ident(1) also searches files for RCS keywords. Typing the command
<tt>ident term-paper.tex</tt> for example, will print a list of the
keywords and their values to standard output. It's a simple matter of
<tt>ident *tex | grep "fred" -</tt>
to search for the documents which were last checked out by user
<p>For further information, consult the manual pages of the various
programs in the RCS package, and the rcsintro(1) manual page for an
introduction to the RCS system.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Robert Keisling<BR>
Published in Issue 20 of the Linux Gazette, August 1997</H5></center>
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