PUBLISHING LINUX GAZETTE Do this after you've formatted all the articles (see "articles" file in this directory). This may look like a lot of steps but it goes fast. It should take less than half an hour once you're used to it. ~ means /home/lg. ## means the issue number you're working on. All programs are in ~/bin unless noted. The staging server is currently dilbert. ===== Publishing the issue ===== 1) Copy ~/issue## to /LG/www/ on the staging server. [You can later delete ~/issue## when you're sure the other copy is OK.] 2) Edit ~/data/config.yml . Change currentIssue to ##, and nextIssueDate to the first of the following month. 3) Run "refresh". This rebuilds the database from the config files. It takes a minute or so to complete. (Always run "refresh" after modifying any files under ~/data/ .) 4) Rsync your ~/data to the staging server (same directory). 5) a) cd /LG/www/issue88/ for the next three steps. c) Run "toc". This (re)generates index.html. d) Run "twdt". This (re)generated TWDT.html and TWDT.txt.gz e) Run "navbar". This (re)generates the links between articles. 6) The following steps must be on the staging server or where /LG is NFS-mounted. 7) Run "frontpage". This (re)generates /LG/www/indes.html . 8) Run "sitemap". This (re)generated /LG/www/lg_index.html . 9) Run "authors". This (re)generates /LG/www/authors/* . 10) Run "rss >| /LG/www/lg.rss". This (re)generates the RSS file. 11) cd /LG/www rm current ln -s issue## current (This is for people downloading to Palm pilots, etc.) 12) Make sure everything is world readable: "chmod +r -R /LG/www". 13) *** ON THE STAGING SERVER ***, run "/LG/scripts/ftpfiles.txt". This updates the FTP files in /home/ftp/pub/lg/. 14) Wait for the push, or push /LG/www and the FTP files yourself. 15) Send the announcements. a) Edit /home/lg/admin/announce.issue . Change the issue number and month. Copy the TOC from /LG/www/issue##/TWDT.txt.gz . b) E-mail the announcement to . (That's the comp.os.linux.announce submission address.) c) "ssh palace" and e-mail the announcment to 16) Tell she can copy the new LG articles into LJ. ===== Static files ===== The files in /LG/www not mentioned above or in the "files" file are static. Edit the HTML directly as necessary. ===== Search list index ===== Dan has this running automatically, but if you need to do it manually, as root on the staging server, do: cd /var/lib/htdig ./ This takes about 20 minutes to run.