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/* AutoShade v2.0 default Surface shader for TCOORD option of C:RMPROP. */
/* decal.sl 1.0 Larry Knott 06/04/90 */
/* Modified, 10/22/90, KDM
Changed the default value of one or more parameters to make the
shader easy to use with the Pushpins filmroll. */
* decal - texture-map shader
* Puts a texture map onto a surface using texture coordinates (s, t).
* texname - the name of the texture file
* Ka, Kd, Ks, roughness, specularcolor - the usual meaning
float Ka = 0.2, /* Previously = 1 */
Kd = 0.5, /* Previously = 1 */
Ks = 0.4, /* Previously = 0 */
roughness = 0.25;
color specularcolor = 1;
string texturename = "";
varying vector Nf, NI;
Nf = faceforward( normalize(N), I);
Ci = (Ka*ambient() + Kd*diffuse(Nf)) * color texture(texturename, s, t);
if (Ks != 0.0)
NI = normalize(-I);
Ci += Ks*specularcolor*specular(Nf,NI,roughness);
Oi = Os;
Ci = Ci * Oi;