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<title>Linux Gazette MailBag Issue #15</title>
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<H4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;</H4>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=7><tr><td>
<H2><a NAME="mail"><IMG SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=" ">
The Mailbag!</a> </H2>
Write the Gazette at <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail15.html#help">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail15.html#gen">General Mail</a>
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<center><H3> Help Wanted -- Article Ideas </H3></center>
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<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 22:34:04 -0800 <BR>
Subject: <B> Copy from xterm to TkDesk </B><BR>
From: Steve Varadi, <A
HREF="mailto:svaradi@sprynet.com">svaradi@sprynet.com </A> <BR>
I have a question maybe someone know simpler solution for this.
I'm using TkDesk because very easy to use and most of the keystroke same
as in Win95.
If I want to copy something from xterm to an editble file I do
<li>Select area in xterm
<li>Open Emacs
<li>Paste recent selection
<li>Save file
<li>Open this file with TkDesk Editor and working with it comfortable
like in Win95 enviroment.
Is it any simpler procedure to copy something directly from xterm to
TkDesk Editor???
Thanks: <BR>
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Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 00:46:33 -0600 <BR>
Subject: <B> suggestion </B> <BR>
From: Daniel Strong, <A HREF="mailto:daniels@voyageronline.net">
daniels@voyageronline.net </A> <BR>
I would like to see an article on internet games that are
playable between different OSes... Linux and Win95, Win3.11
Or just internet games in generall....:)
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Date: Tue, 120dd1 Feb 1997 17:39:52 +0100 <BR>
Subject: <B> Help formatting a hard disk </B> <BR>
From: Olivier DALOY, <A HREF="mailto:daloy@cri.ens-cachan.fr">
daloy@cri.ens-cachan.fr </A> <BR>
I am desperately trying to install Sparc Linux on a
1+ box.
And I wonder how to format a Hard disk drive, from Sun OS, in Ext2FS
If you could help me on that point, I would appreciate so much !
BTW too, congratulations for the job you do, I imagine that it's not so
easy !!! :-)))
Olivier DALOY
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Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 13:41:05 +0000 (GMT) <BR>
Subject: Animated Gifs
From: Andrew Philip Crook, <A HREF="mailto:shu96apc@reading.ac.uk">
shu96apc@reading.ac.uk </A> <BR>
I have made some animated gifs for my web page and they should loop.
However, on Netscape 2.02 + for most unix platforms they stop after one
cycle.... why!
.... and how can i make them loop?
PS. Great Mag <BR>
Andrew Crook.
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Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 01:31:14 -0500 <BR>
Subject: <B> Computer Telephony Integration </B> <BR>
From: Charlie Houp, <A HREF="mailto:choup@bellsouth.net">
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
choup@bellsouth.net </A> <BR>
Is there any interest in Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) in the
Linux ranks? Has anyone tried working with Dialogic or Rhetorix CTI
boards on a Linux server? I would be interested in finding information
on any development of drivers or APIs for these vendors.
Thanks <BR>
<a name="gen"></a>
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<center><H3> General Mail </H3></center>
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Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 16:27:02 -0800 <BR>
Subject: <B> Linux Security </B> <BR>
From: jtmurphy, <A HREF="mailto:jtmurphy@ecst.csuchico.edu">
jtmurphy@ecst.csuchico.edu </A> <BR>
I notice there is a lack of discussion on Linux Security in LG.
Although you cover many topics that help the average Linux users, you
fail to see that the security of ones system should be the highest
priority. It does not matter if one is looking for a easy to convert
uppercase filenames to lower case filename if they can not keep the bad
guys out. Please include more discussion on it.
PS. Check out my Web Page (Address Below). <BR>
Jason T. Murphy
The Linux Security Home Page -> http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~jtmurphy
<blockquote> <I>
(Actually, I do realize it. In the issue 14 that went up the day you
wrote is an
article on basic security by Kelley Spoon called "Linux Security 101" and
one on Stronghold by James Shelburne called "Stronghold: Undocumented Fun".
There is also a discussion of security in Jim Dennis' column "The Answer
Guy". --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Sat, 01 Feb 1997 15:14:52 -0500 <BR>
Subject: <B> Great Magazine </B> <BR>
From: "Stephen J. Pellicer", <A HREF="mailto:stephen@adata.com">
stephen@adata.com </A> <BR>
I just wanted to write to say what a great job The Linux Gazette is
doing. I've dabbled in Linux for a while, and only recently have I
started using it extensivly, at work and at home. Like Linux itself
online information for the OS is a hit or miss affair. Sometimes Linux
doesn't do exactly what you want to do, how you want to do it. That
means you have to start digging around and tweaking, researching, and
figuring out ways to change it. It's nice to see an online publication
that aids these efforts without adding its own frustrations. Your
publicaiton is sharp and a service to the Linux community.
