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<i>Published by:</i><br>
<A href="http://www.linuxjournal.com"><img src="gx/sponsors/ljlogo.jpg"></A><p>
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<BIG><STRONG>Current issue: <A HREF="issue95/index.html">October 2003 (#95)</A></STRONG></BIG><br>
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<I>Linux Gazette</I> is
an on-line WWW publication dedicated to two simple ideas:
<LI> Making Linux just a <I>little</I> more fun.
<LI> Sharing ideas and discoveries.
<br><I>LG</I> is a member of the
<A HREF="http://www.tldp.org/">Linux Documentation Project</A>.
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<H3 ALIGN="center">Authors</H3><br>
Call for authors. This is a <i>linux community</i> webzine and welcomes any authors
to submit their articles. Please reference the <A href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/faq/author.html">
author FAQ </A> for content and presentation information.
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<H3 ALIGN="center"><EM>Linux Gazette</EM> Staff and The Answer Gang</H3>
<STRONG>TAG Editor:</STRONG> Heather Stern<BR>
<STRONG>Senior Contributing Editor:</STRONG> Jim Dennis<BR>
<STRONG>Contributing Editors:</STRONG>
Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Don Marti
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<li><font color="#BB0000"><I>Gazette</I> via FTP</font>:
You need
and either
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/lg-base.tar.gz">lg-base.tar.gz</A> or
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/lg-base-new.tar.gz">lg-base-new.tar.gz</A>.
(The latter contains only files that have changed since the previous issue.)
Back issues are at
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/">ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/</A> and its <A
HREF="mirrors.html">mirrors</A>. If you want to verify a mirror has the latest
copies, here are the <A HREF=ftpfiles.txt>current file sizes and modification
dates</A>. For help unpacking the files, see the <A
HREF="faq/index.html#ftp">FAQ entry</A>. For help determining which file is
which, see the <A HREF="ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/README">README</A> file in the
FTP archive.<P>
<li><font color="#BB0000">Sponsors:</font> Our sponsors make financial contributions toward the costs of
publishing <I>Linux Gazette</I>. If you would like to become a sponsor
of <I>LG</I>, e-mail us at <A
<I>Linux Gazette</I> is a non-commercial, freely available publication and will
remain that way. Show your support by using the products of our sponsors
and publisher.<P>
<li><font color="#BB0000">Announcement Service</font>:
To receive an e-mail announcement when each issue is published,
subscribe to the lg-announce list at
<A HREF="http://www.ssc.com/mailman/listinfo/lg-announce">
http://www.ssc.com/mailman/listinfo/lg-announce</A>. If you don't have web
access, write to
<A HREF="mailto:lg-announce-request@ssc.com">lg-announce-request@ssc.com</A>
with the word "help" in the message body.
(Note: we do not send the <I>Gazette</I> itself via e-mail; it's too big.)
<li><A HREF="copying.html"><font color="#BB0000">Copying License</font></A>
Got any <I>great</I> ideas for improvements? Send your
<A HREF="mailto:webmaster@linuxgazette.com">comments, criticisms, suggestions and
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<I>Linux Gazette</I>, <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/">http://www.linuxgazette.com/</A><BR>
This page maintained by the Webmaster of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto:webmaster@linuxgazette.com">webmaster@linuxgazette.com</A>
<H5>Copyright &copy; 1996-2003 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.</H5>
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