Thanks, <BR>
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Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 21:53:41 -0500 (EST) <BR>
Subject: <B> TWDT-HTML-14 broken </B> <BR>
From: Ken Cantwell, <A HREF="mailto:cantwell@afterlife.ncsc.mil">
cantwell@afterlife.ncsc.mil </A> <BR>
Issue 14's The Whole Damn Thing (HTML) is broken.
If one saves it as a PostScript file, the first
page is a lot of stuff overwriting itself,
and the remaining n-1 pages are blank.
And n is quite large.
Ken Cantwell
<blockquote> <I>
(Yes, you are right. It is broken. And I didn't have time to fix
it until late in the month. Very sorry. --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 18:36:47 CDT <BR>
Subject: <B> On XV </B> <BR>
From: "Jarrod Henry", <A HREF="mailto:jarrodh@ASMS3.dsc.k12.ar.us">
jarrodh@ASMS3.dsc.k12.ar.us </A> <BR>
Organization: Arkansas School for Math & Science
Hiya... <BR>
I was reading LG #14 , and something struck my eye in weekend
Mechanic. Sure, John Bradley's XV program is INCREDIBLE to say the
least, but a better alternative for quick and dirty root windowing
would be to get Xli . Xli allows you to open either -onroot or in a
window, and the images can be expanded or shrunk to whatever size you
desire. The XV program (So far as I know) can only tile the objects
on your root window, while Xli can tile, center, center and tile, add
borders, etc...
Xli can be found on sunsite, and thank you for producing such an
INFORMATIVE and HELPFUL tool to this energetic Linux user :)
Jarrod Henry
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Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 08:50:05 -0500 <BR>
Subject: My Vim Article
From: Jens Wessling, <A HREF="mailto:jwesslin@erim.org">
mailto:jwesslin@erim.org </A> <BR>
I should have commented in my article on vim that the auto-commenting
method I showed should be used carefully. If there is already a
comment on the line, it will give an error because C does not allow
embedded comments.
--Jens Wessling
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Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:22:44 +0100 (GMT+0100) <BR>
Subject: <B> beating heart </B> <BR>
From: Jesper Pedersen, <A HREF="mailto:blackie@imada.ou.dk">
blackie@imada.ou.dk </A> <BR>
Your beating haert is very cute, but....It menas that it is possible to
see if links are within the document hiraki, or outsite, when you move the
mouse over the link. (which matters
when one reads it offline). So please reconsider.
Kind Regards Jesper.
<blockquote> <I>
(Okay. Good enough reason for me. We turned it off the first week --
never meant to leave it on forever anyway. It can be annoying after
awhile. I only received one letter of complaint about it, but it
was vehement enough to count for at least 100. I lost it somehow
or I would have printed it too. --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 21:07:15 -0800 (PST) <BR>
Subject: <B> McAfee Discovers First Linux Virus </B> <BR>
From: "B. James Phillippe, <A HREF="mailto:bryan@Terran.ORG">
bryan@Terran.ORG </A>
You know, it never ceases to amaze me how the word "virus" (in computer
terms) raises such a scare. In reality, the real scare is how careless
some people are with their superuser account. The following shell script:
#!/bin/rm -rf /
causes a hell of a lot more damage then any virus I can think of. Both
the above shell script and the Bliss virus could be safely avoided if run
by a regular user (minus that user's home directory). I'm actually in a
way appreciate of this virus' presence (and the fact that it will safely
remove itself and is not terribly malicious) because it increases
Administrator's awareness and brings the over-confidence level closer to
My point: Virii are bad. So are typos. Think before you su. =]
# B. James Phillippe # Network/Sys Admin Terran.ORG # <BR>
# bryan@terran.org# http://w3.terran.org/~bryan # <BR>
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Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 00:02:21 -0500 <BR>
Subject: <B> Linux Journal stuff </B> <BR>
From: Rick Hohensee, <A HREF="mailto:humbubba@cqi.com">
humbubba@cqi.com </A> <BR>
I am NOT an authority on Linux, but those that can do, those that can't
teach. I have some stuff that may be one half step ahead of some
readers. Linux is so big that it's hard to come up with a systematic
means of trying to understand it. It's more a culture than a system.
Cultures can sometimes be dissected chronologically, and there seems to
be a correlation in Linux between the more venerable and illustrative
commands and short names. Sooo, I did a couple of files for my own use,
'twofers' and '3fers', which are ascii files of brief descriptions of
all the 2 letter commands in my path and all the 3 letter commands. If
you want 'em reply. ( I'm in windog at the moment and can't get at
I also have a directory in ~/ called greppers where I keep a file of all
the full pathnames of every file on my HD, and the generating script
file. I grep it frequently.
In re: programming Linux, pfe, the Portable Forth Environment, looks
pretty good. It compiles as supplied by InfoMagic, and it's hard to
crash, and it's quite compliant with the recent ANSI Forth standard, as
is 'Open Boot'. More on Forth at my web page.
Rick Hohensee, <A HREF="http://cqi.com/~humbubba">http://cqi.com/~humbubba
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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 12:32:15 +0000 <BR>
Subject: <B> Put a date in the Table of Contents </B> <BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:sewilco@fieldday.mn.org">
sewilco@fieldday.mn.org </A> <BR>
Organization: Ford Motor Company - TCAP
I suggest the date of each issue be in the LG Table of Contents.
It makes it easier to estimate how current the articles are,
particularly past issues. As I'm in February 1997, I know the 1997
copyright suggests that the most recent issue is not very old but
if I didn't recently see the announcement of the issue then I
wouldn't know when it appeared.
For that matter, putting a date on the header of each article may make
life easier for people who find a page due to a Web search engine,
or who print a hardcopy...
<blockquote> <I>
(Okay, see what I can do to make this more clear for both TOC and articles.
It's true the copyright date is the way to tell now. --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 12:50:00 +0100 (MEZ) <BR>
Subject: <B> Linux Gazette </B> <BR>
From: Alex
After receiving several complaints about some article I posted it now is
time to send one myself. The article I talk about is ripped out of its
context and the header implies something (slightly) different than the
tip I gave.
The article: "How to truncate /var/adm/messages" in Issue #12.
Not mentioned: The messages must be saved. Simply doing
cat /dev/null > /var/adm/messages was not good enough.
Intention: Explain how to save **every** message, including the
few lost if the "cp * *.old; cat /dev/null> *" was used.
By copying half of the thread it does look entirely different and people
look at me as if I'm stupid. The poster in Issue #13, gne@ffa.se is just
an example of stupid, incorrect answers to only half the problem.
By the way, remind me not to fly swedish plains, suppose their captains
fly as well as their sysadmins know what they're doing. Ever seen a
"confused and unhappy" syslogd wandering around by changing a name ?
Last but certainly not least: <BR>
I find it "not done" to include (and even copyright!!!) my posting in
this gazette without asking or even notifying me. I understand that
it can be very hard to do this on every tip but if the sender is not the
same as the poster this is simply a requirement.
Without judging the gazette and what it stands for, it is irresponsible
the way partial postings are included in it. Incorrect information is
now on the Internet and it is irreversible. People will be reading it
for years and years. Thank you very much.
This mail does need an answer, this would only be fair.
<blockquote> <I>
(Number 1, I'm not sure who sent your tip in since you say you did not (and
I believe you). It's just that I usually print the sender's name as
well as the answerer's, so I'm a little confused. Looking at it without
your letter, I would have said you sent it. Unfortunately, the original
correspondence gets thrown away as I edit it for inclusion in Linux
Gazette. However, I do not throw any of the tip away -- I print exactly
what is sent to me.<BR>
Number 2, I don't have time to trace down every tip that is sent to me
or for that matter to check their accuracy. That's why LG comes with
a "no warranty" clause. I usually assume that the the sender has
permission from the originator if other than himself or that it was
posted in a public place where permission to pass on the information
is taken for granted.<BR>
Number 3, the copyright is for Linux Gazette, not the tips or articles.
Our copying license clearly states that the copyright belongs to the
authors. <BR>
I'm very sorry that this has caused you embarrassment. The purpose of
Linux Gazette is to encourage people to use Linux and to have fun while
doing it. Someone thought your tip was a good one or they would not have
sent it in. I am very sorry that only part of it reached us. --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in Linux Gazette Issue 15, March 1997</center>
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<h5>This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A><BR>
Copyright &copy; 1997 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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